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versus issue - [email protected]

november 2012 “special jan’s format” - cover: domi lippert - photo: andi roséleft: simu’s passion tatoo (love you idiot) - here: mad-dog fs fucker

Page 3: Versus Skatezine et plus #82

Ma grande rivale...

Elle me nargue, je la vois chaque fois que je vais à la cuisine. Elle n’a l’air de rien comme ça. Pourtant, croyez-moi, elle a son importance chez nous. Elle m’a parfois rendue folle de jalousie, verte de colère, mais malgré tout, elle est toujours là. Impassible, presque provocatrice, là, dans le coin du corridor. Parfois je me demande pourquoi je n’ai jamais pu l’apprivoiser, pourtant j’ai essayé (j’ai des cicatrices sur les genoux, si si).

En fait je lui en veux pour plein de choses, à cause d’elle et de la blessure qu’elle a occasionnée à Skaterman, le fameux Noël romantique à Berlin en 2006 n’a eu de romantique que l’idée. A cause d’elle, Malmö en Suède ne se résume, pour moi, qu’à un park. A cause d’elle et de lui, et de mon manque de sens de l’orientation, nos voyages en Californie aboutissent toujours à soit:1) un park2) un bowl3) un shop.Même que Tony Alva en personne m’a sourit dans son shop de LA (oui je mets du vernis à ongle et me maquille chez Estée Lauder mais je sais qui c’est TA).A cause d’elle, Skaterman a pris tous ses samedi pendant près d’un an, pour aller vendre dans une espèce d’échoppe tous les accessoires qui tournent autour d’elle. Ils se retrouvaient tous, tous ses adorateurs obnubilés par l’arrondi de ses courbures, par la beauté de sa peau ornée de mille et un atours. Ils étaient là, à s’abrutir devant des vidéos ou d’autre adorateurs la chevauchent, la dominent et l’apprivoisent. N’ayant que les mêmes mots dans la bouche: axes, grip, roulement. (Franchement soins exfoliants, blush et mascara ça sonne déjà plus sympathique je trouve).

Donc skaterman et ses potes quand ils se retrouvent, ils ont soif, donc ils boivent... de la bière... de la bière... et de la bière. Donc ils font du bruit car ils rient fort et surtout ils rotent. Mais cela n’est rien comparé aux odeurs, je vous explique: Parfois dans un élan de bonne humeur, la femme élégante que je suis, accompagne Skaterman dans ces rassemblements quasi religieux, où on la célèbre, elle. Ils sont tous là, chaque fois les mêmes il me semble, baggy-casquette pour les plus vieux, slim-chemise carollée pour les plus jeunes. Donc tout ce monde, ça sue énormément

car ils essaient les uns après les autres de montrer à quel point ils l’ont apprivoisée, en exécutant cascades et pirouettes (snap fish tail, quik short nose, big pig grind ou des trucs du genre). Au final, on se retrouve avec les 4 points essentiels: hommes en rut + bière + transpiration + fumé(ette) = beurk.Ce qui me sidère le plus, c’est qu’après tout le plaisir qu’elle leur procure, Skaterman et ses potes la prennent parfois par une de ses extrémités pour la fracasser violement contre le sol en poussant des cris gutturaux.

En tant que femme de mon temps, je souhaiterais parfois parler de littérature et de poésie avec Skaterman. Malheureusement, il n’a qu’une seule lecture. Celle-ci tourne toujours autour de la même chose : Elle. Ce qui est amusant au début et de-vient agaçant après quelques années, c’est que cette fameuse lecture s’empile mois après mois, années après années sur le meuble de la salle de bain, dans un coin du bureau, près de mes femmes actuelles ou du magazine de parfumerie (avec 10pc de rabais sur les maquillages jusqu’à fin juin). Cette lecture, si vous n’avez pas encore saisi, porte le nom deThrasher, Kingpin, Skateboarder etc... A défaut de conversation littéraire, je rêve parfois d’un diner romantique dans un resto chic où je mettrais ma longue robe et mes belles sandales dorées, et où Skaterman sentirai bon, porterais une belle chemise et une belle cravate, ses chaussure en cuir noir brilleraient de mille feux ! Eh ben non, même pas en rêve, en tant que skater, Skaterman doit toujours anticiper et toujours être prêt à affronter n’importe quelle occasion skatisstique qui risquerait de se présenter. Et vas-y pour skater en scarpine ( à prononcer à l’italienne - schkarpiné -) et complet Armani!

