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Prezentul Simplu


Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv(la persoana a III-a singular se adauga terminatia "-s" sau "-es") 

Exemple:I go to school every day.Merg la scoala in fiecare zi.

He reads a book every month. El citeste o carte in fiecare luna.

She lives in Bucharest.Ea locuieste in Bucuresti.


Do / Does (pers.III, sg.) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv

Exemple:Do you go to school every day?Mergi la scoala in fiecare zi?

Does he read a book every month?Citeste el o carte in fiecare luna?

Does she live in Bucharest? Locuieste ea in Bucuresti?


Subiect + do / does (pers.III, sg.) + not + Verbul la infinitivSe folosesc adesea contractiile don't (do + not) si doesn't (does + not) 


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I don't go to school every day. Nu merg la scoala in fiecare zi.

He doesn't read a book every month. El nu citeste o carte in fiecare luna.

She doesn't live in Bucharest.Ea nu locuieste in Bucuresti.

Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei "-s" sau "-es" la afirmativ pentru persoana a III-a singular

La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia "-s" la persoana a III-a singular la afirmativExemple:I talk – He talks I work – He works I sleep – He sleeps 

Verbelelor care se termina in –ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o li se adauga terminatia "-es"Exemple:I kiss – He kisses I wish – He wishes I catch – He catches I mix – He mixes I go – He goes 

La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o consoana, se inlocuieste litera y cu litera i , iar apoi se adauga terminatia "-es"Exemple:I fly – He flies I study – He studies I cry – He cries 

La verbele care se termina in litera y precedata de o vocala, se adauga terminatia "-s"Exemple:I pay – He pays 

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I stay – He stays I play – He plays

Cand folosim Prezentul Simplu?Folosim Prezentul Simplu (Present Simple) pentru:

activitati zilnice, saptamanale, lunare, anualeExemple:I go to the mountains every month. Merg la munte in fiecare luna.

We have breakfast at 7.30 every morning.Luam micul dejun la ora 7.30 in fiecare dimineata.

obiceiuri, hobby-uriExemple:She plays tennis in her free time. Ea joaca tenis in timpul liber.

In the summer, they go to the seaside. Vara, ei merg la mare.

situatii permanenteExemple:He lives in Paris.El locuieste la Paris.

I work as a manager.Eu lucrez ca manager.

a exprima actiuni care respecta un anumit programExemple:The bus for Bucharest lives at 12.15 on Monday. Autobuzul pentru Bucuresti pleaca luni la 12.15.

I have Maths Friday at 11.30.Eu am matematica vineri, la 11.30.

situatii emotionaleExemple:

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I love my girlfriend very much. Imi iubesc prietena foarte mult.

He hates cats.El uraste pisicile.

adevaruri generaleExemple:The earth moves around the sun.Pamantul se misca in jurul soarelui.

Water boils at 100°C. Apa fierbe la 100°C.

Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Simpluevery day/ week/ month/ year etc., every morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night, usually, always, sometimes, often, never, in the morning/evening/night etc. Exemple:He goes to the gym every day.El merge la sala in fiecare zi.

I play football every week.Eu joc fotbal in fiecare saptamana.

We go to the dentist every year.Noi mergem la dentist in fiecare an.

She watches TV every evening.Ea se uita la televizor in fiecare seara.

She usually studies hard for her exams.De obicei, ea se pregateste din greu pentru examene.

I always do my homework.Intotdeauna imi fac temele.

He sometimes goes shopping.El face cumparaturi uneori.

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I often play pool with my friends.Eu joc deseori biliard cu prietenii mei.

She never goes to school by bus.Ea nu merge niciodata la scoala cu autobuzul.

In the evening we play Monopoly.Seara jucam Monopoly.


1. Pune propozitiile urmatoare la persoana a III-a singular:Exemplu:They live in Craiova. (He)Ei locuiesc in Craiova.

He lives in Craiova, too.El locuieste in Craiova, de asemenea.

a) I fly from Bucharest to Rome every week. (Mary)Eu zbor de la Bucuresti la Roma saptamanal.

b) We usually play in the park. (John)Noi ne jucam de obicei in parc.

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Prezentul Continuu


Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

Exemple:I'm writing an article now.Scriu un articol acum.

They are playing football.Ei joaca fotbal.

She is having lunch at this moment.Ea ia pranzul in acest moment.


To be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing"

Exemple:Am I writing an article now?Scriu eu un articol acum?

Are they playing football?Joaca ei fotbal?

Is she having lunch at this moment? Ia ea pranzul in acest moment?

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Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + not + Verbul la infinitiv + terminatia "-ing" Se folosesc adesea contractiile isn't (is + not) si aren't (are + not)

Exemple:I'm not writing an article now. Eu nu scriu un articol acum.

They aren't playing football. Ei nu se joaca fotbal.

She isn't having lunch at this moment.Ea nu ia pranzul in acest moment.

Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei "-ing" verbelor la infinitiv

La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia "-ing" fara nici o modificare:Exemple:play – playingtry – tryingdrink – drinking sing - singinggo - goingdraw - drawing cook - cookinglearn - learningsend - sendingwash - washing

La verbele care se termina in litera e precedata de o consoana, se renunta la litera e si se adauga terminatia "-ing"Exemple:make – makingcome – comingleave – leaving

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La verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba (monosilabice) care se termina intr-o consoana precedata de o vocala, se dubleaza consoana si apoi se adauga terminatia "-ing"Exemple:get – gettingsit – sittinghit – hitting

Cand folosim Prezentul Continuu?Folosim Prezentul Continuu (Present Continuous) pentru:

activitati care se petrec in momentul vorbiriiExemple:She is watching TV now.Ea se uita la televizor acum.

Mother is washing the dishes at this moment.Mama spala vasele in acest moment.

actiuni care se desfasoara pe o perioada mai mare de timp, incluzand si momentul vorbiriiExemple:John is studuing Maths for his exam.John studiaza la matematica pentru examen.

My brother is writing a book.Fratele meu scrie o carte.

a vorbi despre o intalnire sau un aranjament din viitorul apropiatExemple:He is flying to New York next week.El zboara la New York saptamana viitoare.

I'm meeting Susan next Sunday.Ma intalnesc cu Susan duminica viitoare.

Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Continuu

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now, at this moment, these days, this week, today, tonight etc.Paul is repairing his car now.Paul isi repara masina acum.

I'm having lunch at this moment.Iau pranzul in acest moment.

He is working hard for a project these days.El lucreaza din greu pentru un proiect zilele acestea.

They are going to the basketball game this week.Ei merg la meciul de baschet saptamana aceasta.

I'm writing a letter today.Scriu o scrisoare astazi.

I'm watching TV tonight.Ma uit la televizor in seara aceasta.


1. Pune verbele din paranteze la timpul Prezentul Continuu:Exemplu:Diana (play) with Tim now.Diana (a se juca) cu Tim acum.

Diana is playing with Tim now.Diana se joaca cu Tim acum.

a) Everybody (wear) blue T-shirts today.Toata lumea (a purta) tricouri albastre astazi.

b) I (listen) to classic music at this moment.Eu (a asculta) muzica clasica in acest moment.

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Perfectul Prezent Simplu ( Present Perfect )

In lectia aceasta vom vedea cum se formeaza si cand se intrebuinteaza Perfectul Prezent al unui verb.


Perfectul Prezent se formeaza cu auxiliarul to have( have, has ) urmat de participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat. ( Nu uitati: la un verb regulat, participiul trecut se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ed; la verbele neregulate, el reprezinta a treia forma de baza.)

1. Forma afirmativa:

I have arrivedYou have arrivedHe has arrivedWe have arrivedYou have arrivedThey have arrived

2. Forma interogativa :

Have I arrived ?Have you arrived ?Has he arrived ?Has she arrived ?Have we arrived ?Have you arrived ?Have they arrived ?

3. Forma negativa :

I have not arrivedYou have not arrivedHe has not arrivedShe has not arrivedWe have not arrivedYou have not arrivedThey have not arrived

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4. Forma interogativ-negativa

Have I not arrived ?Have you not arrived ?Has he not arrived ?Has she not arrived ?Have we not arrived ?Have you not arrived ?Have they not arrived ?


Perfectul Prezent se foloseste cel mai adesea atunci cand dorim sa scoatem in evidenta un efectpe care il are in prezent o actiune desfasurata in trecut.

Ex: I have eaten = Am mancat (deci nu mai imi este foame).Somebody has stolen my pen = Cineva mi-a furat stiloul (asadar nu mai am cu ce scrie)

B. INTREBUINTARE (cand folosim acest aspect al Prezentului in vorbire)

1.Perfectul Prezent descrie o actiune trecuta, ale carei efecte se fac inca simtite in prezent

I have sold my car. Eu mi-am mandut masina(efect=trebuie sa merg la slujba cu autobuzul) He has read that book. El a citit acea carte (efect=ii cunoaste continutul)

2. Perfectul Prezent se foloseste impreuna cu indicatori temporali nedefiniti, cum ar fi: ever, never, before, yet, already, dar niciodata cu indicatori temporali definiti, precum yesterday, last week, a month ago.

She has never seen such a car. Ea niciodata nu a vazut o asemenea masina.I have already solved that problem. Eu deja am rezolvat acea problema.

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3. Perfectul Prezent se foloseste pentru a descrie o actiune care a inceput in trecut si se continua si in momentul vorbirii(aceeasi parte a zilei, aceeasi zi, acelasi an, etc).

We haven't eaten today yet. Azi inca nu am mancat.

4. Folosit impreuna cu just acest timp descrie ceea ce s-a intamplat de curand. In romana acest lucru se exprima cu perfectul compus si adverbul tocmai.

They have just got married. Ei tocmai s-au casatorit.We have just arrived. Noi tocmai ce am sosit.

5. Perfectul Prezent descrie o actiune inceputa in trecut si care se prelungeste in prezent.In acest caz, se traduce cu prezentul:

How long have they been here? De cand sunt ei aici? She has been here for three days. Ea se afla aici de trei zile.

