Pillar 3. – Societal challenges 30/10/2013

Jornada H2020 UPC. Pilar 3 Reptes socials

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Pillar 3. – Societal challenges


Page 2: Jornada H2020 UPC. Pilar 3 Reptes socials

Fast overview: Past & Future

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 Budget

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 1. Health

1.1. Understanding health, wellbeing and disease 1.1.1. Understanding the determinants of health, improving health promotion and disease prevention 1.1.2. Understanding disease 1.1.3. Improving surveillance and preparedness 1.2. Preventing disease 1.2.1. Developing effective prevention and screening programmes and improving the assessment of disease susceptibility 1.2.2. Improving diagnosis and prognosis 1.2.3. Developing better preventive and therapeutic vaccines 1.3. Treating and managing disease 1.3.1. Treating disease, including developing regenerative medicine 1.3.2. Transferring knowledge to clinical practice and scalable innovation actions

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



Page 5: Jornada H2020 UPC. Pilar 3 Reptes socials

Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 1. Health

1.4. Active ageing and self-management of health 1.4.1. Active ageing, independent and assisted living 1.4.2. Individual awareness and empowerment for self-management of health 1.5. Methods and data 1.5.1. Improving health information and better use of health data 1.5.2. Improving scientific tools and methods to support policy making and regulatory needs 1.5.3. Using in-silico medicine for improving disease management and prediction 1.6. Health care provision and integrated care 1.6.1. Promoting integrated care 1.6.2. Optimising the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare provision and reducing inequalities by evidence based decision making and dissemination of best practice, and innovative technologies and approaches 1.7. Specific implementation aspects

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



Page 6: Jornada H2020 UPC. Pilar 3 Reptes socials

Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 1. Health_ Grans Iniciatives (possibles)

IMI2 (PPP) Medecines


AAL 2 (P2P) Ambient Assited


KIC Healthy Living and Active Ageing (2014?)

MYBL (JTI) Challenges of Demographic


(…) Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & bio-economy

1.- Agriculture & Forestry -Production systems -Ecosystem services -Policies and Rural Devel. -Forestry 2.- Marine Resources -Fisheries -Aquaculture -Marine Biotech. 3.- Food -Consumers -Nutrition -Food industry

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & bio-economy

4.- BioIndustries -BioIndustries -Biorefinery -Market for bioproducts 5.- Marine & maritime -Climate Change -Marine Resources -Cross-cutting technologies

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 2. Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & bio-economy Grans Iniciatives (possibles)


FACCE (JPI) Agriculture, food

security and Climate change

KIC Food 4Future (2016?)

BRIDGE (PPP) (Bioindustria)

Oceans of Tomorrow


Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy

Principals focus areas: 1.-Low-carbon Energy – Development and demonstration of competitive renewable electricity and heating/cooling – Electricity grids: enabling an increased flexibility of the European power system, efficiently providing increased transfer capacity and enabling an active participation of users and new market actors - Providing the energy system with flexibility through enhanced energy storage technologies – Sustainable biofuels and alternative fuels for the European transport fuel mix - Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS – New knowledge and technologies – Supporting the development of a European Research Area in the field of Energy – Social, environmental and economic aspects of the energy system Oficina de Projectes Europeus

[email protected] http://www.upc.edu/euresearch/


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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy

2.- Energy efficiency : -Increasing energy efficiency in buildings - Increasing energy efficiency in combination with renewable energy use in heating and cooling - Increasing energy efficiency in industry and SMEs - Increasing energy efficiency of energy-related products - Innovative financing for energy efficiency -Citizen engagement, capacity building, governance and communication for energy efficiency

3.- Smart Cities

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 3. Secure, clean and efficient energy Grans Iniciatives (possibles)


Factories of the future (PPP)

SPIRE (PPP) Processos industrials sostenibles

Energy Efficient Buildings (PPP)

SmartCities (EIP)

KIC InnoEnergy

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 4. Smart, green & integrated transport

1.- Sustainability - Vehicles nets i silenciosos - Equips, infraestructures i serveis intel.ligents -Millor mobilitat i transport urbans 2.- Integration - Reducció substancial de la congestió del tràfic -Millora de la mobilitat (persones i mercaderies) -Nous conceptes de logística i transport de mercaderies -Reducció d’accidents i víctimes, millora de la seguretat (safety& security) 3.- Competitivity -Futura generació de mitjans de transport - Sistemes de control intel.ligents embarcats - Sistemes avançats de producció -Innovació radical en nous conceptes de transport, inclou vehicles automàtics

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 4. Smart, green & integrated transport Grans iniciatives (possibles)


Clean Sky (JTI) Aeronàutica Green Vehicle


(?) KIC

Urban Mobility (2018 ?)

SESAR (JU) Tràfic Aeri


Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 5. Climate action, resource efficency and raw materials

Focus Areas: 1- Waste a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials 2- Water innovation: value for Europe 3- Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and raw materials

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



Page 16: Jornada H2020 UPC. Pilar 3 Reptes socials

Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 5. Climate action, resource efficency and raw materials Grans iniciatives (possibles)


Water (EIP)

- Speed up development of water innovation - Contribute to sustainable growth and employment - Stimulate uptake of water innovations by market and society

Raw Materials (EIP)

Oceans (JPI) Climate (JPI)

Water (JPI) KIC

Climate KIC

Raw Materials (2014 ?)

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 6. Inclusive Innovative and reflective societies

1.-Societats Inclusives -Creixement intel.ligent, sostenible I inclusiu -Societats Resilents (migració, integració, canvi demogràfic -Europa com a actor global

2.- Societats Innovadores -Suport a la Unió per a la innovació I l’ERA -Noves formes d’innovació -Potencial de totes les generacions -Cooperació amb Tercers Països

3.- Societats Reflexives -Patrimoni Cultural -Història de Països I Regions europees -Paper d’Europa al món

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 6. Inclusive and reflective societies

+ Programes Transversals: 1.- Extenent l’excel.lència i ampliant la participació (mesures per desbloquejar l’excel.lència en regions amb una baixa I+D 2.- Ciència amb i per a la societat (promoure I facilitar la comprensió de la recerca I la innovació)

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 7. Secure societies



1.- Fight against crime & terrorism

Forensics, law enforcement capabilities, urban security, ethical/societal dimension

2.-Disaster resilient societies

Climate change in Europe, Smart grid protection, aviation security chain, climate change in third countries

3.- Border security

Green technologies for EU coastal border surveillance, radar systems, maritime surveillance, technologies for inspections of large volume freight, border checks at railway, Biometric-based border checks

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]



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Societal Challenges: Pillar 3 7. Secure societies

4.- Digital Security

Cybersecurity, privacy, ICT in critical infraestructure protection, trust E-services**

5.- Other actions

Galileo Public Regulated Services (PRS), remote PRS, Ex post FP7 Security theme


Mobile IT devices, services, networks

Oficina de Projectes Europeus [email protected]

