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Puni naziv udruženja: SVIJET U SLIKAMA


Skraćeni naziv Udruženja: SUS Sjedište Udruženja:Zenica, ulica Maršala Tita 22Bosna i Hercegovina

U druženje je registrovano Rješenjem Ministarstva za pravosuđe i upravu ZDK broj: 06-05-2258/12,Udruženje je upisano u Registar udruženja ZDK u knjizi X pod brojem 1684, dana 14.02.2012.g.

Telefoni: +387 (0)61 302 906 +387 (0)61 469 550 +387 (0)61 633 520Fax: +387 (0)32 440 391E-mail:[email protected]

Identifikacijski broj: 4218768010005Transakcijski račun Udruženja je: 1610550028850063, kod Raiffeisen bank dd Bosna i Hercegovina ,Zenica

A. Core information/Osnovne informacije

Name of the organisation:Naziv organizacije:

Udruženje “Svijet u slikama” iz Zenice


Mejdandžik 9A

Postal code and Municipality:Poštanski broj i mjesto:

72000 Zenica


Bosna I Hercegovina

Name of the contact person and position within the organisation:Ime kontakt osobe i pozicija u organizaciji:

Bojan Radić, predsjednik Udruženja

Telephone number:Telefon:


Fax number:Fax:


E-mail address:E-mail adresa:

[email protected]

Website (if available):Website (ukoliko postoji):

Registration number:Registarski broj organizacije:

Upisano u knjigu IX Registra udruženja ZDK, pod brojem 1684, dana 14.02.20112.g

Name (title) of the project:Naziv projekta:

SUS-model za autizam

B. Organisation/Organizacija

1. What is the legal status of your organisation?Koji je pravni status vaše organizacije? Nevladina, neprofitna organizacija.Non government, non profitable organization

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2. When was the organisation established, by who and what events (situation) led to the establishment?Kada je organizacija osnovana, na čiju inicijativu i koji su događaji potakli osnivanje organizacije? Udruženje je osnovano 14.02.2012.g. na inicijativu grupe mladih stručnjaka koji su se pojavili i u ulozi osnivača, a danas su ključno osoblje Udruženja. To su mladi ljudi sa visokom naobrazbom i dodatnim kvalifikacijama koje su stekli na raznim seminarima ili u radu sa djecom sa posebnim potrebama. Petero od njih je povremeno i na određeno vrijeme bili ili jest angažovano u okviru struke u JU Škola za odgoj, obrazovanje i rehabilitaciju osoba sa teškoćam u psiho-fizičkom razvoju Zenica. Upravo tu se rodila inicijativa za osnivanjem Udruženja jer su uočili da se rad sa djecom iz autističnog spektra odvija po programima za umjereno mentalno retardiranu djecu, koji je anahron i uopće ne odražava najbitniji segment, a to je poštivanje i zaštitu prava osoba sa posebnim potrebama u duhu Međunarodnih konvencija. S druge strane i uslovi u kojima se izvode takvi programi su davno prevaziđeni a i pristup zaposlenika još uvjek odiše socijalističkim samoupravljačkim mentalitetom (problemi u radu ove škole također su evidentirani u Specijalnom izvještaju ombdusmana BiH). Na fakultetu smo svi učili sasvim nešto drugo, te se ne možemo pomiriti sa činjenicom da uđemo u takve klišeje, te smo odlučili osnovati Udruženje kako bismo naučeno primjenili u praksi i dodatno istraživali nove modela rada sa ovom djecom. Nije zanemarivo ni spomenuti da u školi rad sa roditeljima djece nema nikakav organizovani oblik ili bolje rečeno nema ga nikako što je također propust koji ne može donijeti pozitivan rezultat.

The Association was established on 14th February 2012 on the initiative of a group of young professionals who also appear in a role of establishers, and today they are the key Association staff. These are young persons with high education degree and additional qualifications gained at various training seminars or in the work with children with special needs. Five of them used to work part time or are still engaged within their profession in the School for education and rehabilitation of persons with psychophysical development disorders Zenica. Initiative for establishing an association was born in that place, because they found out that the autistic children work has been carried out by the programs for moderately mentally handicapped children that was anachronous and generally did not reflect the most important segment, and that is respect and protection of rights of the persons with special needs in the spirit of International Conventions. On the other hand conditions these programs were performed in were surpassed long time ago, and the staff’s attitudes were still in socialist self-managing mentality (the School problems were registered in the Ombudsman Special Report). We learned at the universities something else, so we could not agree with the fact that we had to enter such stereotypes and we decided to establish an association, in order to apply in the practice what we had learned and to additionally research new work models with the children. It also has to be mentioned that there is not organized work with parents in the School or to say it clearly there is not any work with parentsl, and that is a mistake that cannot give positive result.

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C. Project contours/Nacrt projekta

1. In which geographic area will the project be executed?Na kom će se geografskom području sprovoditi vaš projekat?

Projekt će se u prvoj fazi, u trajanju od godinu dana, provoditi na području oćine Zenica a kasnije bi se trebao proširiti na ostale općine Zeničko-dobojskog kantona, u kojima se otkriju djeca iz autističnog spektra a njihovi roditelji pokažu interes za učešće u projektu.

During the first phase that lasts a year, the project will be carried out on the territory of Zenica municipality, and later it will be extended to the other municipalities in Zenica-Doboj Canton where children from autistic spectrum are detected and their parents show interest to participate in the project.

2. In the geographic area in which the project will be implemented, what is the social and economic situation with regard to unemployment, vulnerable/disadvantaged groups, ethnic groups, gender, educational level and availability of relevant services? Kakva je socijalna i ekonomska situacija u odnosu na nezaposlenost, ranjive grupe, etničke grupe ili manjine, pol, obrazovni nivo i dostupnost odgovarajućih socijalnih usluga na tom geografskom području gdje namjeravate provoditi vaš projekat?

U Zenici danas živi oko 130 000 stanovnika: pripadnci različitih naroda kultura vjera i običaja povezanim dubokim tradicijama skladnog života. Odnos urbanog i ruralnog stanovništva je 60:40% s trendom povećanja u korist urbanog, uglavnom zbog vezanosti za mogućnost zaposlenja. Starosna struktura stanovništva u 2009. godini sa 15% starijih od 65 godina i 18% mlađih od 15 godina ukazuje da je populacija općine stara populacija ili regresivni tip populacije.Socijalna slika je izrazito loša: redovne prihode za domaćinstva ostvaruje oko 20.000 zaposlenih i 18000 penzionera. Prosjećna mjesečna plaća zaposlenih je među najnižima u BiH i kreće se oko 690 KM ( 345 Eura), dok se penzije izrazito niske: od 300 KM mjesčno živi više od 50% penzionerskih domaćinstava.Broj nezaposlenih je 23.000 i među njima je najviše mladih sa srednjim obrazovanjem ali i iznatan broj sa fakultetskom diplomom ( a naročito se to odnosi na dipl.socijalne pedagoge koji se školuju na zeničkom Univerzitetu).700 domaćinstava u Zenici živi isključivo od socijalne pomoći u iznosu od 92-126 KM mjesečno.U zadnjih 10 godina prosječno između 3500-4000 osoba godišnje zatraži pomoć od Centra za socijalni rad kako bi prevazišli akutno ili hronično stanje socijalne potrebe, dok ih između 9.000-10.000 trajno ovisi od pomoći koje dobvaju posredstvom ove ustanove.Socijalne usluge se zadovoljavaju najvećim dijelom preko javne ustanove Centar za socijalni rad Zenica, ali i preko 30 lokalnih NVO koje djeluju u socijalnnom sektoru.

Godišnje se, u prosjeku, otkrije i „kategoriše“ na općinskoj ljekarskoj Komisiji, oko 30 djece sa posebnim potrebama. Na evidenciji JU Centar za socijalni rad Zenica, koja se vodi od 1961.g.(od kad je osnovana ova ustanova) nalazi se preko 2.000 kategorisanih osoba. Procjenjuje se da među njima ima preko 300 djece mlađe od 14 godina. Nakon uspostavljne

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početne dijagnoze i kategorije rekategorizacija se skoro nikad ne vrši, a rad sa djecom se, ako nisu u ustanovama, prepušta roditeljima (podaci korišteni iz izvještja o radu ove ustanove za 2011.godinu dostupnim na Web stranici Općine Zenica).

At present, there are approximately 130.000 inhabitants in Zenica: they are of various nationalities, cultures, religions and customs connected by traditions of harmonious life. Ratio of urban vs. rural population is 60:40% with the tendency of the urban population increase, due to better possibility of employment, The statistics from 2009 shows that 15% of population was over 65 years and 18% under 15 years and that indicates that the municipal population is old, namely regressive type of population.Social picture is very bad: regular income for the households have approx. 20.000 employed persons and 18.000 pensioners. The average monthly salary of the employed is among the lowest in B&H and it is about 690 KM (345 EURO), while the pensions are extremely low: about 50% of pensioners’ households have monthly income of 300 KM. The number of unemployed is approx. 23.000, out of which the greatest number are young people with secondary education, but also a significant number of those with the university degree (specially social pedagogues educated at Zenica University)For approx. 700 households subsidy from social welfare centers is the only income and it varies from 92 to 126 KM per month During last 10 years, a yearly average of between 3.500-4.000 persons are referred to the Center for Social Work in order to overcome the acute or chronicle state of social need, while 9.000 to 10.000 of them are permanently dependent on the subsidy they receive through this institution.Social services are mainly offered through the Center for Social Work Zenica, but also through 30 NGO’s dealing within social sector.A yearly average of 30 children with special needs are detected and categorized by the Municipal Medical Commission. There are about 2.000.categorized persons registered at the Center for Social Work (the Book of Register has is being kept from 1961 when the institution was established). It is estimated that out of that number there are about 300 children under 14 years. After that first established diagnosis and categorization, there is no re-categorization, and the work with the children, if not covered by institution is merely on their parents (information from this institution from 2011, available at Zenica municipality web page)

3. What are the reasons and need for the execution of the project? Koji su razlozi i potrebe doveli do pokretanja ovog projekta?

