
(Bismillah) Summary (Rangkuman) Bahasa Inggris kelas 9, Unit 1 & 2

A. Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun (p. 28)

Countable Noun (Kata benda yang bisa dihitung)

Uncountable Noun (Kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung)

Ciri-ciri =

1. Countable dapat dihitung;

Contoh : sebuah buku, dua buah buku, 3 buah polpen; A book, two books, three pens, etc.

2. Kata benda dapat diawali oleh artikel ‘a’ (untuk kata berawalan bunyi konsonan) atau ‘an’ (untuk kata yang berawalan bunyi vocal)


A book; a pen, a university (baca: e yuniversity)

An apple, an hour (= sejam; baca: en awer), an orange.

3. Kata benda yang dapat dihitung dapat ditambahkan “s” untuk bentuk plural (jamak);

Contoh: book -> books;

pen -> pens


1. Tidak bisa dihitung

Contoh, water (air), oil (minyak), jadi, tidak bisa dikatakan sebuah air, dua buah minyak, dsb.

2. Tidak dapat diawali dengan artikel ‘a’ maupun ‘an’ hanya bisa diawali dengan artikel ‘the’

3. Hanya dapat menggunakan satu bentuk saja tanpa tambahan ‘s’ contoh water (bukan waters); oil tinta (bukan oils), sand = pasir (bukan sands)

B. Some and Any (beberapa) (p.30)

Some and any berarti “beberapa”

Some and any bisa digunakan untuk countable dan uncountable noun.

Yang membedakan antara “some dan any” adalah jenis kalimat yang digunakan

Some = untuk kalimat positif

Any = untuk kalimat negatif (ditandai dengan kata “not” = tidak) dan kalimat bertanya (interrogative, yang menggunakan kata tanya, contoh; apakah )

Contoh : (+) I have some apples (aku memiliki beberapa apel) = kalimat positif

(+) I have some sugar (aku memiliki beberapa gula) = kalimat positif

(-) I don’t have any apples (aku tidak memiliki beberapa apel) = kalimat negatif

(-) I don’t have any sugar (aku tidak memiliki beberapa gula) = kalimat negatif

(?) Do you have any sugar? (apakah kamu memiliki beberapa gula?) = kalimat bertanya

C. Imperative sentences (kalimat perintah) (p.32)

Imperative sentence sama dengan kalimat perintah adalah kalimat yang didalamnya terdapat action verb atau kata kerja aksi yaitu kata kerja yang menggunakan bentuk pertama (Verb 1) dan membutuhkan aksi

Contoh = bubuhkan (season), tuang (pour), campurkan (mix), blend (hancurkan) dsb

Sebutkan 3 contoh lain dari action verb!

D. Adverbs of Manner (keterangan cara) (p.33)

Keterangan cara yaitu kata sifat (adjective) yang menjadi keterangan (adverb) ditandai dengan tambahan “ly” untuk kata sifat.

Contoh: quick (adj. Berarti cepat) -> quickly (adv. Dengan cepat)



Quick (cepat)

Quickly (dengan cepat)

Careful (hati-hati)

Carefully (dengan hati-hati)

Slow (lambat)

Slowly (dengan lambat)

Beautiful (indah/cantik)

Beautifully (dengan indah)

Pengecualian = Untuk beberapa adverb (kata keterangan) yang tidak mendapat tambahan “ly” yaitu:



Good (baik/bagus)

Well (dengan baik)

Fast (cepat)

Fast (dengan cepat)

Hard (syulit/keras)

Hard (dengan sulit/dengan keras)

Late (terlambat/telat)

Late (dengan telat)

True (benar)

Trully (dengan benar)

Catatan tambahan:

Untuk kata yang 2 huruf akhirnya huruf konsonan dan huruf “y”, maka kata sifatnya tersebut huruf akhirnya (y) diganti dengan huruf (i) lalu ditambaahkan “ly”

Contoh = easy (mudah) -> easily (dengan mudah); lucky (beruntung) menjadi........?

