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Bulevardul Stefan cel Mare SfInt, nr.69, cod. 700075, la4i Tel.: 0232 - 235100; Fax: 0232 - 210336;

PROIECT DE HOTARARE privind aprobarea valorii contributiei financiare a Judetului Iasi , in calitate de membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene, pentru anul 2017

Consiliul Judetean Iasi Avand in vedere:

Expunerea de motive la proiectul de hotArare privind aprobarea valorii contributiei fmanciare a Judetului Iasi. , in calitate de membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene, pentru anul 2017, prezentata de care Prqedintele Consiliului Judetean inregistratA sub nr. 4873/17.02.2017; Raportul de specialitate la proiectul de hotarare privind aprobarea valorii contributiei fmanciare a Judetului Iasi , in calitate de membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene, pentru anul 2017, elaborat de catre Directia Proiecte §i Dezvoltare Durabila - Inregistrat sub nr. 4872/17.02.2017; Calitatea Judetului MO de membru cu drepturi depline in Adunarea Regiunilor Europene, ;

Adresa AdunArii Regiunilor Europene,inregistrata la Consiliul Judetean Iasi cu nr. 38284/22.12.2016; Prevederile Legii nr. 273/2006 privind fmantele publice locale, cu modificArile si completArile ulterioare; Prevederile Legii nr. 500/2002 privind finantele publice, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare;

in temeiul art. 91, 97, 115 alin 1 lit. c) din Legea nr. 215/2001 a administratiel publice locale, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare:


Art. 1 Se aprobA contributia fmanciara a Judetului Ia0, in calitate de membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene, pentru anul 2017, in valoare de 4.537,00 Euro.

Art. 2 (1) Suma prevazuta la art. 1 se va suporta din bugetul propriu al Consiliului Judetean Iasi pe anul 2017.

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SECRETAR A Lacedmi Contrasemn



(2) Pre§edintele Consiliului Judetean Ia§i, in calitate de ordonator principal de credite, este autorizat sd introducd suma prevazutd la art. 1 in structura bugetului propriu al Consiliului Judetean Ia§i pe anul 2017.

Art. 3 Se aprobd plata cotizatiei prevazute la art. 1, in conformitate cu prevederile legale, viramentele find efectuate in contul Adundrii Regiunilor Europene .

Art. 4 Prevederile prezentei HotAriars i vor fi duse la indeplinire de ate Directia Economics din cadrul aparatului de specialitate al Consiliului Judetean Ia§i *Id la 31.12.2017.

Art. 5 Biroul Relatii Publice, Monitorul Oficial, Relatii cu Consiliile Locale, Consilierii Judeteni i Presa va comunica in copie prezenta HotArdre Directiei Economice, Directiei Proiecte i Dezvoltare Durabild din cadrul Consiliului Judetean Ia§i, Adundrii Regiunilor Europene i Institutiei Prefectului Judetului Ia§i.

Data astazi 2017


Sustine, Directia Proiecte si Dezvoltare Durabila Director Executiv Marieta AFILEPOAIE

DLRECTIA JURIDICA, Director executiv,

Gabriela ALUNGULESEI imi asum in totalitate responsabilitatea intocmirii si legalitAtii, In solidar cu int mitorul inscrisului

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Directia Proiecte Dezvoltare DurabilA Serviciul Proieete Parteneriate


la proiectul de hotarare privind aprobarea valorii contributiei financiare a Judetului Iasi, in calitate de membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene,

pentru anul 2017

In anul 1997 Judetul la,5i a devenit membru al Adundrii Regiunilor Europene (ARE), find reprezentat in aceasta organizatie de catre Consiliului Judetean Iasi, ca autoritate publica judeteana, in conformitate cu Hotararea Consiliului Judetean nr.9/11.02.1997.

Adunarea Regiunilor Europene este cea mai larga retea independents a regiunilor din Europa, cuprinzand in prezent 16 asociatii interregionale din peste 250 regiuni din 35 tari. Din Romania sunt afiliate 32 de judete, inclusiv judetul Iasi.

ARE coopereaza cu Comitetul Regiunilor §i cu Congresul Autoritatilor locale Regionale din Europa, organisme consultative ale autoritatilor locale si regionale pe Ifinga Uniunea Europeans, respectiv Consiliul Europei.

ARE define statutul de observator in cadrul Congresului Autoritatilor Locale Regionale din Europa. De asemenea, reprezentantii Comitetului Regiunilor ai Congresului Autoritatilor Locale §i Regionale din Europa sunt membri ai Biroului ARE.

Pentru judetul Iasi, calitatea de membru ARE a facilitat: 1. Sporirea gradului de vizibilitate a judetului pe plan european 2. Intarirea capaciteitii institutionale, prin perfectionarea reprezentantilor politici tehnici din cadrul Consiliului Judetean Iasi in cadrul programelor ARE Centurio $i $coala de Vara. 3. Promovarea institutionalei, prin participarea Consiliului Judetean Ia,5i la initiativele ARE (Ghidul Cooperarii Regionale in Europa, Conven(ia asupra viitorului Europei). 4. Pregatirea administra(iei publice judetene pentru integrarea in Uniunea Europeans, prin participarea reprezentantilor judelului la dezbaterile §i retelele deslaprate sub egida ARE, cu partenerii din regiunile-membre.