Analiza problema preuzeta je iz Specijalnog izvjestaja Ombudsmena BiH o stanju prava djece sa posebnim potrebama/smetnjama u psihofizickom razvoju (2011.g), sačinjenom na osnovu dvogodišnjeg praćenja stanja u ovoj oblasti ( 2009/2010 ). Izvještaj je dostupan na

Prema zvaničnim podacima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije i EU učestalosti poremećaja u autističnom spektru (Autistic Spectru Disorders-ASD),u BiH bi moglo biti 3500-22000 djece i

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odraslih sa ASD-om. Najnovija svjetska izvješća ukazuju na to da bi ovaj broj mogao biti i veći i obuhvatiti gotovo 1% stanovništva. Procent se dodatno povećava ako uzmemo u obzir druge razvojne poremećaje (ADHD, Down sindrom, itd.), kao i članove njihovihobitelji, na čiji

život ovi poremećaji također značajno utiču.Problem djece s posebnim potrebama se zbog svoje složenosti može rješavati samo zajedničkim djelovanjem stručnjaka iz oblasti zdravstva, socijalne skrbi i obrazovanja. Posebice naglašavamo da se Bosna i Hercegovina također suočava s ozbiljnim zadatkom socijalne reforme koju još nije započela i čije odgađanje samo usložnjava već ionako tešku socijalnu situaciju u zemlji.

Kada se još ima u vidu činjenica da je ratificiranje revidirane Socijalne povelje u listopadu 2008.godine obvezalo BiH da u svojoj socijalnoj politici, koja je po karakteru i nacionalna i internacionalna, stvori uvjete u kojima će se prava i principi (jedan od njih je „da djeca i mladež imaju pravo na posebnu zaštitu od fizičkih i moralnih razlika kojima su izloženi”) očigledno je da pred vlastima stoje zadaci koji se nužno i žurno moraju rješavati i čije odgađanje samo multiplicira probleme. Poseban osvrt napravili smo na probleme autizma i autistične djece, s obzirom na njihove specifičnosti, ali smo se, pozornost što većem broju djece s posebnim potrebama kako bi nadležne upoznali s njihovim problemima i “podsjetili” da smo obvezni što potpunije i kvalitetnije implementirati Konvenciju o

pravima djeteta. Istodobno smo htjeli i široj društvenoj javnosti ukazati da su u pitanju naša djeca, i da “ne zatvara oči” i ignorira probleme ove djece i njihovih obitelji, te da svi, i kao pojedinci, i kao obnašatelji vlasti, imamo obvezu da radimo u najboljem interesu djece. S druge strane, bili smo iznenađeni i ganuti činjenicom s kolikom ljubavlju, entuzijazmom, hrabrošću, voljom i snagom roditelji djece i stručna lica na sve načine teže osposobljavanju, odgajanju, obrazovanju i socijalizaciji ove djece. Za ovaj korak smo se odlučili znajući da je pred nama težak zadatak, imajući u vidu probleme i nedostatke sistema u ispunjavanju prava djece. Jedini ispravan sistem brige za djecu je onaj koji je fleksibilan i oblikuje se premapotrebama svakog djeteta, uključujući i djecu s poremećajima u razvoju. Najvažnijainkluzija djeteta se dešava u njegovoj društvenoj sredini u svakodnevnom životu, a toće se postići samo kroz uspješan razvoj potencijala djeteta uz pomoć jedinstvenog, alifluidnijeg sistema prilagođenog svakom djetetu pojedinačno. 1. Neophodno je stvoriti jezgru stručnog kadra i prvi stručni interdisciplinarni tim kojibi obučavao nove stručne timove za rad s osobama u autističnom spektru širomBosne i Hercegovine.2. Stvaranje sistema za ranu detekciju, dijagnozu i intervenciju u okviru kojeg bi ucentrima za ranu intervenciju bio planiran i podignut nivo funkcionalnosti djeces dijagnozom razvojnog poremećaja, ali i djece za koju samo postoji sumnja dabi ga mogli imati, djeca eventualno pripremljena za inkluziju, a roditeljima bi bilapružena edukacija i pomoć.Zainteresovane strane za rješavanje problema su:

Djeca sa poremećajima u autističnom spektru i njihovi roditelji imaju interes da se prikluče projektu koji nudi model uspješnog osposobljavanja djece za što uspješniji život u porodici i zajednici, i model podrške roditeljima kao koterapeutima u procesu osposobljavanja njihove djece.

Ministarstvo za rad, socijalnu politiku i izbjeglice ZDK, jer je on po Ustavu BiH i FBiH nosilac socijalne zaštite. U odnosu na autizam ovo Ministarstvo je pokazalo interes donošenjem 2011.godine Pravilnik o otkrivanju, ocjenjivanju i razvrstavanju djece i

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omladine ometene u psiho-fizičkom razvoju u kojem je prvi put uključena kategorija AUTIZAM kao mogući oblik poremećaja. Od tada Kanton nema nikakvih iskustava u otkrivanju, ocjenjivanju i razvrstavanju autistične djece, te bi im ovaj projekat mogao ponuditi adekvatna rješenja,

Općina Zenica zainteresova je da u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima podiže nivo društvene odgovornosti za lokalno stanovništvo, naročito segmentu poštivanja prava osoba sa posebnim potrebama, i ako Općina u raspodjeli nadležnisti osigurava tek dodatne oblike socijalne zaštite, ovaj projekt bi im mogao poslužiti u kreiranju lokalnih palnova i strategija razvoja položaja svih pa i ovih korisnika,

Centar za socijalni rad on u stvarnosti provodi proces razvrstavanja djece sa posebnim potrebama na osnovu pomenutog Pravilnika i izvan toga ne pruža druge usluge kategorisanoj djeci. Ovaj projekt bi trebao da ih animira svojim dometima da u svoje opise rada uključe i aktivnu saradnju sa lokalnom zajednicom u cilju osiguranja najkvalitetnihih usluga za djecu sa poteškoćama u razvoju, koja su do sad za njih bila podatak u bazi.

Ostali subjekti u lokalnoj zajednici (NVO, privatni sektor) imaju interes da priključivanjem projektu demonstriraju senzibilnost za probleme ove djece i istovremeno afirmišu svoje kapacitete i programe u zajednici.

PREPORUKE OMBDUSMANA: Da poduzmu aktivnosti na podizanju svijesti stručne i šire javnosti o pravima i potrebam

djece s posebnim potrebama u cilju smanjivanja predrasuda; da omoguće edukaciju i psihosocijalnu pomoć roditeljima putem osnivanja

savjetovališta za roditelje, kako bi u što ranijoj fazi mogli dobiti adekvatnu stručnu pomoć, upute i smjernice za skrb i socijalizaciju djece;

da uspostave i sprovode programe senzibiliziranja djece, nastavnog osoblja,roditelja o potrebama i mogućnostima osoba s posebnim potrebama u cilju smanjivanjapredrasuda o ovoj populaciji ljudi;

da povećaju broj mobilnih stručnih timova ili stalno angažiranih stručnjaka, koji će pružati podršku provođenju procesa inkluzije i koncentrirati se na kontinuiranu pomoć nastavnom osoblju u izradi i provođenju individualnih programa rada s djecom;

da uspostave suradnju s nevladinim organizacijama i udruženjima roditelja djece i osoba s posebnim potrebama, koji imaju razvijen model edukacije nastavnog osoblja u školama i da tako iskoriste raspoložive stručne resurse za zajedničke edukativne i humanitarne aktivnosti i projekte;

da omoguće izradu suvremenijih nastavnih planova i programa za određene stručne profile djece sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama.

Da omoguće uspostavu mehanizama za rano otkrivanje i dijagnosticiranje djece u autističnom spektru;

Da omoguće poduzimanje adekvatnih mjera kako bi se uspostavio i izgradio sistem identifikacije i monitoringa djece s autizmom i

Da ostvare u što većoj mjeri suradnju s nevladinom sektorom.

Preporuke preuzete iz Specijalnog izvješća o stanju prava djece sa posebnim potrebama/smetnjama u psihofizičkom razvoju.

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The problem analysis is taken from the Ombudsmen B&H Special Report on the situation of the children with special needs/disorder in psychophysical development rights (2011) made on the basis of two year follow up of situation in that area (2010/2011). The report available at to information from the World Health Organization and EU the frequency of Autistic Spectrum Disorders-ASD in B&H could be 3.500 to 22.000 children and adults. The latest world reports indicate that this number could be even higher and cover almost 1% of the population. The percentage is additionally increased if other development disorders are also taken into account (ADHD, Down syndrome, etc) as well as the family members whose lives are also significantly affected by these disorders.Problem of the children with special needs, due to its complexity, can be solved only by the joint activities of the professionals from the area of health, social care and education. We specially emphasize that B&H has to face a serious task of the social reform that has not started yet, and that delay makes the social situation in the country even harder. If we have in mind the fact that ratification of the revised Social Chart from October 2008 committed B&H to create conditions in its social policy that is by its character both national and international and by which rights and principals (one of them is that “children and youth have right for special protection from physical and moral differences they are exposed to”) should be followed.