Coba kerjakan sendiri dan baca kembali halaman 33 bagian b, sebagai latihan dan cocokkan dengan jawaban yang sudah dikerjakan!

E. Noun Phrase (NP) (kata benda berbentuk Frase)

Kata benda frase (noun phrase) adalah kata benda yang terbentuk dari kata sifat dan kata benda atau terbentuk dari angka, kata sifat dan kata benda)

1. Adjective + noun = empty (kosong= adj.) + glass (noun) -> empty glass (gelas kosong) (NP)

2. Number + adjective + noun = two + empty + glass -> two empty glass (dua gelas kosong) (NP)

Lihat dan coba jawab lagi secara mandiri hal. 34 & 35 bagian B

F. Can and Can’t (ability / kemampuan) = + V1

Can (untuk present = waktu sekarang)

Can’t (untuk past = lampau)

G. There is/ was (ada sebuah = was (lampau)); there are/ were (ada beberapa (were= lampau ; diikuti oleh kata benda plural (jamak)

H. Procedure Text (Teks Prosedur)

Meaning (Arti) : Procedure text is a text that is used to tell someone/ reader to do or to make something (Teks prosedur adalah teks yang digunakan untuk memberitahu seseorang/ pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu.

Example : teks panduan pada alat-alat tertentu (mesin cuci, barang elektronik dsb), atau cara penggunaan sesuatu atau resep (recipe).

Purpose/goal/aim/7an :to guide someone/reader how to do or how to make something (untuk memberikan arahan kepada pembaca/seseorang bagaimana melakukan atau membuat sesuatu).

Generic Structure (Struktur umum) : 1.Goal (tujuan), 2. Ingredients/material & 3. steps (langkah-langkah)

Language Features (Ciri-ciri Kebahasaan): 1. numbers, determiner (a, an/ the), noun phrases, 2. adverb of manner (keterangan cara), 3. action verb (kata kerja aksi dengan menggunakan verb1)/ imperative sentences (kalimat perintah), 4. connectives (penghubung, contoh; first, then, next, after that, finally, etc) (dalaam text, biasanya terdapat connective, kadang juga tidak).

I. Report Text

Meaning : a text that describes about something in general

Purpose : to describe something in general

Generic structure: 1. Title, 2. Identification or classification, 3. Description

Language features: No personal pronoun; using a lot of nouns and noun phrases, using relational verb; and action verbs

(Examples)= animals (terdapat identifikasi hewannya, habitat, anatomy, diet, locomotion and special features.

Example of Procedure Text (p. 25)

Fried Rice Goal

(Language Features:Number/determiner/noun/noun phraseAdverb/ adverb of mannerAction verbConnective)Ingredients:

2 tablespoons oil

1 tablespoon soybean sauce

1 egg

5 shallots

2 cloves of garlic

(Material)Some salt and pepper


A knife

A frying pan

A spatula

A plate


1. Slice the shallots and garlic.

2. Pour the oil into the pan and heat it.

3. (Steps)Cook the shallot and garlic until it smells nice.

4. Put the rice into the pan

5. Season with some salt and pepper

6. Stir the rice until the ingredients are mixed well

7. The last, put the rice on a plate

(Vocabularies:Tablespoon: sendok makanSoybean sauce : kecapShallot : bawang merahCloves: siungGarlic : bawang putihPepper : mericaSlice : irisPour: tuangSeason : taburiCook : masakSmells nice : baunya harumPut: letakkanStir: adukIngredients: bumbu/bahanEquipment: alatMixed well: tercampur dengan baik)COBA PELAJARI MENGENAI TEKS DI ATAS! LATIHAN MANDIRI MENGERJAKAN DAN MELABELI TEKS PROSEDUE HALAMAN 35 BUKU EOS KELAS IX PENERBIT ERLANGGA.

