
Ω2006 Ȫaƒf 23 ≥aGƒŸG - `g1427 Ió©≤dG hP 2 ¢ù«ªÿG THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2006

Over 15,000 Bapco employees, their families and contractors attended the highlight of this year’s Environment, Health & Safety Week - the EHS Family Day held at the Heritage grounds of the Bahrain National Museum in Manama.EHS Family Day was the culmination of a hugely

successful EHS week 2006, during which thousands of entries were received for the dozens of quizzes and competitions, and numerous prizes were given out.The Week kicked off with the first ever Bapco Family Fun Walk which was held on Saturday, November 11, in

Awali, and was attended by over 1,000 employees and their families.Details and photos of both events, the Week, and winners can be seen in a special EHS Week 2006 issue which will be distributed next week.

Over 15,000 people attend EHS Family Day1,000 take part in first Bapco Family Fun Walk

● Above: Minister of State H.E. A. Hussain Bin Ali Mirza officially opens the EHS Family Day ●

● Left: At the start of the Family Fun Walk in Awali ●

Through intensive discussions and consultations between Bapco’s executive management and its trade union, both parties reached an amicable agreement last week on salary enhancement and annual bonus for 2006.The agreement has taken into consideration the interests of both the employees and the Company, said Bapco President Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed. He also thanked H.E. Dr. A. Hussain bin Ali Mirza, Minister of State and chairman of the National Oil and Gas Authority, for his support during negotiations.Employees were notified of the details of the agreed arrangements, which are retroactive from October 1, through their managers.The President also expressed management’s gratitude to all employees for their continued dedication and hard work towards a more successful and profitable Bapco.

Salary rise agreed

A full eProcurement and eTendering solution will be in operation at Bapco by 2008, improving process efficiencies, containing costs, enhancing transparency and using the latest technologies available.A study of eTendering and eProcurement was initiated by Bapco’s management in April 2006, in response to the growing volume of contract and materials activities. Current materials and contracts expenses are now over 25% of Bapco’s fixed costs.The study team identified a dramatic growth in eBusiness in this region. In the Gulf area alone eBusiness is expected to rise from US$2 billion in 2002 to over US$10 billion by the end of this year.After consultation with Bahrain Government agencies, local service providers and operational eProcurement sites in this region, the study team reported significant potential benefits

eProcurement project underway

(Continued on Page 3)

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2006 Ω2006 Ȫaƒf 23 ≥aGƒŸG - `g1427 Ió©≤dG hP 2 ¢ù«ªÿG


Bapco was one of the golden sponsors of the Arab Regional Solar Energy Conference which was held at Sheraton Hotel in Manama from November 5 to 7, contributing BD5,000 to the event.The conference was organised by the College of Science of the University of Bahrain, in collaboration with the Arab section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) based in Germany, and held under the patronage of Electricity and Water Minister Shaikh Abdulla bin Salman Al Khalifa.More than 50 experts from across the world attended the three-day event. Solar energy for natural disasters and fossil energy were among the issues discussed at the event along with solar thermal technologies for cooling, heating and ventilation, water desalination using solar, wind and other renewable energy technologies and solar energy and global warming. The conference featured lectures, technical papers, poster presentations, panel discussions, open forum sessions and social

events.While solar energy was not prevalent in Bahrain, many theological studies and small-scale scientificexperiments are underway to evaluate the technology. The Electricity and Water Ministry committee on renewable energy, formed last year, is also examining the issue.