Consiliul Judetean la§i $i-a asumat prevederile statutare in cadrul acestei asociatii europene, inclusiv plata unei cotizatii anuale, stability in cadrul Adunarii Generale ARE.

Propun plenului Consiliului Judetean aprobarea contributiei Judetului Iasi pe anul 2017 si includerea in bugetul pe anul 2017 al Consiliului Judetean Iasi a sumei de 4.537 00 Euro, sums care reprezinta valoarea cotizatiei Judetului Iasi pentru anul 2017, ca membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene.

PRESEDINTE, Dr. ing. Markel POPA


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Directia Proiecte $i Dezvoltare Durabili ail

Serviciul Proiecte $i Parteneriate

Nr. 4%4.21 4-o2-- De acord se se supuna

dezbaterii plenului Consiliului Judetean Iasi

PRE$EDINTE, Dr. ing. Maricel POPA


la proiectul de hotArare privind aprobarea valorii contributiei financiare a Judetului Iasi, in calitate de membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene,

pentru anul 2017

In anul 1997 Judetul la$i a devenit membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene (ARE), find reprezentat in aceasta organizatie de catre Consiliului Judetean Iasi, ca autoritate publica judeteana, in conformitate cu Hotararea Consiliului Judetean nr.9/11.02.1997.

Adunarea Regiunilor Europene (website:, fondata in 1985, este cea mai larga retea independentd a regiunilor din Europa largita, cuprinzand in prezent 16 asociatii interregionale din peste 250 regiuni din 35 tari. Din Romania sunt afiliate 32 de judete, inclusiv judetul Iasi.

ARE coopereazA cu Comitetul Regiunilor si cu Congresul Autoritatilor locale si Regionale din Europa, organisme consultative ale autoritatilor locale $i regionale pe langa Uniunea Europeans, respectiv Consiliul Europei.

ARE detine statutul de observator in cadrul Congresului Autoritatilor Locale $i Regionale din Europa. De asemenea, reprezentantii Comitetului Regiunilor $i ai Congresului Autoritatilor Locale $i Regionale din Europa sunt membri ai Biroului ARE.

Pentru judetul Iasi, calitatea de membru ARE a facilitat: 1. Sporirea gradului de vizibilitate a judetului pe plan european, prin:

✓ prezenta delegatilor Consiliului Judetean 10 la diferitele actiuni ARE desfkurate in strainatate, in tara $i la 10;

✓ postarea cartii de vizita a judetului, elaborate de Consiliul Judetean la$i, pe website-ul ARE;

✓ postarea profilului turistic al judetului pe site-ul ARE, ca urmare a participarii Consiliului Judetean 10, in calitate de partener, la proiectul ARE "Portalul web ARE pentru turismul de calitate durabild" (

.. regions/romania/iasi.html). 2. Inteirirea capaciteitii institulionale, prin perfectionarea reprezentantilor politici $i tehnici din cadrul Consiliului Judetean 10 in cadrul programelor ARE Centurio si Scoala de Vara. 3. Promovarea institulionale, prin participarea Consiliului Judetean 10 la initiativele ARE (Ghidul Coopereirii Regionale in Europa, Conventia asupra viitorului Europei).


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4. Preget' tirea administratiei publice judetene pentru integrarea in Uniunea Europeanci, prin participarea reprezentantilor judetului Iasi la dezbaterile retelele desfasurate sub egida ARE, cu partenerii din regiunile-membre.

Consiliul Judetean Iasi si-a asumat prevederile statutare in cadrul acestei asocialii europene, inclusiv plata unei cotizatii anuale, stability in cadrul Adunarii Generale ARE.

Prin scrisoarea din 25 noiembrie 2016, inregistratA la Consiliul Judetean Iasi cu nr.38284/22.12.2016, anexatA, Adunarea Regiunilor Europene a instiintat Consiliul Judetean Iasi asupra faptului ca pentru anul 2017, Judetul Iasi are de plAtit o cotizatie de 4.537,00 Euro pentru o populatie estimata de 772.000 locuitori. In acord cu hotArarea Adunarii Generale ARE de la Nordland din 23 iunie 2016, cotizatia pentru membrii plini = cotizatia de baza + populatie x PIB relativ (volum relativ al PIB per capita/100. Referinta: baza de date statistice / 200x1,027. Limita de sus ("cap") este de 30.000 Euro. Pentru regiunile cu un venit total sub 2.000.000 euro, "cap"-ul este de 0,15% din venitul total al regiunii. Cotizatia de baza este de 3.250 Euro.

Adunarea Regiunilor Europene este finantatA in proportie de 90% din cotizatiile regiunilor membre.

Avand in vedere cele de mai sus,

VA rugam sA aprobati contributia Judetului Iasi pe anul 2017 si includerea in bugetul pe anul 2017 al Consiliului Judetean Iasi a sumei de 4.537,00 Euro, sums care reprezinta valoarea cotizatiei Judetului pentru anul 2017, ca membru al Adunarii Regiunilor Europene.

Viramentele vor fi efectuate in contul mentionat in corespondenta anexata.

Fata de cele prezentate N/A rugam sA analizati sä dispuneti.