Finalement, j’ai décidé de capituler, finies les crises de jalousie, j’ai compris et Skaterman aussi. Enfin la paix dans les ménages. Mais à un certain prix seulement, et si certaines filles lisent cet article prenez en de la graine: Une session contre un bon de 50.- dans votre boutique préférée et tout le monde est content!

Joelle Bonvallat

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YCM - Photo: Alban Pernet

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YCM - Photo: Alban Pernet

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Pix - “Tirette” - Photo: Alban Pernet

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Jey - Fs Rock’n’roll - Photo: Alban Pernet

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Lio - Bs Smith Grind - Photo: Jey

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Thermique - Bs Grind - Photo: Jey

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Le Dude - Fs Grind - Photo: Jey

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Charlie Moore - Jay grind - Photo: Jey

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Bib - Fs Air - Photo: Jey

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Jey - Fs Rock Layback - Photo: Bib

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Samir Isis - Fs Smith Grind - Photo: Roja-Film

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Samir Isis - Kickflip - Photo: Roja-Film

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Chrigel Strupler - Powerslide - Photo: Nicolas Buechi

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Stefan Keller - Blunt - Photo: Nicolas Buechi

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Ivo Weibel - Bs Disaster - Photo: Nicolas Buechi

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Sylvain Morger - BS Melon - Photo: Nicolas Buechi

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Chrigel Strupler - Boneless - Photo: Nicolas Buechi

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Hard rides, fast lines through the Pott... or not

Oh it´s this time of the year again, the temperatures are rising and all you want to do is hit the road with your buddies, skate good spots, get wasted and have some fun. So here I am now, the Tour is already over, my body hurts and I´m writing this article, but what can be said about touring what hasn´t already been said? In my opinion it doesn´t take much for a good skate-trip, you need tight crew, enough cars a good first, a good last stop ad everything in between is more or less freestyle. If you want an “all- inclusive” like trip you probably need nike as an sponsor or book your holiday with TUI where you probably gonna meet all those kind of people you want to escape from but it´s not how the Moto-City Inc. does it. I prefer camping or couch-surfing when I´m on the road with the boys, I don´t care about getting dirty, the sore body, about first class food, all I want to do on a trip like this is skate and enjoy freedom and escape from the 9 to 5 world as good as I can. So this years first stop planned was Cologne, the last stop Mün-ster, and in between Ruhrpott but like I said it was planned. The so called Ruhrpott is Germanies most populatet area and with hundrets of colmines it used to be the industrial hart of Ger-many over the last two centuries. Most of the mines are gone nowadays but the people are still known to be typical working-class, which I like cause that means they are down to earth and otuspoken, no fancy talking, just true and real. So that´s where we wanted to go to rip the streets and concrete there. The boys on this years trip were long-time team-mates Matze Preisser, Flo Wimpff, Dominik Lippert, and new and only rider on the Moto-City Inc. flow-team, young-gun Tim Rebensdorf. Because Kamil was on another trip skating and filming it was Felix Löchle who kept everything on film or HD or whatever and for the non-moving pictures we had, as usual our man, ripper, motivator, simply allround good guy Michele Danzé. Also with us was our friend Simon Dreher and of course myself who managed this pack of individuals. Stephan was already in Cologne and

