Ying Ying jiao wo xue zhong we n Le arning Ma ndarin with Ying Ying 英英英英英英

Lesson three

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1. Test What language structures did we learn last week? Are you able to say it? What does jiao mean? How to say I in Mandarin? What does xin mean? How to say you in Mandarin? Say happy new year to someone. 2. Language Structure wo ai xue zhong wen I love learning Mandarin 3. Vocabulary Character Pinyin pronunciatio n Meaning Zhong wen Chinese ai love xue learning 4. Cultural expriences Generally speaking, people from Western countries (English speaking countries and European countries) are better at arts while people from eastern countries such as China, Korea or Japan are better at logical thinking. Thousands of logical puzzles that passed on from generation to generation in China are being known to Western countries yet. We are going to have some of them throughout the year as part of our cultural experiences. 5. How to cross the bridge Josh needs to cross a bridge guarded by a troll. This troll wont allow anyone to cross. It will take Josh at least 4 minutes to cross the bridge. But the monster comes out every 3 minutes to check that no one is crossing. Josh is very clever. He thinks of a way to get to the other side of the bridge safely. How does Josh cross the bridge?