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Prepared By

L.Ganesh Kumar 

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Key Users


Consultant L.GANESH KU



Version Vers


In witness thereof, the partie

InfoTech/ Mutual Consulting

and has met all the deliverabl








  MAR Preparation Date 01.10

Review Date

Document Tracking

ion Date ByDe

NEW Firs


  , in signing this acceptance, have agreed

have successfully completed the Busine

s as mentioned in the contract.


Date S





  that Unisoft

ss Blueprint


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2.8.4 Depreciation2.8.5 Process Flow Diagram per2.9 Period End Activities in FI2.10 Year End Activities in FI2.11 Standard Reports


  odic Asset Process1718181819

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0.0 Project Charter 

0.0.1 Institution History

 Assam Engineering College (A

and a premier technical institute

Nehru in year of 1955. It is the

in the Jalukbari area of Guwa

supplementary activities in Ass

(BE) courses in Civil Engineerin

Engineering, Electronics and

Engineering, Instrumentation E

offers Masters of Engineering/

Electrical Engineering, Mechani

(MCA) course. All the departm

 AEC is affiliated to Guwahati

approved by the All India Counci

The College has a total camp

employees, Hostels for studen

branch with ATM facility, Book s

0.0.2 Why SAP at AEC

 AEC, a well known institution o

excellence, not only focussing

complete institutional system cobe ready for the next phase of g

The institution is investing time,


 As a part of strategy, IT syste

considered many options avail

‘Best-In-Class’ the obvious choi

zeroed in on Unisoft Infotech P

player in SAP implementatio

consulting more than decade

management consultancy will hproud to be with AEC as the



C), the first engineering college in the north-

  of the entire country, was inaugurated by Pan

remier technical institute of North East India

hati city. AEC has been the hub of many a

m for almost six decades. It offers Bachelor o

, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineeri

Telecommunication Engineering, Computer

gineering and Industrial & Production Engin

Technology (ME/ MTech) courses in Civil

cal Engineering (ME) and Master in Comput

ents are having research facility and offer P

University which was established in the ye

il for Technical Education (AICTE).

  us area of around 400 acres. This includes

s, Gymnasium, Hospital, Post office, State

all, Canteen, Co-operative store, etc.

  north eastern part of India with rich history

n its academic standard to be unique but im

mprising of all administrative activities of AEC.owth. i.e. ‘Best-In-Class’.

  money and efforts in becoming ‘Best-In-Class’

renovation initiative is taken. The educatio

ble in the ERP market. And for an institution

ce was SAP, world leader in ERP market. Al

t. Ltd/ Mutual consulting, SAP Channel Partn

market. The institution expects that Unis

’s experience in SAP implementation and

lp them to achieve the goals. Unisoft / Mutualir Strategic IT partner on the path to be ‘

eastern India

it Jawaharlal

nd is located

cademic and

f Engineering

ng, Chemical

Science and

ering. It also


r Application

D programs.

r 1948. It is

Quarters for

ank of India

nd academic

provement in

The aim is to

in the coming

council has

aiming to be

so the group

r and strong

oft’s/ Mutual

strength in

Consulting isest-In-Class’

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0.0.3 Project Objectives

Simplify and stan

To prepare the in

 Automate manual

Improve decision

Gain greater effici

0.0.4 Project Goals

To implement SAP solutions To reengineer and establis

adding activities.

Cutting down and thereafter

0.2 Process Description

0.2.1 Objectives

The objective of this Blueprint

ensure that SAP – QM suppo Assurance Processes.

0.2.2 Who created it?

The Quality team is resp

Quality personnel

Management Repres

0.2.3 Where is i t used?

Quality Management is u

Quality systems

Institutional quality a



ardize complex finance processes

  titution as “Future Ready”

  , time-consuming personnel management proc

  making with role-based access to key FI infor 

  iency with FI shared services

  in the core administrative functions.  the administrative processes so as to redu

eliminating the unwanted time and cost.


