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新学习技术应用模式下的标准 - xAPI之一

Jessie Chuang

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Speaker Bio.

Jessie Chuang 是旅居美国多年的华人;关注跨领域学习技术应用创新、学习设计、方案贵画与学习数据分析,她目前是 ADL 下 Experience API (xAPI) 中文实践社群的主持人,参与多项 xAPI 项目的规划与实施。

联络: [email protected]

Today’s survey:

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Technology is evolving very fast and segmented

Mobile first! (Mobile Learning:

Simulations, AR, location-based learning, wearables, IoT ...


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Paradigm Shift

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3-33 Model

Dan Pontefract (2013) - learning is a collaborative, continuous, connected, and community-based growth mindset.

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What’s Informal Learning?Saul Carliner 在他的书 “Informal Learning Basics: Informal learning” 中定义,非正


至不自觉自己正在学习。例如: 自行存取、按需提供的学习内容,组织学习社群(像


根据 Bersin, Bloom, Cross, 与 Livingstone 的研究,非正式学习占职场学习约 50 ~

80%, 许多人认为非正式学习对工作的重要性远比训练课程重要。

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70-20-10 Model

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Informal Learning Example -1Sara Lee: a survey of sales and marketing representatives and representatives of management and the HR departments at Sara Lee showed that the most important method of workplace learning among this group was on-the-job experience and networking. Training programs actually rated fairly low.

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Informal Learning Example - 2Google Ireland: an employee found a way to tag employee skills in order to locate networking and mentoring opportunities.

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Informal Learning Example - 3

U.S. Army built a robust discussion forum for Army

commanders and found that it significantly supported

leadership and sharing. Because of their success, the Army

has expanded these forums for other Army jobs.

Note: Supporting informal learning requires us to assume new roles, including managing organizational knowledge and coaching. A command-and-control attitude could be a dangerous approach.

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Xerox Story - Community Mind

Explicit knowledge (know-what)Tacit knowledge (know-how)

by John Seely Brown - A PARC veteran of 23 years and its director for a decade, has relentlessly explored the techniques of innovation. In particular, he has focused on how individuals and institutions really change.

JSB was an early leader in encouraging research organizations to pay as much attention to the behavior of complex systems as to the movement of atoms and bits - to recognize, as the title of his book -- The Social Life of Information.

Read more: The informal channels of an organization

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by JSB

Enterprise Social Network (ESN) products have been HOT in recent years. (Yammer, Jive…)

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A New Approach to Performance DevelopmentTurbomachinery Solutions unit of GE Oil & Gas, provides solutions and services to upstream and mid-stream customers in seven vertical markets. We have 7,000 employees across three P&Ls, 11 functions, 12 regions, and 15 product lines.

A smartphone app to provide continuous dialogue, accepts voice and text inputs, attached documents, even handwritten notes. The aim is to facilitate more frequent conversations between managers and employees and among teams.

● Management: shifting from “command and control” to “empower and inspire”● Team: a collaboration room where teams could engage and develop new ways

of working across teams to optimize the overall results.

A fivefold productivity increase in the past 12 months. GE is now rolling it out throughout the company, and it will replace our legacy Employee Management System (EMS) by the end of 2016.

Source: HBR - GE’s Real-Time Performance Development

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Half-life of Knowledge are Shrinking“The “half-life of knowledge” is the time

span from when knowledge is gained to

when it becomes obsolete. Half of what

is known today was not known 10 years

ago. The amount of knowledge in the

world has doubled in the past 10 years

and is doubling every 18 months

according to the American Society of

Training and Documentation (ASTD).

To combat the shrinking half-life of

knowledge, organizations have been

forced to develop new methods of

deploying instruction.”

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Networks & Performance SupportExperiential, social learning should become part of every worker’s daily activities.

To facilitate this, think of resources and connections instead of courses.

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Cascading levels of Performance Support

Source: “What We Got Here Is … an EPSS”

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GE Capital - 需要训练多达 250,000 位(44,000 个零售店) 广佈全世界的零售商

● 适合平板使用介面的网页设计与行动 App● HTML5 技术● 使用者可以评分的内容● 五分钟的课程● 不需登入 (除非牵涉公司机密) ● 面对面训练70% 被删去,省时省钱● 层次化设计,学习者视需要决定是否深入

学习● 访问客户的故事作为教材● 所有学习资源整合成为单一资源库 ● 学习资源以学习目标来组织分类● 学习路径以使用者的角色来设计

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Qualcomm - 内部早在 2004 年就开始推行行动学习专案,至今已经进化到第叁阶段了

● Phase I : 将学习材料重新设计,成为员工随身带著走的"知识库"(Learning Center in the Pocket) 以及效能支持工具,包括 : 销售技巧与步骤、简报技巧、谈判技巧、领导力提升培训、专有名词缩写 (Acronym) 资料库 ......

● Phase II : 建立与汇整行动学习内容,成为统一入口 (Portal),加上社群学习元素(公司内部社群)。

● Phase III : 内部建立了一个完整的行动 App 生态系统 (Employee AppStore),没有课程,只有 App,涵盖所有层面的需求 : 办公室导览、新进员工训练、新产品训练、个人工作成长、生产力工具、效能支持工具 ...... 。

相關文章: Enterprise AppStores

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SONIC- 美国最大 Drive-In 连锁餐厅, 号称有 398,929 种让顾客客製化的饮料组合,在客人点餐之後才开始製作......