6. Perfectul Prezent simplu se foloseste cu expresiile: This is the first time... si It's (a long time) since...

This is the first time I have been in a cave. E prima data cand ma aflu intr-o pestera.It's a long time since you have visited me. De mult nu ai mai fost in vizita la mine.

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Engleză: Gramatică: Verbe noţionale - prezentul perfect continuu (Present Perfect Continuous)

Cum se formează?

Have/ Has + been + verb + “-ing”


I have been writing for 2 hours now. She has been reading for 20 minutes.


I have been writing

You have been writing

She has been writing

He has been writing

It has been writing

We have been writing

You have been writing

They have been writing


I have not been writing

You have not been writing

She/he/it has not been writing

We have not been writing




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You have not been writing

They have not been writing


Have I been writing?

Have you been writing?

Has she/he/it been writing?

Have we been writing?

Have you been writing?

Have they been writing?

Când îl folosim?

Present Perfect Continuous arată o:

acţiune începută în trecut şi care continuă în prezent I have been living here since 2001. (Locuiesc aici din 2001) – încă mai

locuiesc în acest loc acţiune continuă începută în trecut, încheiată recent I have been talking on the phone until now. (Am vorbit la telefon până

acum) – am început să vorbesc la telefon mai devreme şi de-abia acum am terminat convorbirea.

acţiune continuă desfăşurată în trecut, încheiată, dar care are consecinţe în prezent

I look tired because I have been working all afternoon. (Arăt obosită pentru că am muncit toată după-amiaza) – am terminat munca, însă acum arăt obosită din acest motiv

Oh, the kitchen is a mess! Who has been cooking? (Oh, bucătăria e un dezastru! Cine a gătit?) – activitatea de a pregăti mâncarea (o activitate



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continuă, de lungă durată) s-a încheiat, însă consecinţele ei (faptul că bucătăria este murdară) sunt evidente în prezent.

Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Simple scoate în evidenţă faptul că acţiunea s-a terminat şi/sau consecinţa acesteia în prezent.

Pune accent pe cantitate (cât de mult? cât de des?).

I have written 5 letters. I have been to London twice.Present Perfect Continuous scoate în evidenţă durata acţiunii (cât timp?).

I have been writing for an hour.

Adverbe caracteristice

Present Perfect Continuous este folosit adesea alături de majoritatea adverbelor ce-i sunt caracteristice şi lui Present Perfect Simple, precum since, for, all week, for days, lately, recently, over the last few months.

I have been studying English since 2000.



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- acţiuni care s-au întâmplat în trecut, s-au terminat şi ştim când au avut loc

(de obicei avem un reper).

ex. I studied English 3 years ago.

I saw you yesterday.


În limba engleză, verbele nu se împart pe conjugări. Ele se împart, pur şi simplu, în VERBE REGULATE şi VERBE NEREGULATE. Verbele regulate, după cum le spune numele, se supun anumitor reguli. Verbele neregulate nu se supun acestor reguli şi au 3 forme.


Subject+ vb1-ED

Verbele regulate fac timpul trecut simplu după următoarea regulă: adăugăm terminaţia –ED

la forma de prezent. Această formă verbală se utilizează la toate persoanele.

play-played, stay-stayed

Verbele care se termină în consoană şi Y, când primesc -ED îşi transformă Y-ul în I.

study-studied, try-tried


[d]: played, stayed, tried, cried, prayed, believed

[t]: asked, stopped,talked

[id] : needed, admitted


Subject+ vb2(forma a doua a verbelor neregulate)

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ex. I went to school yesterday. ( go, went, gone)

She ate a pizza last week. (eat, ate, eaten)

They wrote their names on the board. ( write, wrote, written)

Din nou, această formă a verbului se utilizează la toate persoanele.

Verbul TO BE are 2 forme pentru timpul trecut: WAS şi WERE ( I/he/she/it was, we/you/they were).



Nici la Simple Past verbele nu reuşesc să facă forma negativă şi cea interogativă singure.

Prin urmare vor apela la un verb auxiliar, acelaşi ca şi la Simple Present: to do.

Însă ajutorul verbului TO DO presupune operarea unor modificări:

- DO preia forma de trecut a verbului (asta înseamnă că verbul din propoziţie revine

la forma de prezent);

- DO preia negaţia după el;

- Do preia locul verbului în propoziţie.

ex. Afirmativ: I went(2) to school yesterday.

Negativ: I did(2) not go(1) to school yesterday.

Afirmativ: I played football yesterday.

Negativ: I did not play(1) football yesterday.

Verbul TO BE nu acceptă ajutorul unui verb auxiliar, prin urmare se va descurca la forma negativă cu propriile sale forme: Subject+was/were+not

ex. I was not here yesterday.


DID+subject+vb1 ?

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La forma interogativă lucrăm din nou cu verbul auxiliar TO DO, dar mai apare şi

inversiunea subiectului.

ex. Did you go to school yesterday?

Did you play football yesterday?

Din nou, verbul TO BE se descurcă singur, cu formele sale de trecut:

WAS/WERE+subject ?

ex. Were you here yesterday?


