English through Mythology – Ulsan Rock (울울 울울) Ulsan Rock: Creative Dialogue 울울 울울 : 대대 Instructions: Please read the sample dialogue (울울) about the Ulsan Rock on Mount Seorak (울울울울울 울울 울울 울울). After reading the sample dialogue, please make up a new dialogue (울울울 울울) about Mount Seorak! Good luck! Sample dialogue: Ji-hye and Cheol-su visit Mount Seorak In this dialogue, Ji-hye and Cheol-su decide to visit the Ulsan Rock on Mount Seorak. Ji-hye: What shall we do today? Shall we go to a museum (울울울)? Shall we go to the beach? Cheol-su: I have a good idea. Let’s go hiking! We’re very near Mount Seorak (울울울). Ji-hye: That’s a good idea. Which hiking path (울울울) shall we choose?

Mount Seorak: The Legend of Ulsan Rock - Sample Dialogue

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Page 1: Mount Seorak: The Legend of Ulsan Rock - Sample Dialogue

English through Mythology – Ulsan Rock (울산 바위)

Ulsan Rock: Creative Dialogue

울산 바위 : 대화


Please read the sample dialogue (대화) about the Ulsan Rock on Mount Seorak (설악산에서 있는 울산 바위). After reading the sample dialogue, please make up a new dialogue (새로운 대화) about Mount Seorak! Good luck!

Sample dialogue: Ji-hye and Cheol-su visit Mount Seorak

In this dialogue, Ji-hye and Cheol-su decide to visit the Ulsan Rock on Mount Seorak.

Ji-hye: What shall we do today? Shall we go to a museum (박물관)? Shall we go to the beach?

Cheol-su: I have a good idea. Let’s go hiking! We’re very near Mount Seorak (설악산).

Ji-hye: That’s a good idea. Which hiking path (등산로) shall we choose?

Cheol-su: Well, we could hike from the village of Osaek (오색 / 五色) to the highest peak, which is called Daecheongbong (대청봉).

Ji-hye: That sounds fun.

Cheol-su: If we do that, we can bathe in a hot spring (온천/温泉) in Osaek.

Page 2: Mount Seorak: The Legend of Ulsan Rock - Sample Dialogue

Ji-hye: That sounds great! But I’ve heard there’s another hiking path that is shorter and more interesting.

Cheol-su: Really? Which hiking path is that?

Ji-hye: If we hike to the Ulsan Rock (울산 바위), it will only take a few hours, and there are amazing cultural and historic sights along the way.

Cheol-su: Can you give me an example?

Ji-hye: I’ve heard that there’s a cave (동굴) where Great Monk Wonhyo (원효 대사) used to live.

Cheol-su: That sounds interesting! How about the scenery?

Ji-hye: A friend of mine said that the scenery is spectacular. You can see pine trees (소나무) stretching out towards the sky. There’s also a metal staircase (계단) that leads up towards the Ulsan Rock.

Cheol-su: That sounds more interesting than the hike to Daechongbong, the highest peak. Let’s go to the Ulsan Rock. By the way, why is it called ‘Ulsan Rock’? We are a long way from Ulsan…

Ji-hye: There’s a legend (전설) about the Ulsan Rock. People say that it walked from Ulsan. It wanted to join the Diamond Mountain (금강산), but it arrived too late. On the way back, it fell in love with Mount Seorak. It decided to stay on Mount Seorak.

Cheol-su: The Ulsan Rock sounds wonderful. I think we’re going to have an interesting day!

Ji-hye: Yes! It will be fun! Let’s go!