We have paid special attention to the problems of autism and autistic children considering their specifities, but we also extended our focus to other children with special needs in order to inform the authorities about their problems and to “remind” them that we are obliged to implement the Convention on Children’s rights as completely as possible. At the same time we also want to inform the publicity that these are our children so that they “do not close their eyes” and ignore these children and their parents’ problems. All of us both individuals and authorities are obliged to work in the best interest of the children. On the other hand we are surprised and moved by the amount of love, affection, enthusiasm, courage, will and power that are offered by the parents and professionals in order to educate, train and socialize the children. We have decided to take that step knowing that it is a difficult task when you know the problems and lack of system in meeting the child’s rights.The only valid system is the one that is flexible and adjustable to each child’s needs, including the children with special needs. The most important inclusion is in the child’s social environment in his/her daily life, and that can be achieved only through development of each child potential with assistance of the program adjusted to the child. For the beginning it is important to connect health-education-social systems and provide their function for the children with special needs.

1. It is necessary to form the core of professionals and the first inter-disciplinary team that would train new professional teams for the work with persons from autistic spectrum throughout B&H.

2. To create system for early detection, diagnostic and intervention that will increase the level of functioning of the children diagnosed as children with development disorder, but also of the children suspected to develop a disorder, so that the children can be prepared for inclusion and parents to be given training and support.

Parties interested in solving the problems are:

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Children with disorders in autistic spectrum and their parents are interested in joining the project that offers a successful training model for the children for their successful life in a family and community, and support model for parents as co-therapists in the training process of their children.

Zenica-Doboj Canton Ministry od Work, Social Policy and Refugees - because it is a carrier of social protection by BH and FBH Constitution. Regarding autism, the Ministry has shown its interest by passing the Rules on detection, evaluation and classification of children and youth with psychophysical development disorders in 2011, and for the first time Autism as a possible type of disorder was mentioned. The Canton has not have any experiences in detection, evaluation and classification of autistic children yet and this project could offer them adequate solutions.

Municipality of Zenica is interested in raising the social responsibility level for the local population in accordance with its possibilities, especially in the segment of respecting the persons with special needs rights. Although in the distribution of responsibilities the municipality ensures only additional types of social protection they could use this project in creating local plans and strategies for development status of all beneficiaries.

Center for Social Work in reality carries out the process of children with special needs classification on the basis of the mentioned Rules and does not offer any other services to the categorized children. This project should animate them to, within their job descriptions, include the active cooperation with the local community to ensure the best quality services for the children with development disorders who are so far only a data in their database.

Other subjects in the local community (NGO, private sector) are interested in joining the project in order to demonsrate sensitivity for these children’s problems and at the same time to affirmate their capacities and programs.

BH OMBDUSMAN RECOMMENDATIONS: To undertake activities on raising awareness of professionals and wider publicity on

children with special needs rights and needs with a purpose of prejudice reduction To ensure education and psychosocial support to parents by opening counseling services

for parents, so that the parents could get adequate professional support, instructions and direction for child care and socialization in as early phase as possible.;

To establish and carry out programs of sensibilization of children, teachers, parents on the needs and possibilities of the persons with special needs with the aim of prejudice reduction

To increase number of mobile professional teams or permanently engaged professionals who would offer support in carrying out the inclusion process and concentrate to continuous assistance to teachers in creation and implementation of the individual work programs with children

To establish cooperation with non government organizations and associations of parents with children with special needs and persons with special needs, which have education model developed for the teachers in schools, thus the disposed professional resources could be used for the mutual educational and humanitarian activities and projects

To ensure creation of updated curriculum for some professional profiles of children with special needs

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To enable establishing mechanisms for early detection and diagnostic of the children in autistic spectrum

To ensure undertaking adequate measures in order to establish and build system for identification and monitoring of autistic children

To carry out cooperation with non government sector as much as possible

Reccomendation taken from the Special Report on Situation of the Children with Special Needs/Disorders in Psychophysical Development

4. What is the project’s overall objective?Šta je opšti cilj projekta?

Smanjenje kršenja i ugrožavanja prava djece sa posebnim potrebama (autizmom) u ZDK/ BiH.Usvajanjem Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o osnovama socijalne zaštite, zaštite civilnih žrtava rata i zaštite obitelji s djecom71 u Federaciji BiH, prava su izgubile sve osobe sa invalidnošću manjom od 90%. Ovom prilikom želimo ukazati da su izmjene i dopune u znatnoj mjeri pogoršale i položaj djece s posebnim potrebama, a problem svih kategorija invalidnih osoba ostvarivanje dječjih prava uvjetovano nizom faktora: opće siromaštvo, nezaposlenost, političko uređenje, neobrazovanost, odsustvo statističkih podataka, adekvatnih razvojnih strategija itd. Neminovno se nameće zaključak da su problemi djece sa posebnim potrebama kumulativno, složeno pitanje socijalne i zdravstvene zaštite i svakako obrazovanja. S tim u vezi, sve nadležne institucije morale bi pratiti i zajednički rješavati ova pitanja, što najčešće nije slučaj. Nedovoljna edukacija roditelja i društva čine djecu „nevidljivom“, jer se mnoga nalaze u svojim domovima, prepuštena samo svojoj obitelji. Neophodno je poduzeti korake radi podizanja svijesti društva kako bi ova djeca, kao i sva druga, bila uključena u društvo. Nažalost, predrasude okoline imaju za posljedicu da se djeca najčešće izoliraju, bez mogućnosti socijalizacije i ostvarivanja osnovnih esencijalnih prava. Međutim, ono što apsolutno nitko ne može osporiti i umanjiti značaj jeste način na koji se roditelji djece sa posebnim potrebama i druge osobe, prvenstveno profesionalci, „snalaze“, u smislu da formiraju udruženja/udruge, s krajnjim ciljem da pomognu prvenstveno svojoj djeci, a potom i sami sebi. Nevjerojatno je koliko volje, energije, nade i entuzijazma ima u svakom kontaktu i radu s djecom i koliko se trude i nastoje izmijeniti stanje i svijest u društvu, pojedinačnim akcijama, aktivnostima, kampanjama i sl. Svakako da, usprkos brojnim željama i teškog rada, ne mogu sistemski rješavati probleme i svjesni su da im je potrebna podrška vlasti, te na brojne načine „lobiraju“ kod nadležnih za bilo kakav vid podrške i suradnje. Prisutnost intelektualnih teškoća ne opravdava nijedan oblik diskriminacije. Djeca s posebnim potrebama imaju i treba da uživaju sva prava predviđena međunarodnim standardima i zakonima Bosne i Hercegovine i to polazeći od temeljnih načela da svaki čovjek ima urođena, jednaka i neotuđiva prava. Inkluzija djece s posebnim potrebama u BiH je veoma složeno i kompleksno pitanje, koje bi zahtijevalo i dodatna istraživanja i opservacije. Pored obrazovanja djece s posebnim potrebama i stjecanja zvanja i zanimanja, bilo bi veoma značajno da se stvore uvjeti i mogućnosti da djeca nakon završetka školovanja uspiju pronaći uposlenje, te da njihove obrazovne kvalifikacije budu atraktivnije na tržištu rada i da se uopće zaposle mnogo češće nego što je to sada slučaj. Predstavnici udruženja i saveza ukazuju na to da se djeca s posebnim potrebama, ukoliko i završe najčešće srednje obrazovanje, ne mogu zaposliti, jer su u pitanju

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zanimanja koja nisu nimalo konkurentna na tržištu rada (npr. slijepo lice i zanimanje telefoniste i slično), odnosno nisu aktualna, zastarjela su. Bilo bi veoma značajno da se stanje u toj oblasti izmijeni, jer entiteti u BiH imaju zakone o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji, osposobljavanju i zapošljavanju invalida, odnosno zakone o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba sa invaliditetom, koji pružaju dobru osnovu za zapošljavanje ove kategorija lica.

To reduce violation and endangering rights of the children with special needs (autism) in Zenica-Doboj Canton. Adoption of Law on changes and amendments of the Law on the basis of social protection, protection of the civil victims of the war and protection of the families with children in BH Federation, made all persons with invaliditity under 90% without any rights. We use this opportunity to say that the changes and amendments significantly worsened the situation of the children with special needs, and a problem of all categories of handicapped persons is to achieve their rights because it is conditioned by many factors: general poverty, unemployment, political system, lack of education, lack of statistic data, lack of adequate development strategies, etc. It is inevitable to conclude that problems of the children with special needs are cumulative, complex issue of the social and health protection and education. Therefore all responsible institutions should follow and resolve these issues, but most often that is not the case. Lack of parents’ education and society make children “invisible”, because many of them are at their homes, left only to their families. It is necessary to take steps for raising awareness in the society so that these children, like all other children, are included into society. Unfortunately, the prejudices by the surrounding have the consequence of isolating children without possibility to socialize and carry out the basic essential rights. However, what absolutely can not be denied and decrease the importance is the way the parents of the children with special needs and other persons, primarily professionals “manage” in the sense that they establish associations with the aim to support primarily their children, and also themselves. It is unbelievable how much will, energy and enthusiasm there is in each contact and work with children, and how hard they try to change situation and awareness in the society by individual actions, activities, campaigns, etc. In spite of their wishes and hard work they can not systematically solve the problems and they are aware that they need support from the authorities, so they “lobby” in numerous ways for any kind of support and cooperation. Presence of intellectual difficulties does not justify any kind of discrimination. The children with special needs have and should enjoy all rights defined by international standards and BH laws, starting with the basic principle that each person has the same and unalienable rights. Inclusion of the children with special needs in B&H is a very complex issue that demands additional researches and observations. Besides children with special needs education it would be very important to create conditions and possibilities that these children after finishing education can find a job, and that their educational qualifications are more attractive at the work market, and that they more often find a job than it is the case now. Representatives of associations and federations point out that the children with special needs even when they finish secondary education cannot find job because these are mainly professions that are not competitive at the work market (for example, the blind with profession of an operator, etc.). It would be very important to change the situation in that area, because BH entities have laws on professional rehabilitation and employment of the handicapped that offer a good basis for employment of this category of persons.