-diferenţa dintre Simple Past şi Simple Present Perfect este că atunci când folosim

Simple Past avem date exacte despre când a avut loc acţiunea şi ştim că acesta s-a

terminat, în timp ce la Present Perfect nu ştim exact când a avut loc acţiunea, doar

că a avut loc!

ex. I bought a computer last month.(Simple Past)

I have bought a computer, so now I have access to the internet.

(Simple Present Perfect)

- în propoziţiile temporare (introduse prin WHEN, AFTER,AS SOON AS etc.) prin care

stabilim sau întrebăm momentul exact al acţiunii se foloseşte Simple Past şi nu Present Perfect!

ex.When did you arrive to London?

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The Continuous Past Timpul trecut continuu are un echivalent în limba română: imperfectul indicativului

(Eu citeam o carte ieri seară.)


-a exprima acţiuni care erau în desfăşurare într-un moment sau într-o perioadă din tecut;

ex. I was reading a book yesterday evening.



Orice timp continuu trebuie să aibă cele 2 elemente:verbul auxiliar TO BE şi terminaţia

ING. În cazul timpului trecut continuu, vom utiliza formele de trecut ale verbului TO BE: was şi were.



La forma negativă urmăm comportamentul verbului auxiliar, ceea ce înseamnă că

mai trebuie să punem un NOT după WAS sau WERE.

ex. I was not reading a book yesterday evening.



Forma interogativă ne impune inversiunea subiectului cu predicatul.

ex. Were you reading a book yesterday evening?


- în situaţia în care avem două sau mai multe acţiuni care se desfăşoară în paralel în

trecut, vom folosi pentru toate Continuous Past: Mother was washing the dishes last

evening, while father was talking on the phone.

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- când avem, în trecut, o acţiune de durată mai lungă care a fost întreruptă de o

altă acţiune, de durată mai scurtă, vom folosi Continuous Past pentru acţiunea de

durată mai lungă şi Simple Past pentru acţiunea care o întrerupe:

We were watching TV last night when the storm started. (watching TV lasted for far

longer time than the starting of the storm)

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The Simple Present Tense - the general Present – Prezentul Simplu

1. SE FOLOSEŞTE PENTRU :  - a exprima acţiuni repetate ex. I go to school every day.  - a exprima adevăruri generale sau situaţii permanente: The Earth goes around the sun.                                                                                                                                                    I love ice-cream, I hate snakes.   - a exprima acţiuni ce vor avea loc în viitor după un program oficial : The train to London leaves tomorrow at 5.    - narare sau în comentarii sportive: He leaves the room and slams the door. Mutu passes the ball to Chivu and Chivu scores!!!!!!2. FORMA AFIRMATIVĂ :   Subject +vb1 (infinitivul scurt al verbului)  ( Regula prezentului simplu: dacă subiectul este EL sau EA, la verb trebuie să adăugam terminaţia S ) ex. I walk   to school every day.   John walks   to school every day. Mary walks to school every day.  Unele verbe cer terminaţia es , nu doar s. Aceste verbe se termină în :-o( goes, does),-ss (passes, misses, crosses),-sh ( washes, finishes),- (t)ch ( touches, watches),-x ( fixes),-zz ( buzzes) sau-în consoană urmată de Y ( fly-flies, try-tries). Verbele to be şi to have au deja o formă fixă care se termină cu s, deci nu mai trebuie să punem noi nimic. Ex. : Mary has a new dress. He is my best friend.3. FORMA NEGATIVĂ :      Subject + do/does +not+vb1Verbele din limba engleză nu se descurcă singure la forma negativă şi de aceea apelează la ajutorul unui verb auxiliar- TO DO. Însă acest verb, în schimbul ajutorului, are 3 condiţii: 1. Trece in faţa verbului în propoziţie ( subiect+do+...) 2. Preia negaţia NOT după el ( subiect+do+not+verb) ex. I eat. I do not eat. 

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3. Preia de la verbe terminaţia “s” , dacă subiectul este el sau ea ( subiect+does +not+verb) ex. I eat. Mary does not eat. Atenţie!!! Verbul TO BE nu acceptă ajutorul lui DO şi se descurcă singur, cu propriile sale forme, la negativ( Subject + am, are, is + not ). Ex. I am not your friend.4. FORMA INTEROGATIVĂ :       DO/DOES + subject+vb1  ?Şi la forma interogativă ( la intrebări), verbele apelează la ajutorul lui DO, care trece in faţa subiectului (are loc inversiunea subiectului cu verbul to do ): DO+subiect+vb1…? Ex: Do you speak English? DOES+subiect (el/ea)+vb1…? Ex: Does Mary speak English? Verbul TO BE se descurcă, din nou, singur, utiliyând formele sale proprii : AM/ARE/IS + subject ?ex. Are you my friend?

Continuous Past Perfect 1. SE FOLOSEŞTE PENTRU:

- a exprima acţiuni care au început în trecut şi s-au desfăşurat până la un alt moment

sau până la o altă acţiune, tot din trecut;

ex. John had been living in Spain until last year.(John a locuit în Spania până anul trecut.)



Spuneam că orice timp perfect trebuie să aibă 2 elemente: verbul auxiliar TO HAVE şi

forma a treia a verbului de conjugat. În cazul timpurilor trecut perfecte, verbul

TO HAVE va trebui să-l folosim la trecut (HAD).

ex. Mother had been washing the dishes until I arrived at home.


