


    • hortatori exposition text is the text that makes the text reader has the desire to do what

    is in the text or do what is done by the author / text presenting the arguments or 

    reasons, to support opinions.

    Contoh Teks Eksposisi Hortatori

    Place Waste Lots, Schools Healthy As a teacher, belie!e that the health o" our school

    en!ironment can support the achie!ement o" our students. #o reali$e the health o" this school,

    we can do many things, one o" which is by increasing the number o" bins in the school

     %ormally, when we look at the condition o" our class, the school corridor, "ront yard and back yard o" the school, we o"ten "ind the papers, glasses or mineral water bottles, straws, plastic&

     plastic snacks, scattered in the area. #he ob'ects are largely deri!ed "rom our students. #his

    condition can be an eyesore and damage the health o" the school. Papers and plastics that can

    clog gutters littered the school when the rain arri!ed. (lass and used be!erage bottles

    cluttering can be a nest o" mos)uito breeding ground. see most o" our children ha!e had a

    high sense o" responsibility to maintain the cleanliness o" the school. ha!e encountered

    them o"ten throw garbage in the trash. %onetheless, there are some o" them that met la$y to

    throw garbage in the trash. #hey pre"er to throw the trash in the corner o" the classroom, or 

    e!en in "ront o" the class. When asked why they did it, most o" them answered that they did

    it because the trash is there, !ery "ar away "rom their classes. Hearing this answer became

    aware o" how little the amount o" trash in our schools. Schools should pro!ide enough bins

    "or garbage generated our students. A trash should be placed e!ery *+ meters in our schools.

    #hus, when the children intend to dump their garbage, trash they can "ind them easily. So,

    there is no reason "or them to littering. When schools ha!e been e)uipped with enough trash,

    students will not be la$y throwing trash in the proper place. #hus, the cleanliness o" our 

    schools to be awake. #here"ore suggest, let us add the amount o" trash in our schools so that

    our school be a clean and healthy "or our students.




    • narrati!e text is a text that contains a good story written or unwritten, and there is a

    series o" interconnected e!ents.

    Contoh Narrative Text Pinokio

    nce upon a time, there was a puppeteer named (eppetto. He really wanted a boy but

    his wi"e has been died "or a long time ago. ne day, he had an idea. He wanted to make a

     puppet so he would ne!er "elt lonely again. He made a puppet all night without resting. n the

    morning, "inally he "inished his work. He named the puppet, Pinocchio. He played whole day

    with Pinocchio. Howe!er, he "elt lonely again because Pinocchio couldn-t talk or walk by

    himsel". n the middle o" the night, (eppetto prayed to the (od. His wish was Pinocchio

     became a real boy, human. He thought it on his mind in his dream.

      n the next morning, he surprised. Pinocchio was ali!e. He really was happy. He tough

    Pinocchio how to walk, how to speak, how to read etc. like a teacher. Pinocchio learned "ast.

    He entered an elementary school. ne day, Pinocchio "elt bored. So, he went home late.

    (eppetto worried about him. When Pinocchio came to home, (eppetto asked him. He said he

    was on school but he didn-t. Suddenly, Pinocchio-s nose grow longer. t meant that Pinocchio


      #he next day, Pinocchio got caught by thie!es. #he thie!es was the owner o" circus.

    Pinocchio became a sla!e "or the circus. He was "amous because he was a talking puppet.

    (eppetto worried him. Pinocchio didn-t come home "or days. He "ound Pinocchio

    e!erywhere. When he disco!ered the sea, big wa!e smashed him. He was on whale-s stomach

    when he awoke. He couldn-t "ind the way out.

      n di""erent place, Pinocchio "inally could get out "rom circus. He went to home but

    (eppetto wasn-t on there. He "ound (eppetto at sea. He had the same accident like (eppetto.He met (eppetto in whale-s stomach. #hey got out "rom its stomach by made a "ire.

    #hey went home back together. n the end, they li!ed happy "ore!er a"ter.
