

LA ATMÓSFERA Y SU COMPOSICIÓN. • LA ATMÓSFERA: Es una capa delgada de gases que rodea la Tierra. • EL AIRE: Es una mezcla de gases que compone la atmósfera. Compuesta de nitrógeno (78%),

oxígeno (21%), anhídrido carbónico (0.03%) y cantidades muy pequeñas de otros gases (el helio,

el argón, el neón, el ozono, etc.).

• En la atmósfera hay también: polvo, bacterias, polen, etc.,

CAPAS DE LA ATMÓSFERA. • La troposfera: es la capa más baja de la atmósfera de la Tierra. Se extiende de 0 a 12 km de

altitud. El tiempo, las nubes, el viento, la lluvia, etc. ocurre en la troposfera. • La estratosfera: se extiende de 12 km a 50 km. La capa de ozono está en su mitad. • Mesosfera: se extiende desde los 50 km hasta los 80 km. Aquí la temperatura es muy baja. • Termosfera o ionosfera: se extiende desde los 80 hasta los 500 km. En esta capa hay muy pocos

gases. Las auroras boreales ocurren en la ionosfera. • Exosfera: empieza a los 500 km de altitud y su límite no está muy definido. Es la capa más externa

de la atmósfera de la Tierra. La presión atmosférica y temperatura son bajas.

FENÓMENOS ATMOSFÉRICOS. • El viento: es el aire en movimiento. • ¿Cómo se produce el viento?: El aire caliente pesa menos y sube, el aire frío de las capas altas,

viene y ocupa el lugar que el aire caliente deja libre. Esta corriente de aire es el viento. • ¿Cómo se forman las nubes?: En las zonas calentadas por el Sol, el agua se evapora y sube a la

troposfera. En la parte alta de la troposfera, el vapor de agua se enfría. El vapor frío se condensa en

pequeñas gotitas. Esas gotitas forman las nubes. • Precipitaciones: Pueden ser de varios tipos: - Lluvia: Las pequeñas gotitas, se juntan en la nube, pesan demasiado y caen en forma de lluvia.

- Nieve: Los copos de nieve se forman en las nubes donde la temperatura está por debajo de la

congelación (0ºC). Los cristales de hielo se forman alrededor de pequeñísimas partículas de

polvo que han sido transportados a la atmósfera por el viento. Como los cristales de nieve

crecen, pesan más y caen en la Tierra.

- Granizo: Las gotitas se juntan, pero en vez de caer en forma de lluvia, el viento las empujan

hasta zonas altas y frías, se congelan y se forman bolas de hielo que caen sobre la Tierra.

EL TIEMPO ATMOSFÉRICO. • El tiempo atmosférico: llamamos “tiempo atmosférico” al estado de la atmósfera, en un momento

dado y en una zona determinada.

• Instrumentos meteorológicos: - Un termómetro es un dispositivo que mide la temperatura. Su medida se expresa en grados

centígrados (ºC) y en algunos países en grados Fahrenheit (ºF). - Un pluviómetro es un tipo de instrumento que recoge y mide la cantidad de agua de lluvia

caída. - Un barómetro es un instrumento usado para medir la presión atmosférica. - Un anemómetro es un dispositivo para medir la velocidad del viento. - Un higrómetro es un instrumento usado para medir la humedad. - Una veleta es un dispositivo movible, sujeto a un objeto elevado como un tejado, para mostrar

la dirección del viento.

IMPORTANCIA DE LA ATMÓSFERA. La atmósfera nos ayuda de muchas formas:

• Nos proporciona oxígeno para respirar.

• Regula la temperatura de la Tierra gracias al “Efecto Invernadero”, pero si este efecto aumentara,

podría ser muy prejudicial.

• Nos protege de las radiaciones dañinas del Sol.

• Nos protege del impacto de los meteoritos.


Tiene los siguientes pasos:

1. Durante el día, el Sol calienta la superficie de la Tierra.

2. Por la noche el calor de la superficie terrestre, se escapa.

3. El dióxido de carbono y el vapor de agua de la atmósfera absorbe y refleja este calor y

lo devuelve a la Tierra.

CONTAMINACIÓN ATMOSFÉRICA. • ¿Qué es la contaminación atmosférica?: Es la presencia en la atmósfera de sustancias en una

cantidad que implica molestias o riesgos para la salud de las personas y de los seres vivos.