rocess is to define Quality Management in th

ts to promote the client Quality system & a

nsible for creating these processes:


  sed in the following areas:




  ce non-value

system and

ll the Quality

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 At present AEC Finance proof bills. To establish a centr

existing distributed systems

The SAP System is a modu

modules can be implement

requirements of any organiz

The system has various sub

 Accounts Payable

 Asset Accounting

The subsequent sections el

its advantages & related des

1.2 About Blue Print do

“Business Blue Print” generatio

this phase the project team has

understanding the goals in pre

processes “Blue Print” documenSAP configuration & forms the

phase include the following:

Review and refine Traini

Set-up Development En

Initial set up of System L

Systems Administration (

Identifying & Documentin

Identifying & Documentin

Developing “Project Real1. Clear identification of

2. Clear identification of3. Post implementation

The enclosed document det

the project. A project will m

document by Process Owne


cessing is carried out by manual computationalized FI system, AEC has taken a decision t

ith mySAP ERP ECC 6.0 integrated System.

  lar ERP package, which makes it very flexibl

d in phases & later integrated together to e


modules such as

  borate on how each of the sub modules is bein

ign details to meet AEC’s requirements.


  is the second phase of the SAP project impl

defined AEC’s Institutional practices and par 

  ent institutional structure and how SAP will

has been generated. This document identifiesbasis of Finance process in future. Various

g Plan (Various groups)

  ironment (Hardware & Software installation)

  andscape (Hardware)


  g existing Processes

  g Requirements & Gaps if any.

  ization” strategy which includes  project dependencies

  Business benefits through this implementation.  support strategy

  ils on various components of “Business Blue P

ve to “Realization” phase after signing & acce

s and the Project Sponsors.

  & processingo replace the

to use. The

ncompass all

g configured,

mentation. In

meters. After

realize those

the design oftasks in this

rint” phase of

tance of this

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1.3 Project Mission

To develop an Institution wide increation of a seamless organi


1.4 Project Scope

To prepare for ex

To help the decisi

To integrate all fucommon system.


  tegrated and comprehensive Finance module tization, and promotes excellence in the ma

pansion and growth plans in the coming years.

  on makers in achieving set business targets.

  nctions Human Resource, Finance and Control

o support thenagement of

ling into one

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In AEC there will be one Compa1000 – Assam Enginee

2.2.4 Controlling Area

Controlling Area represents a clincludes Single or multiple compcompany codes must use the saCONTROLLING AREA for compControlling Area in is: 1000

2.2.5 Financial Structure

The financial structure is summ


Company Code(Institution)

Company Code Name(InstitutioChart of AccountsCompany code CurrencyControlling AreaControlling Area Currency

2.2.6 GL Account Group

Each GL account must be assigthe master Record number to bthe master record & it is used tomaster record.

2.2.7 Document Types

Document type is used to classitransactions to be posted. The dapplies to the whole document.Differentiating between busines

Business transaction is it (procu

2.2.8 Document Number Ra

Internal Document Number RanDocument number range has to

Per f iscal year: At the bagain at the lower limit.


  ny Code (Institution):  ing College

  sed system for cost accounting purposes. A cany codes that may use different currencies. Tme operative chart of accounts. There will be oany code:

  rized as below.

Company Structure


 name) AECYAININR1000


  ed to a GL account group. The account groupassigned and the information required to be c

determine which fields are mandatory during c

y accounting documents and to distinguish busocument type is entered in the document headhe document type has the following functions:

  transactions. The document type tells aboutement transactions or HR transactions).


  es for different document types have to be maibe defined for the year and the same is used.

  ginning of each fiscal year the document numhis helps to avoid reaching the upper limit of a

ntrolling areaese


determinesptured intoeation of

inessr and

hat sort of 

  intained. The

  ering startsrange.

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2.3 Financial Accounting

The Financial Accounting (FI) m Accounting department of an or

Management and repres

recorded with an unbrokdocuments.

Open and integrated dat Accounting. A Posting mentry in the General Ledthe general ledger is und

 All accounting-relevant trFinancial

 Accounting by means of automaControlling (CO). This ensures tgoods issues) are exactly reflectimpact of the goods movement, iThe Financial Accounting (FI) a

requirements that should be metfollowing features, which is used

2.3.1 General Ledger 

The central task of G/L accountiaccounting and accounts. Recorsettlements from internal accouother operational areas of, it alsaccurate.

