The one exclusive sign of knowledge is the power of teaching. Aristotle

Philosophy Of Education

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Page 1: Philosophy Of Education

The one exclusive sign of knowledge is the power of teaching.


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Among the many purposes of schooling, four stand out to us as having special moral

value; to love and care, to

serve, to empower and, of

course, to learn.

Andy Hargreaves & Michael Fullen

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Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the

world enough to assume responsibility

for  it.   

Hannah ArendtTeaching is Leading

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Education is not a

preparation for life; 

education is life itself.

John Dewey  (1859-1952)

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Education is the jewel casting

brilliance into the future.

Mari Evans

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Not to know is bad; not to wish to know

is worse. 

African Proverb

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Education is light, lack of it

- darkness 

Russian Proverb

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Wealth, if you use it,comes to an end; learning, if you use

it, increases. 

Swahili saying

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Knowing is the measure of the

man. By how much we

know, so we are. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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What greater or better gift can we offer the

republic than to teach and instruct our


Marcus T. Cicero  (106-43 B.C.)

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The benefits of education and of useful knowledge generally diffused

through a community, are essential to the

preservation of a free  government. 

Sam Houston

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I was still learning when I taught my

last class. 

Claude M. Fuess

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You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within



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Teachers should guide without dictating, and participate

without dominating.

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The most important function of education at

any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the significance of his

life to himself and to others.

This is the basic architecture of a life; the rest is ornamentation and

decoration of the structure.  

Grayson Kirk

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Reading well makes children more

interesting both to  themselves and

others, a process in which they will

develop a sense of being separate and

distinct selves. 

Harold Bloom

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My advice to kids who want to become

authors and to kids who just want to write well just for fun is to

read.   I think that we really learn how to write by


Joanna Cole  Author of The Magic School Bus Series

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Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and let him know that you trust


Booker T. Washington

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Let children bequeath to their

children not riches, but the spirit of



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Genius is one percent

inspiration, ninety-nine

percent perspiration.

Thomas Edison

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When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into

it. Stamp it with your own personality...

Nothing great was ever achieved without


Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Education is not filling a bucket,

but lighting a fire.

William Yeats

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Imagination is more important than knowledge. 

Albert Einstein

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Life isn’t about finding yourself,

it is about creating yourself. 

George Bernard Shaw

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