• ¿Qué contamina la atmósfera?: La atmósfera se puede contaminar de varias formas:

- Por sustancias contaminantes como gases nocivos o partículas de humos y cenizas.

- Por ruidos y luz.

• Efectos de la contaminación: - El clima sufre cambios.

- La biosfera se perjudica seriamente.

- La salud de las personas se ve empeorada.

- Las construcciones y los materiales se deterioran más rápidamente.

NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 1º ESO___ (Bilingual)


THE ATMOSPHERE AND ITS COMPOSITION. • ATMOSPHERE: It is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth. • AIR: It is a mixture of gases that forms the atmosphere. It is composed of nitrogen (78%), oxygen

(21%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and very small amounts of other gases (helium, argon, neon,

ozone, etc.).

• In the atmosphere there is also: powder, bacteria, pollen, etc. 1. - Copy this information: 2. - Translate the following words: Atmosphere: nitrogen:

Air: carbon dioxide:

Oxygen: helium:

Ozone argon:

3. – This table represent the atmosphere, colour the part corresponding to oxygen blue, colour the part corresponding to nitrogen yellow and colour the part corresponding to carbon dioxide red.

4.- What is the atmosphere?: 5.- What is the composition of the air?

6.- In the atmosphere 1there is air, 2but there are also: 7.- Complete: a) _____________ : It is a mixture of _________ that forms the _________________. It is composed

of __________ (78%), ____________ (21%), _____________________ (0.03%) and very small

amounts of other gases (________, ___________, __________, ___________, etc.).

b) _______________: It is a thin layer of ________ that surrounds the ___________. In the

__________________ there is also: ___________, _____________, ___________, etc.

8.- Is the same ‘atmosphere’ and ‘air’? Why? 9.- Write ‘T’ for true or ‘F’ for false. a) Atmosphere is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.

b) Air is a mixture of gases that forms the atmosphere.

c) There are powder, bacteria, pollen, etc. in the atmosphere.

d) There are very small amounts of helium, argon, neon, and ozone in the atmosphere.

10.- Correct the sentences wrong in the activity 9. a) b) c) d)

1 there is air = hay aire 2 but there are also = pero también hay

NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 1º ESO___ (Bilingual) LAYERS OF THE ATMOSPHERE: • Troposphere: It is the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. It extends from 0 to 12 km of

altitude. The weather, clouds, wind, rain, etc. occur in the troposphere. • Stratosphere: extends from 12 km to 50 km. The ozone layer is in the middle. • Mesosphere: extends from 50 km to 80 km. Here the temperature is very low. • Thermosphere or ionosphere: extends from 80 km to 500 km. In this layer there are very few

gases. Auroras occur in the ionosphere. • Exosphere: begins at 500 km of altitude and it isn’t really clear where it ends. It is the outermost

layer of the Earth's atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure and temperature are low. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate: Troposphere: Stratosphere:

Mesosphere: Ionosphere:

Thermosphere: Exosphere:

3.- Look at the picture on the right and write down the name of layers of the Earth’s atmosphere and their altitude. 4. - Match the two columns with arrows Auroras occur in … Exosphere

The outermost layer is the… Ionosphere

The layer of ozone is in the… Troposphere

The weather occur in the … Mesosphere

The temperature is very low in the… Stratosphere

5.- a.- Write “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is false a) The stratosphere is the lowest layer.

b) The weather occurs in the mesosphere.

c) The exosphere begins at 50 km.

d) Auroras occur in the ionosphere. b.- Correct the mistakes in activity 5 a) b) c) d)

10,000 km

__ _km

___ km

___ km

___ km

6.- Complete the gaps: a) _______________: The lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. It extends from 0 to 12 km of

altitude. b) Stratosphere: extends from _______to _______ km. The __________layer is

in the middle. c) _______________: extends from 50 km to 80 km. Here the temperature is very low. d) Thermosphere or ______________: extends from 80 km to 500 km. In this layer there are very few gases. _____________ occur in the ionosphere. e) _______________: begins at 500 km of altitude and it isn’t really clear where it end. It is the

outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere. The _________________ pressure and _______________

are low. 7.- Label the ‘ozone layer’ in the appropriate place in the picture. 8.- What is the exosphere? 9.- a) Where is the ozone layer? b) Where do the boreal auroras occur? c) Where does the weather occur? d) Where is the temperature lowest?

