
Foreign rights / spring 2011

BORIS What aRe yOu dOIng, BORIS? / BORIS attackS!

BOaRd BOOkSOn the mOuth

PIctuRe BOOkS BIlly the BRat / tOP-tO-BOttOm / PIxel ROBeRt

the 4 SeaSOnS Of antOnIO VIVlaVI / letteRS In featheRS and fuR

the aPPROxImate POny encyclOPaedIa / hyacInth and ROSe

theatRethe theatRe factORy

caRd gameSPIctuRe-caRd taleS

POcket PaPeRBackShe lOVeS me, he lOVeS me nOt… / BatteRed meRcedeS

the laSt ORang-utan / the gueStS

chIldRen’S nOVelSdeath tO death / the teaR duStBIn / haIRy

teen nOVelSultRaVIOlet / hOW I Became a cOP / fed uP Of lOVe / thOSe WhIte yeaRS

caRgO fOR BeRlIn / tIfI In haItI / Jade gReen, BlOOd-Red

teen thRIlleRanOtheR day In the lIfe Of a POOR fOOl

fantaSySamIen, the JOuRney tO the OtheRWORld

ShORt StORIeSlIke catS and dOgS: taleS Of BROtheRS and SISteRS

half-angel, half demOn

2 3

What aRe yOu dOIng, BORIS?

for once, Boris is sitting quietly behind his desk,

drawing. One by one his toys come up to him to

ask: “What are you doing?” “I am drawing a rab-

bit,” Boris replies, time after time. finally, Boris

loses his temper and the toys come to regret ever

moving in with the little bear.

But, honestly, is a little solitude from time to time,

too much to ask?

BORIS attackS!

Boris explains his battle strategy to his toys: when

the monster sprawling, mouth-gaping on the

armchair, falls asleep, they will charge into attack.

But surprise assailants may also be surprised in

turn by how angrily surprised monsters react –

until their cuddly paternal monster instincts re-


When dad wakes up, we find out where Boris gets

his monstrous sense of humour from!

BORISby Mathis

Boris is a small bear funny and lovable with quite a strong

personality. he has a love hate relationship with his toys….

Boris can be stubborn, mischievous, domineering,

quick-tempered, but never boring

age 2+ • 14 x 14 cm • 32 pages • hardcover • 6.50 €

4 5

BIlly the BRatBy Françoise de guibert illustrations By ronan Badel

the action takes place far, far

away, in the barren landscapes of

the american far-West. today,

Billy the Brat is out riding his horse

and Billy is in a hurry. If anybody

stands in his way, they had better

watch out. Because when Billy is in

a hurry, no one can stop him: not the Indians, not the cowboys and

their herds, not the cassidy gang, not even miss carter and her pretty

blue eyes – no one! today is a day like no other, because today, Billy

the Brat’s mother is making… Pancakes! Oh yeah!!!

4 years + • 21 x 16 cm • 40 pages • hardback • €12.90

ot Rre

ledan Bano

PIxel ROBeRtBy Yassine

Pixel Robert is a funny little square-looking chap

whose curiosity for life will wind him up in all kinds

of madcap adventures. during each episode he

spies a small coloured square floating around on

the blank double page, and moves in for a closer

look. On turning the page, our hero discovers the

full picture and the small square of colour reveals

itself to be the snout of a tiger in the jungle, a pile

of elephant’s dung in the heart of India, a flying

bullet from the six-shooter of a pistol-packing

cowboy in the farwest, or one of many other sur-


a sparkling-fresh album, without words, which plunges the reader into hilarious comical

situations with graphically original and highly colourful images.

5 years + • 24 x 24 cm • 40 pages • hardback • €15.50



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On the mOuthBy Antonin Louchard

a charming prince is transformed into an

ugly toad. to break the curse, he asks the

reader for a kiss. “Please put an end to my

heartbreak! I must find the true princess

who will kiss an ugly toad! go on, give me

a peck on the cheek!” each page features

a different part of the toad’s body for the

reader to kiss. good luck!

Smackers a-plenty and crazy laughter


2 years + • 12 x 12 cm • 24 pages •

cardboard • €6.50

Un livre à EMBRASSER

e à vrin lUEMBRASSER

e à vrin lU



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tOP-tO-BOttOmBy Betty Bone

the album follows the adventures

and minor scrapes of a girl and her

dog, from different points of view.

each image is divided into three ho-

rizontal sections, providing three

different perspectives on the minu-

tiae of an autumnal walk. Betty Bone

explores a theme that is dear to her

in children’s books – the notion of

time and space – in a very personal

and cinematographic idiom.

