  • Tour Code: 8KWS19

  • 团队集合于 KLIA 机场,乘搭豪华客机飞往韓國首都-首爾。

    * 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准

    换穿传统韩服游览【景福宫】+ 自行拍照留念–景福宫是朝鲜王朝(1392~1910 年)时期韓國首爾(汉城)的五大宫之一,也是朝鲜王朝的正宫,它是朝鲜王朝的始祖 - 太祖李成桂(1392~1398 年在位)于 1395 年将原来高丽的首都迁移时,建造的新王朝的宫殿,具有 500 年历史。


    第二天 首爾 (金浦機場) 濟州島 (--/ 午/ 晚)

    第三天 濟州島 (早/ 午/ 晚)

    神奇之路–可以看到汽车熄了引掣,也能从斜坡直上滑下的神奇景色。 城山日出峰–为汉拿山 360 个子火山之一,也是世界最大的突出于海岸的火山口。是一座古堡城墙, 登峰眺望非常壮观,景色

    美不收,令人叹为观止。 涉地可支–“涉地”是這一地區古代時的名稱,“可支”是濟州島方言,意思是向外突出的地形。涉地可支所在的海岸懸崖

    上是一片寬闊的草地,這裡一棵樹也看不到,海岸上聳立著一塊叫仙石的岩石。。 城邑民俗村–在这可以看到宅屋的屋顶是以茅草覆盖,院墙是以石头砌成,还有民宅 的门户是以架木取代。 3D 幻覺藝術館 +冰雕馆–美术馆内陈设的作品是哄骗错视技,带给旅客的不只是超酷的视觉体验,旅客还可在画前摆出有趣

    的 pose,拍出的照片会有种入进画中的感受,为此次有趣的旅行留下永恒的记念。冰雕馆是 Trick eye 美术馆开放的铺馆,内里彻底是个冰雪世界,拥有各类主题的冰雕,很适宜情侣一块儿前往体验。

    泰迪熊動物王國–TESEUM 是世界最初将大量野生動物、海洋生物、以及自然界中的动物以实际大小缝制成毛绒娃娃并与泰


    第四天 濟州島 首爾 (金浦機場) 1HR 南怡島 1.5HRS 雪嶽山 (早/ 午/ 晚)

    南怡島–是韩剧 [冬季戀歌] 拍攝地,也可以欣赏全岛浪漫唯美怡人的风景。 浪漫歐式翡翠花園–是江原道美景如画的欧式庭园,因為处处草木如茵,四季风景不同,是《那年冬天风在吹》,

    《浪漫满屋 2》,《愛情雨》,《寵物情人》 等多部韩剧拍攝地。

    第五天 雪嶽山 1.5HRS 江原道 (滑雪度假村) (早/ 午/ 晚)

    Tour Code: 8KWS19

    雪嶽山國家公園–游览新興寺及亚洲最大青铜座佛像。 外甕峙港邊步道–全長 2 公里,是时下最夯的韩剧 [男朋友] 拍攝地。男女主角一同散步的地方,不僅能欣賞秀麗的大海風光 ,沿路往下走還能抵達人煙稀少的海灘,可說是隱藏版的秘密景點呢! 半日安排滑雪 (雪具 USD 35/人 及 雪衣 USD 15/人 自費)

    *** Welli Hilli Park/ Oak Valley/ 同级 滑雪度假村 (四人一室度假屋,内有 1Tatami 房 + 1 双人房和 2 间浴室) ***

    第六天 江原道 (滑雪度假村) 1.5HRS 愛寶樂園 1HR 首爾 (早/ ---/ 晚)

    果園之旅 (採草莓及園里品嚐) 。 愛寶樂園 (包含全日票)–在樂園里可以欣赏到一个四季的小花園,也是一个结合了休闲和娱乐的主題公園,随着不同季节而

    展开不同主題的庆典及特别活动,也称它为梦幻世界,而且还有个 Safari 小动物園,可以看见很高大的黑熊和狮虎兽,绝对是适合亲子同乐的好地方。

    東大門設計廣場–位于韓國首爾東大門,总面积为 86574 平方米,最高高度为 29 米,地下 3 层、地上 4 层,包括艺术厅、 文化中心、设计实验室、创意市场和東大門历史文化公園五大场馆设施,是首爾的地标建筑之一。東大門設計廣場由英国著 名建筑师薩哈·哈帝设计,斥资 4,840 亿韓元历经 5 年建成,是世界最大规模非标准建筑。

