Personal Pronouns (Pronombres Personales)

Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

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Page 1: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns

(Pronombres Personales)

Page 2: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns

I (yo)

you (tú)

Page 3: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns

he (él)

she (ella)

it (eso)

Page 4: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns

we (nosotros)

you (ustedes)

they (ellos)

Page 5: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Verb ‘to be’ (ser / estar)

I am yo soy / estoy

you are tú eres / estás

he is él es / está

she is ella es / está

it is eso (a) es / está

we are nosotros somos / estamos

you are ustedes son / están

they are ellos son / están

Page 6: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Verb ‘to be’ (ser / estar)


-I am Pascal yo soy Pascal

-I am happy yo estoy felíz

-We are friends nosotros somos amigos

-We are ill nosotros estamos enfermos

Page 7: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns




My father

My brother

My teacher

My friend

Page 8: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns




My mother

My sister

My teacher

My friend

Page 9: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns


A dog

A house

A tree

A cat

A book

A car

Page 10: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns


My friends and I

Peter, Steven and I

My sisters and I

My teacher and I

My dog and I

Page 11: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal Pronouns


My friends

My shoes

The dogs

The books

My teachers

My family

Page 12: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Personal PronounsMary is my friend She is my friend

Peter is my brother ________________________

The house is beautiful ________________________

My family and I are thin ________________________

The animals are wild ________________________

Steven is a cute guy ________________________

My sisters are twins ________________________

My teacher and I are tired ________________________

Page 13: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Verb ‘to be’ (ser / estar)


Page 14: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Verb ‘to be’ (ser / estar)

Page 15: Personal Pronouns & Verb to be

Verb ‘to be’ (ser / estar)