Bapco supports solar energy conference

● Bapco is recognised for being a major conference sponsor (l-r): Chairman of the Arab section of the ISES and Bahrain University College of Science Physics Professor Waheeb Al-Nasser, Bahrain University College of Science Dean Dr. Haifa Ali Al-Maskati, Bapco President Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed, and Sr. Deputy Chief Executive Abdulkarim Al-Sayed ●

Farewell to Manager - Contracts Abdulla AmiriA farewell party was held on Thursday, November 9, for former Manager - Contracts Abdulla Amiri who retired from Bapco recently after 44 years of service. The party, held at the Gulf Hotel, was attended by members of senior management.Abdulla joined Bapco’s Maintenance Division as an apprentice in Instrumentation in 1962. After completing his ‘O’ Level subjects at the Awali Craft Training Centre, he became one of the Bahrainis to obtain an Ordinary Technician Diploma in Bapco.In 1969 he left for London, U.K., where he obtained his Higher National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Middlesex University in 1972.During 16 years in Maintenance, Abdulla filled various engineeringand supervisory positions in different departments, the last of which was Shutdown Engineer in Shutdowns & Major Maintenance.In 1979 he joined what was then Construction Department as a Construction Engineer and after a number of promotions became Manager - Construction in 1989.As part of a Company-wide reorgani-

sation,Construction Department was dissolved in 1990 and Abdulla was selected as manager of the newly-formed Contracts Department.During his 17 years as Manager - Contracts, Bapco’s contracts policy, procedures and strategies have undergone extensive review and the Company’s contractual requirements have increased considerably. Abdulla’s vast contract knowledge and his past maintenance, construction and project management experience have been instrumental in meeting Bapco’s

increased contractual needs.Abdulla also played a key role in the implementation of the Government’s Tender Law to Bapco’s tenders and purchases in 2003, and played a crucial role in the merging and rationalisation of Bapco’s upstream and downstream contractual procedures.Abdulla continues to be a member of the Tender Board’s committee for tenders and purchases up to BD500,000.The Company wishes Abdulla all the best and a long and healthy retirement.

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Ω2006 Ȫaƒf 23 ≥aGƒŸG - `g1427 Ió©≤dG hP 2 ¢ù«ªÿG THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 200633

for Bapco. An implementation project was approved by the Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) for a phased implementation, in compliance with Bahrain Government and Tender Board legislation, eGov initiatives and supporting local suppliers and manufacturers.An analysis of Bapco’s pattern of contract and materials spending has been completed and alternative eProcurement solutions are being evaluated. A pilot implementation will be initiated in April 2007, in line with the new procurement organisation and business processes. Initially, this will be limited to the local market, with the objective of progressively rolling out eProcurement both within Bapco and to external suppliers

A full eProcurement and eTendering solution will be developed and build during 2007/2008.Anyone wishing to obtain further information may contact the Project Manager Mahmood A. Al-Alawi or

any member of the core project team consisting of Project Coordinator/ITD Gary Gribben, Contract Services representative A. Redha Haqiqi and Materials representative Saber Al-Shehabi.

eProcurement project underway(From Page 1)

Bapco management met with employees who facilitate the Bapco strategic planning sessions on Sunday, November 12, to express the appreciation and gratitude of senior management for the hard work by the facilitators when coordinating the divisional strategic workshops in the development of the overall strategic plan of the Company.Facilitators were given a certificate of recognition and appreciation by BapcoPresident Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed, in the presence of Senior Deputy Chief Executive, Abdulkarim Al-Sayed and other members of senior management.Bapco operates a well-structured strategic planning process to set the direction and scope of the Company for the long term through the best use of physical and human assets within a challenging environment to meet the needs of the nation. The process includes identifying revenue generating programmes, cost reduction schemes, and the reduction of waste, while maintaining the highest level of safety and environmental compliance.Dr. Al-Sayed highlighted that as a result of the efforts of the facilitators and all employees, most of the Company’s targets for 2006 will be achieved. These targets include: asset utilisation, reduction of fixed and variable costs,reliability of the gas system and oil production.