2.3.2 Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable applicativendors With respect to as a whmanages and delivers the invoicpostings in response to the operto ensure that the vendor relatedalso to the general ledger accouaccount in the vendor master.

2.3.3 Asset Accounting

The Asset Accounting componeSystem. In SAP Financial AccouLedger, by providing detailed inf to the transactions.

2.4 Integration with Other M

Integration in SAP is the vital rolconcept of SAP integration is doin all the applications. As FI modwhether external or internal, all tbe automatically updated in FI


  dule components address the requirements ofanization. It provides the following features:

  entation of all accounting data: All business tra

n audit trail from the financial statements to th

flow: Data is available in real time within Finade in the sub ledgers always generates a correr. Thereby the necessity of reconciling the su

  one with.

  ansactions made in Logistics (LO) are posted r 

  tic account determination. This data is also pasat logistical goods movements (such as goods

ed in the value-based updates in accounting. Tinwards and outwards, are accounted online replication component fulfils all the external repo

by the organization. The SAP FI application prin.

  g is to provide a comprehensive picture for extding all business transactions (primary postingting) in a software system that is fully integrateensures that the accounting data is always co

n component records and manages accountinole. It is also an integral part of the purchasinges according to vendors. The system automatiative transactions in MM. The concept of sub-lefinancial entries are updated in the vendors’ a

nts. This is done by the assignment of the gene

t is used for managing and supervising fixed anting, it serves as a subsidiary ledger to the Geormation on transactions involving fixed assets


  e and involves lot of updating with other modulcument once entered should not be entered twiule is the important module and involves monehe documents in other modules pertaining to aodule.

  the financial

  sactions are



b-ledger with

eal-time to

sed on to  receipts and

  he financial  al time.


ovides the

ernalas well as

d with all themplete and

data for allystem; itally triggersdger is usedcounts andral ledger

sets in SAPneralwith respect

s. The basicce anywheretary issuescounting will

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2.4.1 HR Module Integration

In HR module Integration everycorresponding posting to the asalways reconciled with the genenamely finance and HR takes plcost, flows automatically to HR f

2.4.2 CO Module Integration

Every posting that is made in thassigned G/L accounts. This engeneral ledger. The data flow bewill takes place on a regular basi

automatically to CO from Financ

2.5 Master Data in Financial

Master record is a data that remthe Master Records in FI are list

General Ledger Master r 

Vendor Master record

 Asset Master record

2.5.1 General Ledger Maste

GL Master Record contains thedetermine the account's functionaccounting transactions to G/L amaster records are divided into taccounts are used in same G/L

Chart of Accounts area

Company Code specifi

The following two objects play a

2.5.2 Chart of Account Seg

The chart of accounts segmentsas the account number. To makaccounts are also used in the sa

2.5.3 Structure of Chart of

The following information is contrecord.

The chart of accounts



posting that is made in the sub ledgers generaigned G/L accounts. This ensures that the subal ledger. The data flows between the two comce on a regular basis. Therefore, all the data r

rom Financial.


sub ledgers generates a corresponding postinures that the sub ledgers are always reconciletween the two components namely finance andis. Therefore, all the data relevant to cost, flows

ial perspectives.


  ains unchanged over a long period of time. The  d below:



  ata that is always needed by the general ledg. The GL account master records controls theccounts and the processing of the posting datawo segments so that company codes with theccounts.



  central role in creating General Ledger master


  contains the data that is valid for all companycertain that company codes using the same c

me G/L accounts.

  ccount Segment

  ained in the chart of accounts area of a G/L ac

es aledgers areponentslevant to

g to thewith thecontrolling

following are

r toosting of.G/L accountame chart of


  odes, suchhart of

ount master

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The account number and

The indicator that specifistatement account.

