Business Card Dr.Ramesh’s Potent Family

Business card by Dr.Segu Krishna Ramesh

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Business CardDr.Ramesh’s Potent Family

Бизнесийн ашиг орлогоо эрчимтэй нэмэгдүүлэхийг хүсэж буй бүх

хүмүүст зориулав..

Орчлонгийн хөдөлгөөний бас хувьслын хуулийг ойлго.

Энэ нь татах хүчний хууль

Таны далд ухамсар өөртөө хэрэгтэй зүйлээ татдаг.

MEF Хамгийн агуу зүйлс хамгийн энгийн байдаг.

Өнгөнд давтамж бий бас учир бий

Дэвжин дээшлэх мандан бадрах алтан шар өнгө

Алтан шар

Орчлон ертөнцийн жам ёс, бүтээгч хөдөлгөөний дагуу

Dr.Ramesh’s Potent FamilyEnriching Our Consciousness

to Manifest Enrich Fulfill

Ариун геометрийн дүрсSacred Geometry

Geometric forms describe the growth and integration of all systems, from the binding forces within atoms to the shapes and composition of galaxies.

Sacred geometry is the configurative language

of the elemental components of the creative force that gives birth to all life and, as such, it offers a direct conduit to Prime Consciousness… to Source.

This language bypasses the dogmatic perimeters of the intellect to transmit knowledge that exists beyond the reach of religion, philosophy, belief or disbelief.

Sacred geometry is a pure language

that cares not for the country of your birth, the colour of your skin or your cultural beliefs.

It expresses the interrelating harmony that lies at the heart of creation, transmitting patterns of frequency which resonate with our original Human blueprint.

The Human DNA code

is built upon energy pathways of ultra-organised creative Intelligence.

The vibratory infrastructure of this blueprint is written in the geometric language of light.

Бизнесийн байгууллагын сүнс буюу Vastu Purisha

Mathematics is commonly defined as the study of patterns of structure, change, and space; more informally, one might say it is the study of "figures and numbers".

5 elements

When we look to the beauty of nature, we find that five elements provide the foundation for the entire physical world.

We nourish ourselves with foods from the Earth, and eventually, our body returns to the earthly matter

from which it came.

Fire provides the body with heat and radiant energy and exists within all metabolic and chemical actions.

Air flows freely throughout the body, giving movement to biological functions and feeding every

cell with oxygen.

Space is ever-present, humbly residing in the background, providing the other elements with an

opportunity to interact in this way.

From an Ayurvedic perspective,

Water: also embodies the physical qualities, biological functions, and energetic properties of this element. For example, Water is liquid, heavy, soft, and cohesive.

It governs all bodily fluids and is necessary for chemical reactions to take place in nature.

On the subtler levels of the mind and emotions, Water relates to a calm personality and promotes love, compassion, and contentment.

Five element

EARTH (Bhumi) - Earth, the third planet in order from the sun, is a big magnet with North and South poles as centers of attractions. Its magnetic field and gravitational force has considerable effects on everything on the Earth, living and non-living.

WATER (Jal) - This is represented by rain, river, sea and is in the form of liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam, cloud). It forms part of every plant and animal. Our blood is mostly water.

AIR (Vayu) - As a life supporting element, air is a very powerful life source. Human physical comfort values are directly and sensitively dependent on correct humidity, air flow, temperature of air, air pressure, air composition and its content.

FIRE (Agni) - Represents light and heat which account for day, night, the seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion and vigour.

SPACE (Akasha) - The Akasha provides shelter to all the above elements. It is also considered the primary conductor of all energy sources within the universal context – physical energies such as sound and light, social energies such as psychological and emotional, and cognitive energies such as intellect and intuition.

Golden Thumb – Алтан эрхий хурууны дардас

Энэхүү алтан эрхий хурууны дардас хэмээх ариун геометрийн дүрс бүхий янтра байгаа газарт эд хөрөнгө, алт эрдэнэс урсан орж ирдэг учиртай.

Баялагийн янтра Кубера

Шива бурханы эмэгтэй дүр хэмээгдэх янтра

Муу муухай зүйлийг сөнөөж устгана

Сайн сайхан бүхнийг өсөн дэвшүүлнэ.

Шива бурхан Айлын хийгээд байгууллагын

бизнес баяжин дэвжинэ.


Мэдлэгийн янтра

9 grahas

4 corners