Page 1: YABANCI DİL SEVİYE TESPİT SINAVI İNGİLİZCE YDS fileYDS . Derleme 2 . 1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. 2. Her soru 1,25 puan değer taşımaktadır. 3. Yanlış cevap doğru seçeneği


YDS Derleme 2

1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. 2. Her soru 1,25 puan değer taşımaktadır. 3. Yanlış cevap doğru seçeneği götürmeyecektir. 4. Sınavın toplam süresini 150 dakikadır

NOT: Bu deneme 2 tanesi hariç çıkmış ÖSYM sorularından derlenmiştir.

Toplam 7060 kelime içeren test, gerekli itina gösterilmeye çalışılsa da, sınavda alacağınız notu temsil edemeyebilecektir.

Ancak durumun ne olduğunu kabaca görmek isteyenler ve toplu deneme yapan çalışma arkadaşlarım için bir kaynak olarak faydalı olabilir. Mehmet Mamger


Page 2: YABANCI DİL SEVİYE TESPİT SINAVI İNGİLİZCE YDS fileYDS . Derleme 2 . 1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır. 2. Her soru 1,25 puan değer taşımaktadır. 3. Yanlış cevap doğru seçeneği


Çoğu kişi maalesef sınava hazırlanmanın önemli bir parametresi olan deneme çözmeyi ciddiye almaz ve onu alıştırma ile karıştırır. Oysa deneme bir konuda ustalaşmak için kullandığımız alıştırmalardan çok farklıdır. Amacı gayet nettir:

1. Seviyenin tespiti

2. İlerleme olup olmadığının tespiti

3. Eksikliklerin tespiti

4. Gerçek sınav için sağlam bir teknik ve yöntem geliştirme

Ben bir deneme çözümünde şu altı kıstasın olmazsa olmaz olduğunu düşünenlerdenim:

1. TEK OTURUM, TAM SÜRE: Bir sınav tek oturumda ve araya mola verilmeden çözülmeli. Sınav esnasında bir şey yenilip içilmemeli, tuvalet ve sigara molası da dâhil, araya mola konmamalı. Zira gerçek sınavda bunları yapma şansımız yok. Her mola, denemedeki puanımızı yükseltecek ve durumumuz hakkında gerçekçi olmayan fikirlere sahip olmamızı sağlayacaktır. Eğer İKİ BUÇUK SAATLİK TEK OTURUM yapma şansımız hiç yoksa, verilen her mola için toplam süreden tam 5 dakika kısaltılmalıdır. Üç defadan daha fazla mola verilmiş ise eğer, artık o sınav bir DENEME SINAVI değildir.

2. SINAV BİTMEDEN KONTROL YOK: Tüm sorular bitmeden yapacağınız her kontrol, netinizi yukarı çıkaracak ve durum tespitini imkânsızlaştıracaktır. Oysa gerçek sınavda, mesela 50. sorudayken bile, 3. soruda verdiğimiz seçeneğin doğru olup olmadığı fikri beynimizi yemeye devam eder. Kuşku ve belirsizlik, neti aşağı çeker.

3. TAKILINCA İŞARETLEME GEÇ, SONRA BAK – SÜPÜRME YÖNTEMİ: Boş bırakabilme erdemi, çoğu kişinin A puanlarına ulaşabilmesinde en önemli etkendir. Basit nedenlerle, okuduğu seçenekte çabuk bir doğru cevap bulmazsa işaretleme yapmadan geçen bir kişi, daha sonra aynı seçeneğe baktığında doğruya ulaşacaktır:

• Uğraştığınız seçenek BOYUNUZUN ÜZERİNDE ve hatta iptal edilecek bir YANLIŞ SORU olabilir. Onunla uğraşmanız zamanınızı yer ve kendinize inancınızı bitirir. İkisi de size en lazım olan şey. Oluşan zaman baskısı ve hüsran duygusu, normalde doğru cevaplanabilecek ve çok daha kolay pek çok sorunun yanlış cevaplanmasına yol açacaktır.

• Uğraştığınız seçenek çözebileceğiniz zorluktadır ama o anda cevabı hatırlamıyorsunuz veya doğru açıdan bakmıyorsunuzdur. Israr etmeniz size yardımcı olmaz. Ama başka sorularla uğraşırken, beyniniz zaten bu soru için de yeter miktarda mesai sarf edecek ve bir daha baktığınızda soruyu gayet kolaylaşmış olacaktır: Beyniniz problemi çözmüş veya soruya yeniden bakarken bakış anızı değiştirmişsinizdir.

• Uğraştığınız sorunun cevabı ya doğrudan veya modelleme mantığına göre okuyacağınız diğer sorularda gizli olabilir. Siz diğer soruları okurken, beyniniz buradan doğru bilgileri kodlayacak ve yeniden boş bıraktığınız soruya geldiğinizde, tercihiniz büyük ihtimalle doğru olacaktır. Unutmayın en büyük kopya, soru kitapçığınızın bizatihi kendisidir.

