Download ppt - Traficul de Fiinte Umane

  • Ce este traficul de fiine umane?Traficul de persoane este forma a crimei organizate ce priveste recrutarea, transportul sau preluarea unor persoane prin mijloace violente, nselaciune ori abuz de putere, profitnd de starea acestora de a nu-si putea exprima liber consimtamntul, sauacordndu-li-sesume de bani ori alte avantaje materiale, cu scopul de a le exploata pentru obtinereaunor beneficii.

  • Din punct de vedere a drepturilor omului, traficul include:sclaviamunca foratprostituia forat abuzul de ncredereagresiunea fizic i psihic a persoaneiprelevarea de organe

  • Din perspectiv economic, traficul presupune:interese financiarereele regionale i internaionale de crim organizatcrearea condiiilor n care o persoan poate fi transformat n marfcirculaia ilicit a banilor pe baza cruia se realizeaz traficulo stare de srcie accentuat a victimelor care se ntorc n ar de cele mai multe ori mai srace dect au plecat

  • Cum se face acest lucru ? PacalitPromite"O via mai bun"Ajutor la emigrare

    AdemenitLipsa aspectelor negativeLocuri de munca false


    -The capturers use many deceptive and violent methods of capturing their victims.-Many times, they trick the victims by promising them a better life or that they will help them immigrate, only to end up trafficking them.-They also lure the victims into the trade by not explaining the negative aspects of the business. For example, they may tell them how much money they can make stripping, when in reality they will be forced to perform sexual acts. Or, they will advertise jobs for nannies and such to lure young women.-They also force their victims into captivity by kidnapping, beating, and even raping them.-This picture demonstrates an ad commonly used to lure young women into the sex trade.*

  • CondiiiRareori hrnite, splate, nici o atenie medical

    Batute, violate, drogate

    Paapoarte confiscate


    -Most victims are rarely fed, washed, and receive no medical attention.-Many are beaten, raped, and drugged to maintain captive.-The capturers confiscate the victims passports and ids, so if they do escape, they have little chance of getting away.-Many captives do not try to escape due to the fear of being killed, and if they do escape, they do not cooperate with authorities in fear of being tracked down by their former captives and killed.-This picture is of slaves that were forced into working in dangerous mines.*

  • Unde este raspndit?Traficului uman este peste tot, chiar i n R.M.

    Traficul de fiinte umane se dezvolta recent in intreaga lume.

    -This is going on even in the United States.-As we said before, most people are unaware of just how close to home this issue really is. The following video demonstrates how common this is in our own country.*

  • Traficul de fiine umane in ziua de astazi este prezent n 161 de ri, crend un "profit anual de aproape 32 000 000 000$ Distrugerea vieilor a milioane de oameni

  • Principalele forme ale traficului cu fiine umane

    Traficarea tinerelor femei pentru prostituie

    Imigratia ilegala

    Practicarea turismului sexual

    Copiii n atentia traficantilor de fiinte umane

    -Anyone, anywhere could end up a victim of human trafficking.Women and children are the most targeted for sex trafficking and child labor. The poor are also highly targeted, however, being poor does not ensure that you will be trafficked, it does increase the chances though.

    -The woman in the picture was a victim of sex trafficking and had just been rescued. *

  • Statistica

    Anual, n lume circa 600.000 820.000 de persoane sunt traficate!!!;

    Este cea de-a treia activitate infractionala aducatoare de profit din lume dupa traficul de droguri si cel de arme.;

    Aproximativ 50% din numrul persoanelor traficate, sunt minori, care sunt exploatai sexual, munc silit, sau le sunt preluate organele;

    -An estimated 27 million people worldwide are currently being held in some form of slavery. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate of what we KNOW, this does not include how many people we do not know about.-Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry worldwide, the first being drug dealing.-It is estimated that human trafficking is a 12-billion-dollar a year industry.*

  • 70% din victimele de sex feminin sunt traficate n industria sexului comercial, n timp ce 30% dintre victimele de sex feminin sunt victime ale muncii forate.

  • Victimele sunt traficate pentru o mare varietate de scopuri, sexului comercial, munca agricol sau menaj, toate acestea mprtesc pierderea unuia dintre drepturile lumii noastre cele mai preuite


  • Cine este la risc? Nu exist nici o fata consecvent a unei victime a traficului. Victimele traficului de persoane pot fi bogate sau srace, brbai sau femei, adulti sau copii, cetenii strini sau ceteni moldoveni, oricine.

  • Traficul de muncAteliere (n cazul n care standardele de munc abuzive, sunt prezente)Situatii comerciale agricole (cmpuri, uzine de prelucrare, conserve) Situaiile interne (menajere, bone)antierele de construcii (n special n cazul n care accesul publicului este interzis)Restaurant i munca privative de libertate.

  • Traficul de sex Victime ale traficului de sex sunt adesea gsite n strzi sau lucrnd n unitile care ofer acte sexuale comerciale.

  • Ceva trebuie de fcut pentru a salva vieile acestor sclavi ai zilelor de astzi i pentru a preveni viitorul abuz al drepturilor omului.

  • Sfrsit

    -Brnzoi Andriana-

    -The capturers use many deceptive and violent methods of capturing their victims.-Many times, they trick the victims by promising them a better life or that they will help them immigrate, only to end up trafficking them.-They also lure the victims into the trade by not explaining the negative aspects of the business. For example, they may tell them how much money they can make stripping, when in reality they will be forced to perform sexual acts. Or, they will advertise jobs for nannies and such to lure young women.-They also force their victims into captivity by kidnapping, beating, and even raping them.-This picture demonstrates an ad commonly used to lure young women into the sex trade.*-Most victims are rarely fed, washed, and receive no medical attention.-Many are beaten, raped, and drugged to maintain captive.-The capturers confiscate the victims passports and ids, so if they do escape, they have little chance of getting away.-Many captives do not try to escape due to the fear of being killed, and if they do escape, they do not cooperate with authorities in fear of being tracked down by their former captives and killed.-This picture is of slaves that were forced into working in dangerous mines.*-This is going on even in the United States.-As we said before, most people are unaware of just how close to home this issue really is. The following video demonstrates how common this is in our own country.*-Anyone, anywhere could end up a victim of human trafficking.Women and children are the most targeted for sex trafficking and child labor. The poor are also highly targeted, however, being poor does not ensure that you will be trafficked, it does increase the chances though.

    -The woman in the picture was a victim of sex trafficking and had just been rescued. *-An estimated 27 million people worldwide are currently being held in some form of slavery. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate of what we KNOW, this does not include how many people we do not know about.-Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry worldwide, the first being drug dealing.-It is estimated that human trafficking is a 12-billion-dollar a year industry.*