Bapco recognises Strategic Planning Facilitators

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Bapco continues to set new records, lowering its mass loss to levels never seen before.The Refinery achieved a record-setting mass loss for October of 0.59% - this far exceeds the 2006 Strategic Planning target of 0.65 wt% for mass loss, and is yet another improvement over last year’s record performance of 0.68 wt%.The steady improvements in Bapco’s mass losses are a result of a number of programmes initiated over the last few years to maximise refinery margins,including the formation of the Mass Loss, Energy, and Slops Management teams.“On behalf of management, I extend a heartfelt thank you to all concerned for their efforts and dedication leading to new records,” said Senior Deputy Chief Executive Abdulkarim Al-Sayed. Said Manager - Oil Processing, Ebrahim Talib: “Congratulations to all on this new record low. We have strong confidencein the dedication and ability of all concerned employees to achieve further records. This record could not have been achieved without the excellent support extended from all departments, in particular those in Maintenance and Engineering divisions.

Record low Mass Loss

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2006 Ω2006 Ȫaƒf 23 ≥aGƒŸG - `g1427 Ió©≤dG hP 2 ¢ù«ªÿG


The Review Team members attended A Good Idea Enhancement Meeting on Wednesday, November 1. The objective of the meeting was to assess the

effectiveness of Bapco’s suggestion scheme, introduce changes and enhancements where required, and promote contribution by employees.The meeting proved to be fruitful with a number of recommendations raised, which will be addressed by the scheme’s management.

A Good Idea Enhancement Meeting

QMS Auditors Annual MeetingThe Quality Management System (QMS) Auditors Annual Meeting was held on Sunday, November 5, at the Training Centre. The meeting was attended by the chairman of the QMS Management Review Committee, Tim Coombs, Manager - Quality Assurance and the QMS auditors. The auditors were brought up-to-date on issues relating to the QMS, and discussed ways to make internal auditing more effective. A number of other ideas were discussed and these will be addressed at the next Management Review Committee meeting scheduled to take place during the first quarter of 2007.

Production & Drilling Service AwardsForty-eight employees who completed 20 and 25 years of service with various departments in Production & Drilling Division during 2005 and 2006 were honoured at a luncheon held on Wednesday, November 8, 2006, at the Bapco Club. Managers and section heads of honoured employees also attended the function.General Manager - Production & Drilling A Rahman A. Rahim opened the ceremony by extending to all employees the thanks and appreciation of the President Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed. He further thanked all the employees for achieving the goals and objectives of the division, including an uninterrupted gas supply to customers and sustained oil production. The honoured employees are:Production Department: Ali Esmail Mohamed Esmail, Hassan Ramadhan Awadh Ali, Ahmed Yousif Ahmed Basheer, Ali Yousif Ahmed Lahdan, Waleed Yousif Ahmed Al-Mehza, Adel Mohammed Al-Jalahma, Ahmed A. Karim A.Rahman, Salah Hassan Hussain Rahma, Saleh A. Hassain Saleh Al-Shehabi, Ali Ahmed A. Salam, Jameel A. Hussain Ali Abdulla, Talal Yousif Ahmed Al-Fuhaid, Jamal Mohamed Al-Abdul Qader, Nabeel Ahmed Ali Hassan (all 25 years of service), Hassan Ahmed Muhsin Al-Alawi, Mahmood Ismail Ahmed Falamarzi, Tariq Jassim Abdulla Al-Thawadi, Jassim Hussain Mohamed Hassan (all 20 years).Field Maintenance: A.Rahman Mubarak A.Aziz Al-Jasar, Ebrahim Jaffar Hassan Yousif, Hussain Yousif Ali Abdulla, A.Shaheed Ali Abdulla Mahdi, A. Elah Mohamed Ali, Abbas Alam Ali Hassan, Jaffar Mohamed Kadhim Madan, Saddeeq Hassan Abdulla Ismaeel, Jose Peter, Mohamed Yacoob Abdulla Al-Merbati (all 25 years), Hussain Ebrahim Abbas Ismail, Sadiq Akbar Jan Bowah, A. Karim Mohamed A.Karim A Hussain, Yousif Basheer Jawher Basheer, Ali Mohamed Yousif Hussain, Raoof Abdulla Ghuloom A. Rahim (all 20 years).Drilling Department: Rashid Abdulla Ahmed Al-Ahmadi, Mohamed Maki Hussain Al-Gareeb, Isa Ahmed Mubarak Al-Saeedi, Abdulla Mubarak Abdulla Mubarak Jowher, Mahmood Hassan Mohamed Baqer, Mohamed A. Hussain Al-Qassab, Ali Hassan Shaheen Janahi, Mohamed Saleh Mohsin Al-Asfoor, Maki Yousif Haider Jaber (all 25 years), Essa Yousif A.Rahman Janahi, Abdulla Hassan Yousif Hussain, Ahmed Mohamed A. Rahman Ali, Abdulla Yacoob Abdulla Al-Murbati (all 20 years).Projects Engineering: Huda Ebrahim Abdulla Buhamood (20 years).

