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Little Ally


We�  are�  Mike,�  Ally,�  and�  “Li le”�  Ally.�  We�  extend�  our�  love�  to�  you�  and�  your�  child.�  We�  admire�  what�  a�  loving�  decision�  you�  are�  making,�  and�  one�  day�  when�  the�  time�  is�  right�  your�  child�  will�  come�  to�  understand�  what�  the�  strength�  of�  your�  love�  means�  to�  him/her.�  �  �  Infertility�  has�  led�  us�  down�  the�  path�  to�  adoption.�  While�  it�  hasn’t�  been�  easy�  it�  has�  solidified�  our�  love�  and�  shown�  us�  how�  much�  support�  we�  have�  around�  us.�  We�  already�  know�  that�  we,�  our�  extended�  family�  and�   iends�  have�  so�  much�  to�  offer�  a�  child.�  We�  look�  forward�  to�  the�  next�  chapter�  in�  our�  journey.�  We’re ready to give a lifetime of love & happiness to the newest member of our family.

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I grew up in a small Ohio town and believe my humble beginnings have shaped the man I am today. My daughter is the best thing I got out of my previous relationship and�  I�  know�  the�  forever�  family�  we�  have�  now�  is�  the�  greatest�  gist�  I could ever give her. I work hard in both my career as a school maintenance-man and in my role as father and husband to make sure my daughter and my wife know how much they are loved.Ally says: Mike is so responsible and passionate about his family.�  �  He�  treats�  me�  like�  a�  queen�  and�  Li le�  Ally�  like�  a�  princess. I know what a loving daddy he is and I can’t wait to�  see�  him�  start�  the�  journey�  again�   om�  the�  beginning.

I was born and raised in Long Island, NY. I love my family! When I’m with my siblings (1 sister & 3 brothers) we’re like a bunch of big kids. My Mom & Dad are a shining example of the kind of love & strength that grows over time in a big family. When I was 19 I moved to Ohio to help my brother with my young nephew. I work at a nursing home. From working in child-care early in life to my nursing career as an adult, caring for others has always been my strength and passion. Mike�  says:�  Ally�  was�  born�  to�  be�  a�  mom.�  She�  bakes�  with�  Li le�  Ally, takes her to concerts to see her favorite bands, and plans giggle-­‐filled�  sleepovers�  with�  her�  cousins.�  We’re�  on�  this�  journey�  together�  because�  I�  know�  she�  has�  so�  much�  to�  offer�  another�  child.�  It’s�  the�  one�  gist�  I�  would�  do�  anything�  to�  give�  her.

begins on a summer’s eve in 2009.�  Li le�  did�  we�  know�  that�  a�   iendly�  game�  with�  mutual�  iends�  on�  the�  sostball�  diamond�  would�  lead�  to�  a�  diamond�  engagement�  ring�  a�  li le�  over�  a�  year�  later.�  �  When�  we�  were�  married on 9.11.2011 we not only promised a lifetime commitment to each other, but Ally made a promise to Mike’s�  daughter,�  Li le�  Ally.�  She�  promised�  a�  loving�  home�  and to share the huge responsibility of being a parent in her�  role�  as�  step-­‐mom.�  While�  our�  li le�  family�  was�  as�  happy�  as ever we always knew that there was a special place in our hearts�  waiting�  to�  be�  filled.�  Aster�  years�  of�  pursuing�  our�  dream at infertility clinics we came to the mutual realization that�  it�  didn’t�  ma er�  how�  we�  became�  parents�  again,�  just�  that�  we�  wanted�  to�  offer�  our�  unconditional�  love�  to�  a�  child.�  Any�  child we are lucky enough to give our hearts to.

Mike with daughter, Ally

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Extended Family

Happy TravelsBecause�  Ally�  grew�  up�  in�  Long�  Island,�  NY�  she�  still�  has�   iends,�  siblings,�  and�  a�  Grandpa�  to�  visit�  there.�  Traveling�  to�  NY�  is�  a�  big�  part�  of�  what�  we�  love�  to�  do.�  There’s�  nothing�  be er�  than�  crossing�  the�  George�  Washington�  Bridge�  to�  the�  land�  of�  the�  best�  pizza�  in�  the�  country,�  the�  most�  mouth-­‐watering�  bagels,�  and�  the�  open�  arms�  of�  loved�  ones.�  We�  love�  to�  visit�  the�  beaches,�  shop�  and�  get�  ice�  cream�  “down�  port”,�  or�  take�  a�  fishing�  charter�  out�  on�  the�  Long�  Island�  Sound.�  We�  typically�  make�  the�  journey�  4�  to�  6�  times�  a�  year.The�  other�  favorite�  vacation�  spot�  we�  have�  is�  Myrtle�  Beach,�  SC.�  We�  honeymooned�  there�  and�  try�  to�  make�  it�  back�  every�  September�  when�  the�  crowds�  have�  subsided�  and�  the�  beaches�  are�  there�  for�  the�  taking.�  We�  dream�  of�  sandy�  li le�  toes�  and�  salty�  kisses�  at�  our�  favorite�  beach�  hotel.�  �  

