. the innovation concepts powered by the innovation community Ton van der Greef Strategy & Innovation Manager Focus areas: IT, ExO and DCX tonvandergreef @thinnc.nl +31 (0) 6 52 39 54 53 www.thinnc.nl Exponentieel Groeien company community cloud direct contact à ß cloud producten

Ton van der Greef - Exponentieel Groeien

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Page 1: Ton van der Greef - Exponentieel Groeien


the innovation concepts powered by the innovation community

Ton van der GreefStrategy & Innovation Manager

Focus areas: IT, ExO and DCXtonvandergreef @thinnc.nl

+31 (0) 6 52 39 54 53www.thinnc.nl

Exponentieel Groeiencompanycommunity


direct contact àß cloud producten

Page 2: Ton van der Greef - Exponentieel Groeien


Projecten & Initiatieven

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In the past, business success was all about size: The large eat the small. Today, business success is all about speed: The fast eat the slow. But when change occurs, what do most organizations tend to do? They hunker down and protect the status quo. After all, it’s human nature to protect and defend. We don’t like change because change is disruptive to our way of doing things and it usually represents a lot of additional work.

But rapid change—and in many cases technology-driven transformation—is already occurring, which means you need to get over it. Rapid technology advances including smarter smart phones and tablets, new forms of social media, advanced cloud services and virtualization and many more, are creating new ways of doing business.

Small fast moving companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Groupon have shown how it’s possible to grow amazingly fast and create billions of dollars in revenue in a short amount of time. They’ve sure trumped traditional large companies, like the Blockbusters and the Kodaks of the world, not to mention Dell, Blackberry, HP, and Sony in a very short amount of time.

Since many companies have been around for a while, it’s time everyone adopt the fast-beat-the-slow mentality. Instead of protect and defend, organizations of all sizes need to embrace and extend. In other words, it’s time to embrace the new reality and extend your reach by creating new business models that are increasingly relevant.

Danial Burris 2014

Becoming agile …

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Dit document is een publicatie van de huidige stand van zaken, en kanop ieder gewenst moment aangepast worden. Niet alle genoemde activiteiten zijn en/of worden op moment van schrijven uitgevoerd.

# Deze presentatie geeft inzicht in key-attributenom een exponentiele groei te realiseren; en

alles gecombineerd met the key IT-attributenom in ‘flow’ te kunnen werken.

Inspiration and information based on peers:- KPMG- Accenture- Daniel Burrus- Salim Ismail- Michael Malone- Yuri van Geest

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le G






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3D Printing

$40.000 (2007) to $349 (2014)

114x in 7 years

30 sec

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$500.000 (2008) to $22.000 (2013)


Industrial Robots

23x in 5 years

30 sec

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$100.000 (2007) to $700 (2013)

142x in 6 years

30 sec

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Solar Energy

$30 per KWh (1984) to $-.16 per KWh (2014)

200x in 30 years

30 sec

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Sensors (3D Lidar)

$20.000 (2009) to $79 (2014)

250x in 5 years

30 sec

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Neurotech (BCI devices)

$4.000 (2006) to $90 (2011)

44x in 5 years

30 sec

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Nanotech (Graphene)

Projected: 80% price-drop in production costs

between 2014-2020

30 sec

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Biotech (DNA sequencing)

$10.000.000 (2007) to $1.000 (2014)

10.000x in 7 years

30 sec

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Exponential Growth (next decade) vsLineair Growth (last 100 years)

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TED Ideas worth SpreadingGoogle Organize the world’s information

X Prize Foundation Bring about radicalQuirky Make invention accessible

Singularity University Positively impact one billion peopleANP Enabling stories behind a brand

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MTP | Massive Transformative Purpose

Left BrainOrderControlStability

Right BrainCreativity


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MTP | Massive Transformative Purpose

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Staff on Demand01

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Community & Crowd02

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Engagement 05

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Interfaces 06

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Dashboards 07

data informedinstead of faith

baseddecision making

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Autonomy 09

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Social Technologies10

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Waterfall: ‘the old way’30 sec

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Iterative: ‘the new (only) way’

culture of rapidexperimentation & iteration

30 sec

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Failure equals progress

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Startups are not a small version of a big corporation

A startup is a temporaryorganization whose only goal is to find a repeatable & scalablebusiness model.

Steve Blank

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Startups are not a small version of a big corporation

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Lean Startup is a systematic process foriterating from Plan A to a plan that works

before running out of resources.

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Nordstrom Innovation LabSunglass iPad App Case Study

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MTP | Massive Transformative Purpose

Staff on Demand (1)

Community & Crowd (2)

Algorithms (3)

Leveraged Assets (4)

Engagement (5)(10) Social

(9) Autonomy

(8) Experimentation

(7) Dashboards

(6) Interfaces

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in F


direct bestellen àß vragen

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toekomst van werk 90 sec

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kennisdelen 90 sec


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technologie & proces

data-opslag (cloud) & 24/7 beschikbaarheid 90 sec

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realtime communiceren 90 sec

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slim samenwerken (overal & altijd) 90 sec

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transparant 90 sec

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optimaliseren van processen 90 sec

technologie & proces

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klantgericht handelen 90 sec

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papierloos werken 90 sec

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flexibiliteit 90 sec

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leiderschap 90 sec

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balans werk & privé 90 sec

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organisatiestructuur 90 sec

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imago 90 sec

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flexibel & wendbaar 90 sec

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the innovation concepts powered by the innovation community

Ton van der GreefStrategy & Innovation Manager

Focus areas: IT, ExO and DCXtonvandergreef @thinnc.nl

+31 (0) 6 52 39 54 53www.thinnc.nl

Exponentieel Groeiencompanycommunity


direct contact àß cloud producten