joined us there for 2 days of ripping before he had to go back home to work. Patrick unfortunately couldn´t join us also because of work. Before the team hit the road together, I had to hit the road by myself a day earlier and meet up with Dominik, who came the same day by train from the land of beer and CSU known as Bavaria at Flo´s place. We had a BBQ, tons of beer and Flo´s huge skate-DVD-selection to get hyped for the upcoming tour. Next morning we first picked up Matze, who arrived from a short skate-vacation to Austria the night before. Than we met up with the media-boys and Tim in Stuttgart. The ride to Cologne was easy and the sun was shining bright, everything seems to be perfect for a good start of our tour. The first stop we hit was the skate-plaza in Cologne where we met Stephan, who was well prepared for a day of shredding, which basically means, he was hung over and that´s the way this dude likes it. The Plaza, like so many concrete parks with their shiny concrete obstacels, is like a microwave oven when the there is no cloud in the sight and you need sunglasses to relaxe your eyes but no excuses, the boys went to work. Stephan once more impressed with his effortless style and creative lines, Matze and Tim cruised arround and seemed to save their power for the trannies and Flo showed what we had to expect of him on the following days. After all, the plaza was the perfect place to warm up for the rest of the trip and is a must to skate when you´re in Cologne. Same goes with the next and last spot on our first day, the famous and legendary North-Brigade. For me it´s like a time-machine, I remember countless demos with all the big names of he past, that stopped there on their way to the Münster Monster Mastership in the mid nineties. Over the last years the park got some new obstacles and a the Owl-Bowl which makes this place even more fun to skate. On the way there we met for-merly Oberesslingen / Stuttgart and now Cologne local Tobi Hees and grabbed some beers and stuff for the BBQ at Brigade . The Wasted Box Crew spreading the word of our arrival, made sure some locals already ripped the bowl when we arrived. Phillip, son of the North-Brigade owner-family checked that we could stay longer at the park as the usual opening-hours

Hard rides, fast lines through the Pott... or not

Oh it´s this time of the year again, the temperatures are rising and all you want to do is hit the road with your buddies, skate good spots, get wasted and have some fun. So here I am now, the Tour is already over, my body hurts and I´m writing this article, but what can be said about touring what hasn´t already been said? In my opinion it doesn´t take much for a good skate-trip, you need tight crew, enough cars a good first, a good last stop ad everything in between is more or less freestyle. If you want an “all- inclusive” like trip you probably need nike as an sponsor or book your holiday with TUI where you probably gonna meet all those kind of people you want to escape from but it´s not how the Moto-City Inc. does it. I prefer camping or couch-surfing when I´m on the road with the boys, I don´t care about getting dirty, the sore body, about first class food, all I want to do on a trip like this is skate and enjoy freedom and escape from the 9 to 5 world as good as I can. So this years first stop planned was Cologne, the last stop Mün-ster, and in between Ruhrpott but like I said it was planned. The so called Ruhrpott is Germanies most populatet area and with hundrets of colmines it used to be the industrial hart of Ger-many over the last two centuries. Most of the mines are gone nowadays but the people are still known to be typical working-class, which I like cause that means they are down to earth and otuspoken, no fancy talking, just true and real. So that´s where we wanted to go to rip the streets and concrete there. The boys on this years trip were long-time team-mates Matze Preisser, Flo Wimpff, Dominik Lippert, and new and only rider on the Moto-City Inc. flow-team, young-gun Tim Rebensdorf. Because Kamil was on another trip skating and filming it was Felix Löchle who kept everything on film or HD or whatever and for the non-moving pictures we had, as usual our man, ripper, motivator, simply allround good guy Michele Danzé. Also with us was our friend Simon Dreher and of course myself who managed this pack of individuals. Stephan was already in Cologne and