Director Executiv,

Marieta AFILIPOAIE imi asunt in totalitate responsaMtatea corectitudmu It legaludiu,

in solidar cu intocmitond inscrisu/ui


Laura Leonte imi asum responsabilitatea pentru fiuzdamentarea,

eurectitudmea intoemint st legahlaut


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c)? q3V2A9. 0,2C/k)

* Regions of European

**** Assembly


Maricel Popa .11.1DET1JCIA$1

Preedinte CONsilLit.1 ti AN I $1


20 Nr.-


Ref.: MB-280-2016-AB

Ref.: Apel privind cotizatiile de membru al ARE pentru - Iasi


Strasbourg, 25 Noiembrie 2016 9 el-e/ r?" a/tc . rl-sY?

76- Stimate Domnule Preedinte,

2016 a fost un an panic pentru organizatia noastra, cu numeroase realizari importante, initiative reprezentative discutii politice. ARE a avut multiple ocazii pentru a contribui la „revitalizarea democratiei" pe teme ca: antreprenoriatul pentru tineri, migratia Brexit. In mijlocul unui al doilea semestru plin de evenimente, a sosit timpul pentru a ne adresa membrilor cu importantul proces al consolidarii finantelor noastre.

Astfel, am placerea de a va anunta Ca valul ve§tilor bune imparta§ite cu dumneavoastra la Adunarea Generals din Nordland (Norvegia) s-a rasfrant asupra intregului an. ARE a inregistrat o marja de profit pozitiva pentru 2015 §i ne a§tept5m la un trend similar pentru 2016.

Dup5 o perioad5 de reflectie interns schimb5ri, ne-am adaptat, cu succes, am devenit o noua imbunatatit5 ARE. imbratiOm lectiile invatate din acest proces, inclusiv nevoia pentru intrebari inovatie constante, pentru a oferi membrilor no§tri servicii relevante §i de calitate.

Datoram acest succes dumneavoastra, membrilor noOri activi loiali. V5 multumim pentru continua dumneavoastra incredere in misiunea noastra, cea ce ne permite promovarea intereselor regionale incurajarea cooperarii interregionale.

Ne dorim continuarea indeplinirii rolului nostru ca voce a regiunilor, cu sprijinul dumneavoastra. Participarea dumneavoastra financiara este cruciala in mentinerea independentei, neutralitatii flexibilitatii ARE. In fapt, 90% din buget nostru iii are originea in cotizatiile membrilor.

2017 va fi un alt an important pentru ARE, cu teme cruciale ca miz5 pentru regiunile noastre, inclusiv viitorul politicii de coeziune. Vom continua sa oferim servicii adaptate, cu accent special pe proiecte finantari UE, dar incurajam regiunile s6 transforme ARE in organizatia lor.

Sunt fericit s5 va invit, deja, sa" v5 notati in calendar perioada de 12-14 iunie 2017, pentru a fi alaturi de not la Adunarea Generals organizata in Lower Austria. Speram sa ne intalnim acolo.

Cu stima,

Magnus Berntsson Vicepre§edinte Trezorier al ARE

Assembly of European Regions Strasbourg office: 6 rue Oberlin - F-67000 Strasbourg

Brussels office: Rue d'Arlon, 63 - B-1040 Brussels Alba office: Piata Ion I.C. Bratianu, 1 - RO-510118 Alba lulia

Dnipropetrovsk office: Startova street, 7-B - UA-49000 Dnipropetrovsk [email protected] I

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** * * Assembly of European

* 4 Regions


Maricel Popa Preedinte Iasi County Council Str. Stefan cel Mare si Sfint nr. 69 700075 IASI ROMANIA

Strasbourg, 25 Noiembrie 2016

FACTURA Nr. 2017099 Descriere Soma Total

Iasi — Cotizatia de membru al ARE pentru 2017 4537 EURO 4537 EURO

Iasi - Cotizatia de membru al ARE pentru 2016 neachitata




• Plata trebuie facuta inainte de 31 Decembrie 2016. • Daca regiunea nu poate plati inainte de aceasta data, este rugata sa informeze secretariatul

ARE. • Pentru orice intrebari, va rugam sa cititi nota explicative aflata pe verso.

Detalii bancare: Beneficiar: Assembly of European Regions (Adunarea Regiunilor Europene) CCM Strasbourg St Jean — 2 rue du Maire Kuss — BP79 — 67000 Strasbourg Cod IBAN: FR76 1027 8010 0100 0374 5044 567 BIC — SWIFT: CMCI FR 2A

Detalii de contact: Assembly of European Regions (Adunarea Regiunilor Europene) Mathieu MORI, Secretar General Tel.: +33 6 24 29 19 33

Assembly of luropeon Roglons rut/ I•Ankt. IftiAllb04110

611 FifiiriAtHr iititaAttg fisi•ou t!itif Pi6!

ir"+ .1 hit Reoistralhili No: Obtq.102.501

Vicepreedinte Trezorier al ARE tio164:101,, HAI) igN• m:v.z,,,

Assembly of European Regions Strasbourg office: 6 rue Oberlin - F-67000 Strasbourg

Brussels office: Rue d'Arlon, 63 - B-1040 Brussels Alba office: Piata Ion I.C. Bratianu, 1 - RO-510118 Alba lulia

Dnipropetrovsk office: Startova street, 7-B - UA-49000 Dnipropetrovsk [email protected] I


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FORMULA ALTERNATIVA** (pentru regiuni cu buget < 2 milioane de EURO)







{Cotizatia de baz5 (3.250 EURO) + Populatia x (PIB relativ)2/200) x rata

30.000 EURO

0,15 % din venitul total al regiunii, daca bugetul anual este < 2 milioane de EURO

* Volum relativ al P113 per capita/100 (2013), Referinta: baza de date statistice: ** Daca regiunii dumneavoastra i se aplica cotizatie alternativ5, va rugam sa contactati secretariatul ARE furnizati dovada necesarli.