    第七天 首爾 (早/ 午/ ---)

    護肝寶專賣店–專賣高品质护肝保健品店。 益善洞韓屋村–益善洞的韓屋經過翻修改造,巷弄裡的韓屋咖啡或甜點店,每家都極具特色,是首爾 IG 打卡拍照的

    熱門景點,就連韓劇 [鬼怪 ]、[黑騎士] 也曾來此取景拍攝,酷愛文青風的朋友來首爾千萬別錯過益善洞韓屋村咖啡館。


    第八天 首爾 (仁川機場) 吉隆坡 (早)

    靑瓦臺舍廊房–了解韓國历届总统及韓國传统文化的空间。既是可以共享过去、现在与未来的历史纪念馆,也是文化宣传馆。 世界知名高麗人蔘專賣店–被公认为使元气旺盛的极上补品,其保健与疗效能居世之冠。 化粧品總匯–您可购选任何护肤保养化妆品,适用于各种肤质。 海苔博物馆 & “韓國壽司 DIY (紫菜饭) ”–海苔博物馆不仅有海苔文化讲解,还有海苔试吃以及海苔售卖。在老师的指导下亲

    手自制做韓國壽司。 塗鴉秀:PAINTERS HERO –是一場将立体影像在觀眾面前展开梦幻的现场绘画技术和最先进的媒体艺术相结合的新概念表演

    艺术。通过轻松活泼的喜剧,默剧和精彩舞蹈相结合,并将这种方式成为一种舞台语言。HERO 主题就是所谓的 “英雄”,麦克尔杰克逊,李小龙等英雄人物,通过 10 多种美术技术,使他们重新诞生在舞台上,给观众带来不间断地精彩表演和无限的欢乐与动感。

    明洞步行街 & 樂天免稅店–一個讓人聯想起一座巨大購物城市的地方,有各種各樣的品牌專賣店密集在一 起,這裏被稱爲服飾流行的中心。

    第一天 吉隆坡 首爾 (仁川機場) (--/ ---/ ---)

  • * The itinerary is subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator

    Assemble at the KLIA for check-in flight to Korea – Seoul. 。

    Day 01 Kuala Lumpur Seoul (Incheon Airport) (--/ --/ ---)

    Nami Island – visit the famous Korean Drama "Winter Sonata" shooting place by ferry. Jade Garden – is a park created under the theme of "Small Europe in the Forest" which locate at Gangwon province. Different

    scenery during four seasons and happen to be the shooting place of Korea Drama "That Winter The Wind Blows", "Full House 2", "Love Rain" , "Pet Lovers" and many other ...

    Tour Code: 8KWS19

    Day 03 Jeju Island (B/ L/ D)

    New trendy activity in Korea : Gyeongbokgung Palace with wearing Hanbok + photo shooting by own – It is the most comprehensive and grandest palace built in 1394 as the main palace of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) by its founder King Taejo.

    Dongmun Market – It is the oldest traditional market in Jeju Island, full of snacks and local crafts.

    Mysterious Road – experience the phenomenon of going uphill with the vehicle’s engine off. Seongsan Ilchulbong Sunrise Peak – enjoy the scenic views and spectacular natural surroundings of one of 360 parasitic

    volcanoes which is the world’s biggest crater at seacoast. Seopjikoji – "Seopji" is the old name for the area, and "Koji" is Jeju dialect meaning a sudden bump on land. Seongeup Folk Village – to see the Korean traditional folk custom material and you can meet the island people who still live

    behind the stone courtyard walls in thatched roof rock homes. 3D Trickeye Museum +Ice Museum – It is an art gallery with paintings created using 'trompe l'oeil' techniques that give each

    2D art piece the illusion of being in 3D. Visitors can interact with the paintings, posing themselves just right so that they look as if they are part of the original work. Moreover, there is an Ice Museum which features a giant freezer with various decorative ice sculptures and carvings.

    Teseum Safari – TESEUM is the world's first large number of wild and marine life, as well as the nature of the animal to the actual size and sewn into plush doll and teddy bear show combining new teddy bear theme park.