Soruların hepsini bitirdikten sonra boş bıraktığınız sorulara yine sırayla birkaç defa dönüp, her doğru cevap çıkmadığında yeniden boş bırakıp geçmeyi unutmayın. Böylece belirli bir süpürme-tarama yöntemiyle aynı sorulara birkaç kez bakmış olacaksınız. Son 10 dakikada ise artık atma vakti gelmiş olabilir. Hilelere ancak burada yer veriniz.

4. SINAV BİTİNCE TAHMİN: Sınavdan sonra kaç net alacağınızı ±5 hata ile bilmeniz, durumunuzu tespitte çok önemlidir. Bu tahmin bir müddet sonra hangi seçeneği bilerek, hangisini ise sallayarak yaptığınızı bilmeniz hususunda size olağanüstü bir yetenek kazandıracak ve böylece hangi seçeneği hemen işaretleyeceğinizi, hangi seçeneği boş bırakıp sonra bakmanız gerektiğini ve hangi seçenekte aslında atmak durumunuzda olduğunu ve dolayısıyla hile-hurda kullanabileceğinizi bilmenizi sağlayacak.

5. YANLIŞLARI BİR DAHA ÇÖZ – TURLAMA: Cevapları başkasına kontrol ettirip, yanlış cevaplarınızı bir daha çözmeye çalışmanız, bir sonraki denemenizde NET ARTIRABİLMENİZ neredeyse en garanti yoludur. Beyniniz (a) iki şık arasında hangisini seçmeniz gerektiğini öğrenecek, (b) yanlış yaptığı soruyu bir daha çözdüreceğinizi anladığından, ilk hamlede doğruyu görmeyi başarabilecektir. Turlamayı illaki tüm soruların cevabını kendiniz buluncaya kadar yapınız. Ama İLK TUR, en öğretici olandır.

6. KELİME ÖĞREN: Sınavın bir kısmından keklime öğrenmeyi ihmal etmeyin. Bir limitiniz olsun, mesela 100. O sınavdan tam 100 adet bilmediğiniz kelime öğrenmeye bakın. Sadece paragraflardaki kelimelere bakmanız bile yeterli olabilecektir.

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1.-6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. Only a few foods supply ---- amounts of vitamin D, notably those derived from animals.

A) decisive B) significant C) compulsive

D) previous E) alien

2. The practical ---- of soil mechanics includes the design of foundations and earth-retaining structures.

A) application B) appreciation

C) reference D) detention

E) elimination

3. Syndicalism embodies the idea that workers, through direct action, ---- a general strike, should seize control over the means of production and hence gain political power.

A) especially B) previously

C) tremendously D) respectfully

E) consistently

4. A detailed understanding of why the World Trade Center towers collapsed will mean that engineers can ---- the lessons learned into future designs.

A) participate B) reproduce

C) incorporate D) reinstate

E) demonstrate

5. A motion study of assembly procedures ---- the design and disposition of the bench, tools, containers and materials used.

A) gets on with B) makes up for

C) puts pressure on D) takes into account

E) cuts free from

6. Although photons are said to be both particles and waves by quantum theory, the question whether light is ---- waves or particles has still been around.

A) made up of B) caught up with

C) come up with D) set up

E) taken care of

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7. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

7. All the speculations of engineers about the mechanism of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers ----, in fact, hypotheses, theories of what ----.

A) were / might happen

B) are / might have happened

C) will be / has happened

D) would have been / might happen

E) have been / may happen

8. Satellite observations ---- that space ---- in a sea of X- rays.

A) had shown / has been bathed

B) showed / has bathed

C) will show / would have bathed

D) have shown / is bathed

E) would show / would be bathed

9. Although there ---- a couple traditional dishes made out of dog meat, they seem ---- only popular among a certain group of older gentlemen and not a regular part of Korean cuisine.

A) were / being

B) have been / to have been

C) are / to be

D) used to be / having been

E) may be / to have been

10. Some delicate fruits and vegetables need to ripen gradually as they make their way ---- producer nations to consumer markets ---- the globe.

A) from / around B) with / on

C) for / in D) of / over

E) through / at

11. China’s middle class has developed ---- its humble beginnings ---- where it is today.

A) over / upon B) into / of

C) through / within D) out of / over

E) from / to

12. Orchids are divided ---- two major categories,

based ---- where they grow.

A) between / to B) among / upon

C) into / on D) to / in

E) within / at

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13. The study tries to understand whether yawning is contagious and, if so, whether some of us are ---- prone to “catching” a yawn ---- others?

A) more / than B) not only / but also

C) either / or D) so / that

E) both / and

14. In statistics, random samples are obtained ---- by sampling replacement from a finite population ---- by sampling without replacement from an infinite population.

A) either / or B) whether / and C) just / as

D) as / as E) so / that

15. ---- our bodies are exposed to cold, their first rule of survival is to maintain the brain and internal organs at a temperature of 37°C.

