Images: licences, find, cite... and a Jedi trick

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Licences, Find, Citation and a Jedi Trick

1. Licences that we can freely use

Creative Commons Licence Types

Daniele Bazzano. Creative Commons licence types. Digital image. MasterNewMedia, Robin Good, 2009. Web. 15 Jan. 2014.

2. Where do we find images?


Earwolf. Dammit, Spider-man. Digital image. Earwolf. July 24, 2012. Web. January 15, 2014.


Stfan. The droids we're googling for. Digital Picture. Flickr. July 23, 2009. Web. January 15, 2014.

Google -> Images -> Search Tools -> Usage Rights -> Labeled for reuse

CC search =>

Compfight =>

Wikimedia Commons =>

Wikipedia:Public domain image resources =>

Jedi Trick: to find images of Goethe only on the British Library collection goethe site:

3. Citation

Creators name/nickname (if known). Title/caption of image. Medium. Name ofwebsite providing the image. Publisher, date of content. Medium (Web). Date of access. .

(Example)Works Cited:Dakota L. Common Snapping Turtle Close Up. Digital image. Wikipedia: The FreeEncyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 2011. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. .

In-Text:(Dakota L.)

To know more...

Citations and Academic honesty - Alex Caamao URL:

Imgenes, dnde y cmo - Ral Reinoso URL:

Images Licences, Find, Citation and a Jedi Trick by Samuel Landete is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.