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5.What are the project’s specific objectives? Koji su specifični ciljevi projekta

U prvoj fazi implementacije u trajanju od približno jedne godine, primarno će se nastojati ostvariti dva cilja:1.Razviti novi, fleksibilni i funkcionalni model pružanja osposobljavanja djece s posebnim potrebama (sa naglaskomna djecu iz autističnog spektra) za svakodnevan zivot u porodici i zajednici,odnosno njihovih roditelja za preuzimanje uloge koterapeuta. 2.Ojačati kapacitete Udruženja “Svijet u slikama”:

stručnim usavršavanjem ključnih stručnjaka Udruženja( šest ,mladih sa visokom stručnom spremom : dva logopeda-surdoaudiologa,psiholog,pedagog-psiholog,socijalni pedagog, edukator-rehabilitator) , od strane stručnjaka iz USA.

organizovanjem i izvođenjem promotivnih aktivnosti koje će doprinijeti afirmaciji Udruženja u zajednici.

Na kraju Projekta, Udruženje bi bilo zadovoljno ako bi se kao rezultat ostvarilo slijedeće: da su prtneri aktivno učestvovali u njegovoj implementaciji u punom kapacitetu

potpisanih partnerskih izjava, da su najvećoj mjeri otkrivena i u evidentirana u Udruženju djeca sa posebnim

potrebama a naročito djeca sa autizmom koja žive na području općine Zenica da je u direktne aktivnosti terapijskog rada uključeno do 15-ero djece i duplo više

njihovih roditelja u program psihološke podrške, da je prema izvještajima evaluacije ostvaren vidljiv napredak kod obje grupe korisnika,

što bi trebalo da bude najbolji pokazatelj novog modela rada sa djecom sa posebnim potrebama, nazvanog „SUS-model za autizam”,

da je izvođenjem niza promotivnih aktivnosti svijest javnosti o stanju, potrebama i problemima djece sa posebnim potrebama podignuta viši nivo,

da je osoblje projekta kroz pružanje direktnih usluga i stručno usavršavanje uz podršku stručnjaka iz USA, osposobljeno da ubuduće može samostalno osbosabljavati novo osoblje kao pomažuće članove,

i konačno, da je Udruženje iz anonimnosti ušlo u svijet nevladinog sektora u lokalnoj zajednici, kao akter sa specifičnim aktivnostima i respektabilnim sposobnostima.

In the first phase of implementation that lasts almost a year, two goals are to be achieved:1. To develop new, flexible and functional model of offering training to the children with

special needs (with the focus on children in autistic spectrum) for a daily living in a family and community, and also to their parents for taking over the role of co-therapist.

2. To strengthen the capacity of the Association “The World in Pictures” (Svijet u slikama)a. By professional development of the key professionals in the Association, six

young person with the high degree: two speech therapist – surd-audiologists, psychologist, pedagogue-psychologist, social pedagogue, educator-rehabilitator), by professionals from USA.

b. To organize and carry out promotion activities that will contribute the Association’s affirmation in the community.

At the end of the project, the Association would be satisfied it the following is achieved:

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The partners actively participated in its implementation in full capacity of the signed partners’ statements.

Most of the children with special needs, specially children with autism living in the municipality of Zenica detected and registered in the Association

Up to 15 children directly included in the therapeutic work and a double number of included in the psychological support program

Evaluation reports showed visible progress at both groups of beneficiaries and that should be the best indicator of the new work model with the children with special needs called “SUS-model for autism”

Awareness on situation, needs and problems of the children with special needs raised on the higher level by carrying out a series of promotion activities

The project staff trained for independent training of the new staff by offering direct services and training and support from USA professionals

The Association from anonymity entered the world of non government sector in the local community, with specific activities and respectful capabilities

5. What is the target group? Be specific in your description, certainly with regard to type of handicap, position in the community, age group, number, gender and other relevant characteristics.

Koja je ciljna grupa vašeg projekta? Budite precizni u opisu ciljne grupe, posebno u odnosu na vrstu posebnih potreba, poziciju u zajednici, uzrast, broj, pol i druge značajne karakteristike.

Ciljna grupa su djeca sa posebnim potrebama i njihovi roditelji,sa posebnim naglaskom na djecu iz autističnog spektra.

Prema uzrstu - korisničku grupu će činiti djeca starosti od 3-12 godina

Prema spolu - korisničku grupu će činiti djeca oba spola

Broj korisnika - 30-35 (do 15-ero djece i do 20 roditelja)

Prema mjestu boravka – korisnicku grupu djece ce ciniti djeca bioloskih porodica Ze-Do kantona.Izbor korisnika i uključivanje u Projekt će se vršiti na dobrovoljnoj osnovi, odnosno, isključivo na osnovu saglasnosti roditelja ili staratelja. U odabiru korisnika, kao pomoćni instrument, koristit će se preporuke Komisije za kategorizaciju Općine Zenica. Te preporuke su sadržane u nalazu ljekarske komisije i u zvaničnom rješenju o razvrstavanjau djeteta u određenu kategoriju. Uobičajeno komisija daje preporuke ako nađe da se mož dijete na bilo koji naćin osposobljavati i osposobit za svakodnevan život te bi to bio značajan izvir informacija za projekt.

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The target group is children with special needs and their parents, with a special emphasis on children from the autistic spectrum.

According uzrstu - user group will consist of children aged 3-12 years

By sex - user group will make children of both sexes

Number of users - 30-35 (up to 15 children up to 20 parents)

By location - Customers' group of children will constitute the biological children of families from the area Ze-Do kanton.User choice and involvement in the project will be carried out on a voluntary basis, that is, solely on the basis of the consent of a parent or guardian. The selection of beneficiaries, as an auxiliary instrument, will be used for the Commission's recommendations for the categorization of Zenica. These recommendations are contained in the findings of the medical panel and the official decision on razvrstavanjau child in a particular category. Typically, the committee makes recommendations if it finds that the power of a child in any way to train and equip the everyday life and this would be a significant Izvir information for the project.

6. How many people do you aim to reach directly? How many people do you realistically expect will benefit indirectly?Koliko korisnika namjeravate direktno obuhvatiti ovim projektom? Koliko će ljudi realno imati direktnu korist od ovog projekta?Projektom se planira obuhvatiti oko 40 korisnika. Realno bi direktnu korist od ovog Projekta trebalo da imaju svih 40 direktnih korisnika Projekta i 6 članova stručnog tima koji će izvoditi projektne aktivnosti.

The project will cover about 40 beneficiaries. Realistically all 35 direct beneficiaries and 6 team members that would carry out the project activities should benefit from the project.

D. Project execution/Realizacija projekta

1. What activities do you want to carry out?Koje aktivnosti namjeravate sprovesti u ovom projektu?


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Aktivnosti za postizanje cilja 1.

KONTAKTIRANJEPrvi koraci u kontaktiranju potenccijalnih korisnka bit će učinjeni sa djecom i njjihovim roditeljima koji su eksperimentalno bili uključeni u naš projekat u okviru „Dječije nedjelje”. Ukoliko dobijemo pozitivne reakcije i potvrdu za uključivanje dalji kontakti sa evidentiranom djecom i roditeljima će se obaviti kasnije a nakon što bude pripremljen promotivni materijal koji bi se prilikom kontkata uručivao radi dodatnog pojašnjenja onoga što planiramo uraditi. Ova aktivnost kao i prethodna traje tokom cijelog projekta.

UKLJUČIVANJESa djecom i njihovim roditeljima koji u predhodnoj fazi daju verbalni pristanak za uključivanje u projekt zaključi će se pisani dokument kojim će biti definisani uslovi i način pružanja usluga i međusobna prava i obaveze i druga pitanja kao što su oslobađanje osoblja projekta od odgovornosti za zdravlje i štetu korisnika u toku izvođena projektnih odgovornosti: fotografisanje i prikazivanje u javnosti.Uključivanje podrazumijeva izradu potrebnih obrazaca za evidentiranje dolazaka, i trajanja tretmana.