joined us there for 2 days of ripping before he had to go back home to work. Patrick unfortunately couldn´t join us also because of work. Before the team hit the road together, I had to hit the road by myself a day earlier and meet up with Dominik, who came the same day by train from the land of beer and CSU known as Bavaria at Flo´s place. We had a BBQ, tons of beer and Flo´s huge skate-DVD-selection to get hyped for the upcoming tour. Next morning we first picked up Matze, who arrived from a short skate-vacation to Austria the night before. Than we met up with the media-boys and Tim in Stuttgart. The ride to Cologne was easy and the sun was shining bright, everything seems to be perfect for a good start of our tour. The first stop we hit was the skate-plaza in Cologne where we met Stephan, who was well prepared for a day of shredding, which basically means, he was hung over and that´s the way this dude likes it. The Plaza, like so many concrete parks with their shiny concrete obstacels, is like a microwave oven when the there is no cloud in the sight and you need sunglasses to relaxe your eyes but no excuses, the boys went to work. Stephan once more impressed with his effortless style and creative lines, Matze and Tim cruised arround and seemed to save their power for the trannies and Flo showed what we had to expect of him on the following days. After all, the plaza was the perfect place to warm up for the rest of the trip and is a must to skate when you´re in Cologne. Same goes with the next and last spot on our first day, the famous and legendary North-Brigade. For me it´s like a time-machine, I remember countless demos with all the big names of he past, that stopped there on their way to the Münster Monster Mastership in the mid nineties. Over the last years the park got some new obstacles and a the Owl-Bowl which makes this place even more fun to skate. On the way there we met for-merly Oberesslingen / Stuttgart and now Cologne local Tobi Hees and grabbed some beers and stuff for the BBQ at Brigade . The Wasted Box Crew spreading the word of our arrival, made sure some locals already ripped the bowl when we arrived. Phillip, son of the North-Brigade owner-family checked that we could stay longer at the park as the usual opening-hours

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Flo - Sw Ollie

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and Jup kept our beer-reservoir cool. But before BBQ-ing Matze, Tim and myself joined the Bowl Session, where Matze like always when he sees a bowl, was hard to stop and Tim showed, why he is the newest and so far only addition to our flow-team and if we didn´t find the right lines, Phillip and Tobi were kind enough to show ´em to us while the street-dudes worked on the banks. Unfourtunatly I got hurt right at the first session, which pissed me of a lot but that´s how it goes if you want to keep up with the kids. When the skating was done, the fire was lit and the beers we poured down. It was a warm night and the crew camped right next to the North Brigade and chased rabbits while I spent some time with my doughter in Cologne. Next morning we met for breakfast before some more skating in Cologne was going down. Stephan, who loves sketchy spots wanted to skate Colognes DIY-Spot under the Mühlheimer Bridger so we headed there where Matze and Tim also found the right lines and tricks to have some fun on the rough surface. After we said good-bye to Stephan, who went back home, Michele was forcing us to find some spots to throw some bangers down. After contacting Tobi once again and than meeting him at the Wasted-Box Skateshop, we finally had a guide for the day. He brought us to a nice 16-Stair rail where it didn´t take us long to talk to Dominik to make himself jump on this thing. Well sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn´t, this time it didn´t work but seeing Dominik jumping on this thing over and over again and finally slamming hard and getting up again just shows what freak we got here on the Moto-City-Team with this bavarian Lumberjack. You got to love this dude, he´s not only crazy on board but also 24/7 entertainment maybe hard to understand for everybody of northern germany but always good to have on tour. I´m sure he can´t wait to go back an grind this beast top to bottom. After the skating was done, we were ready for some delicious Gyros and some Kölsch (the local beer specialty) . What I love about Cologne is the relaxed vibe and the large amount of the Kiosks or Büdechen, how they call them there, it got ,where you can buy all kinds of stuff and of course beer for almost 24 hours a day for a good price so you never run out of drinks.

and Jup kept our beer-reservoir cool. But before BBQ-ing Matze, Tim and myself joined the Bowl Session, where Matze like always when he sees a bowl, was hard to stop and Tim showed, why he is the newest and so far only addition to our flow-team and if we didn´t find the right lines, Phillip and Tobi were kind enough to show ´em to us while the street-dudes worked on the banks. Unfourtunatly I got hurt right at the first session, which pissed me of a lot but that´s how it goes if you want to keep up with the kids. When the skating was done, the fire was lit and the beers we poured down. It was a warm night and the crew camped right next to the North Brigade and chased rabbits while I spent some time with my doughter in Cologne. Next morning we met for breakfast before some more skating in Cologne was going down. Stephan, who loves sketchy spots wanted to skate Colognes DIY-Spot under the Mühlheimer Bridger so we headed there where Matze and Tim also found the right lines and tricks to have some fun on the rough surface. After we said good-bye to Stephan, who went back home, Michele was forcing us to find some spots to throw some bangers down. After contacting Tobi once again and than meeting him at the Wasted-Box Skateshop, we finally had a guide for the day. He brought us to a nice 16-Stair rail where it didn´t take us long to talk to Dominik to make himself jump on this thing. Well sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn´t, this time it didn´t work but seeing Dominik jumping on this thing over and over again and finally slamming hard and getting up again just shows what freak we got here on the Moto-City-Team with this bavarian Lumberjack. You got to love this dude, he´s not only crazy on board but also 24/7 entertainment maybe hard to understand for everybody of northern germany but always good to have on tour. I´m sure he can´t wait to go back an grind this beast top to bottom. After the skating was done, we were ready for some delicious Gyros and some Kölsch (the local beer specialty) . What I love about Cologne is the relaxed vibe and the large amount of the Kiosks or Büdechen, how they call them there, it got ,where you can buy all kinds of stuff and of course beer for almost 24 hours a day for a good price so you never run out of drinks. Matze - Bluntslide

