1 Rachel is my sister. Rachel 是我的姐姐/妹妹。 2 They are good friends. 他们是好朋友。 3 It was Ali who helped me just now. 刚才是Ali 帮我。 4 I do my revision at night. 我在晚上温习功课。 5 He does his homework every evening. 他每天下午做功课。 6 John did a good deed yesterday. 昨天John 做了一件好事。 7 The man has a big house. 那个男人有一间大房子。 8 I have a lovely watch. 我有一个美丽的手表。 9 Mr Tan had an old car last year. 陈先生去年有一辆旧汽车。 10 She can go to school tomorrow. 她明天能够去上学。 11 I shall return the storybook to the library next Monday. 下个星期一我将会把图书交给图书馆。 12 They will come here afterwards. 过后,他们将会来这里。 13 You must finish your work. 你一定要完成你的工作。 14 We must always take care of our belongings. 我们一定要时常照顾好我们的财物。 15 Since you are sick, you may go home now. 既然你生病,你现在就可以回家。 16 You should brush your teeth before you go to bed every night. 你们应该每晚先刷牙才睡觉。 17 The girl used to study here. 那女孩过去常常在这里学习/读书。 18 We ought to abide by the rules and regulations. 我们应该遵守规则。

Daily expression b (1 80)

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Page 1: Daily expression  b (1 80)

1 Rachel is my sister. Rachel 是我的姐姐/妹妹。

2 They are good friends. 他们是好朋友。

3 It was Ali who helped me just now. 刚才是Ali 帮我。

4 I do my revision at night. 我在晚上温习功课。

5 He does his homework every evening. 他每天下午做功课。

6 John did a good deed yesterday. 昨天John 做了一件好事。

7 The man has a big house. 那个男人有一间大房子。

8 I have a lovely watch. 我有一个美丽的手表。

9 Mr Tan had an old car last year. 陈先生去年有一辆旧汽车。

10 She can go to school tomorrow. 她明天能够去上学。

11 I shall return the storybook to the library next Monday. 下个星期一我将会把图书交给图书馆。

12 They will come here afterwards. 过后,他们将会来这里。

13 You must finish your work. 你一定要完成你的工作。

14 We must always take care of our belongings. 我们一定要时常照顾好我们的财物。

15 Since you are sick, you may go home now. 既然你生病,你现在就可以回家。

16You should brush your teeth before you go to bed every


17 The girl used to study here. 那女孩过去常常在这里学习/读书。

18 We ought to abide by the rules and regulations. 我们应该遵守规则。

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19My mother has to prepare everything for the children's

party this Sunday.我妈妈必须为这个星期日孩子的庆祝会准备所有的东西。

20 They had an enjoyable moment together. 他们在一起度过了非常愉快的时光。

21 They had a great time on that day. 那天他们玩得很痛快。

22 It was an unforgettable experience for me. 对我那是一个难忘的经验。

23 It was a memorable day for me. 对我那是一个很值得纪念的日子。

24 He had learnt a valuable lesson from the incident. 他已经从那件事件得到了宝贵的教训。

25 Although we were exhuasted, we were on cloud nine. 虽然我们很疲倦但是我们非常开心。

26They were as happy as a lark because they were

celebrating Children's Day.他们非常开心因为正在庆祝儿童节。

27 She was a very diligent and outstanding pupil. 她是一个非常勤奋和杰出/优秀的学生。

28 She was very humble and modest. 她很谦虚和高雅。

29 He was a poor but honest man. 他很贫穷但是很诚实。

30He is a friendly man. Therefore, his customers like to buy

fish from him at the market.他是个友善的人,因此在菜市里他的顾客都喜欢向他买鱼。

31She was extremely delighted because she had done a

good deed.她非常高兴因为她做了一件好事。

32 He is very proud of himself as she had done a good deed. 他感到很自豪因为他做了一件好事。

33 I praised him for his bravery. 我称赞他因为他很勇敢。

34 I praised her for his honesty. 我称赞他因为她很诚实。

35 I praised her for his kindness. 我称赞他因为他很仁慈。

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36 I thanked her profusely. 我深深地感谢她。