A) Since B) Although C) When

D) Just as E) Until

16. Farmers depend on meteorologists ---- accurate forecasts assist in successful agricultural planning.

A) who B) in which C) that

D) what E) whose

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17.-21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Since life began, more than 3.5 billion years ago, evolution has produced an (17) ---- variety of living things. Some (18) ---- as fossils that tell us about how they lived. They show that animal life underwent an explosive burst of evolution about 545 million years ago. Some of these animals had strange body forms that have not been seen since. Furthermore, the first plants moved from water (19) ---- land about 440 million years ago, and by about 325 million years ago, the first flying insects had taken to air. (20) ----, there have also been setbacks. (21) ---- at least five occasions, mass extinctions have wiped out huge number of species.


A) inferior B) identical C) approximate

D) impossible E) enormous


A) have been preserved

B) were to be preserved

C) will be preserved

D) had been preserved

E) would have been preserved


A) within B) above C) into

D) through E) onto


A) Moreover B) Therefore C) However

D) Otherwise E) Likewise


A) As B) By C) From

D) On E) For

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22. -26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

People may bruise easily because of fragile capillaries in the skin. Each time these small blood vessels break, a little blood (22) ----, leaving tiny red dots in the skin and bluish-purple bruises. Women seem more prone than men to bruising from a minor injury, especially (23) ---- the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. Older people are especially susceptible to bruising after bumps and falls (24) ---- they have fragile blood vessels and a thinner layer of fat under the skin, which normally serves as a cushion to help protect against injury. For most people, the condition isn’t serious, but bruising easily (25) ---- a sign that something is wrong with the blood clotting elements, most likely the platelets. Blood tests can determine if (26) ---- problems exist.


A) passes by B) comes up C) runs away

D) breaks off E) leaks out


A) on B) with C) throughout

D) through E) over


A) unless B) even so C) because

D) whereas E) so that


A) has to be B) should be C) would be

D) may be E) will be


A) such B) no C) much

D) so E) many

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27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

27. When we stop trying to fit people into a common mold, ----.

A) it should be realized that people develop differently

B) their natural talents as well as their limitations became apparent

C) people who don't fit the mold are regarded as stupid

D) we'll be able to produce brighter, more effective citizens

E) this should be recognized by educators and parents alike

28. Whereas extra training may not accelerate children’s motor development, ----.

A) some of them were then given extra stimulation

B) infants deprived of physical stimulation would have delayed motor development

C) these are the ones who do not have the opportunity to move about

D) some amount of practice is necessary for development to occur normally

E) there had been several techniques for comparing the effects of maturation and learning

29. ---- because there was a shortage of coal for smelting.

A) In Japan, steel expansion has been subsidized for several years

B) Italy has only very limited supplies of iron ore

C) In Sweden, steel-making on a large scale developed late

D) French reserves are among the best in Europe as regards quantity

E) Stimulated by the rapid growth of the railways, the iron and steel industry expanded rapidly in Russia

30. ---- why no one warned him to check the pressure in the tank constantly.

A) Surely someone could have thought of it

B) I simply cannot comprehend

C) It's just another example of irresponsibility

D) The instructions state expressly

E) It should have been a matter of common sense

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31. ----, which is why it is vital to ensure that it is healthy.

A) The liver is located under the ribs on the righthand side of the body

B) Formerly, the liver received little attention

C) Liver surgery today has advanced enormously

D) The truth is that the liver, as a hard-working organ, has always received a great deal of medical attention

E) The liver is involved in more than 500 body functions, from detoxification to hormone balance

32. After take-off, the pilot of an aircraft is often given a course to steer ----.

A) though the air traffic control officer will still be using field glasses

B) whether the weather conditions were suitable or not

C) since he will be watched by direct visual means from the control tower unless there is fog

D) until a specific reporting point or height is reached

E) so long as the landing gear retracts correctly

33. Laxatives provide an example ----.

A) of how drugs can interfere with nutrient absorption

B) if they are taken daily over a long period of time

C) when the acidity of the digestive tract was affected

D) since the rate of absorption was excessive

E) that stimulate the secretion of digestive juices

34. American interest in the African economy has recently intensified ----.

A) that many American companies had invested heavily in mining

B) even if the Bush administration fully supports the American involvement in Africa

C) as a series of articles published in The New York Times last year gave the issue new prominence

D) because most American multinationals had recognized that Africa might constitute a threat

E) before the United Nations began carrying out a survey country by country

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35. Hungary was founded by peoples of Finno-Ugrian and Asiatic Turkish origin----.

A) who had moved westward in the early Middle Ages and conquered the native Slavs

B) as they were traditionally called "the Magyars"

C) so that they could have escaped persecution by their enemies

D) even though their leader Arpad united them

E) so long as Arpad's warriors had been a community of free and equal men

36. The collapse of a British company developing genetically engineered vaccines in plants has raised fears ----.

A) why the public has shown so much hostility to genetically modified plants

B) that medical biotechnology may also be adversely affected

C) if industry analysts had been intimidated by rival companies

D) unless all such plants are grown in glass houses and not in open fields

E) though it failed to raise adequate funds to finance the next stage of' vaccine development programme

37. -42. soruIarda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçesini, Türkçe cümlenin İngilizcesini bulunuz.

