Page 2: Van gogh starry night梵高星光夜



Enjoy the paintings with the music and lyrics.Enjoy the paintings with the music and lyrics. 欣赏配乐油画。欣赏配乐油画。For the greatest impact and the most enjoyment,For the greatest impact and the most enjoyment, 为了最佳效果,为了最佳效果,

please just let the slides advanceplease just let the slides advance 请让幻灯片自动换片请让幻灯片自动换片automatically in sync with the music.automatically in sync with the music. 保持音乐同步。保持音乐同步。

You’ll definitely want your speakers turned on for this.You’ll definitely want your speakers turned on for this. 打开扬声器。打开扬声器。

Music: Vincent (Starry, Starry NightMusic: Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)) 配乐:梵高星光夜配乐:梵高星光夜Composed & Performed by Don Mclean Composed & Performed by Don Mclean 麦克林作曲演唱麦克林作曲演唱

Now, press the space bar or mouse click to begin, thenNow, press the space bar or mouse click to begin, thensit back and let the show run itself.sit back and let the show run itself.现在可以按空格键或单击鼠标,坐好观看自动放映。现在可以按空格键或单击鼠标,坐好观看自动放映。

梵 高

Page 3: Van gogh starry night梵高星光夜

Starry, starry night, 满天星星,星光夜,paint your palette blue and grey. 把你的画板涂得又灰又蓝。

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Look out on a summer's day夏日有一天

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with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.用知道我灵魂深处阴郁的双眼往外看。Shadows on the hills,丘陵上的阴影,

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sketch the trees and the daffodils,描绘树木和花草,catch the breeze and the winter chills捕捉微风和冬日的寒颤

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in colors on the snowy linen land.彩色缤纷地留在雪白的布上。Now I understand现在我懂得

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what you tried to say to me,你想告诉我的话,

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how you suffered for your sanity, 你心智遭受的痛苦,how you tried to set them free.又想怎样去摆脱。

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They would not listen,they did not know how.他们不会去听,也不知道怎样听。

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perhaps they'll listen now.或许他们现在会听了。

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Starry, starry night,满天星星,星光夜,

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flaming flowers that brightly blaze,夺目的花儿闪闪发光,

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swirling clouds in violet haze 旋转的云彩犹如紫色薄雾reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue.在梵高的眼神中反射出中国篮… .

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Colors changing hue, 色彩不断变幻,

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morning fields of amber grain,早晨田野上琥珀似的谷物,

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weathered faces lined in pain 画家充满爱心的手are soothed beneath the artist‘s loving hand. 抚平了岁月在脸上留下的苦难皱纹。

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Now I understand现在我懂得

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what you tried to say to me, 你想告诉我的话,how you suffered for your sanity, 你心智遭受的痛苦,

how you tried to set them free. 又想怎样去摆脱。

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They would not listen. 他们不会去听,They did not know how. 也不知道怎样听,

Perhaps they‘ll listen now. 或许他们现在会听。

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For they could not love you,因为他们不会爱你,

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but still your love was true,但是你的爱心仍很真实。and when no hope

was left in sighton that starry, starry night,在那满天星星的星光夜,在毫无希望时,

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You took your life as lovers often do;作为有爱心的人你一如既往。But I could have told you, Vincent,this world was never meantfor one as beautiful as you.但是我应该告诉你,梵高,这世界绝不像你想象的那样美丽。

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Starry, starry night,满天星星,星光夜

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portraits hung in empty halls,画像挂在空空的厅里,

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frameless heads on nameless walls,无名墙上无框的人像,

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with eyes that watch the world and can't forget.眼睛注视着不能忘却的世界, Like the strangers that you've met,就像你遇到过的陌生人,

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how you tried to set them free.不论你想怎样让他们摆脱困境,They would not listen.

They're not list’ning still.他们不会去听,现在还是不听。

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the ragged men in ragged clothes,衣着褴褸的人,

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the silver thorn of bloody rose 带刺的血红玫瑰,lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow. 破残地躺在初下的雪地上。

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Now I think I know 现在我想 what you tried to say to me, 我懂得了你要告诉我的话,how you suffered for your sanity, 你心智遭受的痛苦,

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Perhaps, they never will.或许,他们永远不能,

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I hope you enjoyed the show. Feel free to share it with others.I hope you enjoyed the show. Feel free to share it with others.

谢谢欣赏。不妨同他人共享。谢谢欣赏。不妨同他人共享。译词 Chinese Transcript: zqPei