(Materi lainnya:Certainty (kepastian) (p.11) , bagaimana: a. menanyakan kepastian (asking certainty) dan b. mengekspresikan kepastian (express certainty)Doubt (Keraguan) (p.13) ; bagaimana:Ekspresi keraguanMerespon keraguan)

Tenses (Present Tense) (p. 63)

· Present tense menyatakan hal yang terjadi sekarang, kebenaran umum (general truth) dan kebiasaan (habitual)

· Untuk kalimat nominal (menggunakan to be; am, is, are) berpasangan dengan kata benda, sifat dan keterangan

· Untuk kalimat verbal (menggunakan v1) dengan subject I, you, they, we (do) (tidak menggunakan tambahan ‘s’ atau ‘es’) dan subject She, he, it, nama org, benda (satu), (does) dengan tambahan `s’ atau ‘es’ pada kata kerjanya (verb).

· Tambahan ‘es’ untuk kata kerja dengan akhiran ‘o, ch, sh, ss ‘contoh go -> goes; watch -> watches; dsb.

Contona :

Cat -> plays (seekor)I play, you play, they play, I don’t play, do you play?

Cats -> play(banyak kucing)she plays, he plays, snake lays. She doesn’t play, does she play?

You may visit my wordpress ( to see the blueprint of “questions for Mid Semester” as your exercise!._ Ma’attaufiq (Semoga Berhasil!)


1. Nadya : Ryan, we will visit our grandpa next week

Ryan: Are you sure?

Nadya: Yeah, mom told about it.

Who are talking in the dialogue?

a. a mother and son

b. a mother and a daughter

c. a brother and a sister

d. a grandpa and a sister

2. Prass: Dennis, did you know that Reza got accident yesterday?

Dennis: No, I didn’t. is it positive?

Prass: Yes, it is positive?”

Dennis says “is it positive?” What does it mean?

a. He asks for certainty

b. He shows his certainty

c. He asks for repetition

d. He repeats his words

3. Do you have ….. vegetables in refrigerator?

a. Any

b. Some

c. Tomato

d. a

4. …. She drink any milk?

a. does

b. do

c. is

d. are

5. …. Rita’s family have breakfast together?

a. does

b. do

c. is

d. are

6. A = what do we …. to make a strawberry juice?

B = we need some strawberries and blender

a. Have

b. Any

c. Some

d. need

7. Robert : I think we only need an orange. Do we have it?

Johan: I am not sure. We still ….. it……. In the refrigerator

a. Have-any

b. Has-some

c. Have-some

d. Need-some

8. Mr. Jack doesn’t drive his car …. He bumps a tree.

a. Careful

b. Be careful

c. carefuly

d. sleepy

9. Ratih is a great dancer. She dances Bali dancing …

a. Carefully

b. Gracefully

c. Beautifully

d. Slowly

10. Mr. Hans is a fast driver, he drives his car…

a. Slow

b. Fast

c. Fastly

d. Slowly

11. All students do their test ….

a. Careful

b. Well

c. Good

d. lazy

12. “Slow down!” it means…

a. We have to be careful

b. We need a sign

c. Go slowly

d. Go fast

Look at the procedure text above to answer number 13-15



· 4 slices (400 gram) papayas

· 1 slice (100 gram) pineapple

· 1 tablespoon red syrup

· 1 piece (300 gram) sour soup

· 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup

· Some ice cubes

What to do:

1. Put the slice of papaya, pineapple, red syrup together with some ice cubes into a blender and blend them on high for one minute.

2. Next do the same to the remaining sour soup, vanilla syrup and some ice cubes.

3. Finally, pour the juice into some glasses, the white juice is on the bottom and the red juice is on the top.

13. The text shows about how to make a kind of….

a. food

b. beverage/punch

c. cake

d. meal

14. What should we do before pouring the juice into the glass?

a. Blending the remaining syrup, vanilla syrup and some ice cubes.

b. Blending papaya, pineapple, red syrup, and ice cubes

c. Cutting papayas and pineapple into slices

d. Serving the juice and enjoy it

15. “…. and blend them on high for one minute.”