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Later we met my old school-mate Burak and as usual when you meet this guy, he made sure we had a good flight through night. The weather-forecast predicted rain for the next day, but was proven wrong. Once again we woke up next to the Brigade and the sun was up. After 2 days wild camping and skating we all agreed, it was time to get a shower, so our first stop of the day was the local swimming-pool. When the dudes were clean and re-freshed breakfast was calling. Well it seems that you always meet strange people on tour and this time was no exception. There are people on the streets that think they run it and have to take care of safety, in this case some weird guy pretended he was the local security in front of the bakery we hung out and got some coffee. Funny thing is, minutes before the bakery-stuff took pictures of us, thinking we where cool and even gave me a free snack. Anyway this guy seemed kind of mentally handicapped trying to provoke me by punching me but it was more of a hug, so after a few minutes of arguing we let him go. We were there to skate, so fuck it. When we were all stuffed with sandwiches and coffee we jumped in the cars and drove to Essen to skate some concrete-trannies there. Matze once again was the firs to figure out the lines and gave Felix and Michele enough stuff to shoot but let me tell you about Tim who also laid down his marks on the pool-cop-ings. I haven´t seen many 15 year-old that have the safe an stylish push in the streets and pools he got, always trying to go faster and find new lines. But as hard as he skates as relaxed he is off the board. He´s just that kind of kid, that seems like it doesn´t care about what´s hot or not in the skateworld and just wants to skate. When other kids his age talk about the latest Videos and tricks he comes up with the old H-Street-Movies and how cool he thinks they are and he has, by far, one of the best music-pref-erences for a boy of his age I´ve every seen. I can´t wait to see more of his skating and go on more tours with him in the future. After the session was over I called up Markus of the Black Heaven Skateshop in Münster to ask what the weather was like up there. Markus told me it was already raining and it doesn´t seem to stop so Münster as our last Tour-Stop was canceled. A decision had to be made and after a few minutes we decided:

Later we met my old school-mate Burak and as usual when you meet this guy, he made sure we had a good flight through night. The weather-forecast predicted rain for the next day, but was proven wrong. Once again we woke up next to the Brigade and the sun was up. After 2 days wild camping and skating we all agreed, it was time to get a shower, so our first stop of the day was the local swimming-pool. When the dudes were clean and re-freshed breakfast was calling. Well it seems that you always meet strange people on tour and this time was no exception. There are people on the streets that think they run it and have to take care of safety, in this case some weird guy pretended he was the local security in front of the bakery we hung out and got some coffee. Funny thing is, minutes before the bakery-stuff took pictures of us, thinking we where cool and even gave me a free snack. Anyway this guy seemed kind of mentally handicapped trying to provoke me by punching me but it was more of a hug, so after a few minutes of arguing we let him go. We were there to skate, so fuck it. When we were all stuffed with sandwiches and coffee we jumped in the cars and drove to Essen to skate some concrete-trannies there. Matze once again was the firs to figure out the lines and gave Felix and Michele enough stuff to shoot but let me tell you about Tim who also laid down his marks on the pool-cop-ings. I haven´t seen many 15 year-old that have the safe an stylish push in the streets and pools he got, always trying to go faster and find new lines. But as hard as he skates as relaxed he is off the board. He´s just that kind of kid, that seems like it doesn´t care about what´s hot or not in the skateworld and just wants to skate. When other kids his age talk about the latest Videos and tricks he comes up with the old H-Street-Movies and how cool he thinks they are and he has, by far, one of the best music-pref-erences for a boy of his age I´ve every seen. I can´t wait to see more of his skating and go on more tours with him in the future. After the session was over I called up Markus of the Black Heaven Skateshop in Münster to ask what the weather was like up there. Markus told me it was already raining and it doesn´t seem to stop so Münster as our last Tour-Stop was canceled. A decision had to be made and after a few minutes we decided:

Stephan - Ollie

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Essen was the one and only real stop in the so called Pott, so we called our friend Christian Jopp in Düsseldorf to ask if we can crash at his place and to find out what the weather was like there. Crashing was no problem and the weather was still good there. Due to Jopps job we had to wait till evening until we where able to meet him but no problem for us because the sun was still up in the sky when we arrived in Düsseldorf and Flo still had something to prove on the Astron-Ledge after he ate shit there the last time we were in this city. After all Düsseldorf was the place where Flo proved his status as “ruler of the tour” by ripping almost every street-spot we went to and put a smile on our media-guys faces. After having a year full of injuries, exames and not a lot of skate-time it was great to see Flo back in full force. Ever since I went street-skating with him for the first time, I know this man can do everything on plywood he set his mind on and not only that he does it, it´s the way he does it, clean, big and loud and he just has the feeling for the right tricks on the right spots. So it was no wonder he finished our tour in style with a hammer, one of most massive switch ollies I´ve ever seen live. Yeah Flo, is great to have you back. After the last trick was done we went for some drinks to the next Pub and watched the german national team beating Israel and tour-stories were told before we took a walk through Düsseldorfs party-street. Well I prefere to run througt streets with loud Euro-Trash Music and Mallorca-like bars, I just can´t stand shit like that, so after we took a midnight-snack and some more beers we went back to Jopps place and chill. Next day it was time to go back home, but one things for sure, the next tour is coming... hopefully soon. Thanks to Michele and Felix for their good work, to Tobi Hees, Phillip, Jup, the Wasted-Box Crew in Cologne and thanks to Jopp in Düsseldorf. Oh and for Münster, I hope to be there for the Bergfest!!

Text: Marc Petrinic All photos by: Michele Danzé

Matze - FS Walljam

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LE DYNAMAL (MAL MAL MAL) TOURSamedi 7 juillet 2012, 9h du mat’ voilà que Jey (Versus) et Trude viennent me chercher pour 4 jours de musette et de skate intense! Direction VASSIVIERES. On n’était pas partit qu’on commençait déjà à boire de la slim (gnôle local) sur le parking... Bref, sur la route on fait une petite escale au streetpark de St Etienne où Trude a eu le temps de mettre ses 5-0 back sur tout le park… Jey des bs crails sur le hip et quelques fs board pour moi. Après quelques heures de route et des litres de bières en bas, on arrive enfin au lac de Vassivières perdu dans le Limousin où il y a le bowl posé en plein milieu d’une île. Un spot lunaire!!!

Premières impressions : où est ce qu’on est???

Des BMXeurs sont entrain de fumer le bowl et plein d’anciens autour, entrain de chiller au soleil; L’endroit rêvé pour passer 4jours de ride et de détente! 1 heure plus tard et v’là que le foudre s’abat sur nous avec des grêlons gros comme des balles de ping-pong!


Du coup la session s’est transformée en apéro jusqu’à... J’me souviens plus trop!!! Sous un chapiteau et sous la pluie... Avec des gens venus des quatres coin de la France où la bonne humeur et le sky, calva et autres substances bizarres coulaient a flot.


mais avec de l’eau

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Apres m’être endormi sur une table, je me réveille avec un mal de dos pas possible et complètement frigorifié... Juste un message vocal de Jey d’un quart d’heure, enfin plutôt un message d’ adieu:

“T’es où mon Bib ?? Il est 4H44 il nous reste 666km d’autonomie, on est à coté de la rigole du Diable, ça ne peut PAS être un hasard! J’espère que tu n’es pas dehors avec ce froid.. Que du bon! Appelle moi A+”

camera sans


le ledge ou trude a bien faillit rentrer son premier crooked revert

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Du coup j’ai rejoind la voiture où on a bien sûr, appeler Boris, pour lui dire n’importe quoi! Le lendemain matin le temps ne s‘était toujours pas

amélioré (brouillard, vent, pluie ...), on décide donc

d’aller récupérer nos boards et notre sac photo dans

la voiture d’Homer FTBX. Puis prendre le p’tit dej’

(2 kro, 4 clopes, 1 dolicrane et un coping dans le

front…) avec tous les skateurs d’Amiens. D’ailleurs

merci a eux pour ce bon moment! Marre de ce temps

de merde, on décide de partir en direction du soleil.


bib fs boardslide de snowboarder

filme avec la parkinson

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Clermont : la session pourrie

mais les chiottes du

parc, vraiment cool!!!

Roanne : Arrivée avec...

1 an d’avance!!!

(à l’arrache complet

les mecs...)

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0UAIS JSUIS DACCORDparoles de moine trudiste

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Lundi matin on prend la route vers le bowl de Bour-goin Jallieu.. Chill dans le parc à coté du bowl toute l’aprèm’ et grosse session le soir. Que du bonheur quoi! Comme à son habitude Jey attaque toujours une ses-sion par essayer un des plus gros tricks qu’il pense faire sur le spot.. Là c‘était rock back sur le craddle... Quatre essais malchanceux pour lui malheureusement (hanche, poignet…) direct au bout de 10min.. Au final super session quand même, tout le monde a fait de belles lignes et s‘est fait plaiz. 22H30 discussion autour d’un sandwich:

Retour au point de départ à

St Etienne, pour poser la tente!

Résultat, le meilleur moment

de la journée fût la bouteille

de Label 5 (quotidienne) et la

session nocturne derrière, où on

s’est gavé (stalefish de Trude, et

Jey qui faisait des lignes de 666


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odeurs de chaussettes de dingue!

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« Et si on allait dormir dans un cimetière? »

Jey: « J’aime bien les trucs nouveau.. J’suis chaud! »

« Allez! » C’est partit, nous v’là parti chercher le cimetière de

Bourgoin qu’on a jamais trouver d’ailleurs, du coup on

a fini mal mal mal dans la tente en pleine forêt avec

juste une dynamal pour voir et boire nos verres…

Ici, devrait se trouver le texte de Gerwack; Mais, ce Versus, ayant déjà quelques mois de retard, je ne pouvais plus me permettre d’attendre; Voilà, je pense, ce qu’il aurait écrit (s’il n’avait pas “plan-pétisé” si longtemps): “En skate-trip tout est possible. On peut aller plus loin, c’est possible! En se nourrissant exclusivement de madeleines “trouvées” (et de salades de thon, “épicées au requin”), en “s’hydratant” au whisky (et à la bière), en “se soignant” à la gnôle DIY en cas de p’tit “moins-bien, on peut encore grinder la (boîte de la) mort (après 4 nuits plus ou moins blanches et 1000km dans les jambes)! Et oui, j’suis d’accord!”

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mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal mal


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Et voilà toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin, retour à la vie “normale” (=mort de l’âme)... Merci à Versus pour sa motiv’ et aux autres de m’avoir fait passer tout ces moments qu’on n’oubliera jamais!!! *désencolter: mot variable qui signifie tout et rien à la fois, égale à la lettre blanche au Scrabble.

Texte: Bib - Photos: Jey & Bib

Le dernier jour de trip était à Fontaine mais sans

grande motivation, à part Trude qui a désencolté* la

deathbox en bs 5-0 entre deux machins!!! Fatigué de cruiser c’est pas beau ca!!!

shark attaque!

boite de la mort!




« Un grand merci à tous les «anciens» de la FOSSJ, à Fred de Soma, Homer d’FTBX, aux gars du forum, à Trude évidement, ainsi qu’à Bib de m’avoir suivit dans cette aventure! »


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Lukas Halter - Photo: Nicolas Buechi ... Soma nous a volé l’idée! ;)

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