10.- Look at the picture and complete the graphic .

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130140

100º C

90º C

80º C

70º C

60º C

50º C

40º C

30º C

20º C

10º C

0º C

–10º C

–20º C

–30º C

–40º C

–50º C

–60º C

–70º C

–80º C

–90º C

Height (km)

NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 1º ESO___ (Bilingual) ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA. • Wind: Is the air moving.

• How is the wind formed?: Hot air weighs less and goes up, the cold air of the high layers, comes

and occupies the place that the hot air left free. The wind is that current of air. • How are the clouds formed?: In the areas heated by the Sun, the water evaporates and goes up to

the troposphere. In the high part of the troposphere, the water vapour cools down. The cold vapor is

condensed in small drops. Those drops form the clouds.

• Precipitations: They can be of several types. - Rain: The small drops join in the cloud, they weigh too much and they fall in the form of rain.

- Snow: Snowflakes form in clouds where the temperature is freezing (0ºC). The ice crystals

form around tiny bits of powder that have been carried up into the atmosphere by the wind. As

the snow crystals grow, they become heavier and fall toward Earth.

- Hail: The drops join, but instead of falling in the form of rain, the wind blows them up to high

and cold areas, they freeze and they form balls of ice that fall on the Earth.

1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translates the following Words: Wind: Snow: Cloud: Rain: Hail: Snowflake: 3.- How many types of precipitation are there? Write them. 4.- a) What is wind? b) How is the wind formed? 5.- What are the differences between rain and hail?

6.- What is snow? 7.- Complete:

a) ________: The ________ _________ join in the __________, they weigh too much and they fall

in the _______ of ________.

b) _______: ______________ form in _________ where the temperature is ___________ (0ºC).

c) ________: The drops join, but instead of falling in form of rain, the _________ blows them up to

_______ and ________ areas, they _________ and they form balls of _______ that fall on the Earth.

8.- Explain these pictures:

9.- Why hail is formed in upper and rain in lower area.

10.- Match with arrows: Liquid water

Rain air moving Drop of water

Hail ice crystal Ball of ice Snow current of air Snowflakes Wind Frozen water



NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 1º ESO___ (Bilingual) WEATHER • The weather: we call “weather” the state of the atmosphere, at a certain moment and in a certain


• Meteorological instruments: - A thermometer is a device that measures the temperature. Temperatures are expressed in

centigrade grades (ºC) and in some countries in Fahrenheit grades (ºF).

- A pluviometer (rain gauge): is a type of instrument that picks up and measures the quantity of

fallen rain. - A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. - An anemometer is a device to measure wind speed. - A hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring humidity. - A vane is a movable device attached to an elevated object such as a roof for showing the

direction of the wind. 1.- Copy this information in the box: 2.- Translate the following words: Weather: atmosphere:

Thermometer: pluviometer:

Rain: barometer:

Anemometer: hygrometer:

Vane: wind:

3. - Match the two columns with arrows: Vane humidity

Hygrometer direction of the wind

Anemometer atmospheric pressure

Barometer fallen rain

Pluviometer wind speed

Thermometer temperature

4.- What is the weather? 5.- Write the name of six devices to measure the weather: 6.- Look at in your book and draw five devices to measure the weather and write their names below.

7.- Complete the following sentences:

a) An anemometer is a instrument to measure __________________.

b) A barometer is an instrument to measure ____________________.

c) A pluviometer: is an instrument to measure ___________________.

d) A thermometer is an instrument to measure ___________________.

e) A hygrometer is an instrument to measure ____________________.

f) A vane is an instrument to measure _____________________.

8.- Match with arrows: Thermometer fallen rain. Pluviometer temperature Barometer wind speed Anemometer direction of the wind Hygrometer atmospheric pressure Vane humidity

9.- Label in the below pictures each respective name:

10.- Correct the mistakes:

a) Fallen rain is measured with a thermometer.

b) Thermometer measures wind speed.

c) Vane measures wind speed.

d) Hygrometer measures atmospheric pressure.

e) Barometer measures direction of the wind.

NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 1º ESO___ (Bilingual) IMPORTANCE OF THE ATMOSPHERE: The atmosphere helps us in many ways:

• It provides oxygen for us to breathe.

