Grupparbeten under vecka 7, 2017 Svenska deltagare ansvarar, förbereder innan och handleder under vecka 7. Digital samt muntlig redovisning och rundabordssamtal. Vilken /vilket pepparkaksf orm/ förkläde passar din grupp?????? ??

Hunting and Fishing

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Page 1: Hunting and Fishing

Grupparbeten under vecka 7, 2017

Svenska deltagare ansvarar, förbereder innan och handleder

under vecka 7. Digital samt muntlig redovisning och rundabordssamtal.

Vilken /vilket pepparkaksform/ förkläde passar din grupp????????

Page 2: Hunting and Fishing

Jakt och fiskeSkogsmuseumÄlgfarmSvenska Jägareförbundet + mer!

“Boken om skogen” s. 48-49Boken: “Spår” s. 38-43+ fler källor!

Deltagare: Jonatan - (Bruno), Emma(Christina), Pontus(Fritz), Denniz (Eric) + Carme+ SF

Page 3: Hunting and Fishing

Who can go hunting?

All who are over 18 and have done the hunters test can go hunting. You also need to be a landowner or rent land from other people.

Page 4: Hunting and Fishing

Hunting season The moose hunting season starts at

the beginning of September. You may not hunt between 25 September and 9 October. You can hunt moose from one

hour before sunrise until the sunset.

Page 5: Hunting and Fishing

How we huntIn Sweden we hunt with dogs (gråhund,jämthund,hälleforshund, karelare, svensk vit älghund, drever, pointer, vorsteh, One person goes with a dog in the forest and pushes the animal toward the other people who are sitting around the area waiting.

Page 6: Hunting and Fishing

In Västerbotten we can also hunt

beavers, foxes, bears,

wolves, deers and birds.

Page 7: Hunting and Fishing


various methods

Fly fishing, angle and casting rod are methods in summer.

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Fishing in the winter

We first drill up a hole in the ice and then we just angle in the hole until we get a fish on the rod. Then we pull up from the hole again.

Page 9: Hunting and Fishing

We most fish pike, perch

trout and salmon