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IRÉà‡ èFÉàf ≥≤ëjAdvanced Process Control on FCCU

squeezes bottom of the barrelThe installation of an Advanced Process Control on the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) has led to a substantial increase in the Vacuum Resid (VR) and BSGO inclusion in the FCC feed, reduced the variabilities of product property, and generated annual benefits ofaround US$1.7 million. How well operated and controlled the Fluidised Catalytic Cracking (FCC) unit is, is the key to the profitabilityofmost refineries.Basedon that notion, Process Control & Instrumentation, in collaboration with leading Advanced Process Control (APC) vendor Aspentech, installed the largest Multivariable Predictive Controller (MVPC) in the refinery on the FCC/GCU units.As prelude to the MVPC installation, PC&I conceived, designed, implemented and commissioned an override control scheme on the FCC slide valves. The purpose of this scheme is to improve the handling and management of the plant upon the onset of catalyst circulation instabilities (commonly known as ‘jerks’). Since the scheme was commissioned in June 2005, the unit has experienced virtually no trips attributable to jerks. The scheme was commissioned ahead of the MVPC application to ensure that no unit trips disrupt the continuity of plant step test, which is a series of moves on basic controller set points or outputs intended to establish dynamic responses among process variables. Moreover, once the MVPC application has been commissioned, the scheme would ensure higher MVPC on-stream factor. “From an operational standpoint, the override feature did improve operations as it automated a vital Control Operator function enabling him to focus on related

problems following a jerk,” says Oil Processing’s FCCU Superintendent M.A. Sreekumar. “Some consequential events of jerks did upset the unit in the past.”The MVPC application was fully commissioned in September 2005 and has been running successfully since then. The controller utilises Aspentech’s state-of-the-art multivariable predictive control technology in its on-line and off-line modes, leveraging the massive advances in microprocessors and employing the proven basic regulatory control layer furnished by Yokogawa’s Centum CS 3000 Distributed Control System (DCS). The controller is comprised of 38 independent variables (three disturbances and 35 manipulated) and 100 dependent variables (controlled and constraints). The controlled variables include seven product quality inferentials. To bolster the controller on-stream factor, four sub-controllers were configured. Each sub-controlleris responsible for the control and optimisation of a different section of the plant; e.g. Main Fractionator, Reactor/Regenerator, GCU and Rerun Columns.The application was developed in three stages: first, examinationof the existing basic regulatory control layer and performing a preliminary step test; second, execution of an elaborate round-the-clock step test, which involved moving each manipulated variable approximately 12 to 20 times for varying durations to discern process dynamic responses; third, controller synthesis, tuning, simulation and commissioning. In parallel, and to secure the implementation of controller moves through final control elements,extensive DCS configuration work