• It regulates the temperature of the Earth thanks to the "Greenhouse Effect", but if this effect

increases, it could be very harmful.

• It protects us from the harmful radiations of the Sun.

• It protects us from the impact of the meteorites.

• THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT: It has the following steps:

1.- During the day, the Sun warms the Earth’s surface.

2.- At night the heat of the Earth’s surface, escapes.

3.- The carbon dioxide and water vapor of the atmosphere absorb and reflect this heat and

send it back to Earth. 1.- Copy this information: 2.- Translate theses words: Atmosphere: oxygen: temperature:

Greenhouse effect: Earth: Sun:

Carbon dioxide: Meteorite: Water vapour:

3.- Match the two columns with arrows: Sunlight. Rayo de Sol reflejado.

Reflected sunlight. Rayo de Sol.

Infrared rays Rayos infrarrojos

radiated into space. radiados al espacio.

Heat reflected Calor reflejado de

back to planet. vuelta al planeta.

Atmosphere. Nubes.

Clouds. Atmósfera.

4. – Look at the picture carefully. Explain this picture using the words written in the image:

5.- Write a “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is false a) The atmosphere provides oxygen for us breathe.

b) The atmosphere regulates the humidity of the Earth thanks to the "Greenhouse Effect".

c) The atmosphere protects us from the harmful radiations of the Moon.

d) The atmosphere protects us from the impact of the meteorites.

6.- Complete:

a) The Greenhouse Effect is good because _____________________________________________


b) The Greenhouse Effect is bad because _____________________________________________


7.- Write down the different steps of the Greenhouse Effect. 8.- Why is the atmosphere important?

The atmosphere is important for us because it provides __________________, regulates

_________________, protects us ___________________ and protects __________________________.

9.- Write a sentence below each picture about the greenhouse effect. 10.- Complete:

a) The ________________ provides ______________ for us to breathe.

b) The atmosphere regulates __________________ of the Earth.

c) The ________________ protects us from ____________________ of the Sun.

d) The atmosphere _____________ from the impact of _________________.

NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:__________ 1º ESO___ (Bilingual) ATMOSPHERIC CONTAMINATION. • What is the atmospheric contamination?: It is the presence of a certain amount of substances in

the atmosphere that can damage or endanger the health of people and of living creatures. • What contaminates the atmosphere?: The atmosphere can be contaminated in several ways:

- By polluting substances as noxious gases or particles of smoke and ashes.

- By noises and light.

• Effects of contamination: - The climate suffers from changes.

- The biosphere is seriously harmed.

- The health of people worsens.

- Constructions and materials deteriorate more quickly.

1.- Copy this information:

2.- Translate the following words: Polluting: Ashes: Atmospheric contamination:

Noxious gases: Noise: Particles of smoke:

Light: Health: Biosphere:

3.- Write down four effects of contamination: 4.- How is the atmosphere contaminated?:

5.- Look at this graphic and complete the exercises: a) Order these cities from lower to upper ‘nitrogen dioxide’ (NO2) pollution: b) Which do you think is more polluted, Mexico City or Sao Paulo? Why?:

6.-a) In which cities is the ‘sulphur dioxide (SO2) the most dangerous? b) In which cities is the ‘particulate matter’ the lowest?

7.- Write a “T” if the statement is true and “F” if the statement is false a) The climate doesn’t suffer changes. b) The stratosphere is seriously harmed.

c) The health of people worsens. d) Constructions and materials deteriorate more quickly.

8.- Look at the graphic and answer: a) In what temperature scale is the temperature measured? b) What was the temperature in the year 1000? c) What concentration of carbon dioxide was there in the year 1600? d) Do you think there is a correspondence between the concentration of carbon dioxide and the globally averaged surface temperature?

9.- These is a graphic about the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide from year 1,000 to year 2,000. a) What happens from 1,000 to 1,800?: b) What happens from 1,800 to 2,000?:

10.- Look at the left graphic and answer: a) What U.S.A. sector is the most contaminant in 2,000?: b) What U.S.A. sector is the lowest contaminant in 2,000?: c) What U.S.A. sector is the most contaminant in 1,980?: d) What U.S.A. sector is the lowest contaminant in 1,980?:
