Playground Facilities U9593023 吳吳吳 U9618023 吳吳吳 U9618031 吳吳吳

Playground facilities

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Playground Facilities

U9593023 吳佳倩U9618023 陳婉誼U9618031 潘玉玲

While keeping these words of their user base in mind, KOMPANhad goals of its own. Unlike the first edition of the system-a limitedset of fixed solitary products sold as supplements to playareas-this new generation of GALAXY would be modular, toallow buyers to adjust the equipment to accommodate site variationor to expand user capacity at will. This new generationwould also improve on the previous edition by providing a widerand less repetitious array of play experiences for users.

KOMPAN 他們的目標是要讓他們的名字持續出現在使用者的心裡,不像第一代的受限製且固定獨立的系統,新一代的銀河系將被模組化,更隨意的擴展用戶容量,這一代將寬廣改善先前的設定,且不重複的使用經驗給使用者。

Solitary(a.) 單一 Modular(n.) 模組化

The system would be accessible from the ground, allowing children inwheelchairs to approach and use the systems without assistance.And, of course, the design would look good both in urban andnatural settings and would be visually appealing both to childrenand to the adults who would be buying the equipment.


Assistance(n.) 幫助 Urban(n.) 城市

In rethinking the system, the team was not starting from scratch;they hoped to retain and build on principles that were integral tothe success of the first version. Both the aesthetics and conceptof the original system were inspired by the work of the sculptorAlexander Calder. His colorful and playful style was a natural fora playground. There was a reason for his famous statement, "Myfan mail is enormous. Everyone is under six."

在重新考慮這套系統,這個團隊從無到有,他們希望維持建造在規則上,在規則上在第一個版本的成功裡是缺一不可的,在原始系統中,美學觀念是被雕刻家亞力山大所啟發,他豐富的色彩和好玩的個性,在遊樂場是很自然的,這是他有名的一個原因‘’ 的粉絲寄給我的信是很大量的。每一個粉絲都小於六歲’’

Principles(n.) 原則 Integral(a.) 缺一不可的 Aesthetics(n.) 審美觀念

The mobiles and stabiles (mobiles that are planted in the ground rather than hanging) that he invented inspired an architecture distinct from the post-and-platform structure so prevalent in playground equipment design. The steel-pole construction of the previous GALAXY system differentiated it from the systems KOMPAN offered for younger children, which are made from wood.

機動性和穩固性 ( 機動性是在地面被種植而不是垂掛的 ) 他發明的平台結構,流行在操場設備上。這些鋼的結構和先前銀河系系統不同在 KOMPAN 為年幼孩童提供的系統,他們是用木頭所建構的。

Mobiles(a.) 機動性 stabiles (a.) 穩固性

In researching their target market for GALAXY, KOMPAN had an advantage they weren't used to-many of their previous playground lines targeted two- to eight-year-olds, but targeting older children meant better communication. "This age group is different in that you can talk to them and get feedback," says UllaHansen, a designer at KOMPAN. Through talking with these users as well as with teachers and child development experts, KOMPAN's design team discovered that children this age were both independent and social- interested in relating to, and competing with, their friends during play.

銀河系研究他們的目標市場, KOMPAN 有好處給不習慣使用設備的人,他們早先目標年齡為 6-8 歲的小孩, Ulla Hansen 說:但是目標年齡的小孩有更好的溝通。這個年紀的族群你可以告訴他們和得到回饋不同。藉著和這些使用者的老師和兒童教育專家談話 KOMPAN 的設計團隊發現,這年紀的孩子在依賴性和社會性上,興趣在和朋友連接和競爭。

Communication(n.) 溝通 feedback(n.) 回饋

These children love to explore and be challenged by their world-Hansen calls them "little world pilots.“ To suit these users, the equipment had to be open, both to enable a variety of creative approaches and to allow the children to relate to and learn from each other. In addition, it must continue to provide a challenge to the children or they will quickly become bored, especially in a school setting, where they might be faced with the same playground equipment for years

這些孩子喜愛在他們的世界探索和被挑戰, Hansen 稱呼他們為小世界裡的飛行員,去適合這些使用者,這項設備將被開放,讓各種創造性能夠接近和允許孩子和每一個人聯繫和學習。此外這一定得持續提供挑戰給小孩,否則他們將很快的無聊,特別是是在學校,他們將一整年面對相同的遊樂設施。

Challenge(n.) 挑戰 Pilots(n.) 飛行員

Armed with this knowledge, the designers began by building on the stabile and mobile architecture they had used so successfullyfor the first generation of GALAXY. They wanted to avoid using the word structure to describe the new GALAXY system: While thisword is used commonly for playground equipment, the team at KOMPAN felt it didn‘t fit the dynamic nature of the GALAXY line of equipment.

有第一代銀河系被成功使用的固定與可動式構造知識的輔佐下,設計師開始著手。 他們想避免使用”結構”這詞去描述新的銀河系系統,但這詞在遊戲區設備已被普遍使用, KOMPAN 的團隊覺得這設備這並不符合自然中銀河系軌跡的力學。

Architecture (n) 構造 structure (n) 結構 dynamic (n) 銀河系

They came up with the idea of calling the systems constellations and began brainstorming ways they could make the system more flexible and adaptable; three sizes of constellations would be offered.

他們想出稱呼這系統星宿的想法並開始用腦力激盪的方法讓這系統更有彈性與適應力 ,三種尺寸的星宿將被提供。

constellation (n)星宿 brainstorming (n)腦力激盪

They started working on developing a geometry for the system. The stabiles were planned to act as the center piece of each constellation of play equipment. Stabiles are built on a frame of three galvanized poles, each positioned at a corner of an equilateral triangle, with each pole leaning toward the center of the triangle and bound together by a top frame;

他們開始為這系統發展一個幾何造型。這抽象雕塑被設計作為每個遊戲設備星群的中心 。抽象雕塑的架構以三根白鐵桿被建造,在每個等邊三角形角落的位置,都有傾斜的桿子朝向中間並在頂端的結構接合在一起。

stabile (n)抽象雕塑 galvanize pole (n)白鐵桿 equilateral (n)等邊 triangle (n)三角形

Up to five connector balls, which are used to join the poles, can be mounted on each pole, creating numerous attachment points at a variety of heights and angles for play components. The design team had to find a way to make the stabiles expandable and flexible;

多達 5 個被使用於連接桿子的連接球體,可以被裝在每個桿子上,在不同高度與角度的遊戲元件上創造更多附著點。這設計團隊必須找出一個方法讓這抽象雕塑擴展與有彈性的。

mounte (n)裝好在架子上的 component (n)元件

they decided on a radial system generated by two types of lines, those intersecting two legs of a stabile and those entering the center point and one leg of a stabile. With this system in place, the team was able to begin developing link activities that would span the stabiles.


radial (n)放射 spin (v)編造

As development progressed, the team realized they needed to create a system of smaller stabiles, both for visual and price differentiation, and created a new family of equipment called anchors.

當發展有進展,這團隊了解到他們需要對於視覺與價錢的不同去創造一個更小的抽象雕塑系統,並創造一個新的設備系統稱作”支架” 。

anchor (n)支架


Another family of equipment, the link family, was developed to join stabiles and anchors to one another. Members of a fourth family of access activities flow out in different directions and engage with the surroundings. The fifth type of equipment, the mobiles, are solitary activities that can supplement a constellation.

Solitary (a) 獨立

Within each of these categories, the designers brainstormed ways they could create a dynamic play experience. They camp up with a number of innovative equipment idea that would challenge and grow along with children.

dynamic (a) 有活力的 come up with (phr) 提出


One piece of equipment that reflects this strategy is the Supernova, an orbiting ring, mounted on six secure legs, that turns around a 10-degree titled axis; the slope of the ring ensures that it spins faster for larger children and slower for younger children, so the piece retains its interest for the same child over a long period.

orbit (n)運形軌道 ring(n)環狀物

其中一個設備可以反映這個策略的是“超級新星”,一個運行軌道的環狀物,嵌有六個安全的腳,可以轉動 10度的斜軸。如果是大孩子在玩的話,這個斜軸可以轉動地比較快;如果是小小孩在玩的話,它就會轉的比較慢。因此,縱使經過一段相當長的時期後,小孩子仍對這個設施保有一定的興趣。

The patent-pending Nebula orb is mounted to angled stainless-steel augers and can be rotated in a helical movement up and down the augers; the child has the choice of creating a personal climbing track, taking a softly spinning tour from top to bottom, or simply engaging in tactile experience of spinning the orb.

patent-pending (a) 專利申請中 stainless-steel (n) 不鏽鋼 helical(a)螺旋狀的 tactile (a)觸覺的



• 什麼是「 patent-pending 」?什麼狀況下可以在產品上標示「 patent-pending 」?

• 標示「 patent-pending 」是否具有法律效力?

The team first built smaller models out of cardboard, for internal presentations, and then set about building full-scale, working prototypes that could be tested with children.

cardboard(n)硬紙板 working prototypes (n) 壓鑄模類的產品


They tested the equipment on a site they had rented, then took the equipment to schools in both rural and urban settings. By watching the children interact with the equipment, they quickly found out which concepts the children approved of.


“Children are merciless consumers, ’’says Hansen. “They are not polite’’.

Breaking the mold in playground equipment has paid off for KOMPAN.

Hansen 說:「小孩子是殘酷的消費者,他們是毫不客氣的。KOMPAN 在遊樂場設備中打破常規,並且獲得利益。」

merciless(a )殘酷的 break the mold (phr)打破常規 mold (n) 模子

The system was rapidly accepted, both in North American and in Europe, and with the release of GALAXY Extreme, KOMPAN continues to extend the possibilities of the system.

此系統在北美和歐洲快速地被接受,而且伴隨著 GALAXY 極限的發行, KOMPAN持續去延展此系統的可能性。
