“The card that keeps on GIVINGwww.platinumroyalties.com

Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

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“The card that keeps on GIVING”

www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com

Page 2: Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

! We have developed a FREE mobi le appl icat ion cal led “Plat inum Royalt ies” that a l lows users to v iew hundreds of deals and promotions r ight around them.

These deals vary from Entertainment to Dining. Some of the deals you can view from the Plat inum Royalt ies appl icat ion include:

Carraba’s – Free Appetizer

Firehouse Subs - $2.00 o� your meal

World of Beer – 15% o� your check

Stagger Inn – Buy One/Get One Free Drinks

The Platinum Royalties application also allows users to �lter deals based on:What k ind of deal they are seeking

What deals are near their current locat ion



How can people access these deals you ask? www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com

Page 3: Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

The only way to have access to these amazing deals is by owning a Platinum Royalties Deal Card.

Our styl ish Plat inum Royalt ies Deal Card is a socia l ly accepted way of receiv ing great deals without having to carry around cutup paper coupons.

We sel l our 2015 Plat inum Royalt ies Deal Card for $20.00 to $30.00, with the card being val id through December 31st of 2015.

We donate 70% of our earnings to local char it ies .

Our Plat inum Royalt ies Deal Card replaces those enormous booklets of coupons with one elegant , sty l ish, a l l - in-one Deal Card.

Platinum Royalties deal card

www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com

Page 4: Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

How much money will it cost your establishment to market on the Platinum

Royalties application?

1. Business

2. Promotional Deals

3. Disc la imer

Platinum Royalties deal card

www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com

Our Platinum Royalties Deal Cards are presented on a (4”x6”)Stock Flyer which provides every detail about our:

Page 5: Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

How would you like to drive more customers to your business?

Because our Plat inum Royalt ies Deal Cardhips, market ing events , and fundrais ing; we charge Vendors zero dol lars to advert ise specif ic promotions on our appl ication.

With Platinum Royalties we allow you to:

Market your company and promotions For free

Change your promotion at anyt ime For free

Share your company’s uniqueness For free

Platinum Royalties & marketing

www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com


Page 6: Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

Not only does Platinum Royalties help with speci�c Business Marketing for your compa-ny but also we specialize in Business Branding!

Platinum Royalties will service constant exposure to your companies brand and promotions at/on:

Platinum Royalties & Branding

www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com

All Plat inum Royalt ies promotional booths at

events such as food fest ivals , corporate

events , and fundraisers .

Al l P lat inum Royalt ies char itable

events .

Plat inum Royalt ies appl icat ion, flyers , booklets , website, and socia l media

accounts .


Page 7: Platinium royalties “The card that keeps on GIVING”

Pick a promotional deal to market on the Plat inum Royalt iesappl icat ion for our Plat inum Royalt ies Deal Card owners .

Provide your sta� the necessary information on the promotional deal you are o�ering via the Platinum Royalties application, which includes:The promotion being o�eredWhat the card looks like (we will provide a sample)

When a customer presents the Platinum Royalties Deal Card, the sta� must provide the promotion without any hassle to ensure a quality experience to the customer, your company, and Platinum Royalties.

Customers are now happy with the promotional deal given by your company, the Platinum Royalties Deal Card that they purchased, and are they are happy sharing that experience with others while also returning to your establishment!

www.p la t inumroya l t i es .com

Step 1: Pick your promotion

Step 2: Inform Your Sta�

Step 3: Provide the promotion

Step 4: Repeat and Grow

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“The card that keeps on GIVING…to you!!”