37. Investigators use indirect methods to understand which brain regions help to restructure problems and generate thoughts.

A) Araştırmacılar, beynin hangi bölgelerinin, sorunları yeniden yapılandırdığını ve düşünce ürettiğini anlamak için dolaylı yöntemler kullanıyorlar.

B) Araştırmacılar, beyindeki hangi bölgelerin hangi sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce ürettiğini belirlemek için dolaylı yöntemler kullanıyorlar.

C) Araştırmacılar, dolaylı yöntemlerle beyindeki sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce üreten bölgeleri belirlemeye çalışıyorlar.

D) Araştırmacılar, beynin sorunları yeniden yapılandırıp düşünce üreten bölgelerini dolaylı yöntemlere başvurarak belirlemişlerdir.

E) Araştırmacılar, beynin bazı bölgelerinin sorunları yeniden yapılandırarak düşünce ürettiğini dolaylı yöntemlerle ortaya koydular.

38. Bird-lovers are celebrating the return of a wetland bird that has eluded scientists ever since its discovery in India years ago.

A) Hindistan’daki kuşseverler, yıllar once keşfettikleri ve bilim insanlarını atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.

B) Yıllar önce Hindistan’da keşfedilmesinden sonra bilim insanlarını atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşü kuşseverleri memnun etti.

C) Kuşseverler, yıllar önce bilim insanlarının Hindistan’da keşfettiği ancak onları atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.

D) Kuşseverler, Hindistan’daki keşfinden beri bilim insanlarını atlatan bu güzel sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.

E) Kuşseverler, yıllar önce Hindistan’da keşfinden bu yana bilim insanlarını atlatan bir sulak arazi kuşunun dönüşünü kutluyorlar.

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39. When it was time to leave, I was still in a state of disbelief, for I couldn’t have even imagined that such richness existed in Singapore.

A) Singapur’da böyle bir zenginliğin bulunabileceğini hiç düşünmemiştim, öyle ki ayrılma zamanı geldiğinde şaşkınlık içindeydim.

B) Singapur’da böyle bir zenginliğin bulunabileceği hayal bile edilemeyeceğinden, gitme zamanı geldiğinde, doğrusu şaşkınlık içindeydim.

C) Gitme zamanı geldiğinde şaşkınlık içindeydim çünkü Singapur’un böylesi bir zenginliğe sahip olabileceğini hayal etmemiştim.

D) Gitme zamanı geldiğinde hâlâ şaşkınlık içindeydim çünkü Singapur’da böyle bir zenginliğin bulunmasını hayal bile edemezdim.

E) Singapur’a gitme zamanı geldiğinde, şaşkınlık içindeydim çünkü orada böyle bir zenginliğin bulunması doğrusu hayal bile edilemezdi.

40. Nüfusları azalıp yaşlandıkça ve Avrupa’nın dünyadaki gücü düşüşe geçtikçe Almanlar refahlarının tehdit altında olduğunu düşünmeye başlıyorlar.

A) As their population shrinks and ages, and as Europe’s power in the world declines, so does the threat to Germans’ prosperity.

B) As their population shrinks and ages, and as Europe’s power in the world begins to decline, Germans notice that their prosperity has been under threat.

C) While their population shrinks and ages and Europe’s power in the world declines, Germans have begun to notice that their prosperity is under threat.

D) Germans are starting to think that their prosperity is under threat as their population shrinks and ages, and as Europe’s power in the world declines.

E) Germans now see that their prosperity is under threat with their population shrinking and aging, coupled with the speedy decline of Europe’s power in the world.

41. Amazon’u korumak istiyoruz çünkü çocuklarımızın ve torunlarımızın en azından bizimki kadar güzel bir dünyada yaşayabilmelerini sağlamanın yolunun bu olduğunu biliyoruz.

A) The Amazon should be preserved because we know that is the way to make sure our children and grandchildren live in a world at least as good as ours.

B) We want to preserve the Amazon because we know that this is the way to make sure our children and grandchildren can live in a world at least as good as ours.

C) We will preserve the Amazon for we know very well that this is the way to make sure our children and grandchildren can live in a world better than ours.

D) We want to preserve the Amazon because we have known for years that this is the only way to make sure our children and grandchildren will live in a better world.

E) The Amazon should be preserved since we have come to know that this is the way to provide our children and grandchildren with a world in which they can live like us.

42. Kadınlarla çalıştığım sürede, kampa ulaşmadan önce çoğunun mutsuz olduğunu ve bazılarının da kötü muamele gördüğünü fark ettim.

A) Before I arrived at the camp, where the women worked, I had discovered that many of them had been unhappy and some were maltreated.

B) I discovered that many of the women were unhappy and maltreated before they arrived at the camp during the course of their work.

C) I discovered after working with the women that many of them were unhappy and maltreated before they arrived at the camp.

D) Throughout my study with the women, I was to discover that many had been unhappy while some were maltreated before they arrived at the camp.

E) While working with the women, I discovered that many of them were unhappy and some were maltreated before they arrived at the camp.