5 years + • 23 x 25 cm • 32 pages •

hardback • €15.50

6 7

the aPPROxImate POny encyclOPaedIaBy Manu Boisteau

this is the encyclopaedia the world has been waiting

for: for here is a work that explains the history of the

pony from its prehistoric origins to the present day,

how to choose your pony, how to talk to a pony, how

to feed a pony, how to recognise the enemies of a

pony, the stories of the ponies that have changed

history, and the ponies made famous by art and li-

terature. as a bonus there are tests, beauty tips for

ponies, a photo-story of a typical day at a pony club,

and the icing on the cake, recipes for pony treats!!!

all ages • 20 x 24.5 cm • 48 pages • softback •


hyacInth and ROSeBy François Morel illustrations By Martin Jarrie

martin Jarrie has painted forty eight

lavish portraits of flowers.

françois morel has written the portrait

of hyacinth and Rose, which is told by

their grandson, now an adult and who

remembers his vacations with them.

hyacinth is a communist and very an-

ticlerical and Rose a proud holier-

than-thou… they also have very

opposite natures. But, they have a

great common interest: flowers. the

story of their garden is the story of

their life made of small marvels and

great struggles, of seriousness and of


7 years + • 29.5 x 37 cm • 80 pages •

hardback • €31



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the 4 SeaSOnS Of antOnIO VIVlaVIBy Claire Franek

each season has its own special

music. as the days and months go

by, claire franek plays with the key

moments of each season, each for-

ming a joyous song in the day-to-

day life of a family. let yourself be

caught up and carried away by the

spray-up-the-nose rhumba or the

ballad of the forest animals in au-

tumn in this spring-fresh album

packed with humour.

5 years + • 21 x 16 cm • 48 pages •

hardback • €13

letteRS In featheRS and fuRBy philippe Lechermeier illustrations By Delphine perret

five tales based on madcap animal correspondence!

a xenophobic blackbird writes anonymous hate mail to

chickens. a snail sends love letters to a slug fashion model.

a fox sweet talks the mother of a pretty plump hen to win

her daughter’s “hand” in marriage. In these hard-hitting hi-

larious tales concealing a refined and intelligent critique of

the shortcomings of our society, Philippe lechermeier pro-

vides a brilliant exploration of the language we speak and

the language we use in letters. the line drawings by del-

phine Perret nicely complement the lively biting humour of

these charming tales.

5 years + • 12 x 15 cm • 176 pages • softback • €9.80

à plumes et à poils

Philippe Lechermeier Delphine Perret




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the laSt ORang-utanBy Valérie Dayregaétan is the apple of his parents’ eyes, or rather was the

apple of their eyes, until orange stubble started growing all

over his body, since which he has not spoken a word. his pa-

rents are beside themselves. experts from all fields – medical

and engineering – are called in, but no one can provide any

explanation. But what if gaétan was the last surviving orang-

utan, a rare and precious being? this madcap yet dainty tale

will leave no one unmoved or indifferent!

the gueStSBy Charlotte Moundlicthis is a land where everyone knows their neighbour and life

rolls peacefully by. One day guests arrive and decide to make

the most of the code of hospitality of the land and settle into

people’s homes. the guests are polite and charming company

and it is a pleasure to have them. But gradually the mood

changes, the guests stay and become increasingly demanding.

they start changing customs and won’t share the harvest. Re-

bellion is in the air. a simple fairytale-style yarn relating the

story of colonialism.

BatteRed meRcedeSBy hubert Ben Kemounmercedes has not uttered a word for 6 years. maybe it’s be-

cause she’s afraid of saying too much. In lessons at the “spe-

cial” school she attends, she is merely a passive spectator. But

at home, she talks and talks, especially to argue with her mum.

mercedes decides enough is enough and that it is time for the

secret of her silence to come out into the open.

he lOVeS me, he lOVeS me nOt…By Catherine sanejouandValentine takes time to realise that theo is different to other

boys. he doesn’t wear stinky trainers, and he’s actually very

good looking. She decides she is definitely in love with him.

léa, her best friend, is also in love. But she too refuses to say

who the lucky boy is. a tale of confidences and dismay, first

loves and first disappointments.

age 6 + • 10.5 x 15 cm • 48 pages • Softcover • 5 €










the theatRe factORyBy ghislaine Beaudout illustrations By Claire Franek

a work for learning the basics of speech

and drama, featuring a “theatre workshop”

section including a number of practical

exercises to develop concentration, expres-

sion and improvisation. there is a “perfor-

mance workshop” section to create a real

play (including costumes and decors, wri-

ting texts, and organising rehearsals…) and

a documentary section giving historical

background and useful addresses.

this fun and very comprehensive work, de-

lightfully illustrated by claire franek pro-

vides an innovative, entertaining and

valuable manual for child participants of

theatre workshops as well as the adults

running them.

