The game of Go and energy; two nice computational intelligence problems (with presentation of France as an introduction)

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FRANCE, CULTURE,INDUSTRY, RESEARCHOlivier Teytaud --- [email protected]

1) France I just *love* Taiwan. I will try to convince you that you can love France as well :-)

2) Universit Paris-Sud & Inria

3) My laboratory

4) My research

NUTN, Tainan, 2012

FRANCE HISTORY IN A NUTSHELL:Humans arrived in -1 800 000

Old days: Greeks, Romans, Celts, Gauls

FRANCE HISTORY IN A NUTSHELL:Humans arrived in -1 800 000

Old days: Greeks, Romans, Celts, Gauls


FRANCE HISTORY IN A NUTSHELL:Humans arrived in -1 800 000

Old days: Greeks, Romans, Celts, Gauls


Taiwan very impressive for this!

- Healthy food ()* Less obesity than western countries(16.9%, vs US 33.9%)* 2nd best (1st=Japan) / heart disease death(US=80/100000; France 29/100000)

- Great life expectancy ( --- 4thamong countries with >10M)


Babies! !

~ 2 babies per woman

Much (much!) more than Taiwan (why ? ).


Melting pot: we haveall colors and it's beautiful!

(Stinky) tofu replaced by (stinky) cheese.

Less rice, bread instead.


Espresso (best foodin the world :-) )

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR (and with moderate pollution!)- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = leader of electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = leader of electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

We have nuclearweapons.We have nuclearpower plants.

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = electric cars

Paris-Tokyo in 2.5 hourswithout CO2 pollution?

5th largest nominal GDPThanks to massive dirigisme after WW II Something in the middle between US and USSR

- Air France (1st airline company in the worldin terms of income)- EDF = largest utility company- GDF-Suez = largest energy company- Veolia = largest environment and water company- Vinci, Bouygues, Eiffage = 1st ,2th,4thbuilding / public work companies- Areva = world leader of nuclear power- Michelin = world pneumatic leader- Lafarge = world largest cement company- EADS = 2nd aerospacial company- Renault-Nissan = one of the leaders for electric cars



HIGH SPEED WHEELED TRAIN (fastest in the world)

574.8km/h (357.2mph).(commercial ~ 330km/h)

The French organization of work:

- Working efficiently, saving up timeReal GDP per hour of work: France ranks 1st among countries >20M

Laws protecting employees;prevent bosses fromwasting their employee time.

Work is muchmore collective herein Taiwan (what doyou prefer ?).

The French organization of work:

- Working efficiently, saving up timeReal GDP per hour of work: France ranks 1st among countries >20M

- Strong trade unions + heavy contests ==> employees protection ==> often moderately hierarchic==> good place for working

The French organization of work:

- Working efficiently, saving up timeReal GDP per hour of work: France ranks 1st among countries >20M

- Strong trade unions + heavy contests ==> employees protection ==> often moderately hierarchic==> good place for working

- Massive unemployment(yes, sorry; not only good news...)

The French organization of work:

- Working efficiently, saving up timeReal GDP () per hour: France ranks 1st among countries >20M ==> tougher professional relations (than in Taiwan) ==> strong separation from private life

- Strong trade unions + heavy contests + strikes ==> employees protection ==> often moderately hierarchic ==> good place for working

- Massive unemployment(yes, sorry; not only good news...)

(==> Gender gap: better or worse than in Taiwan ?) Recently I've seenthat big contests cantake place in Taiwan :-)

Other differences, quickly:

- Much more hierarchy in Taiwan equality in personal or professional relations matters a lot for me==> my students can (must) tell me that I am wrong==> I can tell my boss that his job is not well done

Other differences, quickly:

- Much more hierarchy in Taiwan life is expensive ==> but ph.D. salary clearly enough for living (...not if you have children with you...)==> Many strong people in Ile-De-France.==> Many great industries around there.

Our most famous schools are in Ile-De-France.Those who want to do research oftenjoin our master.Excellent level in master and ph.D.

Universit Paris-Sud

For internships or ph.D., English is ok.For master, French requested (sorry for that), except some masters (molecular imaging, nuclear energy, astrophysics, nanosciences, But French can be helpful:1. Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion)

2. English (480 million)

3. Spanish (320 million)

4. Russian (285 million)

5. French (270 million) ==> and future is ensured by Africa; and Spanish is somehow close to French

IMPORTANT: no use speaking French for ph.D. or for internships.

Most influential languages.
Moreover, Spanish and French are very related.

These statistics goback to 1990's... todayChinese would probablybe much higherranked!


We did plenty of good stuffwith NUTN aroundthe game of Go.

This will stay in computerscience history.

More France-Taiwancollaboration wouldbe good :-)


Olivier Teytaud --- [email protected]

1) France

2) Universit Paris-Sud & Inria

3) My laboratory & team

4) My research

NUTN, Tainan, 2011


LRI(115 permanent staff)

Depends on:

- CNRS (best research institute in the world for the SCImagoRanking)

- INRIA (more focus on links with real world andEconomy this is less usual in France - Universit Paris-Sud than in Taiwan)


- dedicated to computer-science and automation

- full-time researchers

- highly selective

- you've done great things in research ==> join!

- students: you have very good marks, apply for a ph.D. funding in Inria!