PRUŽANJE DIREKTNE TERAPIJSKE INTERVENCIJEOva aktivnost bi se izvodila besplatno za korisnike, po posebnim programima prema djeci i prema roditeljima.Prema djeci terapijski rad bi se izvodio prema programima za koje su stručnjaci udruženja osposobljeni i imaju, osim diploma, i dodatne certifikate. Riječ je o nekoliko različitih programa :

ABA - Analiza primjenjenog ponašanja PECS – Komunikacija putem razmjene slika SENZORNA INEGRACIJA TECCH – Učionica, Floortime-učenje kroz igru, Circle time-grupno vrijeme

Svaki od navedenih programa primjenjuje se u toku dvosatnog tretmana na svako dijete. Dužina primjene zavisi od svakog pojedinog slučaja,odnosno napretka kod djece pa tako kod jednog djeteta jedna faza može trajati sedam dana dok kod drugog nekoliko mjeseci ili duže.Individualni terapijski rad sa djecom vodi se u jednoj ili dvije spojene prostorije u odvojenim separeima namjenjenim za terapeute i dijete dok se grupni rad odvija u međuprostoru između separea.

U porsorijama Udruženja, za vrijeme tretmana može prisustvovati maksimalno šestero djece sa šest terapeuta i asistenti-volonteri. Naravno da će se prije početka rada sa svakim djetetom sačiniti individualni plan i program, usaglašen sa roditeljima korisnika, po kojem će postupati terapeuti. U pravilu, individualni plan za dijete provodi terapeut koji ga je započeo mada se u njegovo izvršenje može uključiti svaki od šest stručnjaka terapeuta na koje se projekat oslanja. Individualni plan će sačinjavati i dinamiku dolazaka na tretmane koj se može kretati od jednog tretmana sedmično do maksimalno tri sedmično zavisno od ukupnog broja korisnika ali i drugih obaveza korisnika(računajući prema tome da će se usluge pružati barem u početku i dok ne bude moguće angažovati asistente u terminu od 17:30 -19.30 sati uz sat priprema prije toga.

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Prema pravilima struke pripreme svakog terapeuta za svaki dvočas traju najmanje jedan sat.Individualni terapijski rad sa djecom planiramo početi od trećeg projektnog mjeseca do jedanaetog mjeseca s tim da će se isključiti vrijeme ljetnog raspusta te će se direktni tretman sa djecom raditi mart, april, maj, juni, septembar i oktobar. Time se neće završiti tretman za većinu djece a možda čak ni za jeno dijete ali će svakako u tom periodu ostvariti napredak koji će biti dobar uvod za neku od sljedećih faza projekta.

Ukratko,individualni terapijski rad sa djecom odvijati će se na sljedeći način: ABA-analiza primjenjenog ponašanja PECS – komunikacija putem razmjene slika SENZORNA INTEGRACIJA TEACCH – učionica, Floortime-učenje kroz igru, Circle time-grupno vrijeme

Programi su razrađeni tokom prošle godine kao dio procesa osposobljavanja osoba a sada ključnih članiva Udruženja od strane SPG (USA). Ti programi su razvijeni i u pprimjeni u zapadnim zemljama več nekoliko decenija i objavljivani u stručnoj literaturi koju udruženje ima u svom posjedu (dodat literat.)


Obzirom da će se u projektu za djecu korisnike tretmana pružati usluge stacionarnog tipa, to podrazumjeva da će ih njihovi roditelji dovoditi, odnosno da će u cilju racionalizacije vremena za roditelje istovremeno biti organizovane radionice psihološke podrške. Radionice će se održavati u iznajmljenom prostoru koji se nalazi u istom objektu u kojem se izvode i aktivnosti sa djecom, što je posebna pogodnost. Jedan dio aktivnosti sa roditeljima a koji se odnosi na usvajanje znanja i vještina za dalji rad sa djecom odvijati će se u prostoru u kojm se radi sa djecom.Da ne bi roditelje dodatno opterećavali obavezama da prisustvuju na radionicama u početku se planira održati po deset radionica, odnosno jedna radionica mjesečno za svaku od dvije grupe roditelja od po šest članova i to tako što bi za svaku narednu radionicu roditelji sami iskazali potrebu za obradom određene teme.

Radionice psihološke podrške, u početku dok ne budu svi teraputi opterećeni radom sa djecom, izvodoti će par terapeuta koji će obavezno biti jedan psiholog,Radionice će se izvoditi po programu koji se sastoji od nekoliko faza:

Psihološko savjetovanje započinje terapijskim ugovorom, kojim se određuju ciljevi, tok i sam postupak, ali i prava i odgovornosti klijenata i terapeuta.

Uspostavljanje odnosa terapeut – klijent. Uz saosjećanje i ljubaznost, bitna je objektivnost sagledavanja problema. Vrlo je bitno da terapeut bude profesionalan bez otkrivanja problema široj javnosti tzv. profesionalna tajna.

Poticanje uvida kod klijenta označava razvoj samopropitivanja i upoznavanja sebe i vlastitog stanja, s ciljem da klijent razmotri vlastito ponašanje i da donese zaključke. Jedan od načina je igranje uloga. Radionica bi se odnosila na to da roditelj zauzme ulogu vlastitog djeteta, kako bi lakše stekao uvid o tome kako se dijete osjeća u pojedinim situacijama.

Slijedeći način je razgovor jedan na jedan, terapeut – klijent. Na ovaj način bi se omogućilo roditeljima da nauče bolje da komuniciraju sa vlastitim djetetom.

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Smanjivanje emotivne nelagode. Terapeut pomoću terapijskog odnosa smanjuje emotivnu napetost do te mjere da klijent može aktivno da učestvuje u terapiji, bez stvaranja privatnog odnosa.

Poticanje katarze uključuje oslobađanje nakupljenih emocija koje onemogućuju klijentu normalno funkcioniranje u svakodnevnom životu i odnosu prema vlastitom djetetu.

Pružanje novih informacija omogućuje klijentima da saznaju nove informacije i nove načine sagledavanja vlastitog stanja i problema.

Zadaća izvan terapije pomaže da bi sam tok terapije bio uspješniji. Zadaća pomaže da transfer pozitivnih promjena u stvarni svijet bude skladniji.


Activities to achieve Objective 1DISCLOSUREMethod of detection is through a network of parents of children who are involved in the project, and we assume that they themselves are to disseminate information and to transmit them to the project.The third way to detect the user by conducting screening tests children at the request of local associations or institutions. The Association has achieved initial contacts and perform certain tests of children in the association "UMCOR" and daycare "Kawthar". There have been announcements that this activity will continue in the future by performing periodic - semi-annual testing which could potentially be a source for the detection of users for our project.CONTACTINGFirst steps in contacting potenccijalnih BENEFICIARY will be made with children and njjihovim parents who are experimentally been involved in our project in the "Children's Week". If we get a positive response and confirmation to turn further contacts with the recorded children and parents will be done later and after being prepared promotional material that would be conferred upon outreach to further clarification of what we plan to do. This activity, as well as previous runs throughout the project.

SWITCHWith children and their parents in the previous stage, give verbal consent to participate in the project will conclude a written document that will define the conditions and methods of service delivery and the mutual rights and obligations, and other issues such as the release of the project staff of the responsibility for the health and damage users performed during the project responsibilities: photographing and displaying it in public.Inclusion means making the necessary forms for recording arrivals and duration of treatment.Providing direct therapeutic interventionThis activity would be performed free of charge for users with special programs for children and the parents.Towards children therapeutic work performed according to the programs for which they are trained professionals associations and have, in addition diplomas, certificates and more. It is about several different programs:

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• ABA - applied behavior analysis• PECS - Communication by exchanging pictures• SENSORY integrations• TECCH - Classroom, Floortime-learning through play, Circle time-group time

Each of these programs is applied during the two-hour treatment to each child. Length of application depends on each individual case, and the progress of the children so that in one child one phase can last for seven days, while in the second a few months or longer.Individual therapeutic work with children kept in one or two connected rooms in separate booths intended for therapists and child while the group work takes place in the space between the booth.

In porsorijama Association, during treatment can attend a maximum of six children with six therapists and assistants-volunteers. Of course it will be before you start working with each child draw up an individual plan and program, agreed with the parents of users, by which act therapists. In general, an individual plan for your child spends a therapist who started it, although in its execution may involve each of the six specialist therapists to which the project relies. Individual plan will constitute the dynamics arrivals to treatments which can range from one session per week to a maximum of three a week depending on the number of users and other obligations of users (including the fact that services will be provided at least in the beginning and until it is possible to engage assistants in the period from 17:30 to 19:30 pm with an hour preparation beforehand.According to the rules of the profession of preparing each therapist for each dvočas last at least an hour.Individual therapeutic work with children plan to start from the third month of the project to jedanaetog months provided that will shut down during the summer holidays and will direct treatment with children work March, April, May, June, September and October. This will complete the treatment for most kids and maybe even for Jeno child but certainly at that time to make progress, which will be a good introduction to some of the following phases of the project.

In short, the individual therapeutic work with children will be carried out as follows:• ABA-applied behavior analysis• PECS - Communication by exchanging pictures• Sensory Integration• TEACCH - classroom, Floortime-learning through play, Circle time-group time

Programs have been developed over the past year as part of the process of training people and now the key članiva Association by the SPG (USA). These programs have been developed in pprimjeni in western countries for several decades and have been published in the literature that an association has in its possession (additional writer.)