    Day 04 Jeju Island Seoul (Gimpo Airport) 1HR Nami Island 1.5HRS Mt. Soraksan (B/ L/ D)

    2.5HRS Mt. Soraksan (B/ L/ D)

    Day 05 Mt. Soraksan 1.5HRS Gangwon (Ski Resort) (B/ L/ D) Mt. Soraksan National Park – it is one of the most beautiful national parks in Korea, visit Shinheung Fortress and the sitting

    Buddha. Oeongchi Walkway – It is 2 kilometers long and is the shooting place of popular Korean drama "Encounter". The place where

    the male and female protagonists walk together to enjoy the beautiful sea scenery and walking down the road to reach the sparsely populated beaches which can be said to be a secret attractions!

    Half day skiing (own expenses for rental of Ski equipment USD35 per person & Ski suit USD15 per person) ** Welli Hilli Park / Oak Valley / similar (4 paxs into 1 Unit consists of 1 Tatami Room + 1 twin share room & 2 bathroom) **

    Day 06 Gangwon (Ski Resort) 1.5HRS Everland 1HR Seoul (B/ ---/ D)

    Strawberry picking tour (tasting in the garden). Everland Theme Park (inclusive passport ticket) - It is a large theme park is home to over 40 heart pounding rides and

    attractions, boasting a Safari World, snow sled and botanical garden, it is certainly one of the most popular places in Korea for all to have fun.

    Dongdaemun Design Plaza – also called the DDP, located in Dongdaemun Seoul, South Korea, the total area of 86,574 square meters, the highest height of 29 meters, 3 floors underground, 4 floors on the ground which include the Art Hall, Cultural Center, Design Lab, Creative Center and Dongdaemun History and Culture Park, one of the five venues and a major urban development landmark in Seoul.

    Dongdaemun Market - Korea’s largest wholesale and retail shopping districts. Day 07 Seoul (B/ L/ ---)

    Cheongwadae Sarangchae (or The Blue House Terrace) – is a space where you can learn about the history of South Korean

    presidents and Korean traditional culture. It is a historical memorial that can share the past, present and future, as well as a cultural propaganda hall.

    National Ginseng Shop – famous Korean health product such as ginseng, ginseng tea, ginseng candy & etc. Cosmetic Shop – shop for varieties of famous Korean cosmetic & skin product. Seaweed Museum & Gimbap DIY (seaweed rice) – Seaweed Museum is not only a seaweed culture explore station but also

    seaweed sales store. Enjoy and take a short lesson to learn how to make Korean Gimbap. The Painters Hero Performance – The Painters:Hero is an innovative art performance that stages the mind-blowing skills of

    live drawing with incredible visual effects filled with a witty blend of mine, dance and comedy right before your eyes. Rather than finding satisfaction from a completed artwork, THE PAINTERS: HERO embodies and shares the joy and awe-inspiring journey of creating works of art with the audience.

    Myeongdong & Lotte Duty Free Shop – one of the primary shopping districts in Seoul features branded shops and department stores.

    Day 08 Seoul (Incheon Airport) Kuala Lumpur (B)

    Day 02 Seoul (Gimpo Airport) Jeju Island (--/ L/ D)

    Herbal Outlet – Cordyceps Militaris Outlet. Ikseon-dong Hanok Village – Trendy suburb with a village atmosphere, traditional buildings, boutiques & restaurants. It is one

    of the shooting place of Korean drama "Goblin" and "Black Knight". Local Product Shop – buy some souvenirs and local food such as Korean instant noodle, Korean candies & etc.

  • Dining Highlights 风味

    Shopping Stop 购物站

    Jeju Island: Amoueruex Resort (2N) 4 ❀❀❀❀/ similar

    濟州島 同级 Soraksan: Hanwha Resort (1N) 5❀❀❀❀❀/ similar

    雪嶽山 同级 Gangwon: Welli Hilli Park Resort (1N) 5❀❀❀❀❀/ similar

    江原道 同级 Seoul: Euljiro Co-op Residence (2N) 4❀❀❀❀/ similar

    首爾 同级

    Tour Highlights 行程特色

    Jeju Island 濟州島:Dongmun Market 東門市場,Mysterious Road 神奇之路,Seongsan Ilchulbong Sunrise Peak 城山日出峰 ,Seopjikoji 涉地可支 (韩剧 ALL IN 拍摄地),Seongeup Folk Village 城邑民俗村, 3D Trickeye Museum +Ice Museum 3D 幻覺藝術館 +冰雕馆,Teseum Safari 泰迪熊動物王國

