The nocturnal animal of Spain that I choose is....

Ismene lopez

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The nocturnal animal of Spain that I choose is....

THE OWLThe owl is a nocturn animal.It’s a type of bird.Lives in:Spain,in wooded areas.Eating habbits:the owl eats:mice,rabbits,spiders...and sometimes fish and reptiles.Sleeping habbits:the owls sleep in trees.Interesting facts:the owls sleep on the day because they hide of the predators.

The animal that represents Spain is...

THE IBERIAN LYNX This is the animal that represents Spain.Lives in:Spain,in the mediterranean forest and srublands.Eating habbits:ungulates,small mammals and other birds.sleeping habbits:in scrublands.Interesting facts:adults males can weigh up to 20kg and females to 9.3kg.