What�  a�  coincidence�  that�  Mike’s�  daughter�  is�  named�  Ally.�  And�  so�  the�  nickname�  “Li le”�  Ally�  has�  stuck!�  :)�  She�  is�  beyond�  excited�  to�  be�  a�  big�  sister.�  She’s�  always�  the�  one�  on�  the�  floor�  with�  her�  cousins;�  reading�  to�  them,�  bouncing�  them,�  or�  stacking�  the�  blocks.�  Ally�  is�  sweet,�  sensitive,�  and�  polite�  like�  her�  Daddy.�  We�  share�  parenting�  with�  Li le�  Ally’s�  mom�  and�  step-­‐dad,�  and�  we’re�  proud�  of�  the�  respectful�  and�  healthy�  relationship�  we�  have�  with�  them.�  (The�  other�  “Big�  Sister”�  your�  child�  will�  have�  is�  our�  sweet�  dog,�  Zoey.�  Our�  family�  wouldn’t�  be�  complete�  without�  a�  dog�  to�  share�  our�  home�  &�  hearts�  with.)�  �   �   �   �   �   �   �   �  

Big Sister, Little Ally

Children�  are�  treasured�  in�  our�  family.�  We�  both�  have�  parents�  and�  siblings�  nearby.�  Among�  all�  our�  siblings�  your�  child�  will�  be�  welcomed�  into�  a�  life�  of�  cousinly�  love.�  We’re�  up�  to�  19�  and�  still�  counting!�  Our�  family�  get-­‐togethers�  are�  filled�  with�  kids�  riding�  bikes,�  sidewalk�  chalk,�  tickles,�  hugs,�  and�  delicious�  homemade�  meals.�  It’s�  a�  good�  day�  when�  we�  walk�  in�  the�  door�  to�  the�  aroma�  of�  Grandpa�  Tony’s�  famous�  pot�  of�  sauce�  and�  meatballs�  simmering�  on�  the�  stove,�  and�  the�  kids�  on�  both�  sides�  of�  our�  famiy�  quickly�  learn�  that�  “What�  happens�  at�  Grandma’s�  House�  stays�  at�  Grandma’s�  House.”�  :)�  We�  like�  to�  spend�  weekends�  watching�  OSU�  football�  with�  family�  or�  ge ing�  some�   esh�  air�  at�  the�  park,�  a�  street�  fair,�  or�  festival.

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We want you to know...

Our hearts. Our home.Ally’s...Favorite Foods: Long Island pizza & bagels

Hobbies: shopping & decorating

Favorite Children’s Book:If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Favorite Scent: winter air

Guilty Pleasure: Starbucks caramel macchiato

Favorite Place to Be: Long Island

Favorite Family Tradition:pumpkin picking and carving

Place She’d Like to Go: Italy

Pet Peeve: socks with sandals

Annoying Habit (According to Mike): thinking she’s always right :)

Mike’s...Favorite Foods: Italian

Hobbies: football & movies

Favorite Children’s Book:The Cat in the Hat

Favorite Scent: the beach

Guilty Pleasure: watching

Rocky (the movie) marathons

Favorite Place to Be: my

brother-in-law’s basement

on game day

Favorite Family Tradition:buying my wife a meaningful

ornament every year for Xmas

Place He’d Like to Go:Disney World

Pet Peeve: slow drivers Annoying Habit (According to Ally): watches

too much football :)

Home and CommunityWe have a beautiful 4 bedroom home

on a quiet suburban cul-de-sac.

We are close to shopping, restaurants

& very good schools.

We live within 45 minutes of a zoo,

waterpark, sports arenas, theaters

museums & a major Ohio downtown.

We�  have�  so�  much�  love�  to�  give�  and�  we�  are�  ready.�  We,�  our�  family�  and�   iends�  cannot�  wait�  to�  open�  the�  floodgates.�  We�  can’t�  wait�  to�  pour�  our�  hearts�  and�  souls�  into�  a�  tiny�  bundle�  of�  joy.�  There�  are�  bedtime�  stories�  waiting�  to�  be�  read,�  a�  crib�  waiting�  to�  be�  filled,�  many�  arms�  of�  one�  big�  family�  waiting�  to�  rock�  your�  li le�  one.�  We�  will�  protect�  and�  cherish�  your�  child,�  support�  his/her individual interests and provide an environment of learning and play. He/she will

know�  that�  they�  are�  loved�  every�  day�  as�  they�  drist�  off�  to�  sleep.�  We�  want�  him/her�  to�  always�  know�  who�  they�  are�  and�  where�  they�  came�   om.�  We�  have�   iends�  who�  have�  adopted�  and�  the�  heart-­‐wrenching�  beauty�  of�  adoption�  is�  not�  lost�  on�  us.�  Thank�  you�  for�  ge ing�  to�  know�  us.�  We are praying for you now, and we hope you can feel the love we already have for you and

your�  li le�  one.�  Peace�  be�  with�  you.

Ally & Mike and�  Li le�  Ally�  too�  :)