2.5.4 Asset Master Record

The Asset Accounting (FI-AA) cin SAP ECC6. In SAP ECC6 FinGeneral Ledger, providing detail Asset Accounting (FI-AA) transfFor example, it is possible to poto FI-AA. At the time of asset pureceipt or goods receipt. At the s Asset Master Record is divided imaster record contains informati

General data (Descriptio

Time-dependent assign

Information on origin of t

Depreciation Area (Depr

 Asset Class

 Asset Class is the main criterionand management requirements.the master records under variouof Depreciation. Each Asset clanumber to each of the asset. Fin

2.6 Business Process M

The following are the FI Busines

2.6.1 General Ledger Accou

General ledger is a comprehensenhances financials controls, dathroughout the Organization. Geinformation of the organization.passing of journal entries (Manuposting them, which are purely r

2.6.2 Features in General L

 Automatic and simultaneous poaccounts (reconciliation accountaccounting areas. Real time evaof account displays, Financial StGeneral Ledger serves as a cotransactions are to be checkeddocuments, line items, and transJournals Totals/transaction figur 


  account name (short and long text)

  s whether the account is a balance sheet acco

mponent is used for managing and supervisinancial Accounting, it serves as a subsidiary leded information on transactions involving fixed a

  rs data directly to and from other SAP ECC6 ct from the Materials Management (MM) compo

rchase or produced in-house, you directly postame time, you pass on depreciation directly tonto the following areas. The following are the pon about the fixed asset are:

  , Capitalization Date, Inventory Date)

  ents (for example, cost center, Plant, Location

e asset (Make of the Asset, Purchased New /

ciation Start Date, Life of the Asset etc.,)

  for classifying block of the fixed assets accordiHence, asset class has to be defined first befoasset classes. Each Asset classes are assign

s will be assigned to a number range to give aance person is authorized to Asset masters rec

  aster List

  s Process Master List available in AEC:


  ive financial management solution that dramatita collection, information access and financial rneral ledger is the central repository of all the aeneral Ledger module provides specific functi

al, Provisional, Recurring and Reversal Journalectification and provisional in nature.

  dger Accounting

  ting of all sub-ledger items in the appropriate g) & Simultaneous updating of general ledger a

luation of reporting on current accounting data,atements & Trial Balances etc.

  plete record of all business transactions of. Indt any time in real-time processing by displayingaction figures at various levels such as:

  es Balance sheet / Profit and loss accounts

  unt or P&L

fixed assetser to the FI

ssets.  omponents.

nent directlyhe invoicehe FI &CO

  rt of the


  econd etc.,)

  ng to legale creatinged to a Chartdifferentord.


ccountingns like

s) and

eneral ledgernd costin the form

ividualthe original

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2.6.3 Posting to General Le

The following are some of the prPosting sub module in SAP:Posting all type of Expenses wit

 Adjustment and Rectifica

Posting Prepaid Expens

Booking of Provisional E

Clearing of GL Open iteClearing Accounts etc.

The values posted to the G/L acfinancial statements like Balanc

2.6.4 Document Reversals

It is possible for a user to makeincorrect Information. In order to

reverse the document in error, aprovides a function to reverse G

2.6.5 General Ledger Proce

2.7 Accounts Payable

 Accounts Payable module streacontrols and information. It supppurchase orders and approval opayments. It helps to monitor suemployee related functionality,reimbursements are included wi



  ocesses that will be operated through General

h Local Currency as well as Foreign Currency

  tion Entries


  tries using Recurring Entries

  s For E.g. Outstanding Liabilities, TDS Accoun

counts are appeared in the Trial Balance whichSheet, Profit and Loss Statement.

  n input error. As a result, the document createprovide an audit of the correction, the user mu

nd then capture the document correctly. The syL, A/R and A/P documents both individually or

s Flow Diagram

  lines the ‘procure-to-pay’ process while providorts booking of invoices, matching of invoices ainvoices. It facilitates recording of debit memo

pplier invoices and creates supplier balance ovhich covers employee advances, recoveries ahin the Accounts Payable module.


ts & All

will provides

d will containt first

stemin mass.

  ing financialgainstas well asrviews. The


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2.7.1 Features of Accounts

The Accounts Payable applicatit is also an integral part of the pin response to the operative tranPostings made in Accounts Paywhere different G/L accounts ar

2.8 Asset Accounting

The Asset Accounting (FI-AA) cwith the SAP R/3 System. In SAto the FI General Ledger, providiassets. Asset Accounting transfexample, it is possible to post fr  Accounting in FI Module. Duringpost the invoice receipt or good

to the Financial Accounting and

2.8.1Acquisi tion f rom purch

 An external asset acquisition isasset from a Vendor. The acqui

Depreciation Posting Run

The depreciation postinaccounts are updated i

The system creates posgroup in accordance wit

Posting Acquisition and Prod

In addition to the posting of deprimportant periodic processing yovalues. These changes consistacquisitions, retirements, and so



ion component records accounting data for allurchasing system. The system automatically msactions. Payables are made through manualble are simultaneously recorded in the Generaupdated based on the transaction involved.