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43. - 46. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya g öre cevaplayınız.

If engineers waited for the development of scientific knowledge to use and organize into technological achievements, ours would be a very different world from what we know. In engineering, it is not so much science as it is ingenuity that is applied to solve problems and satisfy needs and wants. If this were not so, the steam engine would never have been invented in the absence of thermodynamics. The Wright Brothers would not have flown since they had no aerodynamics textbooks. The astronauts would never have landed on the Moon nor the rovers on Mars without firm geological knowledge of their surfaces. Rather than following scientific theories and discoveries, engineering leads them. Operating steam engines prompted the development of thermodynamics, actual powered flight drove aerodynamics, and Moon and Mars missions brought back samples and sent back data that led to increased scientific knowledge about those extraterrestrial bodies.

43. The main point made in this passage is that ----.

A) engineers rely on theoretical science for the solution of technical problems

B) theoretical science and technological achievement have always gone hand-in-hand

C) engineering is very often a step ahead of the pure sciences

D) all scientists show equal ingenuity

E) the steam engine was the greatest invention of all time

44. As it is pointed out in the passage, it was only after the steam engine had come into being that ----.

A) anyone could envisage traveling into space

B) people understood what engineering could achieve

C) people began to value scientific theory

D) aerodynamics attracted any serious attention

E) the science of thermodynamics really began to develop

45. We understand from the passage that the technological achievements of engineers are ----.

A) frequently the result of inventiveness and creativity

B) based on a profound knowledge of several scientific fields

C) best exemplified in the missions to Mars

D) often disappointing as they aim to achieve too much

E) no longer as impressive as formerly

46. One point made in the passage is that inventions ----.

A) relate more to physics than to chemistry

B) are made in response to the recognition of a need

C) are almost always based on some degree of scientific knowledge

D) are valued more than new scientific theories

E) do not usually relate to our ordinary everyday life

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47. – 50. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The people of Blaenavon in South Wales were understandably worried. The opencast mine only 1 kilometer north of their town had served the great Blaenavon ironworks when they opened in the late 18th century. But it had been lying derelict for decades and now British Coal Opencast wanted to mine the remaining 320,000 tonnes of coal. At opencast sites, for every tonne of coal recovered, up to 40 tonnes of rock has to be extracted. So, in the case of Blaenavon, unless precautionary measures were taken, the air in the town was going to be thick with dust. Precautionary measures were taken, based on well-tried techniques. For instance, tall spray masts were erected around dumps to provide a curtain of rain to entrap and wash out dust from the air, and the wheels of every vehicle leaving the site were washed. Further, reclaimed areas were planted with trees and grass from day one. With these and other measures this turned out to be a success story for all concerned. In fact, during the entire mining and reclamation project not a single complaint about nuisance dust was made to the local authority.

47. It is clear from the passage that the events described in the passage amount to a "success story" ----.

A) even though very little coal was mined

B) as new methods of dust control were developed and tried out

C) because the coal was mined without the nearby town suffering from dust

D) since no one regretted the closing-down of the mine

E) though the task of controlling the dust had proved expensive and time-consuming

48. We learn from the passage that, with opencast mining, ----.

A) dust control is almost impossible

B) the coal is generally of a very poor quality

C) miners work in better conditions than in underground mines

D) once the coal has been extracted, grass and trees have to be planted immediately

E) a huge amount of rock has to be removed in order to get a relatively small amount of coal

49. According to the passage, the opencast mine near Blaenavon ----.

A) had always given employment to the men in the town

B) had been in constant use since the late 18th century

C) had never been mined economically

D) had been neglected for years and fallen into a state of decay

E) filled the town with dust even when coal was not being mined there

50. It is clear from the passage that the measures employed at the site of the mine to control dust ----.

A) relied, to a large extent, on the use of water

B) were not adequate enough

C) were just ordinary, routine measures

D) were devised and implemented by the people in the local town

E) were set up in a careless half-hearted manner

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51. – 54. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

As for the lifestyle in the Netherlands, the Dutch have a deserved reputation for being easygoing. But as with any country, there are some surprises for newcomers to get used to. For instance, the amount of bureaucracy strikes them as remarkable when they first move to the Netherlands. Want to light a small fire in your garden? You'll need permission from the local government. Fancy painting your house? Better check with the government first. A major problem is the tightening up of immigration laws on a large scale. The problem is that the Netherlands is a small country that is facing a lot of immigration, so they are making it tougher and tougher. But, actually, racism is foreign to the Dutch culture. They are very accepting; they take you as you are.