Activi WITH PARENTSGiven that the project will be for the children beneficiaries of treatment to provide services likewise, it means that they will bring their parents, and that in order to rationalize the time

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for parents to be simultaneously organized workshops psychological support. Workshops will be held in rented space, which is located in the same building in which the running and activities with children, which is a special advantage. One of the activities with their parents and that relates to the acquisition of knowledge and skills for future work with children will take place in the area in whom the disease is working with children.Lest parents opterećavali additional duties to attend the workshops initially plans to hold ten workshops and one workshop per month for each of the two groups of parents of six members, so as to make each subsequent workshop parents themselves expressed the need for treatment of certain topics.Workshops psychological support, initially until they are all loaded ther work with children, izvodoti the couple therapist who will always be a psychologist,Workshops will be run according to the program, which consists of several stages:• Psychological counseling begins therapeutic contract, which defines the objectives, the flow of the procedure itself, but also the rights and responsibilities of the client and therapist.• Establish a relationship therapist - client. With compassion and kindness, is an important objective of the problem. It is vital that the therapist is professional without disclosing the problem to the public so. professional secrecy.• Encourage the client insight means developing self-reflection and learning about themselves and their own state, in order to consider the client's own behavior and to reach conclusions. One way is to play the role. Workshops in relation to the fact that the parent assume the role of their own child, to help them gain insight on how the child feels in certain situations.• The next way is to talk one on one, the therapist - client. This would allow parents to learn to communicate better with your own child.• Reduce emotional discomfort. Therapeutic relationship with the therapist reduces emotional tension to the extent that the client can actively participate in therapy, without creating private relationships.• Encouraging cathartic release includes accumulated emotions that prevent normal functioning of the client in daily life and relationship with his own child.• Providing new information enables clients to learn new information and new ways of looking at their own situation and problems.• The task outside the therapy helps to'm flow therapy was successful. The task of helping to transfer the positive changes in the real world is more harmonious.

Aktivosti za ostavrivanje cilja 2

U cilju jačanja kapaciteta Udruženja za provedbu ovog projekta i izvršenja drugih programskih zadataka, planirano je da se provde sljedeće aktivnosti:

1.Stručno osposbljavanje osoblja Udružnja

Proces stručng osposobjavanje šest ključnih članova Udruženja započet prošle godine u saradnji sa Seach Pathology Group - USA, planira se nastaviti i ove godine o čemu već postoji pisana potvrda ove organizacije. To će biti prilika da se direktno u radu sa korisnicima usavrše znanja i tehnike rada po opisanim programima (tačka D 1). U nedostatku drugih lokalnih ili regionalnih programa, ovo je za Udruženje značajan vid podrške i pomoći.

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2.Promocija Udruženja Ovu aktivnost povjerili smo Udruženju „Naša djeca” koje ima i tehniku, i znanja i iskustva u toj obasti. Prema zajednički utvrđenom programu promocije Udruženja planira se provesti sljedeće :

pripremiti i distribuirati brošure o Udruženju, dosadašnjim iskustvima i ovom projektu redovno informisati javnost o radu Udruženja i napretku o projektu putem radio stanice

Uruženja „Naša djeca”- „Radio Active” objavljivanje priloga u printanim medijima prerstavljanje rezultata projekta na seminarima, radionicama i sličnim skupovima koji

budu održavani u periodu trajanja projekta

Activities for achieving goal 2For the purpose of strengthening the Association capacity of this project and implementation of other program tasks, the following activities are planned:

1. Professional development of the Association staffThe process of professional development of the six Association members that started last year in cooperation with Speach Pathology Group – USA will continue this year. There is a written confirmation by this organization. That will be the opportunity for development of knowledge and work techniques in accordance with the described programs (spot D1). Considering the shortage of the local and regional programs this is significant type of assistance and support for the Association.

2. The Association promotionThis activitiy is entrusted to the association “Naša djeca”, which has techniques, experiences and knowledge in that area. According to the defined promotion program the Association plans as follows: To prepare and distribute brochures about the Association, experiences

and the project Regularly inform the publicity about the Association’s work and progress

through the association “Naša djeca” radio station “Radio Active” To publish articled I newspapers To present project results at seminars, workshops and similar gatherings

during the project duration

2. Where (locality, building) will the activities take place? Gdje će se sprovoditi aktivnosti vašeg projekta (objekat, zgrada, lokacija, mjesto)?

Sve akivnosti će se sprovodit u Zenici u jednom objektu koji je lociran u strogom centru grada. Glavna aktivnost sa korisnicima obavljat će se u prostoru koji Udruženje koristi i kao svoj ured, dok će se aktivnosti sa roditeljima obavljati dijelom u tom prostoru, a dijelom u zakupljenom prostoru koji se nalazi odmah uz prostorije Udruženja. Projekat ce se takodjer sprovoditi u prostorijama Obiteljskog centra “Sveti Rafael” u Vitezu, te djelom u kucnim posjetama djeci sa posebnim potrebama.

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All activities will be conducted in Zenica in a house which is located in the city center. The main activity of the users will be carried out in the area that the Association is used as an office, and the activities will be carried out in part with the parents in this area, partly in rented space that is next to the premises of the Association. The project will also be implemented in the premises of the Family Center "St. Raphael" in Vitez, and work in home visits to children with special needs.

3. What are the expected results of the project?Koji su očekivani rezultati projekta?

Očekujemo da će u toku projekta Udruženje SUS biti osnaženo (materijalnim resursima I ljudskim potencijalima) u mjeri koja će omogućiti da se “SUS model za autizam” afirmiše u zajednici kao model koji je u stanju privući interes i pažnju korisnika, ostvariti pozitivne rezultate u radu s korisnicima I zainteresovati lokalnu zajednicu za pružanje podrške I pomoći.

We expect that during the project the Association SUS will be strengthened (materially and with human resources) in the extent that enables “SUS model for autism” to be affirmated in the community as a model capable to draw interest and attention of beneficiaries, The Association will achieve positive results in the work with beneficiaries and make the local community interested in offering assistance and support.

4. How did you involve your target group in the preparation phase of the project?Na koji način će vaši korisnici biti uključeni u fazu pripreme projekta?

U toku izvođenja projektu “Besplatna stručna pomoć za djecu s posebnim potrebama u kućnom ambijentu” kojim je naše Udruženje obilježilo Dječiju nedjelju 2012, u oktobru ove godine, ciljano smo istraživali potrebe i želje roditelja djece iz autističnog spektra za potrebe ovog projekta. Deset roditelja kojima so pružili usluge u kućnom ambjentu izrazilo je želju da se nastavi sa ovakvim vidom rada uz mogućnost socijalne interakcije sa drugom djecom zbog čega smo se odlučili za stacionarni oblik pružanja usluga. Svjesni smo da uzorak nije reprezentatival ali je bio dostupan. Njihove želje koincidiraju sa savremeom praksom pružanja usluga koji podrazumjeva i stacionarni i mobilni tip ovisno od širine terena odnosno želja korisnika. Nije zanemarivo naglasiti da su roditelji svjesni činjenice da će to za njih biti i dodatni trošak zbog vlastitog organizovanja prevoza ali su i svjesni da će vrijeme dok djeca budu na tretmanu i oni aktivno provoditi i podizadi svoje kopetencije uz podršku naših stručnjaka za samostalan rad sa djeom. Za nas je vrlo bitno da su skoro svi roditelji, uprkos socijalnim prilikama iskazali spremnost da projekt podrže i u odredjenoj mjeri sponzorišu.

During the execution of the project "Free expert help for children with special needs in the home environment" that our Association has marked for the Children's Week 2012, in October this year, we specifically explored the needs and wishes of the parents of children with autism

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spectrum for this project. Ten parents with whom provide services in the home environment have expressed a desire to continue with this vision of the possibility of social interaction with other children, which is why we opted for a stationary form of service. We are aware that the sample is not representative, but it was available. Their wishes coincide with modern practices of service delivery and includes stationary and mobile type, depending on the width of the field and the user wishes. Not negligible stress that parents are aware of the fact that this will be for them and the additional cost for your own travel arrangements, but are aware that while children are receiving treatment and they actively enforce and raise their competence with the support of our experts to work independently with children. For us it is very important that almost all parents, despite social occasions expressed their willingness to support the project and to some extent are sponsoring.

5. What will be the role of the target group in the implementation phase?Koju će ulogu imati vaša ciljna grupa u fazi implementacije projekta?

Djeca-korisnici u projektu osim uloge korisnika tretmana osposobljavanja imaju i ulogu iniciranja sadržaja interaktivne komunikacije u grupi bez naročitog učešća terapeuta. Na taj način će djeca sama kreirati i aktivno provesti dvadesetominutnu pauzu između dva časa rada sa terapeutom. Inače rad sa terapeutom odvija se po principu individualnog tretmana pa je stoga grupna interakcija djece tim više korisnija. Roditelji- korisnici također osim uloge korisnika usluga radionica psihološke podrške imati će i dodatne uloge:

uz nadzor terapeuta usvajat će vještine i znanja komunikacije i odnosa sa svojom djecom kroz praktičnu demonstraciju terapijskih vježbi,

kroz redovne roditeljske sastanke sa terapeutima i osobljem projekta učestvovati u monitoringu projektnih aktivnosti,

popunjavanje evaluacijskih upitnika i davanjem mišljenja na izvještaje projekta izjava učestvovati u evaluaciji projekta,

sudjelovanje u izradi i usvajanju individualno plana tretmana za dijete, kreiranje tema i sadržaja radionica u suradnji sa voditeljem-terapeutom, izjavama i nastupima u medijima učestvovati u promotivnim aktivnostima projekta.