The word ‘blend’ has nearly the same meaning as…

a. change

b. move

c. mix together

d. grind

16. A : Can you cook this recipe?

B: Well I don’t know. It’s not simple

B: I have no doubts about it. Let’s make it together

The underlined expression shows…

a. Expressing certainty

b. Expressing doubt

c. Responding to doubt

d. Ask for certainty

17. A: Miss Ani is absent today

B: Are you sure?

A: _____________

a. Yeah, I’m positive

b. No, thanks

c. Are you certain?

d. Guess what

18. Long-how-you-do-take-the-course?

a. How do you take the course long?

b. How you take the course long?

c. How long do you take the course?

d. The course take how long?

19. How-does-clean-water-body-our?

a. How does water clean our body?

b. Does water clean our body? How

c. Water clean our body does how?

d. Does how water clean our body?

20. Much-water-how-do-we-day?-need-each

a. How much water we do need each day?

b. How much water do we need each day?

c. Each day how much water do we need?

d. Do we need water how much each day?

21. What are the generic structures of procedure text?

a. Identification-decription

b. Goal-materials-steps

c. Orientation-event-reorientation

d. General classification-description

22. Indah: can the government give all the students scholarship?

Ratih: ___________

a. I am not sure

b. I think it’s easy

c. No doubt

d. I would like it

23. They ….. my teachers

a. Is

b. Am

c. Are

d. was

24. I don’t need …. Job. I need some food.

a. Some

b. A lot of

c. Many

d. any

Read the text to answer number 21-23

25. what does the text tell about?

a. Snakes sense

b. Pythons

c. Boas

d. Pit vipers

26. What does snake flick out its tongue for?

a. To clean its mouth

b. To show its hanger

c. To collect scents

d. To breath well

27. What do you say “prey” in indonesia?

a. Mangsa

b. Menjilat

c. Rasa

d. indra

28. How does a rabbit go?

a. It goes by crawl

b. It goes by fly

c. It goes by sneak

d. It goes by hop

29. Benoe : do you hany pets?

Bulo: _______I have some fish, colorful little fish

a. No, I don’t

b. Yes, I do

c. No, she doesn’t

d. I am afraid I don’t

30. Ira : Mom, look at this cat! It’s cute

Mom: whose cat is that?

Ira: it may __________

Mom: so let it go now. It will find its house

a. Julia’s

b. Her

c. My

d. Robert

31. Did you buy a bird yesterday?

a. Yes, I did

b. Yes, she did

c. No, he didn’t

d. No, I don’t

32. What did you buy in the pet shop yesterday?

a. She buys a cat

b. He bought a rabbit

c. I bought a puppy

d. I buy a doggy

33. Animal which have warm blood and give milk for their babies is ____

a. Mammal

b. Bird

c. Insects

d. Reptile

34. Is Dalmatian a wild animal?

a. Yes, it is

b. No, it is not

c. Yes, they are

d. No, they aren’t

35. What s reptile?

a. It leaves in the water lay eggs, cold blooded and can swim

b. It lays eggs, have wings, legged six, and can fly

c. It lays eggs, thick skin and cold blood

d. Live in the water, lay eggs cold blood and can swim

36. What animal which begin with “H”

37. Dona : I think a whale is fish

Diniel: I don’t think so. I think they are mammals

Daniel expresses a_____________

a. Agreement

b. Disagreement

c. Uncertainty

d. Leave taking

38. What do you think of this picture?

a. It is reptile

b. It is mammal

c. It is fish

d. It is insects

39. What about this one?

a. It is a bird

b. It is a mammal

c. It is fish

d. It is insect