2018 (doar spre informare)

EXTRAS DIN REGULAMENTUL ARE (adoptat de Comitetul Executiv al ARE in 16 martie 2016

ratificat de Adunarea Generale in 23 iunie 2016 in Nordland)

ARTICOLUL 3 - COTIZATII 3.1 Cotizatia anuala este datorata pentru anul in curs si trebuie platita in totalitate. 3.1.1 Pentru noii membri, cotizatia este datorata in luna urmatoare deciziei Comitetului Executiv care a aprobat solicitarea de a deveni membru si este calculata ca doisprezecimi ramase din cotizatia anuala. 3.1.2 Pentru membrii existenti, cotizatia anuala totals este datorata si platibila in cele dou'a luni urmatoare apelului pentru plata cotizatiei, trimis de Comitetul Executiv. 3.2 Cotizatia este calculata decisa de Comitetul Executiv si ratificata de Adunarea General& Pentru 2016 si !Ana se va decide altceva, cotizatia de baza este de 3 250 de Euro. 3.2.1 Cotizatia pentru membrii plini = {Cotizatia de baza + Populatie x (PIB relativ)2 / 200} x 1.027''''2015 Limita de sus („car) este de 30 000 de Euro. Pentru membrii cu un venit total sub 2 000 000 de Euro. „cap"-ul este de 0.15% din venitul total al regiunii. Modelul de calcul al cotizatiei va fi implementat pe parcursul unei perioade de doi ani, incepand cu 2016. 3.2.2 Cotizajiile membrilor asociati pentru entitati geografice: {Cotizatia de baza + populatie x (PIB relativ)2 / 200} x 1.027"°16 Cotizatiile membrilor asociati pentru entitati non-geografice: Cotizatia de baza x 3. Membrii fondatori asociati echivalentii nu platesc colizatie. 3.5 Nu se va aplica nici un discount pentru cotizatii, cu exceptia circumstantelor exceptionale, pe deplin justificate, pentru o perioada care nu poate fi reinnoita si cu aprobarea Vicepresedintelui Trezorier. 3.6 Membrii care nu si-au platit cotizatia vor avea drepturile de membru suspendate si nu vor mai fi eligibili, fare prejudiciul recuperarii colizatillor neplatite. 3.6.1 Comitetul Executiv este responsabil cu intreprinderea actiunii legale pentru recuperarea tuturor cotizatiilor datorate de catre membri. 3.7 Toate cotizatiile sunt anuale, daca nu se specifica altceva.






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This edition of the activity report runs from June 2015 to June 2016.

Editor: Celine Oawans, AER Coordinator,

Communications and Governance Photos: AER

Design: Jonas Verhaeghe 0 All rights reserved

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O EXECUTIVE BOARD President's vision: Dr Hande Ozsan Bozatli


O AER PROGRAMMES YRN, Eurodyssey and Summer Academy

O EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES Overview of our events across Europe

0 FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES AND PROJECTS Jet-CD, Mocha, United4health and Health Equity 2020

O IN FOCUS 2015-2016 6 key priority issues

O PORTFOLIO Key moments of the year

O KEY FACTS Er FIGURES List of members 8 partners









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Dr. Hande Ozsan Bozatli AER President

The past twelve months have proven, sometimes quite vividly, the limits of international and national diplomacy. Regions as additional institutional partners to find solutions to global issues are more and more recognised. The role of regions in many of the ongoing difficulties facing Europe is dramatically increasing: the migration crisis, the constant rise

«AER resolutely decided to dedicate 2016

to actions and policies that contribute to revitalizing


of unemployment, the pressing climate needs, the new security needs, and the weaker econo-mic growth; regions battle on all front. AER resolutely decided to dedicate 2016 to actions and policies that contribute to «revi-talizing democracy. » What bet-ter weapons against the constant rise of extremism than citizens involvement, better participation and building inclusive societies?

To name but a few successes of the past year, let us pause to acknowledge the positive advance-ments at COP21 in Paris where re-gions and cities gained substantial recognition in the climate talks and are now recognized as key partners to mitigate climate change. AER made an applauded contri-bution in Paris and will continue to voice regions on this key topic.

AER is also working hard to shape Cohesion Policy post 2020; we are in league with other key stakeholders and regions to en-sure a fair future for this pivotal policy of the European Union.

True to our original values, we are publishing this year our Study on Regionalisation, for which I com-mend the work of the experts in our Observatory. We thus conti-nue to be the leading source of information on subsidiarity in Europe.

I would like to thank each member of our organisation for making our network a place of true coo-peration and action for your and Europe's advantage.