51. We understand from the passage that the Dutch people ----.

A) frequently discriminate against foreigners

B) wish to keep foreigners out of the country

C) constantly complain about the inefficiency of local governments

D) represent a number of contrasting features

E) resent having to live in such a small county

52. It is clear from the passage that, in \ the Netherlands, ----.

A) certain ordinary activities are subject to regulation

B) a large proportion of the people are racists

C) immigrants invariably have a very tough time to start with

D) local governments have very little authority

E) bureaucracy plays a very small role in daily life

53. We understand from the passage that newcomers to the Netherlands ----.

A) feel obliged to conform to the Dutch way of life

B) are never absorbed into the community

C) usually feel themselves at home from the beginning

D) soon adapt themselves to the Dutch culture

E) may be surprised at the many and various regulations

54. It is obvious from the passage that immigration----.

A) has increased the amount of racism in the Netherlands

B) into the Netherlands upsets no one

C) is a very serious concern for the Dutch

D) laws in the Netherlands have been relaxed in recent years

E) into the Netherlands has taken a downward turn

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55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Patent laws do little or nothing to help poor countries dig their way out of poverty, and could even make matters worse. That's the controversial conclusion of an independent commission on intellectual property rights appointed by the British government. Its report, launched recently in Geneva, contains 50 radical recommendations to help make these rights work to the advantage of poor countries. Britain's Department for International Development has already promised to look hard at the suggestions, but it's unclear whether the rest of the international community will listen. The World Trade Organization has persuaded most countries to sign an intellectual property rights (IPR) agreement that obliges them to impose Western style laws on everything from patents to copyrights by 2006. But the new report argues that these laws only benefit rich countries with strong traditions of invention, and do little to aid the transfer of technology to poor countries. The report argues that poor countries should be given a lot more flexibility so as to customize those laws, and up to a decade longer to do so. At present, many poor countries don't have intellectual property laws at all. That means local inventors can't get protection for their ideas, but it also means people can buy cheap versions of medicine or software that have been patented elsewhere. Since poor countries often have little to patent in the first place, the benefits of having no laws can outweigh the disadvantages.

55. According to the passage, the findings of a special commission set up to examine the proposed new patent laws ----.

A) have been widely accepted by the international community

B) suggest that poor countries will not benefit from them

C) have been submitted to the World Trade Organization for approval

D) recommend that they be introduced over a very long period of time

E) has aroused much controversy with the British government

56. We understand from the passage that the absence of patent laws in a number of poor countries ----.

A) has angered the rest of the international community

B) is bound to end by the year 2006

C) is of no importance and should be ignored

D) has caused the drain of their scientific potential

E) is to the disadvantage of native inventors

57. According to the passage, it is not yet certain that the recommendations made by the British government appointed commission ----.

A) actually aim to benefit poor countries

B) will be ratified by the World Trade Organization

C) will be finally rejected by the international community

D) will gain the approval of a majority of countries

E) will aid the transfer of technology to poor counties

58. One point made in the passage is that it is to the advantage of poor countries ----.

A) not to have patent laws

B) to sign the intellectual property rights agreement

C) to accept western style laws regarding patents

D) to encourage the work of local inventors

E) to combat their poverty by accepting cheap goods from abroad

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59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A century ago in Japan, rice was the dominant food at every meal, but meats, breads and milk products now dominate. The health implications of such changes are two-sided. On the one side, a steady increase in heart attacks and strokes is alarming. Japanese men who grew up consuming a “Western” diet are more likely to suffer from diabetes than are men who grew up on a traditional Japanese diet, and diabetes is a risk factor for heart disease. On the other side, deaths in Japan have declined as modern sanitation and immunizations have brought infectious diseases under control, and the new diet provides much more protein than a traditional rice-based diet. Extra protein during the growing years has enabled the younger generation to grow taller and stronger than any generation before them. In general, Japan still enjoys a higher life expectancy and lower overall rate of heart disease than many other nations, but new choices present new risks.

59. It is pointed out in the passage that in Japan, ----.

A) poor sanitary conditions are now a major health threat

B) life expectancy is slowly declining

C) the life-style has never been a healthy one

D) the young people are increasingly concerned about their life expectancy

E) the traditional diet was low in proteins

60. According to the passage, the replacement of rice as Japan’s staple food ----.

A) has not affected the health of the people in any way

B) has met with a great deal of opposition

C) has failed to reduce the spread of infectious diseases

D) has contributed to a decline in the mortality rate

E) has given rise to no health implications

61. We understand from the passage that one benefit of the new Western diet in Japan ----.

A) has been the emergence of a physically better and healthier generation

B) has been a reduction in heart-related diseases

C) has been a remarkable decline in diabetes

D) is that people are now more resistant to infectious diseases

E) has made people aware of the importance of proteins in the diet

62. It is clear from the passage that the consumption of Western-style food ----.

A) is indispensable for longer life expectancy

B) has led to an increase in certain serious health problems in Japan

C) has not become widespread among the younger generation in Japan

D) has always been as popular as the traditional rice diet in Japan

E) is gradually losing its popularity among the Japanese people

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63. -67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

63. John : - Have you heard about the apart-hotel in the

Netherlands that has moveable cloth walls in the rooms?

Anne : - ----

John : - What a good idea.

Anne : - Yes, it really allows for a lot of flexibility.

A) No, I haven’t. What do you mean by cloth walls?

B) Yes, since the walls are made of cloth, the rooms can be made larger or smaller to suit the needs.

