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The Vietnam WarBy: Asheleyn Richwine

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The Ho Chi Minh Trail~A network of wilderness routes that carried Communist equipment, supplies and troops.

~By the year 1970, more than 20,000 tons of supplies moved on the trail every month

~The trail began near Hanoi, wound into Laos, and another branch came through Cambodia.

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The Ho Chi Minh Trail~Had underground barracks, hospitals, workshops and storage for munitions and fuel for the Communists.

~Supplies were moved by foot, bicycle, or even elephant

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Combat~Communists avoided the direct combat that the Americans favored, they launched ambushes.

~Communists would shoot multiple times from many directions to trick the Americans into thinking their numbers were far greater.

~Would hide in the jungle or in the miles of tunnels that honeycombed the hills after their attack on the Americans.

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Rolling Thunder~Began in March of 1965

~During Rolling Thunder, more bombs were dropped on North Vietnam than the United States used in the Pacific Theater in World War II.

~Targeted bridges, highways, railroads, airfields, factories, power plants and fuel depots.

~Thousands of Vietnamese citizens were given anti aircraft guns to shoot down the American planes as they flew over.

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Napalm and Agent Orange~Americans used chemical herbicides to make trees and bushes drop their leaves and make the enemy more visible.

~Most common chemical herbicide used was Agent Orange. Napalm was also widely used by the Allied Forces. Napalm is an incendiary that burns everything that it touches.

~The spraying of chemical defoliants was Codenamed Operation Ranch Hand.

~Lasted between the years of 1962 and 1971.

~Squadron of 25 planes were used.

~19 million gallons of herbicides sprayed, 60% was Agent Orange.

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Communist Traps~rig concealed grenades or land mines to trip wires~dig pits, fill them with landmines, and cover them with leaves so that the soldiers would think that the ground was solid and fall into them~dig pits and line them with sharpened bamboo stakes called pungi stakes.~bend back thorny branches and attach them to trip wires. When a soldier would hit the wire, the branches would sweep into their face.

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Tonkin Gulf Incident~Event credited with start of Vietnam War

~August 2, 1964, North Vietnamese gunboats attack U.S. ship the Maddox, which was on a spying mission off the coast of North Vietnam. Attack recorded by photographers.

~August 4, 1964, the Maddox and the Turner Joy report being attacked during the night.

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Controversy~No physical evidence of second attack

~Many people- including North Vietnamese authorities and several U.S. senators claim it never happened.

~Former secretary of defense Robert McNamara said, “To this day I don't know what happened... in the Tonkin Gulf... I think we may have made two serious misjudgments.”

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Kent State~Protesters launched demonstration that included them burning down the ROTC building.(the building for students in the armed forces)

~After burning of building, the governor of Ohio sends 900 National Guardsmen to Kent State

~May 4th 1970- 28 National Guardsmen opened fire on a crowd. Four students killed, nine more wounded.

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Works CitedBarr, Roger. The Vietnam War. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books 1991. Print.Mason, Andrew. The Vietnam War, A Primary Source History. Pleasantville, NY: Gareth Stevens Publishing 2006. Print.Murray, Stuart. Vietnam War. New York: DK Publishing, Inc. 2005. Print.“Vietnam War.” History A&E Television Networks, LLC. 2013. Web. 11/21/13Foner, Eric and Garraty, John A. “Kent State Incident” A&E Televison Networks, LLC. 1991. 11/26/13,%201975.%20Photo%20%C2%A9%20Le%20Mihn%20Dien.jpg,,16152967_303,00.jpg!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/kentstate5n-3-web.jpg