  • 8/7/2019 Trabajo Final Escrito de Manufactura


    Conventional manufacturing laboratory

    Universidad Politcnica De Puerto Rico

    Departamento De Ingeniera Mecnica




    Daniel Lozada Prez #54654

    Carlos Marrero Cruz #61422Julio E. Daz Cruz #67755

    Prof. Jaime Balzac

    ME. 1211 sec .31

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Introduction..................................................................................................................... 2

    Robot Information ........................................................................................................... 3

    Design information ......................................................................................................... 4

    Process evaluation for final design.............................................................................. 4

    The robot final design.................................................................................................. 4

    CAD drawings ............................................................................................................. 5

    Material Specification ..................................................................................................... 6

    Manufacturing process ................................................................................................... 8

    Safety .......................................................................................................................... 8

    Metrology .................................................................................................................... 9

    Joining and assembly process .................................................................................. 10

    Robot manufacturing and machines utilized ............................................................. 11

    Electrical circuit and connections ................................................................................. 13

    Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 14Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 15

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



    The Battlebots competition is a learning program developed to promote and interest

    students in the fields of mathematics, sciences and engineering.

    The following work aims to understand the importance of the processes of conventional

    manufacturing in mechanical engineering, for which we have been asked to build a

    battlebot (fighting robot), in order to use knowledge gained in previous classes as

    design and in the laboratory as the production of parts in the machine tool.

    This robot is used for a type of above-mentioned competition which has various

    regulations including; limits of weight (15 lb.), limitations in the choice of materials and

    the prohibition of fire, acid and toxic products, this restricting us to take several

    considerations in our design which will describe through work.

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Robot Information

    Name Drum Devil

    Type Spinning drum bot

    Weight 13.5 lb.

    Weapon spinning drum

    Materials aluminum

    Defense aluminum plates

    type of wheels: rubber tires, non-inflatable

    Class BotsIQ Mini class

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Design information

    Process evaluation for final design

    Our first design was based in the shape of the head of a black mamba snake; the

    weapons were two steel saws. During the time in the lab the group made some

    research and determined that the saws where not that effective in this kind of use so

    we decided to change the weapon to a drum. Becausethe drum do a lot of damage to

    his opponentsand as well serves as a defense. After changing the weapon we had to

    adapt the body to match its weapon and that how we ended doing a drum battlebot.

    The robot final design

    The final design is a 12 by 12 inch case of aluminum with three walls of 5/16" thick, a

    roof and floor of 1/16" thick of a rigid aluminum plate. a drum made of a hallow 10 inch

    long cylinder of aluminum with two edges at 180 degrees of each other, and two

    supportive caps made to fit at pressure to ensure optimalperformance , in one of the

    caps we design a channel for the pulley to run to avoid excess of parts, instead is all in


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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    CAD drawings

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Material Specification

    Different types of materials have been investigated to see which brought together the

    largest group of ideal conditions for our design. Among them we need a lightweight

    material, resistant to impact, accessible, easy to Machining and Joining. After the

    research we chose aluminum as our ideal material for its properties:

    y Weight- Aluminum is light with a density one third that of steel, 2.700 kg/m3.

    y Strength-Aluminum alloys commonly have tensile strengths of between 70 and

    700 MPa. The range for alloys used in extrusion is 150 300 MPa. Unlike most

    steel grades, aluminum does not become brittle at low temperatures. Instead, its

    strength increases. At high temperatures, aluminums strength decreases. At

    temperatures continuously above 100C, strength is affected to the extent that

    the weakening must be taken into account.

    y Machining-Aluminum is easily worked using most machining methods milling,

    drilling, cutting, punching, bending, etc. Furthermore, the energy input during

    machining is low.

    y Joining-Features facilitating easy jointing are often incorporated into profile

    design. Fusion welding, Friction Stir Welding, bonding and taping are also used

    for joining.

    y Corrosion resistance-Aluminum reacts with the oxygen in the air to form an

    extremely thin layer of oxide. Though it is only some hundredths of a (my)mthick

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    (1 (my)m is one thousandth of a millimeter), this layer is dense and provides

    excellent corrosion protection.

    y Zero toxicity-After oxygen and silicon; aluminum is the most common element

    in the Earth's crust. Aluminum compounds also occur naturally in our food

    Table of comparison

    Materials Aluminum Steel Copper Zinc

    Price(US$ per metric ton) 2.44k 800 9.53k 2.38k

    Density(g/cm3) 2.7 7.9 8.9 7.1

    Yield strength(MPa) 55-414 250-


    70 200-372

    We chose aluminum mainly due to the weight limit of competition because it is a very

    resistant and light metal.

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Manufacturing process


    All hand and machine tools can be dangerous if used improperly or carelessly .working

    safely is one of the first things a student or apprentice should learn because the safe

    way is usually the correct and most efficient way.

    Because of this we made a table that makes things easier when talking about safety.