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La negativ, singura noutate este negaţia NOT.

ex. Mother had not been washing the dishes until I arrived at home.



La interogativ are loc inversiunea subiectului cu HAD.

ex. Had mother been washing the dishes until I arrived at home?

The Simple Past Perfect1. SE FOLOSEŞTE PENTRU:

- a exprima acţiuni care au început în trecut şi s-au terminat înaintea unui alt moment

sau înaintea unei alte acţiuni, tot din trecut;

ex. John had bought a car before he bought a house, last year.



Spuneam că orice timp perfect trebuie să aibă 2 elemente: verbul auxiliar TO HAVE

şi forma a treia a verbului de conjugat. În cazul timpurilor trecut perfecte, verbul

TO HAVE va trebui să-l folosim la trecut (HAD).

ex. Mother had washed the dishes before I arrived at home.

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La negativ, singura noutate este negaţia NOT.

ex. Mother had not washed the dishes before I arrived at home.



La interogativ are loc inversiunea subiectului cu HAD.

ex. Had mother washed the dishes before I arrived at home?

Conjugare a lucra la trecut continuu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Past Continous Affirmative

I was working I`s working. eu lucram.

you were working you`re working.

tu lucrai.

he/she/it was working he/she/it`s working.

el/ea lucra.

we were working we`re working. noi lucram.

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you were working you`re working.

voi lucraţi.

they were working they`re working.

ei/ele lucrau.

Conjugare a lucra la trecut continuu negativVerb conjugation to work in Past Continous Negative

I was not working I wasn`t working.

eu nu lucram.

you were not working you weren`t working.

tu nu lucrai.

he/she/it was not working he/she/it wasn`t working.

el/ea nu lucra.

we were not working we weren`t working.

noi nu lucram.

you were not working you weren`t working.

voi nu lucraţi.

they were not working they weren`t working.

ei/ele nu lucrau.

Conjugare a lucra la trecut continuu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Past Continous Interrogative

was I working? lucram eu?

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were you working? lucrai tu?

was he/she/it working? lucra el/ea?

were we working? lucram noi?

were you working? lucraţi voi?

were they working? lucrau ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la trecut continuu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Past Continous Interrogative Negative

was I not working wasn`t I working? nu lucram eu?

were you not working weren`t you working?

nu lucrai tu?

was he/she/it not working wasn`t he/she/it working?

nu lucra el/ea?

were we not working weren`t we working?

nu lucram noi?

were you not working weren`t you working?

nu lucraţi voi?

were they not working weren`t they nu lucrau ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la trecut simplu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Simple Past Affirmative

I worked. eu lucram.

you worked. tu lucrai.

he/she/it worked. el/ea lucra.

we worked. noi lucram.

you worked. voi lucraţi.

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they worked. ei/ele lucrau.

Conjugare a lucra la trecut simplu negativVerb conjugation to work in Simple Past Negative

I did not work I didn`t work.

eu nu lucram.

you did not work you didn`t work.

tu nu lucrai.

he/she/it did not work he/she/it didn`t work.

el/ea nu lucra.

we did not work we didn`t work.

noi nu lucram.

you did not work you didn`t work.

voi nu lucraţi.

they did not work they didn`t work.

ei/ele nu lucrau.

Conjugare a lucra la trecut simplu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Simple Past Interrogative

did I work? lucram eu?

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did you work? lucrai tu?

did he/she/it work? lucra el/ea?

did we work? lucram noi?

did you work? lucraţi voi?

did they work? lucrau ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la trecut simplu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Simple Past Interrogative Negative

did I not work didn`t I work? nu lucram eu?

did you not work didn`t you work?

nu lucrai tu?

did he/she/it not work didn`t he/she/it work?

nu lucra el/ea?

did we not work didn`t we work?

nu lucram noi?

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did you not work didn`t you work?

nu lucraţi voi?

did they not work didn`t they work?

nu lucrau ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la trecut perfect continuu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Continous Affirmative

I had been working I`d been working. eu lucrasem.

you had been working you`d been working. tu lucrasei.

he/she/it had been working he/she/it`d been working.

el/ea lucrase.

we had been working we`d been working. noi lucrasem.

you had been working you`d been working. voi lucraserăţi.

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they had been working they`d been working. ei/ele lucraseră.

Conjugare a lucra la trecut perfect continuu negativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Continous Negative

I had not been working I hadn`t been working. eu nu lucrasem.

you had not been working you hadn`t been working.

tu nu lucrasei.

he/she/it had not been working he/she/it hadn`t been working.

el/ea nu lucrase.

we had not been working we hadn`t been working.

noi nu lucrasem.

you had not been working you hadn`t been working.

voi nu lucraserăţi.

they had not been working they hadn`t been working.

ei/ele nu lucraseră.

Conjugare a lucra la trecut perfect continuu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Continous Interrogative

had I been working? lucrasem eu?

had you been working? lucrasei tu?

had he/she/it been working? lucrase el/ea?