Children-beneficiaries of the project except for the role of beneficiary training treatments have a role of initiating interactive communication facilities in the group without notable participation of therapist. In this way, the children will create itself and actively conduct a twenty minute break between the two hours of work with the therapist. Otherwise work with the therapist through a principle of individual treatment and group interaction is therefore all the more useful of children.Parents- beneficiaries except the role of the service beneficiary of psychological support workshops will have additional roles:• supervised by a therapist they will adopt the skills and knowledge of communication and relationships with their children through practical demonstration of therapeutic exercise,

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• Through regular parents meetings with the therapists and the project staff to participate in monitoring of the project activities• completion of evaluation questionnaires and providing opinions on the project reports to participate in the evaluation of the project,• Participate in the development and adoption of an individual treatment plan for the child• creating themes and content of the workshop in collaboration with the Head-therapist• statements and appearances in the media to participate in the promotional activities of the project.

6. On what criteria will the outcomes of the project be evaluated? How do you know that you have been successful? Na osnovu kojih kriterija ćete procjenjivati rezultate projekta? Kako ćete znati da ste bili uspješni i ostvarili svoje ciljeve?

Rezultati projekta će se mjeriti kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim pokazateljima. Kvantitativni: broj evidentirane, kontaktirane I uključene grupe korisnika; broj

održanih tretmana/radionica; broj održanih supervizijskih tretmana; broj uključenih novih članova- pripravnika/stažista; broj izvještaja u medijima o projektu; broj posjeta predstavnika lokalne zajednice.

Kvalitativni: mišljenja i ocjene korisnika projekta iznesene u evaluaciji; mišljenje i ocjene supervizora; kritike u medijima; mišljenje i zapažanje korisnika; ocjene predstavnika lokalne zajednice u kontaktima i zvaničnim obraćanjima; ocjene partnera u projektu

The project results will be measured by quantitative and qualitative indicators. Quantitative: number of registerred, contacted and involved groups of beneficiaries,

number of conducted treatments / workshops, the number of held supervisory treatments, the number of new members involved-trainees / interns, the number of reports in the media about the project, the number of visitors from the local community.

Qualitative: opinion and beneficiary reviews of the project outlined in the evaluation, opinion and evaluation of the supervisors; criticism in the media, opinion and observation of beneficiaries; assessment of the local community representaatives in the contacts and official speeches; assessment of the project partners

7. How will your target group be involved in the evaluation of the project? Na koji način će vaša ciljna grupa biti uključena u evaluaciju projekta?

U evaluaciji projekta učestvovat će samo roditelji kao korisnici jer iz razumljivih razloga nije moguće da to čine djeca. Roditeljima će na raspolaganju stajati dva instrumenta: Učesće u radu na roditeljskim sastancima na kojima će osoblje projekta prezentirati izvještaje o napretku u projektu i drugi davanjem mišljenja u evaluacijskom upitniku koji će se organizirati nakon 6 i 11 mjeseci.

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In the evaluation of the project only parents as beneficiaries will participate because for obvious reasons it is not possible for the children to do it. Parents will have two instruments available: participation in the work of the PTA meetings where the project staff will present a progress report of the project and the second one to give opinions in the evaluation questionnaire, which will be organized after 6 and 11 months.

8. How many volunteers are involved in the project and what will be their role? Koliko će volontera biti uključeno u projekat i koja će biti njihova uloga?

U projektu će biti uključeno 10 volontera: 3 lokalnih mladih stručnjaka(koji su zavrsili usmjerenjaiz obasti: logopedije i surdoaudiologije, pedagogije i psihologije, psihologije, edukacije i rehabilitacije i socijalne pedagogije) koji će se tkom projekta obučavati za terapijski rad sa djecom i 4 stručpnjaka iz USA(Speech Pathology Group) koji će raditi superviziju osoblja odnosno 6 angažovanih stručnjaka Udruženja „Svijet u slikama”.

The project will include 10 volunteers: 3 local young professionals (who have completed the educations for: surdoaudiology and speech pathology, psychology and pedagogy, psychology, education and rehabilitation and social pedagogy) to be trained during the project for therapeutic work with children and 4 experts from the United States (Speech Pathology Group) who will be supervising staff namely 6 engaged professionals of the Association the "World in pictures".

9. How many paid staff members will work on the project, in what positions and what are the professional requirements? Koliko će članova/ca organizacije biti angažovano po ugovoru, kao plaćeno osoblje, na projektu, na kojim pozicijama i koje su njihove profesionalne kvalifikacije?

Na projektu će biti angazovano 6 članova udruženja po ugovoru o djelu na pozicijama terapeuta od kojih će dva terapeuta istovremeno raditi i radionice psihološke podrše roditeljima. Konkretno to su : Mirna Malčo, dipl.psiholog, Zoran Radić, dipl.pedagog-psiholog, Džermanina Alispahić, dipl.socijalni pedagog, Nirvana Skopljak, dipl.edukator-rehabilitator, Nedim Patković, dipl.logoped i surdoaudiolog i Bojan Radić, dipl.logoped i surdoaudiolog.

The project will be staffed with six members of the Association of contracted positions therapists of which two therapists will simultaneously work in psychology support workshops for parents. Specifically these are: Mirna Mlačo, graduate psychologist, Zoran Radic, graduate pedagogist-psychologist, Džermanina Alispahic, graduate social educator, Nirvana Skopljak, graduate edukator-rehabilitator, Nedim Patković, graduate speech therapist and Surdoaudiology and Bojan Radic, BSc . surdoaudiology and speech therapist.

10. In what way will the community contribute to this project? Na koji će način članovi lokalne zajednice doprinijeti realizaciji projekta?

Ispred lokalne zajednice planirano je da se uključe:

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Općina Zenica: novčanom pomoći i podrškom u pronalaženju i osiguravanju prostorija za rad (i drugih uslova) Udruženja;

Ministarstvo za rad i socijalnu politiku ZDK: novčanom pomoći i preporukama za saradnju nadležnim ustanovama i organima u općinama ZDK;

JU Centar za socijalni rad Zenica: stavljanjem na raspolaganje Baze podataka o “kategorisanoj” djeci i učešćem stručnjaka ( konsultacije) koji rade sa djecom s posebnim potrebama;

UG „Naša djeca2 : organiziranjem i vođenjem promotivnih aktivnosti projekta i Udruženja „Svijet u slikama“,

UG Horizont : pružanje pomoći u vođenju administrativnih poslova, monitoringa i evaluacije;

Klub „Art-projekt”: izdavanje prostora za vođenje radionica sa roditeljima i pružanje ugostiteljskih usluga projektu.

Šira javnost- informisnjem o radu Udruženja i radu projekta.

In front of the local community is planned to include:• Municipality of Zenica: financial assistance and support in finding and securing a work (and other conditions) of the Association;• The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy ZDK: financial assistance and recommendations for cooperation with the competent institutions and bodies in municipalities ZDK;• JU CSW Zenica: making available databases on "kategorisanoj" children and involvement of experts (consultation) who work with children with special needs;• UG "Our Child 2: organizing and conducting promotional activities of the project and of the" World in Figures "• UG Horizon: assisting in the conduct of administrative tasks, monitoring and evaluation;• Club "Art Project": the issue of space to conduct workshops with parents and catering services project.• The general public-informisnjem the work of the Association and the work of the project.

11. How will you inform the broader community to raise awareness about the project?Kako ćete informisati širu lokalnu zajednicu i podići svijest javnosti vezano za ciljeve

projekta?Šira javnost će o projektu i njegovim dometima biti informisana putem “Radio-Active”

lokalnog partnera UG Naša Djeca, zatim objavljivanjem priloga u lokalnim printanim i elektronskim medijima, istupima članova Udruženja na seminarima, konferencijama i drugima javnim skupovima na kojim budu prisustvovali, kao i podjelom pogodnih promotivnih materijala urađenih u projektu, putem partnerskih organizacija ili animiranjem prolaznika na glavnim gradskim trgovima. Dodatno će svi zainteresovani državni organi i ustanove priliku da budu informisani dobiti distribucijom završnog izvještaja direktno ili putem web strnice koju Udruženje planira da formira.

The broader public will be informed about the project and its achievements by radio station "Radio-Active" of our local partner UG Our Children, followed by publishing articles in local print and electronic media, members of the Association appearances at seminars, conferences

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and other public events in which they participated, and sharing appropriate promotional materials done in the project, partner organizations or by animating passers in the city's main squares. Additionally, all interested state agencies and institutions will have the oportunity to be informed by the final report distribution obtained directly or via a web page the Association plans to form.

12. Do you plan to cooperate in this project with other civil organisations and if yes, how are tasks divided? Da li planirate uključiti i druge organizacije civilnog društva u projekat? Ako planirate, na koji način namjeravate izvršiti podjelu zadataka? Da, planiramo uključiti još 4 organizacije civilnog društva: UG Naša djeca, UG Hrizont, Klub Art Projekt, svi oni su potvrdili učešće u projektu prihvatanjem opisa zadataka u projektu datim u pozivu na partnerstva (u prilogu 3). Dodatno njihov angažman je opisan i u tački br. D 10 ove aplikacije. Od navedenih organizacija primarne za projekt su UG Naša djeca i klub Art Projekt, dok će ostale dvije biti uključene ukoliko se procjeni da je to neophodno.

Yes, we plan to include 4 more civil society organizations: UG “Naša djeca” UG “Hrizont”, Art Club project, they all have confirmed participation in the project by accepting tasks in the project description given in the call for partnership (Appendix 3). Additionally, their involvement is also described in item no. D 10 of this application. Out of the mentioned organizations UG Our Children and Art Club project are the primary project for the project, while the other two will be included if it is necessary.