- you don't have to speak French


Artificial intelligence / operations research / optimization

No protocol: no invading hierarchy, not much time lost inboring useless meetings

Theory and applications

Many full-time researchers

Many ph.D. students, coming from famous schools

Already had students speaking Chinese

Great freedom for doing important research ===> don't come if you don't like to decide yourself what you do

==> the only drawback is that it is in Paris (life more expensive than everywhere else in France)

Executive summary I like both Taiwan and France, for different reasonsTaiwan has a great educative system for all

France has a great educative system for the best

Both countries have big (distinct) strong industries

Important cultural differencesTaiwanese politeness = being friendly, asking questions

French politness = respecting privacy/freedom(e.g. in France, don't touch children of people you don't know, don't ask too much questions on private life)

Taiwan and France have complementary qualities ==> double culture makes sense

You don't have to speak French for a ph.D. / internship

All questions/comments welcome (including flames :-) ), also email [email protected]



Helping computers tomake decisions

( )


- statistics ()

- optimization ()

My research containsmaths, methodologies (algorithms),applications.

I think applications areeasier to discuss

So I'll discuss one applicationhere: electricity management.

French energy company EDF:

- worlds largest utility company.

- 120,000+ megawatts in Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle-East and Africa.

- Controls companies in all continents.

- France wants to increaseenergetic independence (Taiwan also ?)


France = world championof nuclearpower plant()



CONNECTIONS TO THE NORTH OF EUROPE ?CONNECTIONS TO AFRICA ?Using North-Euope wind in winter ?Using Africa's wind in summer ?

MORE NUCLEAR POWER ?because currently coal / oil kill more people than nuclear power ?and because no earthquake and no tsunami ?

OR NO MORE NUCLEAR POWER ?because we never know what could happen(terrorism ?)

A RISK: SOMETHING LIKE THE 2003 BLACK OUT IN USWe had similar stuff (smaller)


(nuclear power plants cooled by water)

E.g. the terrible 2003 heat wave(15 000 died; 6.2 times morethan 921 earthquake in Taiwan)(a night with no less than 25C)==> close to electricity breakdown!

Consider a power grid.There are on the grid:- electricity producers;- electricity consumers.

First, you must ensure thatProduction = Demand,under constraint no congestion.

This is short time unit commitment.Actions= increase or decrease power.

If production > demand,the rotor is too fast, possible destruction.

If production < demand,the rotor is too slow, possible destruction.

This was infra-day.Longer term: which power plants shouldI switch on / off these days ?

==> optimization problem==> minimize production cost,under constraint demand=production==> optimization==> weakly uncertain

Annual and pluri-annual.

When should I organize maintenance ?

When should I use my stocks(which stocks ?).

Should I use hydroelectricity in spring ?

Should I store electricity ? (pumping)

Annual and pluri-annual.

Should I pump ?

==> storing electricityby pumping whenlow price

Annual and pluri-annual.

==> Optimization with big uncertainties: - energy prices - inflows (rain, snow) for hydroelectricity - demand (economy)

==> Multistage: my actions will dependon observations.

Long term (50 years)

==> developing renewables ?(requires smart grids, for helping production=demand)

==> energy savings(see elasticity to prices)

==> supergrids: connecting the world forsmoothing peaks ?

==> building new power plants(Nuclear ? Coal ? Wind farms)

Long term optimization withhuge uncertaintiesTaiwan seeminglyvery advancedin smart grids

Taiwan: HVDC connections to other countries ?Scientists and engineerscan certainly not decideif a connectionshould be built,but they can explainthe technicalconsequences.

DesertTec a supergrid ()

DESERTEC officials say the project could one day deliver 15 percent of Europe's electricity and a considerable part of MENA's electricityDemand.Comment by an (anonymous :-) ) Taiwanese expert: it will never work.

Optimization: finding x such that f(x) isminimum and x in D

Statistics: modelizing climate,elasticity (= to which extent demand decreaseswhen prices increase)

Multistage optimization:choosing a policy P so that we makedecision P(x) when we observe state x

Expertise in electricity: modelizing power plants,collecting possible scenarios for the future.

We also work onthe game of Go ().

Why ?

Go (and other games) are similarto decision making in power grids.

Both involve decision making, severaltime steps, uncertainties.

We also work on the game of Go.

Why ?

- because people trust us when we do abig performance in Go; whereas nobodycares about results oncomplicated models of electricity.

- because experiment on Go is great:nobody will die or lose 1 billion $ if we do a big mistake

- because Go is a fascinatingartificial intelligence challenge

The game of Go is a part of AI (artificial intelligence).Computers are ridiculous in front of children.

Easy situation.Termed semeai.Requires a little bitof abstraction.

The game of Go is a part of AI.Computers are ridiculous in front of children.

800 cores, 4.7 GHz,top level program.

Plays a stupid move.

The game of Go is a part of AI.Computers are ridiculous in front of children.

A 6 years old child cansolve it; and there are11 years old professionalplayers

I just love my job.

Research. Big applications.

I work on this mainly in France.

Maybe a future for this work in Taiwan (electricity is important currently inTaiwan, and in all the world...).

Like it ? Apply for internships / France.Don't have to speak French.

I have spent 1 year in Taiwan,but Taiwan still surprises me a lot.

For example, I was very surprisedby recent contests in Taipei; I believedthat Taiwanese people did not contest.

Sometimes Taiwan looks like a countrywith plenty of strict rules; but on roadthere's no rule.

Comments on this talk are more thanwelcome. I am curious about Taiwan :-)


Muokkaa otsikon tekstimuotoa napsauttamalla

Muokkaa jsennyksen tekstimuotoa napsauttamallaToinen jsennystasoKolmas jsennystasoNeljs jsennystasoViides jsennystasoKuudes jsennystasoSeitsems jsennystasoKahdeksas jsennystasoYhdekss jsennystaso