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Thomas Hartman Chairman

Vasterbotten (SE)



Hakan Sandgren Jonkoping (SE)

I Goran Pauk

Sibenik-Knin (HR)

Magnus Berntsson Vice-President Treasurer

Vastra Gotaland (SE)

Jean-Luc Vanraes President, Economy and Regional Development

Committee (1) Bruxelles-Capitale (BE)

Gloria Vitaly President, Youth

Regional Network Oppland (NO)

Ana Tomanova Makanova Vice-President,

Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

Vojvodina (SR)

Agneta Granstrifun President, Social Policy

and Public Health Committee (2)

Norrbotten (SE)

Roy Perry Vice-President,

Institutional Affairs Hanipshile (UK)

Sonja Steen President, Culture,

Education and Youth Committee (3)

Nordland (NO)

Representative of the host region

Grand Est (FR)

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«The Committees are the place where the magic

happens. The Committees are the cornerstone of AER's thematic activities, the place where the magic happens. Managed by the members themsel-ves following a true bottom-up phi-losophy, the Committees strive to provide concrete answers for every issue they address; the tools at their disposal for doing so are numerous arid diverse. Each Committee is divi-ded in working groups or sllb-comy minus to allow tor more in-depth discussions and actions. The Committees underwent impor-tant changes in 2015, increasing the ownership of members and the

synergies between the structures. Today, the Committees hold their plenary meetings simultaneously, rely on the involvement of the se-conded officers of the Presiding regions for their management and incite members to lead on specific actions. The Committees are the hub for the exchange of good prac-tices, for developing projects, for connecting regions and for addressing a wide-range of issues that matter for regions with the help of the AER Secretariat coor-dinating the activities.

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President JEAN-LUC VANRAES, Brussels-Capital (BE)

Vice President for Rural development Energy and Environment KENNETH BACKGARD Norrbotten (SE)

Chairman of the working group on Rural Development JAN JACOB VAN DIJK, Province of Gelderland (NL)

Chairman of the working group on Energy and Climate Change MELVILLE KENDAL, Hampshire (UK)


2015-2016 Focus: Committee 1 members have focused on the circular economy and the development of businesses / SMEs. Members are exploring how to take advantage of the Junket Investment Plan as well as how to use entrepre-neurship and the economic integration of migrants. Through the Com-mittee, members also drafted a report on energy security made up of regional good practices and backed by a fully fledged lobbying strategy.

More key issues: Broadband internet in rural areas, innovation, connectivity and permea-bility - intelligent transport systems, state aid for regional airports, eco-nomic opportunities of the Silver economy, energy transition, financing schemes for the renewable energy market, global climate talks.

Main achievements: - Organised a workshop on Building a circular Economy for regional

growth - Involvement in the Covenant 2022 for Circular Economy - Organised a training academy on geothermal energy - Promotion of the Denanot report on rural areas at external events - Contributed to European Parliament's intergroup on Rural, Mountainous

and Remote Areas - Dissemination of a survey on circular economy - Launching of 2016 edition of Regional Innovation Award on the theme

of the Circular Economy - Co-organised event on the potential of Biomass - Carried out study visit on innovation, IT Er health applications - Presentation on the use of photonics in SMEs - New cooperation with SE0 Amsterdam on regions' connectivity

Chairman of the working group on Investment Business and SMEs JEAN-LUC VANRAES, Brussels-Capital (BE)

Chairman of the working group on mobility and transports JAN-OWE LARSSON, Ostergotland (SE)


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2015-2016 Focus: Committee 2 supports member regions in implementing e-Health ser-vices and exploring the potential of integrated care. It aims at building leadership on change management, promoting equal opportunities. Ac-tive ageing, the fight against health inequalities, social entrepreneurship, have also been high on the agenda.

More key issues: Innovation in the public sector, health as a driver for new approaches, ICT tools for inclusive societies, social entrepreneurship, social standards, health a social issues linked to the integration of migrants, childcare mo-del, social investment, migration a health and social care.

Main achievements: - Organised a training Academy on boosting the Silver Economy - Seminar & study visits on participatory approaches for health policies - Participation in EU Health Policy Forum - Facilitation of exchanges of experiences and capacity building for

regions willing to deploy integrated e-care systems - Study visit on use of big data for targeted health policies - Provided input to study « Data for Policy "

- Participation in 2 ICT-PSP projects on active and healthy ageing - Presentation mutual learning strategies a tools at the final conference

of the ENGAGED project - Participation in Advisory Boards (Health Equity 2020, MOCHA - Models

of Child Health Appraised a United4Health User Policy) - Participation in the B3 Action Group on integrated care of the European

Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) - Promotion of social entrepreneurship as a tool for Roma inclusion - Participation in the 1" Strategic Dialogue meeting of DG Employment - Study visit on social integration for prisoners

President AGNETA GRANSTROM, Norbotten (SE)

Vice President

Chair of e-health network for Social Inclusion


Norbotten (SE)

Head of the focus group on prevention and child healthcare MARTA TATAR, Covasna (RO)


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2015-2016 Focus: Committee 3 members are involved in developing better strategies to promote youth employment through youth mobility but also acting against school drop-out and advocating young people's active participation in so-ciety, Members also identified culture and migration, innovative education arid financing traditional culture arid cultural heritage as of high interest.

More key issues: Industrial hentage and tourism entrepreneurs, education, life-long learning.

Main achievements: - Collection and presentation of regional good practices in a g Handbook

on Culture & Health), - Organisation of a Workshop on Culture and Health - Collaborating on school dropout through EU project 'Joint Efforts to

Combat Dropout ') (JET CO) - Collaborating with the MR Working Group on tackling school dropout - Advocating young people's active participation in public life through

the Youth Regional Network: chairing of the Bureau and preparation of a workshop at the 2016 Summer Academy

- Supporting the Eurodyssey MR Europe-wide youth exchange program - Preparation of the 2016 summer academy on youth entrepreneurship

Vice President DAG RONNING, Hedmark, (NO)

good practices have been exchanged through the work

of the Committees and their working groups.