    Question check

    Do I know how to operate this machine? YesWhat are the potential hazards involved?

    Are all guards in place? Yes Am I doing something that I probably should not do? No

    Have I made all the proper adjustment and tightened all locking boltsand clamps?


    Are my procedures safe? Yes

    Is the work piece secured properly? YesDo I have proper safety equipment? YesDo I know where the shop switch is? Yes

    Do I think about safety everything that I do? Yes

    * If you use the machine make sure to get someone who knows or learn before using.

    *proper safety equipment: safety goggles and never wears loose clothing.

    *always think in safety.

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



    The ability to make accurate measurement on machined parts is vital necessity for

    manufacturing processes. The system and measuring standards must be understood

    and the ability to correctly use precision measuring instruments must be learned.

    The instrument of measures that we use most was the caliper due to their great

    versatility to measure widths, depths and external and internal diameters, In addition to

    this with great accuracy bearing 3 decimals numbers. Another instrument we use was

    the steel rule to make linear measures.

    For example:

    Parts instrument

    Drum Caps Caliper

    Robots Defense Plates Caliper

    Robots Roof and Floor Ruler

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Joining and assembly process

    In this part is considered the processes that are used to join two or more parts into an

    assembled entity. The term joining is generally used for welding, brazing, soldering,

    and adhesive bonding, which form a permanent joint between pasts. The term

    assembly usually refers to mechanical methods of fastening parts together. Some of

    these methods allow for easy disassembly, while others do not. In most cases, the

    fastening method involves the use of discrete hardware components, called fasteners

    that are added to the parts during the assembly operation.

    In this part is not bad to say that it is one of the most important parts of the project and

    occurs after the design and the manufacture of individual parts. After all ready-made

    parts, need to think about which method of Assembly is the most suitable for each

    piece, for example; Mechanical subject can be achieved by means of screws, rivets,

    pins, wedges and unions by adjustment to pressure, made with other mechanical

    fasteners are not permanent mechanics are more expensive and requires capacity-

    building in the preparation of parties together.

    Some parties join permanently with electric welding or gas, soft soldering, or hard, and

    some stickers. Welding is carried out with the use of heat, pressure or both

    In our case the more we use was the mechanical subject.

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Robot manufacturing and machines utilized

    Taking into consideration the safety, metrology and the final design once we started the

    process of manufacturing the first thing we took on the task of preparing the two

    Supportive caps was made to fit at pressure in the tube (drum), one of the caps we

    machined the channel for the pulley to run to Avoid Excess of parts. After that we made

    the body of the robot taking into consideration the design measures and finally the

    assembly of all parts.

    For all this process we need machines including:

    y The Milling- is a machining operation in which a workpart is fed past a rotating

    cylindrical tool with multiple cutting edges. The axis of rotation of the cutting tool

    is perpendicular to the direction of feed. This orientation between the tool axis

    and the feed direction is one of the features that distinguishes milling from

    drilling. In drilling, the cutting tool is fed in a direction parallel to its axis of

    rotation. The cutting tool in milling is called a milling cutter and the cutting edges

    are called teeth. The machine tool that traditionally performs this operation is a

    milling machine.

    y The Lathe- Historically, the lathe is the forerunner of all machine tools. The first

    application of the lathe principle was probably the potters wheel. This machine

    rotated a mass of clay and enabled the clay to be formed into a cylindrical


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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    The modern lathe operates on the same basic principle. The work is held and

    rotated on its axis while the cutting tool is advanced along the lines of a desired

    cut. The lathe is one of the most versatile machine tools used in industry. With

    suitable attachments, the lathe may be used for turning, tapering, form turning,

    and screw cutting, facing, drilling, boring, spinning, grinding, and polishing


    y Drill- is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment,

    usually a drill bit or driver bit, used for drilling holes in various materials or

    fastening various materials together with the use of fasteners

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Electrical circuit and connections

    Components of the circuit:

    Electrical component Brief description

    2 transmissions of 20: 1

    3 motors of 900rpm/v

    transmissions of 4: 1

    1 sabertooth 2 x 25 of two channels for


    1 speedmax (speed control) for the


    1 12v battery

    1 receiver

    1 on/off switch

    Connection: The battery (negative side) to sabertooth and Speedmax, from sabertooth

    to engines of the tires and from Speedmax to engine of the weapon. Battery (positive

    side) to the (on / off) switch from the switch to sabertooth and Speedmax, from

    sabertooth to engines of the tires and from Speedmax to engine of the weapon

    sabertooth At receiver 2 negative in the port 0V, 2 positive in the port 5V, 1 S1 port, 1

    port s2 which are for the control of the tires and plug into the receiver in the jumper

    called allie and elev . Speedmax the receiver from the integrated cable connects to the

    receiver from the jumper named throttle

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    rear plate:

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory



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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Drum cap 1

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Drum cap 2

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory


    Assembly 1

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    Conventional manufacturing laboratory

    Assembly 2