was undertaken by PC&I, which involved creation of over 600 DCS instruments, sequences, switches and user-friendly operator interfaces. Technical Services Department, for its part, analysed over 500 laboratory samples which were used to derive a series of models (inferentials or ‘soft sensors’) relating measured properties (distillation points, RVP, flashpoints, etc.) to process variables, such as flows, temperatures andpressures.This application has been closely monitored for a year. The immediate impact of this installation was to substantially increase the Vacuum Resid (VR) and BSGO inclusion in the FCC feed. Superior control of regenerator flue gas excessoxygen (O2 variability was halved) coupled with tighter dense phase temperature control - which was maintained at a level conducive to more efficient coke burning -permitted an increase of more VR and BSGO in the feed. To appreciate how significant thisis, it is worth mentioning that each additional barrel of VR and BSGO in the FCC feed is approximately worth US$30. In addition, and with regard to FCC/GCU product quality controls, the application has dramatically reduced – in some cases halved - the variabilities of product properties. The estimated annual benefits generated bythe MVPC application are in the order of US$1.7 million and the estimated project simple payback is around three months. The MVPC application has paid for itself more than four times already. Without a doubt, the success of this application is the fruit of the team spirit which prevailed throughout the project amongst PC&I, TSD and OPD.

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This newsletter is published by the Public Relations Department of the Bahrain Petroleum Company B.S.C. (Closed)


More than 2,000 people visited the annual Awali Craft Fair, making this year’s event a resounding success.The event, organised by the Awali Ladies Hospitality Group, was held at the Bapco Club in Awali on Saturday, November 4, and was officially opened by Rashida Tadayon, the group’schairwoman.This year 75 tables displayed a wide variety of homemade jewellery, cards, cushions, candles, paintings, ornaments and decorations, baked goods, and dozens of other items.Proceeds from the event will be donated to charitable causes.

Awali Craft Fair a resounding success

The 2006/2007 Bapco Interdepartmental Bowling League being played at the Bapco Club bowling lanes continues.Results of Week 2Drilling defeated International Marketing 8-2; Information Technology won against Security 6-4; Faithful Old Friends won against Fire, Health & Safety 10-0; Plant Maintenance defeated Engineering 6-4; Production won against Projects 10-0; and Administration defeated Local Marketing 10-0. Results of Week 3Engineering defeated Faithful Old Friends 6-4; Production won against Local Marketing 10-0; Plant Maintenance won against Drilling 6-4; International Marketing defeated Fire, Health & Safety 10-0; Administration won against Information Technology 8-2; and Security defeated Projects 6-4. Standings after two weeks of play: Production is in first place with 30 points, Administration is second with 28 points, Engineering and Plant Maintenance aretied in third place with 22 points.This year about 110 bowlers have joined the League, playing for 12 teams. The teams are: Production, Information Technology, Faithful Old Friends, Drilling, International Marketing, Security, Projects, Administration, Local Marketing, Engineering, Plant Maintenance, and Fire, Health & Safety.The league will be played every Monday and is scheduled to conclude on Monday, July 2, 2007.

Production in first place in Bapco Interdepartmental Bowling League

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Caterham Challenge races continueThe National Race series for 2006 continued at the Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) on Friday, November 10, and Saturday, November 11.The various events held over the two days included two races for Bapco’s Caterham Challenge, Mini Coopers, Thunder Arabia and the Formula BMW cars - the first seriesof its kind in the Middle East.Eight drivers competed in the two Bapco Caterham Challenge races. The winner of the race on Friday was Salah Salahuddin, with Faisal Rafie’e in second place. In theSaturday race, Faisal Rafie’e came first andBen came second.Trophies were presented to the winners by Abdullatif Ismail, Acting General Manager - HR & Administration, and Mohamed Moradi, Manager - HR. Also attending the races were Deputy Chief Executive (Downstream) Tim Coombs and Manager - Planning & Development, Local Market Jassim Al-Shirawi.Besides enjoying the exciting races, spectators were also given the opportunity to try the Caterham cars.

● ácô°ûdG »a ø««æ©ªdG ¢†©H ™e ΩÉgôJɵ∏d ƒµHÉH ¥ÉÑ°S ádƒ£H »a ¿hõFÉØdG ●

● »dGƒ©dÉH ájhó«dG ±ôëdG ¢Vô©e πØM øe ÖfÉL ●● Rashida Tadayon officially opens the Craft Fair ●