● 采用 BYOD,支援 iOS 与 Android 装置。

● 为员工提供效能支持工具(Performance Support Tool),包括能协助店经理快速回答客人问题的产品资讯(例如: 所点食物内是否含坚果?),以及,让员工参考可以快速做出客製化食物的步骤的影片。

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International Red Cross (国际红十字会) - 原本用面对面的培训课程教导各种机构与个人关於急救方法与灾害应变知识......

● 将支持使用者处理紧急情况所需的知识,作成 App,让它在需要时可以及时被取得,民众可以根据它们来执行灾害来袭前、後的各种措施。

● 根据使用者的使用情境与可能需求,整合相关资源、资讯或功能,提供尽可能的支持,例如 : 依据所在地点提供附近的避难所位置、紧急计画的检查列表、甚至会发出光与声音的功能,以备受难者无法呼救时使用,例如地震後被埋在废墟中。

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美林證劵(Merrill Lynch) - 分布在38 个国家的 6 万名员工,发现行动学习比线上学习有效率且成果较好

● 让员工在公司外工作的空档都能进


● 充分利用既有黑莓手机的使用习惯,





● 让员工可以在很短的时间内、在任何



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‘Reclaiming the Art of Teaching’ (Lupton 2013) -- Mandy Lupton, Queensland University of Technology

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Highlights● Connectivism - tools connect our brains

○ The community mind(brain) is the real expert. (know-what + know-how)

○ The health of the learning ecology of the organization depends on effective nurturing of information flow. (connect people, content = KM)

○ Show/share your work, so dots can be connected.○ Informal learning is on the rise.○ Think more of networks and on-demand resources, not only courses.

● Mobile learning - tools extend/enhance our brains○ Trends: mobiles, BYOD, BYOA….○ Performance support○ Embedded learning in works

● You can’t manage what you don’t measure

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You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

Study found: The more companies characterized themselves as data-driven, the better they performed on objective measures of financial and operational results. In particular, companies in the top third of their industry in the use of data-driven decision making were, on average, 5% more productive and 6% more profitable than their competitors.

(from MIT Center for Digital Business, McKinsey’s business technology office, Wharton Business School)

Harvard Business Review: Big Data: The Management Revolution

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Strength in Numbers: How Does Data-Driven Decisionmaking Affect Firm Performance?

Abstract:We examine whether firms that emphasize decision making based on data and business analytics (“data

driven decision making” or DDD) show higher performance. Using detailed survey data on the business practices and information technology investments of 179 large publicly traded firms, we find that firms that adopt DDD have output and productivity that is 5-6% higher than what would be expected given their other investments and information technology usage. Furthermore, the relationship between DDD and performance also appears in other performance measures such as asset utilization, return on equity and market value.

Citation:Brynjolfsson, Erik and Hitt, Lorin M. and Kim, Heekyung Hellen, Strength in Numbers: How Does Data-Driven Decisionmaking Affect Firm Performance? (April 22, 2011). Available at SSRN: or

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New Roles of Executives and HRThey should be asking “What do the data say?”

They’ll be valued not for their HiPPO-style answers but because they know what questions to ask.

Companies succeed in the big data era not simply because they have more or better data, but because they have leadership teams that set clear goals, define what success looks like, and ask the right questions. Big data’s power does not erase the need for vision or human insight.

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What Great Managers Do Differently

Average managers play checkers, while great managers play chess.

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What Great Managers Do Differently

They discover what is unique about each person and then capitalize on it. Train each person, tailor to his learning styles.

Building employees’ strengths is a far more effective approach than a fixation on weaknesses.-- Quotes from Harvard Business Review, and research report from Gallup (a survey of 80,000 managers, and in-depth studies of a few top performers)


What Great Managers Do

State of the American Manager

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Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

Analytics enabled the Oakland Athletics to assemble a competitive team, despite paying the 3rd-lowest salaries. ● Beane led Oakland to win 103 games that year,

including an amazing 20-game winning streak. ● But the story didn’t end there. Never be afraid to

consider the opinions, knowledge and experience of people, both inside and outside of your business, to help clarify the data.

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xAPI as a L&D toolxAPI is a L&D tool… but it can track not only learning activities but also work flow,

events, social interactions etc. We can measure learning outcomes as well as performance outcomes. Enterprises can put outputs of the elements of the learning ecosystem (starting from LMS) into the business intelligence ecosystem.

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We Want to Know...

● how learning impacts business results● the correlation between L&D efforts and organizational

key indexes.● how well the training improve employers’ performance

in workspace.● What’s the best next step for the learner? ● How do we help people learn? improve the content?● What are the habits of really effective employees?

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xAPI Recording All Events

Instructors, Peers, Experts….

Contents: Courses, Books, Web pages, Games, AR ….Activities (making, exercises,

researching, online, offline ….)



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Course Webpage Game Simulator

CoachingSocial LearningProjectMobile


LRS Learning data is sent to LRS

Other activities


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Learning records can be delivered to LMSs,LRSs or Reporting Tools.


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2 Popular Use Cases of xAPI

Systems integrationOrganizations using xAPI to integrate data from multiple LMSs are translating proprietary methods of reporting to xAPI as a common format.

Sales enablement● Traditional classroom training with observational data (even self-reporting)● e-learning courseware for salespeople● developing job aids and other forms of performance support using xAPI● Use xAPI within their CRM systems to translate lead generation, time-to-

close, and other streams of activity—all in an effort to gain a better sense of the relationship between changes in training and changes in performance.

Read more: What Does xAPI Adoption Look Like?

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Data-Driven Learning Design

PDCA 持续改善迴圈,敏捷地因应变化