C) Yes, but since the walls are made of cloth, wouldn’t that be a fire hazard?

D) I think it’s a terrible idea. You’d be able to hear everything through the cloth walls.

E) Why do they need moveable walls in the room? You’d have to rearrange the furniture every time you moved the walls!

64. Peter : - Have you read this article? It says that two

thirds of all the senior citizens who have ever lived are alive today.

Katie : - Yes. With the world’s large aging population,

I’m surprised that so many companies still market their products to the younger generation.

Peter : - ----

Katie : - That’s right. In addition to being the largest

market, seniors are also the richest market today.

A) What about the grown children of seniors? Aren’t they a large market?

B) I’m not. You know what a “youth culture” we have in the world these days.

C) But aren’t there an awful lot of rich young people around?

D) You’re right. There’s a lot of money to be made in products tailored for older people.

E) I don’t think the senior market is as large as is often suggested.

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65. Hannah : - ----

Bob : - Yes; it also seems that if women continue to

have a larger share of the labour market, it will create social problems.

Hannah : - Really? Like what?

Bob : - Well, it says in this article that male

unemployment and crime will rise, leading to over-crowded prisons and difficult family life.

A) Women today are receiving a better education than they used to.

B) It seems that women are now working outside the home more than ever before.

C) It says here that in secondary schools, girls do better than boys on standardized tests in all subjects, even in maths and science.

D) Women shouldn’t be willing to work for less money than men.

E) I think it’s wonderful that more and more women are working in managerial positions.

66. Research Assistant: - I’m planning to carry out research into the

possibility of swine flu leading to a pandemic, but I’ll probably need your assistance.

Professor: - That’s an admirable area of research, but

don’t you think it is beyond the scope of just a couple of people?

Research Assistant: - Well, of course, it’s not just us. I’m talking

about setting up a team.

Professor: - ----

A) Research into what makes a pandemic is quite unreliable.

B) I can’t help you because I don’t believe swine flu exists.

C) Why are you focussing on the treatment of swine flu?

D) In that case, you have my full support.

E) What is the purpose in setting up a team?

67. Roy:

- If you haven’t already read this account of Philip Morrison, make sure you do.


- ----


- That’s what impressed me most. He made important contributions in quantum electrodynamics among other things, and then gave courses on physics for poets!

A) Yes, I will. I’ve seen him on TV on several occasions, he’s both charming and amusing.

B) Yes, I intend to. What was it that impressed you?

C) I’ve already done so. The range of his interests and activities is amazing.

D) Did you realize he was an assembler of the first atomic bomb?

E) Of course. I was his student, you know, at Cornell University.

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68. - 71. soruIarda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

68. Emily was perhaps the quietest of the three Brontë sisters, but she was, nevertheless, the most passionate.

A) All three Brontë sisters were quiet and emotional, but this was especially true of Emily.

B) Of all the Brontë sisters, Emily was certainly the most passionate but she rarely talked to anyone.

C) The quietest of the three Brontë sisters was certainly Emily, though she wasn’t the one with deepest emotions.

D) The least talkative of the three Brontë sisters may have been Emily, but even so she was the one with the strongest emotions.

E) Emily Brontë wasn’t as talkative as either of her sisters, and was also less passionate.

69. When the Spaniards first brought chocolate to Europe only the very wealthy could afford to buy it.

A) Though chocolate was expensive, the Spaniards soon brought it to Europe and the wealthy everywhere were keen to buy it.

B) As chocolate was too expensive for all but the very rich it didn’t become popular when the Spaniards first brought it to Europe.

C) Chocolate, when it was introduced to Europe by the Spaniards, was so expensive that none but the very rich could buy it.

D) The Spaniards brought chocolate to Europe where there were more wealthy people to buy it.

E) The Spaniards brought chocolate to Europe but for a long time there were very few people who could afford to buy it.

70. More market research on the likelihood of the success of such an item is definitely called for, before we invest more time, money or effort in it.

A) Once market research findings suggest it is likely that this article will sell well, we will definitely start to invest more time, money and effort in it.

B) A great deal of time, money and effort has already been invested in this particular item, but market research findings are not very positive as to the likelihood of its success.

C) We really must not invest more time, money or effort in this particular item until market research provides us with more grounds for believing that it will sell.

D) Unless market research comes up with some really good proof that such an article will market well, we must stop investing so much time, money and energy in it.

E) We cannot go on investing time, Money and energy in a product of this nature while market research findings regarding its selling potentiality are so dubious.

71. Wolfgang Petersen’s film Poseidon gave me almost the same pleasure as his film Troy did.

A) I thought Wolfgang Petersen’s film Poseidon was good, but his film Troy was even better.

B) I enjoyed Wolfgang Petersen’s film Poseidon nearly as much as his film Troy.

C) Wolfgang Petersen’s films Poseidon and Troy are both equally good.

D) Wolfgang Petersen’s Poseidon was his best film, but I enjoyed his film Troy as well.

E) I think Wolfgang Petersen’s films Troy and Poseidon are by far the best of all his films.