8 years + • 20 x 24.5 cm • 156 pages •

hardback • €19.80

PIctuRe-caRd taleSBy Jean-Francois Barbier

a game of 50 cards (without words) divided into

three categories (8 places, 16 objects, and 26

characters – featuring heroes, anti-heroes and

their sidekicks). the aim is to pick a series of

cards, alone or in a group, and invent stories,

along the lines of traditional fairytales, where

the hero has to overcome a series of challenges

to reach his or her goal. the images are evoca-

tive of very fine and very detailed ancient engra-

vings, representing fairies, witches, wolves,

three-headed giants, dragons and anthropo-

morphic trees, against remarkable and subtle,

sometimes funny, sometimes frightening, but

always inventive settings and decors. It is a real

gold mine for developing the imagination and

learning the structures of traditional fairy tales

in an entertaining and endlessly fresh way!

5 years + • 10.5 x 14.7 cm • 50 cards • €20

(recommended retail price)

Contes à la carte







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10 11

chIldRen’S nOVelS

a new collection of books for younger readers, drawn up in

partnership with the bookseller’s magazine, Page, and the In-

corruptibles prize, created by booksellers in 1998 where the

jury is composed solely of children.

age 2+ • 14 x 14 cm • 32 pages • hardcover • 6.50 €

teen nOVelS

death tO death By Frédéric KesslerWhat use is death apart from spreading sadness and gloom?

léopold and his friends decide to take on and vanquish death.

each has his own role in the plan: lure death into a trap, spray

him with acid, then cut him up into tiny pieces - a “dead cert”.

But making a pact with the grim Reaper is no easy matter.

haIRyBy sylvie ChausseBen’s parents have split up. he lives with his mother and spends

weekends with his father. he’d like to be closer to Jessica, the

daughter of his father’s new girlfriend, but doesn’t know how.

his encounter with “froggy”, a local vagrant, helps him enor-

mously. In their efforts to save froggy’s dog hairy, Ben and Jes-

sica strike up brand new family ties.

the teaR duStBIn By Élisabeth Bramimyriam has only one dream: to meet amanda malot, her fa-

vourite writer. One day amanda turns up in her classroom,

but myriam, panic-stricken, dissolves into tears, unable to

speak. afterwards she feels so ashamed, but who can she turn

to? myriam decides to keep a diary leaving no stone unturned:

friends, school, boys, her parents’ divorce, books, and much

more besides. gradually, she comes to realise that what she

is writing is actually a letter to amanda.

ultRaVIOletBy nancy huston29 July 1936, lucy celebrates her 13th birthday. She decides to

write down everything she cannot say. her love of words, her re-

bellion against the family order, it decorum and her own ambitions

for later. the economic crisis has hit people hard in canada and

while no one is necessarily starving, people are still hungry.

Pastor larson is a generous man, who feeds the needy and takes

in doctor Beauchemin, despite his reputation. lucy at last finds

someone she can talk to, and even confide in. In the heat of sum-

mer, lucy is overcome with other feelings, with which she has to

come to terms, and which open her up to the world of adults des-

pite them.

this diary of a girl on the cusp of adulthood, awakening to the

world, is nancy huston’s first teen novel.

12 x 21 cm • 80 pages • softback • €8

hOW I Became a cOPBy Anne and Marine rambachOver tea with her mother at the muffin Palace alice decides to an-

nounce her career plans: she wants to become a cop. the news is

a bombshell to her mother who is a militant campaigner for the

rights of irregular migrants, and has a history of run-ins with the

forces of law and order.

alice has always had a detective’s nose and can smell trouble a

mile away, so she has decided to make a career of it. all thanks to

abdel, who is an irregular migrant himself, and whom her mother

has been helping for more than 10 years now. abdel is an arch liar,

a master of pulling the wool over people’s eyes, a specialist in

schemes of every kind to find work, fiddle benefits, and obtain

healthcare. abdel is the most french of all french-algerians, and

his one ambition is to gain legal resident status, come what may.

