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Berikan sebab mengapa planet Pluto mengambil masa yang lama untuk membuat satu putaran lengkap menggelilingi matahari.

Kerana kawasan orbitnya besar.

Berikan sebab mengapa planet tidak berlanggar antara satu sama lain ?

Kerana planet bergerak mengikut orbit masing-masing

Gambarajah di bawah menunjukkan satu litar.

Pemerhatian : Mentol menyalaa) Berikan inferens berdasarkan pemerhatian di atas.

Mentol menyala kerana paku adalah konduktor

Berikan inferens berdasarkan pemerhatian.

Pemerhatian :pokok A kekal hidup, pokok B mati

Pokok A hidup kerana mendapat udara dan cahaya matahari, pokok B mati kerana tidak mendapat udara dan cahaya matahari.

Pemerhatian yang di catatkan oleh Nellina seperti berikut:-

Kereta mainan bergerak laju atas permukaan kaca.Kereta mainan bergerak perlahan atas permukaan kertas pasir.a) Tuliskan dua inferens berdasarkan pemerhatian di atas.

i) Permukaan kaca yang licin menyebabkan kurang geseran.

ii) Permukaan kertas pasir yang kasar menyebabkan geseran lebih kuat .


something that changes in different situations

Terdapat tiga jenis pemboleh ubah :- a) what to changed ( WTO)/Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi (PM) - Sesuatu yang berubah-ubah atau tidak sama dalam

satu eksperimen

b) What to observed/measured ( WTO ) / Pemboleh ubah bergerak bals ( PG )

- Hasil sesuatu eksperimen/sesuatu yang ingin diketahui.

c) What is kept the same / Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan - Sesuatu yang sama atau tidak berubah dalam satu

eksperimen tetapi harus mempunyai parimeter.

Jenis bahan Kertas tisu Kapas Kain tuala spanMasa yang diambil untuk menyerap ( saat )

5 15 23 40

Nyatakan dua maklumat berdasarkan jadual di atas.Jenis bahan dan Masa yang diambil untuk menyerap


Jadual dibawah menunjukkan pemerhatian daripada satu eksperimen. Dua jenis litar dibuat dan litar P diletak dua biji mentol manakala litar Q tiga biji mentol.

Litar P Q

Kecerahan mentol

cerah malap

a) Apakah pemboleh ubah yang dimalarkan ? jenis litar bilangan bateri

Apakah pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi ? Bilangan mentol

Apakah pemboleh ubah bergerak balas ? Kecerahan mentol

Sekumpulan murid menjalankan satu penyiasatan. Hasilnya dicatat seperti dalam jadual di bawah.

Bahan Panjang / cm

Panjang selepas digantung pemberat

25 kg / cmGelang getah 8 10 Tali rafia 8 8Tiub basikal 8 9

Apakah pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi ?

Jenis bahanApakah yang di ukur ? Panjang selepas digantung pemberat 25kgApakah yang dimalarkan ?

Panjang bahan

Diagram below shows a circuit that is prepared by Zulkifli to carry out a experiment.

What is observed in this investigation ?

The condition of the bulbs.

What is changed ?

What is observed?

The presence of air

The condition of the dragonflies



The number of swings depends on the length of strings

What is the relationship between the two variables in the statement above?

The more the length of strings, the lesserthe number of swings.The longer

Write a relationship between the two factors in the statement above.

The more the number of chicks in a container, the greater the competition among the chicks.

Which one is C and which is MO?

The brightness of the bulbs is influenced by the number of dry cells.

The more the number of dry cells,the more the brightness of the bulbs

What can you say about the statement above?

The distance between the torch and the object (cm)

10 20 30 40 50

The height of the shadow (cm)

20 16 12 8 4

What can you say about the distance between the torch and the object and the height of the shadow?

The more

the lesser

The more the distance between the torch andthe object, the lesser the height of the shadow

The further

Number of sponge Volume of water absorbed (ml)

1 30

2 63

3 87

An investigation was done to study the relationship between the number of sponges used and the amount of water absorbed. Table 1 above shows the results obtained.

What does happen to the volume of water absorbed when the number of sponge increases?

The more the number of sponge, the more the volume of water absorbed.

Day Number of pupils having disease X12345


What is the relationship between the number of pupils having diseases with day ?

As the day increases, the number of pupils having disease X increase.

Two similar potted balsam plants are used in this experiment, They are labelled A and B. A transparent plastic bag is placed over plant B and tied at the base. Then, two potted plants are placed outdoors and watered every day for two weeks .

State the relationship between the presence of air and the condition of the plants.

If/ When the plant does not get air, the plant will die.


INGAT !!! Jawapan anda mesti ada WTC/PM dan WTO/PG.a) Untuk menyiasat hubungan diantara PM dengan PG

ATAUb) To show that…. / Untuk menunjukkan bahawa…..

A ) Apakah tujuan penyiasatan di atas dijalankan ?

B ) Apakah tujuan kajian di atas ?

C ) Apakah yang ingin dibuktikan dalam penyiasatan di atas ?

Rajah dibawah menunjukkan eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh Sharifah

What is the aim of this investigation?/Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini ?