37 I thanked her gratefully. 我感恩她。

38 He gave her a present as a token of appreciation. 他给她一份礼物以表示赏识她。

39 They were grateful to the kind-hearted passers-by. 他们很感激那些好心的路人。

40 When she was given an injection, she cried out in pain. 当她被打针时,她痛得大声喊叫。

41She groaned in pain as her leg was trapped at the


42 He regretted and apologised for his misbehaviour. 他很后悔并为他不当的行为道歉。

43 He was regretful for his wrongdoings. 他对他的犯法行为感到后悔。

44 They welcomed me with a sunny smile. 他们以愉快的笑容欢迎我们。

45 They were very hospitable as they treated us generously. 他们非常殷勤地招待我们。

46 The meal was indeed mouth-watering and tantalizing. 这顿饭确实令人垂涎三尺。

47 We could not resist the tantalizing food served on the table. 我们不能抗拒桌上令人垂涎三尺的食物。

48 The mouth-watering food is indeed irresistible. 这些让人垂涎三尺的食物的确令人难以抗拒。

49 After we had packed our things, we went home cheerfully. 我们收拾了东西就兴高采烈地回家。

50Her friends and relatives congratulated her for winning the


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51 His parents were proud of his achievements. 他的父母为他的成就感到骄傲。

52 They are very impressed by the picturesque scenery. 他们对美丽如画的风景留下深刻的印象。

53 I indulge myself in the lush green scenery. 我放纵自己在那茂盛而青翠的景色中。

54When they reached the seaside, they laid down all their

belongings on a mat under a shady tree .到达了海边,他们就把所有的物品放在阴凉的树下的一张席子上。

55 One fine morning, we took a leisure walk in the park. 一个晴朗的早晨,我们到公园悠闲地走。

56The supermarket was crammed with people. It was indeed


57Her house is beautifully decorated with lovely balloons and


58They went to Genting Highlands which is a popular tourist


59The supermarket sells an array of goods at reasonable


60The kind-hearted girl immediately got up and offered her

seat to the old lady.那个好心的女孩立刻站起来让位给那个老太太。

61Fortunately, a passer-by saw this incident and lent her a

helping hand.幸亏一个路过的人看见这件事就给她伸出援手。

62When he saw the incident, he ran to a nearby telephone

booth and contacted the hospital at once.当他看见这件事就立刻跑到附近的电话亭打电话到医院去。

63 He related the inccident to the police. 他向警方叙述有关的事件。

64 He told the police about what had happened. 他把事情发生的经过告诉警方。

65 The police were informed about the incident. 警方被告知有关的事件。

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66Eventually, they won the tournament and received a

trophy from the headmaster.最后,他们在锦标赛中获得胜利并从校长手中领取奖杯。

67 She sympathised with the kitten and gave it some milk. 她很同情那只小猫于是给它喝牛奶。

68 The old man crossed the road at a snail's pace. 那个老男人以蜗牛的速度过马路。

69It was raining cats and dogs. Therefore, I was soaking wet

even though I was using an umbrella.当时下着倾盆大雨,因此我全身都湿透了,虽然我撑着雨伞。

70There was a heavy downpour yesterday. As a result, many

roads were flooded by the rain water.由于昨天下滂沱大雨,结果许多道路都被水淹没。

71 Without hesitation, she helped the disabled man. 她豪不犹豫地帮助那个残障的男人。

72 Within minutes, the whole house was on fire. 在几分钟之内,整间房子就着火了。

73 She always keeps her house in a spick and span condition. 她常常把家里打扫得清洁整齐。

74 They queued up in an orderly manner. 他们的队伍排得整整齐齐。

75 My sister and I boarded the aeroplane. 我和姐姐/妹妹登上了飞机。

76All of a sudden, the pedestrian was knocked down by a

speeding car.突然,那个行人被一辆高速行驶的汽车撞倒。

77 He was seriously injured. 他的伤势很严重。

78 He sustained severe injuries on the head and arms. 他的头部和手臂严重受伤。

79After a few minutes, the ambulance arrived at the spot of


80 He was rushed to the hospital for treatment. 他被急速地送去医院接受治疗。

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81The audience clapped loudly and cheered joyfully to their


82 They passed their examination with flying colours. 他们考到辉煌的成绩。

83 She ran as fast as her legs could carry her for her life. 她以最快的速度逃命。

84Last weekend, we went to the cinema which is a stone's

throw away from our house.

85 Hence, we went there on foot.




There is a great variety of fruits in my grandparents'

orchard, such as durians, mongosteens, pineapples,

rambutans and so on.