President SONJA A STEEN, Nordland (NO)

Please address all questions comments

committee 1 to PIERRE GERARD, AER Committee coordinator (pgeraidgsprb.brossek, .32 2 800 37 43)

committee 2 to GUSTAV SODERIUND, MR Committee coordinator (gustay.soderlund:Oltse, +46 725043903)

to EMIR EWA, MR Committee coordinalot (eirtiO), .47 90 84 55 30)

Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Culture CHRISTER KAX SUNDBERG, Soirniand (SF)

Vice Chairwoman of the Sub-Committee on Culture NINA BJORBY, Vasterbotten (SE)

Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Education and Training KAROLY AMBRUS, Brasov (P0)

Chairwoman of the Sub-Committee on Youth MARTA VItALTA, Catalonia (ES)

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Eurodyssey is AER's youth mobility programme operating between AER's member regions for over 30 years; it aims at improving the chances of young europeans to integrate work life by offering them the opportunity of a work experience abroad. Eurodys-sey stands out from other exchange programmes as it is managed by the regions and for the regions, allowing them to tailor their support to the lo-cal economy and to offer a very struc-tured work placement for the young people involved. In 2015, the region of Timis (RO) took over the management of the pro-gramme and a new website is due in 2016.


The concept of the AER Summer Academy evolved in 1996 as a response to the increase in AER member regions coming from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. These regions often had different needs to the traditional AER members from the countries of Western Europe. In particular, these new regions were trying to introduce new approaches to their work in order to prepare themsel-ves for eventual EU membership. The regions of Western Europe had

a great deal of relevant experience that they could share with their counterparts in the pre-accession countries. The Summer Academy was therefore designed as a tool to facilitate the exchange of expe-rience and information. The Summer Academy has since evolved into an annual forum for exchange of experience in the area of regional development in Europe. The 2016 Summer Aca-demy will be hosted by the region of OstfoId (NO) from 16-20 August on «Youth Entrepreneurship.

YRN About

Created by the Assembly of European Regions, the Youth Regional Network (YRN) is a platform of regional-level youth parliaments, coun-cils and organisations from the Europe. YRN provides a truly unique forum giving young people from diverse regions a collective voice on the European stage while introducing a European dimension to youth policy in those regions. Amongst other topics, the YRN has discussed youth entrepreneurship, circular economy and migration inclusion over the past few months. The newly elected YRN President, Gloria Vitaly, has shared her vision for the network: «As a youth organisation our goals have to involve and promote the rights and the role of young people in Europe.» The YRN will have an unprecedented involvement in the AER activities in 2016 by moderating the Spring Bureau and organising a workshop at the Summer Academy.


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« With Eurodyssey, 500 young people are sent abroad each year

to get a first work experience.

80% find a job after their experience»

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30 April - 2 May 2016: Youth Regional Network Spring Plenary


9-12 June 2015: AER 30th anniversary, General Assembly, Bureau, Executive Board 11 June 2015: Eurodyssey Forum

GELDERLAND (NL) 18-20 May 2016: Study visit a project development on e-health and integrated care (ParkinsonNet)

HAMPSHIRE (UK) 2-4 November 2015: Committees' Autumn Plenaries & Executive Board 3 November 2015: Conference on Public Sector Governance

BRUSSELS (BE) 15 June 2016: AER working group on Energy and Climate change & energy battle 23 June 2015: Circular Economy - Finance workshop 1 December 2015: Bureau on Facing the Migration challenge 2 December 2015: General Assembly

11 September 2015: Seminar on Decentralization and inauguration of AER office

PARIS (Ile-de-France-ER) 30 November - 12 December 2015: Regions @ COP 21

STRASBOURG (FR) Regular attendance to the Congres of the local and regional autorities at the Council of Europe

TIMIS (RO) 11-14 April 2016: Committees' Spring Plenaries & working group meetings 12 April 2016: Conference on Communication 8 Actions in times of crisis 14 April 2016: Forum on Equal Opportunities: women in emergency situations

VOJVODINA (RS) 15 March 2016: Conference on Biomass: « What are the best ways to use it?» 16 March 2016: Executive Board & visit to women entrepreneurship academy


Building up a stronger network 7-11 March 2016: Communidad Valenciana, Catalonia, Aragon, Navarra, Madrid Community, Castilla La Mancha, Murcia 4-8 April 2016: Lombardia, Piedmont, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, South Tyrol, Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto

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In less than 3 months,

AER has dis-seminated 10 partner

searches and helped about 35 regions »»

Fundiiig- OPP(' un ties rorigh U projects' Iircigrainrriei"Ste cruc al for regions. to the complex world of call for tenders, project proposals, consortia building, funding cycles and programmes, true expertise is highly valued to monitor and provide timely information to relevant stakeholders. AER provides this service to all AER members with our new Coordinator for Euro-pean projects (since January 2016) and can assist regions in finding project partners, disseminating project information to the whole network, taking part in projects as subcontractor, partner or component leader and assisting with the project writing and development. In less than 3 months, AER has dissemi-nated 10 partner searches and helped about 35 regions interested in joining different projects. AER has itself joined 6 project proposals and tenders and is a proud partner of the successful consortium selected by Interreg Europe to manage the policy learning platorms until the en of 2023.