Name of the person responsible for the projectIme osobe odgovorne za projekat

Radić Boja diplomirani logoped i surdoaudiolog

Signature of the person responsible for the projectPotpis osobe odgovorne za projekat

Name of the president of the organisationIme predsjednika/ce organizacije

Radić Bojan diplomirani surdoaudiolog

Signature of the president of the organisationPotpis predsjednika/ce organizacije

Page 26:   · Web viewBosna i Hercegovina. U druženje je registrovano Rješenjem Ministarstva za pravosuđe i upravu ZDK broj: 06-05-2258/12, Udruženje je upisano u Registar udruženja

Organisational stampPečat organizacije

On the basis of Article 38 Statute of the "World in Pictures" Assembly of the Association, at the proposal of the Board of Directors, at its first meeting held on 20.10.2012. , adopts



This document presents the program of the "World in Figures" for 2013th year.The program was developed in accordance with the objectives of the Association specific statute.


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Professional support to children and adults with special needs. In addition, the Association will deal with prevention work, rehabilitation and provision of technical assistance to children and adults, and their families (parents, guardians, and others).Activities of the Association are:- Individual and group work with children and parents (surdoaudiology-speech therapist, psychologist, teacher, educator-rehabilitator, educator, etc.)- Socialization of children- Training and technical support osobma working with children and young people (eg in kindergartens and schools, associations and other entities similar goals of action, etc.)- Activities focused on the development of public awareness and elimination of prejudice against people with special needs, etc.;- Organizing cultural, humanitarian and sports activities, igronica, etc.;- Scientific research and publishing activities, in accordance with the objectives of the association (information, cooperation in the translation of literature, etc.)- Carrying out other activities in accordance with the Act and the objectives of the Association.

The Association has identified core activities:First Work on the detection and registration of persons with special needs in the ZDC and the formation of a database of these persons,2nd Work on the project implementation SUS - model for autism3rd To educate members and the public awareness of the problems of persons with special needs,4th Work on the development of cooperation with local authorities and organizations,5th Accelerated work on solving a SUS Association,6th Finding funds for the project SUS - model for autism7th Organize the provision of psycho-social support to persons with special needs and their families8th Mark significant dates for people with special needs9th Translation professional litrerature the Bosnian10th Organizing Session of the Assembly of the Association as required

Explanation of planned activities:First Work on the detection and registration of persons with special needs in the ZDC and the formation of a database of these persons.According to data obtained from the Center for Social Work Zenica annually perform categorization, detection, tracking and evaluation of children with developmental disabilities, on average, between 15 and 20, and at the cantonal level and up to 40 The task this year will be to get in touch with centers in Zenica, Žepča, fog ... in order to obtain specific information on which would be carried out survey of all families in which these children live in order to determine the need. After that would be formed corresponding computer program and enter all the information about the surveyed individuals.To carry out these activities will be involved all members of the Association. Costs that will be necessary to allocate resources as office supplies and servicing of computer equipment, transport costs and travel expenses, food.

2nd Work on the implementation of projectsThere is a consensus of all members / experts to work with children and persons with special needs at an early stage of the Association should initiate project activities in which all individually and together have a certain knowledge and skills that can be easily implemented. There are four models of> ABA, TEACCH, pecs and sensory. On all models, there are already plenty of documentation that the Association of arranging their members and consultants working on the project realization "SUS - model for autism" I "of children with autism who have to care." For the realization of these projects in 2013 is planned to provide 65,000 KM + 17 600KM.In this activity, all participating members, and if necessary, external experts, and costs are mainly related to administrative supplies, communication costs and the cost of refreshments members of project teams, as well as the associated overheads of space.

3rd To educate members and the public awareness of the problems of persons with special needs.Education Association members, as well as the general public, is an ongoing activity of the Association. This activity will be carried out in cooperation with the SPG, health facilities, EDF, schools of education and rehabilitation of persons with developmental difficulties Zenica, Faculty of Health in Zenica, and associations with similar activities with the involvement of volunteers: lectures, workshops, round tables, home visits, publication and distribution of promotional materials, web pages, as well as performances and media advertising.

Page 28:   · Web viewBosna i Hercegovina. U druženje je registrovano Rješenjem Ministarstva za pravosuđe i upravu ZDK broj: 06-05-2258/12, Udruženje je upisano u Registar udruženja

In this activity, all participating members, and if necessary, external experts, and costs are mainly related to administrative supplies, communication costs and the cost of refreshments nutrition team members for promotion, as well as the associated overheads of space.

4th Work on the development of cooperation with local authorities and organizations,Strengthen cooperation with the municipality of Zenica, develop relationships with relevant ministries ZDK on and establish relations with the authorities and organizations in other municipalities ZDK. For this purpose, will be used direct contacts with representatives of the Association of the above agencies and organizations, as well as formalizing the cooperation protocol signed. Distribution of the report of the Association of the relevant authorities will become the practice of the Association to improve transparency in the work of the Association. Development cooperation with other NGOs in the community will focus on NGOs active in the field of health, welfare and educational work, with the goal of strengthening the chances of getting support and help achieve the objectives of the Association strateškh.In this activity, all participating members, and if necessary, external experts, and costs are mainly related to administrative supplies, communication costs and the cost of refreshments nutrition team members for promotion, as well as the associated overheads of space.

5, Accelerated work on solving a SUS associations,The Association does not have its premises. The problem is to be tackled in cooperation with the municipality of Zenica, public institutions, or in cooperation with one of the local NGOs, which have a larger space, or do not use it regularly.In this activity, all participating members, and if necessary, external experts, and costs are mainly related to administrative supplies, communication costs and associated overheads of space.

6th Finding funds for the project SUS - model for autism  Based on projects 2012th The endeavor will be applied to all calls and vacancies (municipal, cantonal and national character and international tenders focused on the rights of persons with special needs) related to the acquisition of resources required for the implementation and realization of the project "SUS - model for autism."7th Organize the provision of psycho-social support to persons with special needs and their familiesBased on the needs identified in the course of conducting activities in the detection and registration of persons with special needs and, depending on available funds, the Association will endeavor to provide concrete assistance to families in need, and provide psycho / SOCIAL and other support.In this activity, all participating members, and if necessary, external experts, and costs are mainly related to administrative supplies, communication costs and associated overheads of space, and the cost of refreshments nutrition team members for psycho / social support.8th Mark significant dates for people with special needsAppropriate program, organizing trainings, round tables, workshops, media appearances will mark the days: 21.03. International Day of Persons with Down syndrome, 2.04. Day one of the autistic spectrum, 1.06. International Children's Day, 1:10 to 5:10. Children's Sunday, 10.14. Dan "White Cane", 22:10. International Day dedicated to stuttering and speech impediments, 20:11. World Children's Day, 23:11. International humanitarian work, 10.12. Human Rights Day. Depending on the funds provided mark these events could take in the gathering of members of the Association with cultural and entertainment program.In this activity, all participating members, and if necessary, external experts, and costs are mainly related to administrative supplies, communication costs and associated overheads of space, and the cost of refreshments nutrition team members to mark important dates.9th Translation professional litrerature the BosnianSince the start of the Association mainly for replication of the model of the world-renowned experts and organizations of which they are issued commemorative literature, textbooks and manuals for further work on the development and implentaciji these models in practice, and in particular to raise awareness of users and the public it is necessary to translation of foreign literature. First of all it refers to the now available (enumerate) and others who come into possession of the Association.Translation will be mainly carried out by the Association, and if necessary, will be engaged and the other experts if needed to translate literature from a foreign language.The cost of activities is stationery and royalties for use of interpreters, and possibly authorization.10th Organizing Session of the Assembly of the Association as requiredBecause of the need to adopt an annual work program Assembly will be held in March 2013th

Assembly will prepare a Management Board and shall be convened by the President of the Assembly.

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Cost of administrative supplies, communication costs, and costs of refreshments

IITo carry out the program activities described in section I of this document is necessary to provide sufficient funds in the amount and in the manner stated in the following A financial plan.


I PLAN EXPENDITURERB Cost Amount in KMA. The cost of activities 655001 detection and registration of persons with special needs in the ZDC and the formation of a database of these persons, 7002 Fundraising and implementation of the "SUS - model for autism" 650003 Fundraising and project implementation "of children with autism who has to take care of" 17 6004 Conduct member education and public awareness about the problems of persons with special needs, 5005 Developing cooperation with local authorities and organizations, 5006 Accelerated work on solving the rooms of the Association of SUS (and renovation and rehabilitation area) 10007 Arrange the provision of psycho-social support to persons with special needs and their families 7008 Observe significant dates for people with special needs, 10009 Translation expert litrerature the Bosnian 100010 Organization of the session of the Assembly of the Association as required 100B. Current costs in 280011 Cost of stationery, etc 30012 Telephone, interent and other expenses 70013 Fuel and transportation 40014 Accounting / bookkeeping services 60015 Overheads space 70016 The banking commission 100 TOTAL: A + B 90900 KM ( 63.125 dollars)


Revenue PlanRB Source of income in the amount of KM1 Income from membership fees 6002 Donation ZDK 20003 Donation Municipality Zenica 50004 Donations other sources 83300KM(57847,22 dollars ) TOTAL: 90900

In Zenica, 20:12. 2012 Chairman of the Assembly,