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71. -75. soruIarda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

72. Heavily armoured and trained to advance as one giant machine, Roman legionary troops would cut to pieces any enemy not wise enough to flee. They were unstoppable in open ground even if greatly outnumbered, and no cavalry charge could break their unbroken wall of shields. ----. This was because the tactics of these enemies were the tactics of the guerrilla, for they knew that to confront the Roman legions head-on could only lead to defeat.

A) War has always been asymmetrical whenever there has been a power with clear superiority

B) However, even in the best days of the empire, the Roman legions suffered defeats at the hands of much less accomplished enemies

C) The Romans had had the advantages of superior organization, doctrine, training and equipment for centuries

D) The Romans tended to fight symmetrical battles only in the first encounter with each new enemy

E) As they had to fight ordinary wars from time to time with the Parthians and Persians, the Romans knew both kinds of war

73. According to conventional economic thinking, Sweden is doing everything wrong. Its government consumes nearly 60 per cent of GDP, its taxes are among the highest in the world, and its labour market is deeply inflexible. ----. And yet, far from being punished for these economic “mistakes”, Sweden’s economy is booming.

A) Similarly, countries like Britain, Sweden and Denmark were warned that opting out of the euro would be an expensive expression of national sovereignty

B) Much of this suggests a new approach to globalization

C) However, the differences in efficiency between Europe and America are not immense

D) Over the last decade, most European countries have begun to reform their economies

E) Moreover, it provides very extensive social services

74. When the word “cyborg”, meaning part machine, part human, first appeared in the middle of the 20th century, it was only in the context of sciencefiction novels and films. Everybody knew that humans couldn’t be put under mechanical or electronic control. ----. This possibility presents some interesting questions. It also suggests some rather Horrifying possibilities.

A) Today, however, some researchers believe that cyborgs will be possible within 50 years

B) In fact, scientists have recently proved that the creation of a cyborg will remain impossible in the foreseeable future

C) On the contrary, cyborgs will certainly continue to be a favourite subject of science-fiction writers

D) In fact, humans will always remain firmly in control of their machines

E) One example of fictional artificial intelligence is HAL, the self-determining computer in Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey

75. In 1938, a Peruvian farmer discovered an enormous quantity of ancient gold objects, setting off grave-robbing in northern Peru. Grave robbers dug some 100,000 holes throughout the Pomac Historic Sanctuary. ---- Loads of valuable Sicán artefacts were dug up and sold. Fortunately, many of them eventually found their way to national museums, such as the Gold of Peru Museum in Lima.

A) They were, however, unsuccessful finding any valuable artefacts to sell on the black market.

B) Besides, the Sanctuary hosts a range of tombs from those for children to those for rulers.

C) They also used bulldozers to push away the remains of structures to find tombs buried below.

D) Priceless artefacts in Peru have been plundered despite the government’s attempts to stop it.

E) Grave robbers were subsequently caught by archaeologists working in the Historic Sanctuary.

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76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

76. (I) The use of computers in tests of psychology represents only one aspect of the increasing utilization of computers. (II) For example, Allian described computerized systems for measuring physical strength. (III) Furthermore, computerized sensors are able to recognize and indicate the existence, size and location of potential lung abnormalities. (IV) Besides, computerization is most likely to be necessary when the tasks in the test require precise timing. (V) However, psychological measurement represents a special case in which the use of computers might change the meaning of the test scores.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) Evolution never starts from scratch. (II) Instead, it works by adopting features that already exist turning them to new uses. (III) Most living things grow by making extra cells. (IV) This means that living things contain built-in clues that show how they have evolved. (V) A dolphin and chimpanzee, for example, look nothing like each other; however, their skeletons share the same pattern of bones.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

78. (I) Vera Rubin has written and delivered scientific papers and lectures worldwide. (II) Vera Rubin’s interest in stars began when she was 10 years old. (III) Her father helped her build a telescope and attended amateur astronomy club meetings with her. (IV) In the early 1960s, Rubin became the first woman permitted to observe at the Palomar Observatory, which is run by the California Institute of Technology. (V) One of her major contributions to astronomy was finding evidence to support the theory that there may be large amounts of unseen matter, known as dark matter, in the universe.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

79. (I) Many people associate mythology only with the Greeks and Romans. (II) After all, these two civilizations have supplied the most famous myths and gods in history. (III) In many ways, they encountered one another often because of trade, migration, and conquest. (IV) However, it is important to realize that all cultures in all sections of the world have their own unique mythologies. (V) That is certainly true for the sophisticated Mayan and Aztec civilizations that developed in Mesoamerica.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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80. (I) Transport yourself back to the early 1960s before the now-famous television series Star Trek first appeared. (II) At that time, only visionaries would have dared imagine that people of the 23rd

century would be learning about the world on huge flat-panel video screens and talking to one another across the width of the planet using wireless devices. (III) Future weapons will dispense entirely with the clumsy darts and wires. (IV) Yet today these scenes are commonplace. (V) So it is fitting that new high-tech devices also have similarities with fictional technology as it was first presented on that famous science-fiction series.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V




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