Juraj Lazorik

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Christmas Advent

Four weeks before

Christmas Advent begins.

Mothers make some sweets

and Christmas cake.

Christmas decoration

We decorate our houses with a Christmas wreath and candles,

Christmas tree.

Village decoration

Our village is decorated with Christmas lights decoration.

Christmas cards

We also send Christmas cards to our friends.

Christmas EVE

We eat traditional Christmas dinner:

Christmas waffles with

honey and garlic

Sauerkraut and mushrooms

Potate salad and fish

Buns BOBALKY with poppy

Gifts under the tree

After the dinner we unwrap the presents and

we are all happy.

The birth of baby Jesus

It is the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ .

Then we go to Midnight Mass.

Christmas holiday

During the Christmas holiday we go

to church, we meet family and we go

skiing and we go hiking.

Thank you for your attention.




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