Financial & Cost Accounting Prof. Hardic Mehta Batch- XIII (B) Gaurav Patel THE “CHINA PRICE” 低低“低低低低” BY GAURAV PATEL (KH08JUNMBA65)

The China Price

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  • The Nineteenth century belonged to British Because of their ability to exploit their colonies throughout the world.
  • The twentieth century belonged to the Americans because of their ability to innovate and produce things the world had never seen.
  • The Twenty first century, it is said, it will belong to China with its ability to produce things at a price, which no one around the world can seem to match.
  • Alexandra Harney


  • The China Price is a term business-people in the US began using around 2003 to describe ultra-low prices of goods made in china.
  • The prices are as low as fifth of the cost of products manufactured in developed countries.
  • Chinas low price is one great force of our time, throwing millions of people out of work around world, helping millions of families in rural china out of poverty, and encouraging Americans and Europeans to buy lot of stuffs they probably didnt need.


  • The 7 key drivers of the
  • China Price

5. Key drivers

  • Low-wage, high-quality work by a highly disciplined, educated, and non-union work force.
    • The average hourly earnings is well below a dollar.
    • There exists the largest reserve army of the unemployed ever created in human history.
    • Despite two decades of double-digit GDP growth,Chinas reserve army continues to grow, not shrink.
    • Privatization of industry andrapid rise inurbanizationof the population.
    • Migration population exceed one hundred million and comprises the largest part of the core of Chinas reserve army of the unemployed.
    • Non-union Labour due to which workers are forced to work 12-18 hourdays.
  • What is stunning about China is that for the first time we have a huge, poor country that can compete both with very low wages and in high tech. Combine the two, and America has a problem.
  • Professor Richard Friedman, Harvard University

6. Key drivers

  • Lax Health, Safety, and Environmental Regulations.
    • The Chinese government imposes few health and safety or environmental regulations on its corporations or remaining state-run enterprises. What rules do exist are only weakly enforced, evaded, or simply ignored.
    • The lack of a basic regulatory and legal system is viewed as a great virtue by foreign corporations that want to evade much harsher regulatory and legal regimes in their own countries.
    • As workers do not receive health care from the state and are unable to extract adequate compensation from their employers, the Chinese (and multinational) companies that grind up and spit out these workers enjoy a cost advantage over countries where workers are better protected.
    • Nationally, 140,000 people died in work-related accidents last yearup from about 109,000 in 2000, according to the State Administration of Work Safety. Hundreds of thousands more were injured.
  • The New York Times

7. Key drivers 8.

  • 4.Network Industrial Clustering in Chinas Ultimate Pin Factorie
  • The famous toy cluster in Guangdong Province
  • National and regional economies tend to develop, not in the isolated industries, but in clusters of industries related by buyer-supplier links, common technologies, common channels or common customers. The economies of the Pearl River Delta region are no exceptions. The region has developed a broad range of clusters in garments and textiles, footwear, plastic products, electrical goods, electronics, printing, transportation, logistics, and financial services. The Pearl River Delta regions electronics and electrical cluster is particularly strong and accounts for the vast majority of Chinese production in a wide range of industries.
  • Regional Powerhouse

Key drivers 9. Key drivers

  • 5. Rampant Piracy and Counterfeiting
    • The breathtaking scope of Chinas government-sanctioned counterfeiting and piracy. However, two brief points related to the China Price are worth noting here.
          • Counterfeit or pirated factors of production are able to cut significantly their costs relative to countries where intellectual property rights are respected.
          • The piracy and counterfeiting that exists in China is largely the result of a tacit government policy to allow such practices to flourish.
    • The reason for Chinas tacit sanctioning of widespread counterfeiting and piracy is that the Chinese government is well aware of two things. Counterfeit and pirated goods sold domestically help keep inflation low, and selling these goods internationally creates jobs and export revenues.

10. Key drivers

  • 6. Beggaring Thy Neighbours with a Chronically Undervalued Currency.
      • Chinas beggar thy neighbor currency policy is an important engine of its
      • export-driven growth.
      • China has adopted a fixed exchange rate system in which it pegs the value of
      • its currency, theYuan , to the value of the U.S. dollar.
      • Chinas fixed-peg system means thatno matter how big a trade deficit the
      • United States runs with China, the dollar cannot fall relative to the Yuan .

11. Key drivers

  • 7.Massive Subsidies and the Great Protectionist Walls of China.
    • China has constructed a Great Wall of Protectionism around both its agricultural and industrial sectors.
    • Energy and water are heavily subsidized.
    • state-owned enterprises, which still control key sectors of the economy such as oil and steel, benefit from free land.
    • Chinas state-run banks provide heavily subsidized capital and credit to Chinese enterprises without any expectation of repayment.
  • Under state control, many Chinese state-owned manufacturers are operating with the benefit of state-sponsored subsidies, including: rent, utilities, raw materials, transportation, and telecommunications services. That is not how we define a level playing field.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Donald Evans


  • The ability of Chinese entrepreneurs to offer the China Price across an incredibly diverse array of industries is Chinas premier weapon of mass productionone that is at the root of Chinas conquest of one export market after another.