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had we been working? lucrasem noi?

had you been working? lucraserăţi voi?

had they been working? lucraseră ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la trecut perfect continuu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Continous Interrogative Negative

had I not been working hadn`t I been working? nu lucrasem eu?

had you not been working hadn`t you been working?

nu lucrasei tu?

had he/she/it not been working hadn`t he/she/it been working?

nu lucrase el/ea?

had we not been working hadn`t we been working?

nu lucrasem noi?

had you not been working hadn`t you been working?

nu lucraserăţi voi?

had they not been working hadn`t they been working?

nu lucraseră ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent continuu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Present Continous Affirmative

I am working I`m working. eu lucrez.

you are working you`re working. tu lucrezi.

he/she/it is working he/she/it`s working. el/ea lucrează.

we are working we`re working. noi lucrăm.

you are working you`re working. voi lucraţi.

they are working they`re working. ei/ele lucrează.

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent continuu negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Continous Negative

I am not working I aren`t working. eu nu lucrez.

you are not working you aren`t working. tu nu lucrezi.

he/she/it is not working he/she/it isn`t working. el/ea nu lucrează.

we are not working we aren`t working. noi nu lucrăm.

you are not working you aren`t working. voi nu lucraţi.

they are not working they aren`t working. ei/ele nu lucrează.

Conjugare a lucra la prezent continuu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Present Continous Interrogative

am I working? lucrez eu?

are you working? lucrezi tu?

is he/she/it working? lucrează el/ea?

are we working? lucrăm noi?

are you working? lucraţi voi?

are they working? lucrează ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent continuu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Continous Interrogative Negative

am I not working aren`t I working? nu lucrez eu?

are you not working aren`t you working? nu lucrezi tu?

is he/she/it not working isn`t he/she/it working?

nu lucrează el/ea?

are we not working aren`t we working? nu lucrăm noi?

are you not working aren`t you working? nu lucraţi voi?

are they not working aren`t they working? nu lucrează ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent simplu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Present Simple Affirmative

I work. eu lucrez.

you work. tu lucrezi.

he/she/it works. el/ea lucrează.

we work. noi lucrăm.

you work. voi lucraţi.

they work. ei/ele lucrează.

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent simplu negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Simple Negative

I do not work I don`t work. eu nu lucrez.

you do not work you don`t work. tu nu lucrezi.

he/she/it does not work he/she/it doesn`t work.

el/ea nu lucrează.

we do not work we don`t work. noi nu lucrăm.

you do not work you don`t work. voi nu lucraţi.

they do not work they don`t work. ei/ele nu lucrează.

Conjugare a lucra la prezent simplu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Present Simple Interrogative

do I work? lucrez eu?

do you work? lucrezi tu?

does he/she/it work? lucrează el/ea?

do we work? lucrăm noi?

do you work? lucraţi voi?

do they work? lucrează ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent simplu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Simple Interrogative Negative

do I not work don`t I work? nu lucrez eu?

do you not work don`t you work? nu lucrezi tu?

does he/she/it not work doesn`t he/she/it work?

nu lucrează el/ea?

do we not work don`t we work? nu lucrăm noi?

do you not work don`t you work? nu lucraţi voi?

do they not work don`t they work? nu lucrează ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la perfect simplu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Affirmative

I have worked I`ve worked. eu am lucrat.

you have worked you`ve worked. tu ai lucrat.

he/she/it has worked he/she/it`s worked. el/ea a lucrat.

we have worked we`ve worked. noi am lucrat.

you have worked you`ve worked. voi aţi lucrat.

they have worked they`ve worked. ei/ele au lucrat.

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Conjugare a lucra la perfect simplu negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Negative

I have not worked I haven`t worked. eu nu am lucrat.

you have not worked you haven`t worked. tu nu ai lucrat.

he/she/it has not worked he/she/it hasn`t worked.

el/ea nu a lucrat.

we have not worked we haven`t worked. noi nu am lucrat.

you have not worked you haven`t worked. voi nu aţi lucrat.

they have not worked they haven`t worked. ei/ele au lucrat.

Conjugare a lucra la perfect simplu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Interrogative

have I worked? am lucrat eu?

have you worked? ai lucrat tu?

has he/she/it worked? a lucrat el/ea?

have we worked? am lucrat noi?

have you worked? aţi lucrat voi?

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have they worked? au lucrat ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la perfect simplu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Interrogative Negative

have I not worked haven`t I worked? nu am lucrat eu?

have you not worked haven`t you worked? nu ai lucrat tu?

has he/she/it not worked hasn`t he/she/it worked?

nu a lucrat el/ea?

have we not worked haven`t we worked? nu am lucrat noi?

have you not worked haven`t you worked? nu aţi lucrat voi?

have they not worked haven`t they worked? nu au lucrat ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la mai mult ca perfect afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Affirmative

I had worked I`d worked. eu lucrasem.

you had worked you`d worked. tu lucrasei.

he/she/it had worked he/she/it`d worked. el/ea lucrase.

we had worked we`d worked. noi lucrasem.

you had worked you`d worked. voi lucraserăţi.

they had worked they`d worked. ei/ele lucraseră.

Conjugare a lucra la mai mult ca perfect negativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Negative

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I had not worked I hadn`t worked. eu nu lucrasem.

you had not worked you hadn`t worked. tu nu lucrasei.

he/she/it had not worked he/she/it hadn`t worked.

el/ea nu lucrase.

we had not worked we hadn`t worked. noi nu lucrasem.

you had not worked you hadn`t worked. voi nu lucraserăţi.

they had not worked they hadn`t worked. ei/ele nu lucraseră.

Conjugare a lucra la mai mult ca perfect interogativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Interrogative

had I worked? lucrasem eu?

had you worked? lucrasei tu?

had he/she/it worked? nu lucrase el/ea?

had we worked? lucrasem noi?

had you worked? lucraserăţi voi?

had they worked? lucraseră ei/ele ?

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Conjugare a lucra la mai mult ca perfect interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Past Perfect Interrogative Negative

had I not worked hadn`t I worked? nu lucrasem eu?

had you not worked hadn`t you worked? nu lucrasei tu?

had he/she/it not worked hadn`t he/she/it worked?

nu lucrase el/ea?

had we not worked hadn`t we worked? nu lucrasem noi?

had you not worked hadn`t you worked? nu lucraserăţi voi?

had they not worked hadn`t they worked? nu lucraseră ei/ele ?

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent perfect continuu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Continous Affirmative

I have been working I`ve been working. eu (îmi) lucrez.

you have been working you`ve been working. tu (îţi) lucrezi.

he/she/it has been working he/she/it`s been working.

el/ea (îşi) lucrează.

we have been working we`ve been working. noi (ne) lucrăm.

you have been working you`ve been working. voi (vă) lucraţi.

they have been working they`ve been working. ei/ele (îşi) lucrează.

Conjugare a lucra la prezent perfect continuu negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Continous Negative

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I have not been working I haven`t been working. eu nu (îmi) lucrez.

you have not been working you haven`t been working. tu nu (îţi) lucrezi.

he/she/it has not been working he/she/it hasn`t been working.

el/ea nu (îşi) lucrează.

we have not been working we haven`t been working. noi nu (ne) lucrăm.

you have not been working you haven`t been working. voi nu (vă) lucraţi.

they have not been working they haven`t been working. ei/ele nu (îşi) lucrează.

Conjugare a lucra la prezent perfect continuu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Continous Interrogative

have I been working? (îmi) lucrez eu?

have you been working? (îţi) lucrezi tu?

has he/she/it been working? (îşi) lucrează el/ea?

have we been working? (ne) lucrăm noi?

have you been working? (vă) lucraţi voi?

have they been working? (îşi) lucrează ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la prezent perfect continuu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Present Perfect Continous Interrogative Negative

have I not been working haven`t I been working? nu (îmi) lucrez eu?

have you not been working haven`t you been working? nu (îţi) lucrezi tu?

has he/she/it not been working hasn`t he/she/it been working?

nu (îşi) lucrează el/ea?

have we not been working haven`t we been working? nu (ne) lucrăm noi?

have you not been working haven`t you been working? nu (vă) lucraţi voi?

have they not been working haven`t they been working? nu (îşi) lucrează ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la viitor simplu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Future Simple Affirmative

I shall work I`ll work. eu voi lucra.

you will work you`ll work. tu vei lucra.

he/she/it will work he/she/it`ll work. el/ea va lucra.

we shall work we`ll work. noi vom lucra.

you will work you`ll work. voi veţi lucra.

they will work they`ll work. ei/ele vor lucra.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor simplu negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Simple Negative

I shall not work I shan`t work. eu nu voi lucra.

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you will not work you won`t work. tu nu vei lucra.

he/she/it will not work he/she/it won`t work. el/ea nu va lucra.

we shall not work we shan`t work. noi nu vom lucra.

you will not work you won`t work. voi nu veţi lucra.

they will not work they won`t work. ei/ele nu vor lucra.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor simplu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Future Simple Interrogative

shall I work? voi lucra eu?

will you work? vei lucra tu?

will he/she/it work? va lucra el/ea?

shall we work? vom lucra noi?

will you work? veţi lucra voi?

will they work? vor lucra ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la viitor simplu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Simple Interrogative Negative

shall I not work shan`t I work? nu voi lucra eu?

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will you not work won`t you work? nu vei lucra tu?

will he/she/it not work won`t he/she/it work?

nu va lucra el/ea?

shall we not work shan`t we work? nu vom lucra noi?

will you not work won`t you work? nu veţi lucra voi?

will they not work won`t they work? nu vor lucra ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la viitor continuu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Future Continous Affirmative

I shall be working I`ll be working. eu voi lucra.

you will be working you`ll be working. tu vei lucra.

he/she/it will be working he/she/it`ll be working. el/ea va lucra.

we shall be working we`ll be working. noi vom lucra.

you will be working you`ll be working. voi veţi lucra.

they will be working they`ll be working. ei/ele vor lucra.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor continuu negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Continous Negative

I shall not be working I shan`t be working. eu nu voi lucra.

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you will not be working you won`t be working. tu nu vei lucra.

he/she/it will not be working he/she/it won`t be working.

el/ea nu va lucra.

we shall not be working we shan`t be working. noi nu vom lucra.

you will not be working you won`t be working. voi nu veţi lucra.

they will not be working they won`t be working. ei/ele nu vor lucra.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor continuu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Future Continous Interrogative

shall I be working? voi lucra eu?

will you be working? vei lucra tu?

will he/she/it be working? va lucra el/ea?

shall we be working? vom lucra noi?

will you be working? veţi lucra voi?

will they be working? vor lucra ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la viitor continuu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Continous Interrogative Negative

shall I not be working shan`t I be working? nu voi lucra eu?

will you not be working won`t you be working? nu vei lucra tu?

will he/she/it not be working won`t he/she/it be working?

nu va lucra el/ea?

shall we not be working shan`t we be working? nu vom lucra noi?

will you not be working won`t you be working? nu veţi lucra voi?

will they not be working won`t they be working? nu vor lucra ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la viitor anterior afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Affirmative

I will have worked I`ll have worked. eu voi fi lucrat.

you will have worked you`ll have worked. tu vei fi lucrat.

he/she/it will has worked he/she/it`ll has worked.

el/ea va fi lucrat.

we will have worked we`ll have worked. noi vom fi lucrat.

you will have worked you`ll have worked. voi veţi fi lucrat.

they will have worked they`ll have worked. ei/ele vor fi lucrat.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor anterior negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Negative

I will not have worked I won`t have worked.

eu nu voi fi lucrat.

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you will not have worked you won`t have worked.

tu nu vei fi lucrat.

he/she/it will not has worked he/she/it won`t has worked.

el/ea nu va fi lucrat.

we will not have worked we won`t have worked.

noi nu vom fi lucrat.

you will not have worked you won`t have worked.

voi nu veţi fi lucrat.

they will not have worked they won`t have worked.

ei/ele nu vor fi lucrat.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor anterior interogativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Interrogative

will I have worked? voi fi lucrat eu?

will you have worked? vei fi lucrat tu?

will he/she/it has worked? va fi lucrat el/ea?

will we have worked? vom fi lucrat noi?

will you have worked? veţi fi lucrat voi?

will they have worked? vor fi lucrat ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la viitor anterior interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Interrogative Negative

will I not have worked won`t I have worked? nu voi fi lucrat eu?

will you not have worked won`t you have worked?

nu vei fi lucrat tu?

will he/she/it not has worked won`t he/she/it has worked?

nu va fi lucrat el/ea?

will we not have worked won`t we have worked?

nu vom fi lucrat noi?

will you not have worked won`t you have worked?

nu veţi fi lucrat voi?

will they not have worked won`t they have worked?

nu vor fi lucrat ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucra la viitor perfect continuu afirmativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Continous Affirmative

I will have been working .I`ll have been working.

eu voi fi lucrat.

you will have been working .you`ll have been working.

tu vei fi lucrat.

he/she/it will have been working .he/she/it`ll have been working.

el/ea va fi lucrat.

we will have been working we`ll have been working.

noi vom fi lucrat.

you will have been working you`ll have been working.

voi veţi fi lucrat.

they will have been working they`ll have been working.

ei/ele vor fi lucrat.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor perfect continuu negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Continous Negative

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I will not have been working I won`t have been working.

eu nu voi fi lucrat.

you will not have been working you won`t have been working.

tu nu vei fi lucrat.

he/she/it will not have been working he/she/it won`t have been working.

el/ea nu va fi lucrat.

we will not have been working we won`t have been working.

noi nu vom fi lucrat.

you will not have been working you won`t have been working.

voi nu veţi fi lucrat.

they will not have been working they won`t have been working.

ei/ele nu vor fi lucrat.

Conjugare a lucra la viitor perfect continuu interogativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Continous Interrogative

will I have been working? voi fi lucrat eu?

will you have been working? vei fi lucrat tu?

will he/she/it have been working? va fi lucrat el/ea?

will we have been working? vom fi lucrat noi?

will you have been working? veţi fi lucrat voi?

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will they have been working? vor fi lucrat ei/ele?

Conjugare a lucra la viitor perfect continuu interogativ negativVerb conjugation to work in Future Perfect Continous Interrogative Negative

will I not have been working won`t I have been working?

nu voi fi lucrat eu?

will you not have been working won`t you have been working?

nu vei fi lucrat tu?

will he/she/it not have been working won`t he/she/it have been working?

nu va fi lucrat el/ea?

will we not have been working won`t we have been working?

nu vom fi lucrat noi?

will you not have been working won`t you have been working?

nu veţi fi lucrat voi?

will they not have been working won`t they have been working?

nu vor fi lucrat ei/ele?

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Conjugare a lucre:

Conjugare a lucra la prezent simplu

Conjugare a lucra la trecut simplu

Conjugare a lucra la viitor simplu

Conjugare a lucra la prezent continuu

Conjugare a lucra la trecut continuu

Conjugare a lucra la viitor continuu

Conjugare a lucra la perfect simplu

Conjugare a lucra la mai mult ca perfect

Conjugare a lucra la viitor anterior

Conjugare a lucra la prezent perfect continuu

Conjugare a lucra la trecut perfect continuu