    Seoul 首爾: Gyeongbokgung Palace with wearing Hanbok 换穿传统韩服游览【景福宫】,Strawberry picking tour 果園之旅 (採草莓及園里品嚐),Everland Theme Park 愛寶樂園,Dongdaemun Design Plaza 東大門設計廣場,Cheongwadae Sarangchae靑瓦臺舍廊房,Seaweed Museum & Gimbap DIY (seaweed rice) 海苔博物馆 & “韓國壽司DIY (紫菜饭)”,The Painters Hero Performance 塗鴉秀 PAINTERS HERO,Ikseon-dong Hanok Village 益善洞韓屋村,Myeongdong & Lotte Duty Free Shop 明洞步行街 & 樂天免稅店

    Gangwon 江原道: Nami Island 南怡島,Jade Garden 翡翠花園,Mt. Soraksan National Park 雪嶽山國家公園, Oeongchi Walkway 外甕峙港邊步道,

    Ski Resort (optional ski activities) 滑雪度假村 (滑雪自费):Ski equipment USD35 & Ski suit USD15


    八天六夜 魅力韓國冬季之旅 (首爾/南怡島/雪嶽山+濟州島)

    Day 3

    Place of Visit 景點

    Tour Code: 8KWS19

    Hotel 酒店

    Day 1 KUL Seoul (Incheon Airport) (--/--/--)

    Day 2 Seoul (Gimpo Airport) Jeju Island (--/L/D)

    Day 3 Jeju Island (B/L/D)

    Day 4 Jeju Island Seoul (Gimpo Airport)

    Nami Island Mt. Soraksan (B/L/D) Day 5 Mt. Soraksan Gangwon (Ski Resort) (B/L/D) Day 6 Gangwon Everland Seoul (B/--/D) Day 7 Seoul (B/L/--)

    Day 8 Seoul (Incheon Airport) KUL (B)

    第一天 吉隆坡 首爾 (仁川機場) (--/---/---) 第二天 首爾 (金浦機場) 濟州島 (---/午/晚) 第三天 濟州島 (早/午/晚) 第四天 濟州島 首爾 (金浦機場)

    南怡岛 雪嶽山 (早/午/晚) 第五天 雪嶽山 江原道 (滑雪度假村) (早/午/晚) 第六天 江原道 愛寶樂園 首爾 (早/---/晚) 第七天 首爾 (早/午/---) 第八天 首爾 (仁川機場) 吉隆坡 (早)

    精心安排:换穿传统韩服游览【景福宫】。饱览濟州島海岸风光【涉地可支】。3D 幻覺藝術館 + 冰雕馆。


    韓國 2 大自然风景观光区:南怡島。雪嶽山國家公園

    首爾旅游最佳选择表演【PAINTERS HERO 塗鴉秀】

    购物 & 闲逛好去处:濟州島東門市場。明洞步行街

    品尝各式风味:人蔘燉雞湯。海鲜火锅 + 每人 2 粒鮑魚。八色烤肉 。Pooleunsoban 自助餐

    首爾酒店入住市区饭店 (東大門/ 南大門/ 明洞)

    *If unavailable, will replace with local similar grade accommodation *酒店客满时,本公司会提供当地相同等级住宿

    National Ginseng Shop 世界知名高麗人蔘專賣店

    Cosmetic Shop 化粧品總匯

    Herbal Outlet 護肝寶專賣店

    Local Product Shop 韓國土産店

    Ginseng Chicken Soup

    人蔘燉雞湯 Seafood Steamboat + Abalone

    海鲜火锅 + 每人 2 粒鮑魚 Jeju Black Pork BBQ

    黑毛猪肉烧烤 Godeuneuajolim 紅燒靑花魚 Chuncheon Takgalbi 春川烧雞 Mushroom Steamboat 香菇火锅 Squid & Pork Bulgogi 鱿鱼猪肉 Potato Pork Rib 馬鈴薯燉排骨 Palsaik Korean BBQ 八色烤肉 Pooleunsoban Buffet 自助餐

    Tour Fare / 团费: Departure Date / 出发日期:

    Airport Tax / 機場税

    (subject to change)

    Tip for Guide and Driver


    Agency Collection Fee


    Travel Insurance



    * Flight Details (subject to change) / 航班时间:

    DAY 1 KUL/ICN KE 672 2359/0715+1 // DAY 8 ICN/KUL KE 671 1645/2225

    * The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator

    * 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准
