
Think Big 8 Habits of Highly Successful Middle Schoolers Summer 2017

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8 Habits of Highly Successful 8th Graders 8個造就成功8年級學生的好習慣

1. Be Proactive: Ask Questions When You Don’t Understand.積極主動: 遇到不懂的馬上發問

2. Be On Time: To Class & With Your Work. 準時: 準時上課以及準時交作業

3. Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions: No Excuses.為自己的個人行為負責: 不找藉口

4. Perseverance & Grit: Don’t Give Up When Something Is Difficult. Do your best! 堅持不懈: 別遇到挫折就放棄,盡力去做!

5. Healthy Lifestyle (Balance): Get Enough Sleep, Eat Well, and Exercise.健康的生活方式(均衡): 充足睡眠、飲食均衡、適量運動

6. Time Management: Prepare & plan ahead for assignments. Stay focused on the task at hand. No Social Media while working. 時間管理: 做功課前先做好計畫及準備,開始進行之後就專心在這一項功課上面,不一邊做功課一邊用社交軟體聊天

7. Be Respectful To Others: Kindness to others and their things.尊重他人: 友善對待別人

8. Be a Role Model: Show our 6th & 7th graders how to act and treat each other. 當一個模範: 向6&7年級的學生表現出學長姊的風範!

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8 Parental Habits of Highly Successful 8th Graders 8個造就成功8年級學生的家長習慣

1. Communication With Teachers: Voice concerns before they become larger issues.和老師溝通:在問題變嚴重前和老師反應

2. Time Management: Help your child develop a schedule for allotted extra curricular and school activities. 時間管理: 讓孩子有一個專門的課外活動或是學校活動的時間以協助孩子發展其他課外或校內活動的興趣

3. Outside School Support: Help ensure that work completed is authentic student work. Follow the Academic Honesty Policy. 依學校規定,請幫忙確保學生獨力/自行完成作業

4. Trust, Yet Verify: Allow student to take responsibility, but check in as needed to verify that the student is doing expected work. 信任但也要查證: 讓孩子學著負責,但也要適時檢查孩子是否有確實完成交付的功課

5. Healthy Lifestyle: Help student get plenty of rest each night to be ready to learn the next day.健康的生活方式: 確保孩子在晚上獲得充分的睡眠來應對隔天的學習

6. Using School Resources: Use PowerSchool and Google Classroom as a way to verify student progress. 充分使用學校資源: 在PowerSchool以及Google Classroom上面查看孩子的學習情況

7. Acknowledge Positive Growth & Progress: Give students praise when they improve or excel. Recognize effort and positive results. 對孩子正面成長以及進步給予正面的鼓勵

8. Support healthy risk-taking: Allow students to try something without the fear of failing支持孩子嘗試合理範圍內的冒險: 允許孩子勇敢嘗試一些新的事物

Page 4: Think Big 8 Habits of Highly Successful Middle Schoolers Summer 2017

8 Habits of Highly Successful 8th Graders 8個造就成功8年級學生的好習慣

1. Be Proactive: Ask Questions When You Don’t Understand.積極主動: 遇到不懂的馬上發問

2. Be On Time: To Class & With Your Work. 準時: 準時上課以及準時交作業

3. Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions: No Excuses.為自己的個人行為負責: 不找藉口

4. Perseverance & Grit: Don’t Give Up When Something Is Difficult. Do your best! 堅持不懈: 別遇到挫折就放棄,盡力去做!

5. Healthy Lifestyle (Balance): Get Enough Sleep, Eat Well, and Exercise.健康的生活方式(均衡): 充足睡眠、飲食均衡、適量運動

6. Time Management: Prepare & plan ahead for assignments. Stay focused on the task at hand. No Social Media while working. 時間管理: 做功課前先做好計畫及準備,開始進行之後就專心在這一項功課上面,不一邊做功課一邊用社交軟體聊天

7. Be Respectful To Others: Kindness to others and their things.尊重他人: 友善對待別人

8. Be a Role Model: Show our 6th & 7th graders how to act and treat each other. 當一個模範: 向6&7年級的學生表現出學長姊的風範!

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3 points

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1. Reconnect w/family2. Pursue a Passion3. Establish New Routines

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Pursue a Passion


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EstablishNew Routines


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1. Reconnect w/family2. Pursue a Passion3. Establish New Routines

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