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Mass Product Actions

Magento ExtensionUser Guide

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Page 2: User Guide for Mass Product Actions Magento Extension by Amasty

Table of contents:

1. New Product Actions ..………………………...………………………………….. 32. Extension Settings ……………...…………………...…………..……………….. 43. ‘Assign Categories’ and ‘Remove Categories’ actions ..……………….. 64. ‘Update Price’ and ‘Update Special Price’ actions …….……………….. 85. ‘Modify Special Price using Price’ action .………….…….……………….. 96. ‘Relate’, ‘Up-sell’ and ‘Cross-sell’ actions ………….…….……………….. 107. ‘Copy Custom Options’ action ………………………….…….……………….. 118. ‘Change Attribute Set’ action ………….………………..…….……………….. 129. ‘Fast Delete’ action .……………………….………………..…….……………….. 13

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With the extension you get a number of new actions at the product grid (admin panel -> Catalog-> Manage Products): Assign Category, Remove Category, Update Price, Update Special Price, Modify Special Price using Price, Relate, Up-sell, Cross-sell, Copy Custom Options, Change Attribute Set, Fast Delete.


1. New Product Actions

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For categories-related actions you can either display the drop-down tree of categories or a text field for entering category ids (id option could work better for catalogs with very large number of categories; also with this option you can remove/assign products to several categories at once, with dropdown – only one category at a time).

User Guide: Mass Product Actions

You can use two rounding algorithms for ‘Update Price’ and ‘Update Special Price’ actions. If you indicate 0.99 in this field , updated prices will be rounded to n.99, for example 3.57 and 8.32 will be rounded to 3.99 and 8.99 respectively. If you specify 0.5 here, prices will be rounded to n.50, so 3.57 and 8.32 would become 3.50 and 8.50.


2. Extension Settings

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2. Extension Settings

There are also settings for ‘Relate’, ‘Up-sell’ and ‘Cross-sell’ actions, which allow you to choose linking algorithms for these actions. There are three possible algorithms: Default, 2 Way and Multi Way:

1. ‘Default’ means, that relations between products will be built by the standard magento functionality (that is when you have to manually indicate related, up-sell and cross-sell items for each product).

2. ‘2 Way’ algorithm. For example you have ‘product 1’, ‘product 2’ and ‘product 3’. If you add ‘product 2’ and ‘product 3’ as up-sells (or related/cross-sells) for ‘product 1’, only ‘product 1’ will become an up-sell (or related/cross-sell) for ‘product 2’ and ‘product 3’. ‘product 3’ will not become an up-sell (or related/cross-sell) for ‘product 2’ and ‘product 3’ will not become an up-sell (or related/cross-sell) for ‘product 3’.

3. ‘Multi Way’ algorithm. Let’s say you have soap, shampoo and toothpaste. If you add shampoo and toothpasteas related (or up-sells/cross-sells) to soap, all these products will become related to each other – soap and shampoo will become related (or up-sells/cross sells) to toothpaste; toothpaste and soap will become related (or up-sells/cross sells) to shampoo.

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‘Assign Categories’ action will let you assign any number of products to a certain category.

Please select the necessary products, choose the category and then click ‘Submit’ button. All the products that you’ve selected will be assigned to the category.

For ‘Remove Categories’ action you take the same steps, but this time the selected products will be removed from the category that you choose.


3. ‘Assign Categories’ and ‘Remove Categories’ actions

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You can remove/assign products to several categories at once, if you turn off tree-like category view in configuration. Please enter ids of the categories in the ‘IDs’ field and click ‘Submit’.


3. ‘Assign Categories’ and ‘Remove Categories’ actions

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‘Update Price’ action will let you increase and decrease prices either by flat amount or by percent.

To decrease prices by 20%, indicate -20% in this field. To increase prices by 10%, indicate +10%. Specify +10 to increase prices by 10 dollars/euros/etc., and -10 to decrease prices by 10 dollars/euros/etc.

‘Update Special Price’ action works on analogy. Please be careful with price operations, as there’s no way to revert them, unless you have a backup. Therefore we recommend to create a backup of your site database before doing major price modifications.


4. ‘Update Price’ and ‘Update Special Price’ actions

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‘Modify Special Price using Price’ action enables you to create special prices based on regular prices.

To make special prices 20% smaller than regular prices, indicate -20% in this field. To make special prices 20 (e.g. dollars, euros or pounds) smaller than regular prices, indicate -20 in this field.


5. ‘Modify Special Price using Price’ action

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‘Relate’ action enables you to make products related.

First select the products which you would like to relate. Then indicate id of the product to which you would like these products to be related and click ‘Submit’ button.

The products will become related based on the algorithm that you choose at the configuration page (see page 5 of this user guide).


6. ‘Relate’, ‘Up-sell’ and ‘Cross-sell’ actions

‘Up-sell’ and ‘Cross-sell’ actions work on analogy. They enable to you quickly assign up-sell and cross-sell blocks. You can choose linking algorithms for these actions at the configuration page.

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‘Copy Custom Options’ action will enable you to quickly copy custom options from one product to many others.

Use ‘From Product ID’ field to specify id of the product, from which custom options should be copied to the products you’ve selected. Then click ‘Submit’.


7. ‘Copy Custom Options’ action

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‘Change Attribute Set’ action will enable you to change attribute set of products (by one and in bulk).

Pick the necessary products, select the action, then choose the attribute set, which should replace the current one and press ‘Submit’.

VERY IMPROTANT. Please be very careful with changing attribute sets for configurable products. If the replacement set does not have an attribute on which the configurable product is based, there will be issues with display of the configurable product on the front end (the product page wouldn’t open properly).


8. ‘Change Attribute Set’ action

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‘Fast Delete’ action will let you delete any number of products very fast. In comparison with standard Magento ‘Delete’ action it works a lot faster and also allows to delete a much larger number of products in one operation.

Once you’ve chosen the action, please select the necessary products and click ‘Submit’ button. Please be aware that the action can’t be reverted, therefore please create a backup before using it.


9. ‘Fast Delete’ action

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Thank you!

Your feedback is absolutely welcome!

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