But hang on, there’s something fishy going on outside the muffin

Palace, and that Russian guy knocking back cake at the back of the

restaurant sure does look dodgy…

12 x 21 cm • 160 pages • softback • €9

fed uP Of lOVeBy Maud Lethielleuxeveryone dreams of a happy family with parents who love each

other. Or do they? Pierrot can only find downsides in his parents’

mutual affection. they constantly agree with each other, and can’t

wait to pack Pierrot off to his friends so they can cuddle up to each

other. his pal’s broken families offer loads of advantages. So Pier-

rot enlists his chums to help force his mum and dad apart. Pierrot

has his work cut out for him, and the author relates with relish the

tricks and subterfuges on which children are capable of drawing

from their boundless imaginations.

12 x 21 cm • 112 pages • Softback • €8

caRgO fOR BeRlInBy Fred paronuzzinour means “light” in arabic and the name suits nour down to a t.

at school she is a brilliant pupil and dreams of going to university.

her family is poor and higher education is out of the question. But

the headmistress, mme Bouraoui, finds a solution: nour can work for

her, and she’ll pay her.

these best laid plans go awry when the handsome Idriss, mme Bou-

raoui’s nephew, seduces nour. her parents force her into an arranged

marriage to save her honour but nour decides to run away – with her

long-standing boyfriend tariq. their destination: Berlin, Inch’allah.

12 x 21 cm • 112 pages • softback • €8

thOSe WhIte yeaRSBy Julie Jacob-Cœurmarie is a “normal” girl: she loves her parents and her brother,

has reliable friends, is studying for her a-levels, and plays vol-

leyball for a successful team. So why are things so tense at

home? the answer is Rose, her older sister. Rose is joint-smo-

king waster who is constantly getting into scrapes. She will re-

turn home randomly and then disappear for days.

after years of understanding, marie decides she has had en-

ough and sets off for a calmer life with her brother, Benoît. her

parents refuse to give up on Rose, and when marie puts her

foot down, things get complicated.

this is not a moral tale about the pitfalls of drugs and how

they destroy “normal” families. marie’s friends have their own

lives, their own stories; the character construction avoids ca-

ricature. the story is organised into short non-chronological

chapters, exploring marie’s life from her point of view. a de-

lightful and inspiring tale.

12 x 21 cm • 144 pages • softback • €9

tIfI In haItIBy Valérie Lacroixafter the earthquake that buried her mother, Starling and

other children are taken in by monsieur neptune, the

schoolteacher.they all set off for the village of les alizés,

far from the chaos.

lucy lives in a village in the countryside near lyon. moved

by the fate of haiti’s children, she writes to Starling. But

Starling refuses her friendship. She doesn’t want a new mo-

ther. She thanks her lucky stars such caring adults have

taken her in. gradually lucy wins over Starling with her

tales of the world covered in snow and ice.

a short novel telling the tale of a disaster-struck island.

Starling’s simple lively prose calmly tells of a less compli-

cated faraway land and its daily routines, its recovering

plantations, the memories of a past life, its religion that

keeps everyone going, and Jesus, Starling’s “lil’ sweetheart”,

who figures in all her prayers, a reminder of the role faith

plays in haitian culture.

12 x 21 cm • 128 pages • softback • €8

Jade gReen, BlOOd RedBy pascale Maretko myo is packed and ready to leave for medical school,

but his mother is worried about kyo myo’s brother, naing

lin, so she sends ko myo to see him. naing lin, however,

has left to make his fortune in the jade mines, far from

Rangoon. after a long difficult journey, ko myo finds his

brother is a sorry state, and he refuses to go home without

having made his fortune. Work in the mine is horrific and

the conditions terrible. corruption, persecution, and pros-

titution hold sway in this distant land and to keep going,

the miners take heroine and get into debt, and their

chances of escape are zero. kyo mo’s brother steals his

money, so he has to work in the mine to afford the return

journey. his only ray of hope is the attractive Sanda who

saves him from purgatory.

a dark novel, a gothic novel which takes place deep in the

jade mines of Burma. the novel depicts the horrors of

drugs, the corruption of the Burmese state and the miners’


12 x 21 cm • 196 pages • softback • €9.50

12 13

anOtheR day In the lIfe Of a POOR fOOlBy Jean-paul nozièrehe was meant to keep an eye on his little sister in the square,

but when you’re seventeen and a pretty young woman asks

you for help with her bike then starts chatting you up, how

can you resist? When he comes back, elise has disappeared

from the sandpit. the police do not hold out much hope, but

the boy swears to bring her home.

the parents of alice (16) and gabin (6) live in a lovely house

in a residential area near a lake. their neighbours are Jean-

alain, a mentally challenged child, known as the Village Idiot,

and his parents. alice often goes round to read him stories,

which he enjoys immensely – is he really an idiot? Obsessive,

yes, and tormented - in particular by laura, another teenage

neighbour who loves winding Jean-alain up with her skimpy

mini-skirts, tight shorts, and low-cut dresses. So when laura

disappears, the culprit is obvious to all, everybody that is ex-

cept one person. alice does not believe her friend is guilty,

so she sets out to find out what happened. nourredine, a

clairvoyant police officer, collects clues and witness state-

ments, but he doesn’t like what he finds.

a detective novel which displays the author’s art of combining

plots and subplots, fascinating life stories, and people’s se-

crets and inner fears.

14.5 x 22 cm • 272 pages • softback • €15.50

SamIen, the JOuRney tO the OtheRWORldBy Colin thibertIn the world of Sarancol, eight moons take it in turns to

sparkle in the night sky. Samien, a young farmer from the

kraspills is ill-treated by his master and he escapes. Be-

neath his red hat nests yonka the spider and they com-

municate by telepathy. She is an authoritarian arachnid

and has great ambitions for Samien. their first aim, she

says, is to set out to Iskhion, capital of Sarancol, where

they will make their fortune before heading to the Other-

world, beyond the eight moons. the path is long and trea-

cherous strewn with traps, brigands, and hoards of

pilgrims on their way to celebrate the Walche. But there

are also strange creatures afoot: prapators, giant cater-

pillars, and many more besides. Samien bounces from ad-

venture to adventure as he is kidnapped and enslaved,

before escaping, then captured and imprisoned, before he

escapes once more to wind up as cabin boy on an inter-

sideral craft. In the process he discovers new worlds, si-

nister goings-on, the slave trade in indigo women, and

rebellion, as well as love, friendship and betrayal.

14.5 x 22 cm • 352 pages • softback • €15.80

half-angel, half demOnBy thomas scottoage has nothing to do with it. We are all two-people at once,

caught between dream and reality, hope and despair – half-angel,

half-demon. In the stories in this book, teenagers, adults, the el-

derly, all want to believe in life, its beauty and magic, and be gui-

ded, for better or for worse, through fortuitous or ill-fated

encounters, love unrequited or shared, ambition and disillusion,

fortune and accidents. each traces out their own path, grasping

every opportunity that comes their way, as though desperate to

prove that everything should be lived to the full, come rain or shine.

With a sensitive stroke, laughter and tears, the author produces a

collection of short stories held together by that unique and fragile

thread that holds together our lives.

13.5 x 16 cm • (144 pages) • softback • €9.80

lIke catS and dOgS: taleS Of BROtheRS and SISteRS By shaïne Cassim, Jérôme Lambert, Véronique Le normand,Maud Lethielleux, pascale Maret, Frédérique Martin, Mathis,Charlotte Moundlic, Mickaël ollivier, Florence thinard10 short stories on the theme of brotherly and sisterly love, from

ten different perspectives: the american road movie revisited by

Shaïne cassim, an ode to sibling love by Jérôme lambert, etc.

families reunited, families divided, children of disparate ages,

and adopted sisters: fragments of sibling affection from the lar-

ger family mosaic.

12 x 21 cm • 144 pages • softback • €8.50



many adolescents of today are too busy to read, even if the needof stories still remains essential for them. that is why this collec-tion proposes books filled with high quality short stories, written

by well known authors, to be read without great effort!








14 15

thierry Magnier • publisher

Valérie Cussaguet • editor picture books

soazig Le Bail • editor fiction

18, rue séguier - 75006 paris

France - tel: +33 (o)1 44 83 80 00

Fax: +33 (0)1 44 83 80 01

Johanna Brock Lacassin • Foreign rights

B.p. 90038 - 13633 Arles

France - Cedex - tel: +33 (0)4 90 49 57 25

Fax: +33 (0)4 90 96 95 25

e-mail: [email protected]

nathalie Alliel • Foreign rights Assistant

e-mail: [email protected]