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Full name: Joint Efforts to Combat Dropout AER role: Partner Partner member regions: Vasternorrland (SE), Catalonia (ES), Ostfold (NO), Tulcea (RO), Hampshire (UK) Programme: Erasmus+ Outcome: Toolbox of the developed joint methodologies for prevention, intervention and compensation measures from the participating regions 8 policy recommendations


Full name: Models of Child Health Appraised AER role: Seat in the advisory board Programme: Horizon 2020 Outcome: Creation of a focus group on child healthcare & prevention, which provides inputs to the consortium and uses findings and the expertise of consor-tium members to feed the work within the AER network


Topic: Assessing the impact of inno-vative healthcare services AER role: Seat in the advisory board Programme: ICT Policy Support Programme Outcome: Findings shared with members at Committee plenary and AER intervention at final conference


Topic: reducing health inequalities -preparation for regional action plans and structural funds projects MR role: Seat in the advisory board Programme: Co-funded by the Health Pro-gramme of the European Union Outcome: Elaboration of a toolkit for health equity aimed at regional policy makers


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The public sector plays a key economic role as a regulator, service pro-vider, and employer. An efficient and productive public sector can be a strong driver of local economic development. The public sector is re-quested to gain in efficiency, to deliver faster and to be citizens' oriented. AER regions work with those demands in mind sharing experiences on how to best meet the citizens' needs. Particular attention was also given to the way public services innovate to address situations of crisis, such as the current refugee crisis. AER continued its acclaimed work on e-health be exploring new cooperation areas with Commissioner Andrus Ansip, responsible for the Digital Single Market.


Being the leading source of information on regionalisation in Europe has always been one of AER's main missions and objectives. Monitoring the de-velopments in terms of decentralisation, subsidiarity, regional democracy are key to understanding where European regionalisation is heading. The experts of the AER Observatory on Regionalisation are proud to present the 2016 Study on regionalisation. The publication currently contains 25 country reports and will soon be completed with a general analysis highlighting trends and patterns. On top of being the reference document on regionalisation, this work helps us and our members every day lobby for better regionalisation.




The burning topic of the refugee crisis has fast-tracked this issue among the key topics of the AER agenda. Although regions have worked on mobility and integration for many years, AER presents a unique forum for discussion at a time when asylum seekers are making their way across the Mediterranean, through the Balkans and Central Europe and some-times traveling to the most northern European countries; with member regions covering these different geographic areas, a true open dialogue of regional actors proved to be highly relevant and effective to identify common solutions. Members engaged in discussions at the Bureau (Brussels (BE), December 2015) as well as at the Committee Plenary meetings (Timis (RO), April 2016) where they looked at "Communication and actions in times of crisis" and during the Equal Opportunities forum which focused on the difficulties and challenges for women refugees.

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From SME competitiveness to green growth, from research Er innovation to resource efficiency, AER contributes to growth and job creation. Regions are key actors to develop the local economy and AER will continue to bring concrete initiatives to assist them in that task. To name but a few, the 2016 AER Regional Innovation Award will promote regional good practices on the circular economy whereas the report on energy security is in the pipeline to continue to raise awareness on regional actions towards European sustainability.

In light of the current political and social tensions AER sets itself as a key objective in 2016 to work on policies that contribute to « revitalising democracy. » Rising unemployment, influx of refugees, weaker econo-mic growth, terrorist attacks and a growing feeling among citizens that the European Union, national governments and politics in general are not always measuring up to the challenges have opened the door for regions to find solutions on their level. Although this has always been the underlying current of AER's work, special attention will be paid to issues such as citizens' participation and building inclusive societies as weapons against the constant rise of extremism. The work of the AER Youth Regional Network (YRN) and the involvement of young people in the political debate is of particular importance in this context.



With every new programming period, AER has been involved in lobbying in favour of a comprehensive and adequate regional development fund within the EU budget. As the 2014-2020 period is only just being imple-mented, discussions backstage are raging for the funding and shaping of cohesion policy post 2020. AER is in league with other key stakeholders and regions to publish a common declaration to ensure a bright and fair future for this pivotal policy of the European Union. We advocate for a strong renewed regional policy for all the regions so that they may still benefit from European funding in the future. An AER delegation met with Commissioner Corina Crelu responsible for Regional Policy to voice these concerns.


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Equal opportunities forum «women in

emergency situations»

Europe is facing an unprecedented flow of people on the move, challenging our societies and increasing the pressure on local and regional authorities who are confronted directly with the wel-coming, integration and manage-ment of migrants. The Equal Op-portunities Forum in Timis (RO) on 14 April 2016 focused on migrant women, a particularly vulnerable group which face a other barriers and challenges as refugees. The AER Bureau on 1 December 2015 in Brussels (BE) also addressed the migration challenge; given AER's member regions broad geo-graphic diversity, new insights as well as a political statement were generated.

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Structured dialogue with European Commission Vice President, Mr jyrki Katainen

AER representative Lukas Mandl, chair of the European Committe of the parliament of Niederosterreich (AT) met on 22 April with Jyrki Katainen, European Commission's Vice President for Jobs, growth, in-vestment and competitiveness about the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFS!) and its uptake at regional level.