  mponent is used for managing and supervisinP R/3 Financial Accounting, it serves as a subsing detailed information on transactions involvinrs data directly to and from other R/3 componem the Materials Management component direcan asset is purchased or produced in-house, yreceipt. At the same time, you pass on depreci

Controlling components.

  ase with vendor 

  business transaction resulting from the acquisitions are posted through integrated with Acco

should be run periodically because the deprecmediately.

  ing documents for each depreciation area andthe posting cycles specified in Customizing

  ction Costs Values

  eciation (using the depreciation posting run), thu perform is the posting of changes to asset baf all postings that affect the APC of the asset, ion

endors andkes postingsayment.l Ledger

fixed assetsidiary ledgerg fixednts. Fortly to Assetou directlyiation directly

ition of annts payable.



e mostlance sheetncluding

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2.8.2 Process Flow Diagram

 Asset Acquis it ion f rom Purch

The following information is autothe first acquisition posting.

Date of Capitalization

 Acquisition period

Depreciation start date

2.8.3 Asset Retirement

Fixed asset retirement is the reThis removal of a complex fixedretirement. Sale proceeds afterof assets a/c. Depending on orgleads to the retirement, you disti

 An asset is sold, resultin

sold, resulting in revenu

 An asset had to be scrap

 Accounting entry for sale o f A

Customer Account a/c Dr  Accumulated Depreciation a/c DLoss on Sale (if applicable) a/c Asset Sale account a/c Dr To Asset account a/cTo Profit on sale a/c (if applicabl


  of Asset Accounting

  ase with Vendor 

  matically updated in the asset master record at

oval of an asset or part of an asset from the asasset is posted from a bookkeeping perspectivdjusting the book value will be taken to profit / lnizational considerations or the business trans

nguish the following types of retirement:

  in revenue. The sale is posted with a custome

. The sale is posted against a clearing account

  ped, with no revenue.

  sset to customers:

  r   r 


  the time of

set an asset

loss on saleaction that

r.An asset is

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 Accounting entry for scrap

 Accumulated Depreciation a/c DLoss on Sale of Assets a/c Dr To Asset a/c

2.8.4 Depreciation

Straight line Method of depreciavalue depreciation for IT deprecidepreciation calculation. The assystem calculates the depreciatisystem determines the depreciaacquisition posting. DepreciationDepreciation = (Cost of Acquisitidepreciation key Provision to calavailable and will be provided. U

permanent decrease in the valubatch input session will be callePeriodic execution functionality.and the Depreciation amount wilare used through Repeat or unplbelow:Depreciation a/c Dr To Accumulated Depreciation a/



  ion is used for book depreciation and Straight liation is followed in. It will be configured for theet master record contains the depreciation ter

on based on the depreciation key and the usefion start date from the asset value date of the fwill be calculated by using the following formul

  on / Capitalization) * Rate of Depreciation as pculate unplanned depreciation / multiple shift dnusual influences, such as damage, which lead

of the asset, are covered by unplanned depre  for running ‘depreciation run’ for posting deprThe required posting documents are created ol be posted to the general ledger. Any adjustmlanned posting run. The entries that get genera


  ine downpurpose ofs. Thel life. Theirsta

  r thepreciation iss to a

iation. Aciation using  ce this is run

nt postingsed are as

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2.8.5 Process flow diagram

2.9 Period End Closing

General ledger accounts – Mo

Open & Close Posting P

 Assets accounting – Month E

Depreciation Run

2.10 Year End Closing Activ

General ledger accounts – Clo

Posting period

Opening & Closing Posti

Document ranges for the

Financial statement p reparatio

Executing the Financial


  for periodic asset process

  ctivit ies in Financial Account ing

nth End Closing


  d Closing

  ities in Financial Account ing


  g period of new financial year 

  new financial year 


  tatement Version.

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