To show that air expands when heated/Untuk menunjukkan bahawa udara mengembang bila air di panaskan.

The picture above shows an investigation conducted by Kamarul. He put a balsam plant in a box with a hole at the side of the box. He waters the plant everyday / Gambarajah di atas menunjukan penyiasatan yang di jalankan oleh Kamarul. Dia meletakkan pokok keembung di dalam satu kotak yang ditebuk lubang. Setiap hari dia menyiram pokok tersebut.

What is the aim of this experiment ?/ Apakah tujuan eksperimen ini ?

the shoot of plants respond to sunlight/

pucuk pokok bertindakbalas terhadap

cahaya matahari

To show that

Untuk menunjukkan bahawa

Siti menjalankan satu eksperimen. Dia telah meletakkan beberpa biji guli di atas penimbang secara satu persatu. Keputusannya seperti berikut.

1 2 3 4 5

10 20 30 40 50

What is the aim/ purpose/ what to find out from this experiment ? Apakah tujuan eksperimen ini?

Jawapan :

Bilangan guliBilangan guli

jisim (g)

Untuk menyiasat hubungan diantara ____________

Dengan _________________________

Gambarajah di bawah menunjukan satu eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh Safuan.

Safuan mendapati mentol menyala lebih cerah apabila menggunakan tiga biji bateri.Apakah tujuan eksperimen ini ?

Untuk menyiasat hubungan diantara _______________

dengan ______________________________

Bilangan bateri

Kecerahan mentol

Gambarajah graf dibawah menunukkan hasil pengeluaran petroleum.

Jumlah Pengeluaran

Tahun 2004 2005 2006

Apakah tujuan eksperimen ini ?

Untuk menyiasat hubungan diantara Jumlah pengeluarandengan tahun

60 %

80 %

90 %


A group of researches gathered information about an animal species in a particular forest. The table below shows information obtained by the researches.

Year Number of animals species

1990 2001995 1702000 1502005 130

a) What is the trend in the number of the animal species?/ Apakah corak bilangan spisies haiwan ?

Decreasing / Menurun

The table shows the result of an investigation that was carried out by a group of pupils to observe the groth of microorganisms on a slide of bread.

Days Number of black spots

2 04 16 28 310 4

What is the trend that shown in the number of black spots ?/ Apakah corak bintik hitam yang ditunjukkan ?

A group of students carried out a study to find out the relationship between frogs and grasshoppers in a garden. The study was completed in five weeks. The observations are recorded in the followig table.

Week 1 2 3 4

Number of grasshoppers

38 30 23 17

Number of frogs 5 9 14 19

State the change in the number of frogs./ Nyatakan perubahan bilangan katak

Increases / Bertambah

The bar chart in diagram below shows the change in the length of the shadow of an object in a study.

Length of

the shadow

9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Time

a.m. a.m. a.m. noon p.m. p.m. p.m.









State the pattern of change in the length of the shadow from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m./Nyatakan corak panjang bayang-bayang dari 9.00 a.m hingga 2.00 p.m.decreases and then increases/ berkurang kemudian bertambah


Forecasting a future occurrence Forecasting a future occurrence based on past observations or the based on past observations or the extension of dataextension of data


Yazid poured 50 cm³ of water into a measuring cylinder. He had several marbles of the same size. He wanted to measure the volume of each marble. He dropped the marbles, two at a time , into the cylinder. The volume of water was recorded each time he dropped the marbles as shown in the table below.

The number of marbles

0 2 4 6 8

Volume of water (cm³)

50 52 54 56 60

Predict the volume of water if 20 marbles were dropped into the measuring cylinder.

70 cm³

2 marbles = 2 cm³

1 marbles = 2 ÷2=1 cm³

20 marbles = 20 cm³ + 50 cm³

= 70 cm³


Distance of egg Distance of egg from the water from the water surface (cm)surface (cm)

Quantity of Quantity of saltsalt(spoon)(spoon)

Beaker Beaker

Predict the distance of the egg from the water surface if 12 spoons of salt are used in the investigation.3.5 cm

12 ?


Based on the information in the table above ,what can you say about the volume of water in the measuring cylinder.

Number of cups 1 2 3 4Volume of water in the measuring cylinder.

200 400 600 800

The volume of water in the measuring cylinder increases

Number of metal balls on a compression balance

2 4 6 8

Mass(g) 300 600 1200 1500Based on the results in the table

above ,what can you say about the mass of metal balls when the number of metal balls on a compression balance increases?

When the number of metal ball increases, the mass increases.

Number of cars registered

1970 1980 1990 2000 Year

a) What can you say about the number of cars registered from the year 1970 to year 2000?


The bar graph show the number of cars registered in a state in four different years.

A group of pupils carried out an investigation to measure A group of pupils carried out an investigation to measure the height of a table. The result of this activity is shown in the height of a table. The result of this activity is shown in the table.the table.

Pupil Height of the table /span

Lina 6

Jenny 6 ½

Shanti 7

Based on the table above, what can you say about the height of the table measured by the three pupils?The height of the table measured by the three pupils are not the same.The height of the table measured by Shanti is the longgest.