Regions @ COP 21

As regions and cities finally have their place at the climate change negotia-tions, AER was proud to be in Paris at the COP 21 on 3-5 December 2015 with a workshop co-organised with the Gelman Marshall Fund and the Na-tional league of Cities on on « Leading from the Front with Equity and Inclu-sion.» Ms Eva Hallstrom (Varmland-SE) was also present in Paris and acted as the AER rapporteur to voice the rule of regions as motors for fighting climate


Annual Networking Reception

AER is proud to foster valuable links and cooperation with various orga-nisations, institutions and partners. Once a year, members and partners are invited to a networking reception to celebrate our existing and future exchanges. The 2015 reception, orga-nized with the support of BNP Paribas Fortis, was of particular importance as it also marked the inauguration of the AER Brussels office, in the presence of H.R.H Prince Laurent of Belgium.

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Institutional relations: AER a strong partner for the European Commission

The strength of AER lies in its reputation in the European circles gained from 30 years of constant dialogue with the highest European autho-rities. Some of the issues addressed this year with the European Com-mission included cohesion policy, youth, education, environment and digitalisation.

Meeting with Corina Crefu, Tibor Navracsics, Andrus Ansip, Karmenu Vella.

New expertise joins AER

AER President Or Hande Ozsan Bozatli and H.R.H. Prince Laurent of Belgium joined forces to cooperate on environmental issues and sus-tainability. The Prince, strong believer in the MR cause, spoke at AER's 2015 General Assembly on the impacts of climate change, a cause on which he has valuable expertise and great personal interest. Dr Bozatli and Laurent of Belgium visited the region of Onipropetrovsk (UA) at the occasion of the inauguration of the AER office. The visit was organised in the framework of AER's efforts to promote regional democracy as a building block for Europe. With this AER office, Onipropetrovsk has become a coordination point not only for the regions of Ukraine, but also neighbouring regions and countries.

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02015 marked AER's 30th anniversary and a time to

commemorate the organisation's achievements

and future outlook»


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6700 FOLLOWERS ON sowl

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WE ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Gjirokaster and Korca (AL), Erzurum, Izmir and Zonguldak (TR), Sumadija and Pomoravlje (RS) and from 2017: Imereti (GE).

ALBANIA Berat, Diber, Durres, Elbasan, Fier,

Gjirokaster, Korca, Kukes, Lezhe, Shkoder, Tirane, Vlore


AUSTRIA Burgenland, Niederbsterreich, OberOsterreich, Tirol, Vorarlberg, Wien

BELGIUM Bruxelles-Capitale, Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft, Wallonie

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Bosna Podrinje, Brcko Distrikt,

Republika Srpska, Sarajevo, Zapadna Hercegovina, Zenica-Doboj


CROATIA Brod-Poavina, Dubrovnik-Neretva, Istria, Karlovac, Krapina-Za-gode, Osijek-Baranja, Primode-Gorski Kotar, Sibenik-Knin, Sisak-Moslavina, Split-Dalmatia, Varazdin, Zadar, Zagreb County

CYPRUS Union of Cyprus Municipalities

DENMARK Nordjylland

FINLAND South Ostrobothnia(Etela-Pohjanmaa), Central Ostrobothnia (Keski-Pohjanmaa), Central Finland (Keski-Suomi), North Karelia (Pohjois-Karjala), Satakunta

FRANCE Alsace, Aquitaine, Champagne-Ardenne, Corse, Franche-Comte, Guadeloupe, Guyane, Ile-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Martinique, Poitou-Charentes, RhOne-Alpes

FYROM Pelagonija

GEORGIA Adjara, Guria, Imereti

GREECE Kentriki Makedonia, Sterea Ellada

HUNGARY Bacs-Kiskun, Ba-ranya, Bekes, Borsod-Abaik-Zemplen, Csongrad, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok


ITALY Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta



NETHERLANDS Flevoland, Gelderland, Noord-Brabant

NORWAY Hedmark, Nordland, Oppland, Ostfold, Telemark, Vestfold

POLAND Lower Silesia

PORTUGAL Acores, Madeira

ROMANIA Alba, Arad, Arge, Bihor, Bistrita-Nasaud, Bragov, Calaragi,

Carag-Severin, Cluj, Covasna, Dambovita, Dok, Galati, God, Harghita, Hunedoara, 14, Ilfov, Maramureg, Mehedinti, Mureg,

Neamt, Olt, Prahova, Salaj, Satu, Mare, Sibiu, Timig, Tulcea, Vaslur, Vrancea

RUSSIA Mordovija, Tatarstan

SERBIA Vojvodina

SPAIN Catalunya, Comuni-tat Valenciana, Regi6n de Murcia

SWEDEN Gavleborg, jamtland, JonkOping, Kronoberg, Norrbotten, Orebro, Ostsam/OstergOtland, SOrmland, Uppsala, Varmland, Vasterbotten, Vastemordand, Vastra GOtaland

SWITZERLAND Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt, Bern, Fribourg, Geneve, Jura, Luzern, Ticino, Mich

TURKEY Antalya, Denizli, Edirne, Erzurum Gaziantep, Istanbul, Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Kayseri, Kirsehir, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Usak, Zonguldak


UKRAINE Dnipropetrovsk, Kyry



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6 Rue Oberlin, 63-67 Rue d'Arlon, 1 Plata Ion 1.C. Bratianu, Startova St, 67000 Strasbourg,

France 1040 Bruxelles,

Belgium Alba lulia 510118,

Romania Onipropetrovsk Oblast,


[email protected] I
