ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE Bishop Jules Peeters Memorial High School, Buea Presented by: Joseph Ngwonde Mbolem

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1 The Digestive System


Bishop Jules Peeters Memorial High School, Buea

Presented by:Joseph Ngwonde Mbolem

Background of the SchoolIt is a Catholic Co-educational day schoolIt has a current student population 250 and a staff strength of 16 teachers.It is a young school which has exited for seven years and has graduated four batches of students

Their Objectives of the schoolTo assist young people discover their potential, giftedness, and intellectual capabilities;To provide quality affordable educational experience for young people;To give them guidance and help them exhibit talents for a better Cameroon and a better world.Their ValuesThey cherish as their guiding principles:Counselling applying counselling to help those facing emotional distress.Human dignity every individual is unique and deserves special treatment.Intellectual development cherish the acquisition and sharing of knowledge.Non-discrimination believe in equal and fair opportunity for everyone.Punctuality value and cherish the profitable use of time.Spirituality believe in the power of prayer.Truthfulness the truth always stands and sets free.Unity work together as a team, extending a helping hand whenever required.


Objectives of the SchoolTo assist young people discover their potentials, giftedness, and intellectual capabilities;To provide quality and affordable educational experience for young people;To give them guidance and help them exhibit talents for a better Cameroon and a better world.

Their Objectives of the schoolTo assist young people discover their potential, giftedness, and intellectual capabilities;To provide quality affordable educational experience for young people;To give them guidance and help them exhibit talents for a better Cameroon and a better world.Their ValuesThey cherish as their guiding principles:Counselling applying counselling to help those facing emotional distress.Human dignity every individual is unique and deserves special treatment.Intellectual development cherish the acquisition and sharing of knowledge.Non-discrimination believe in equal and fair opportunity for everyone.Punctuality value and cherish the profitable use of time.Spirituality believe in the power of prayer.Truthfulness the truth always stands and sets free.Unity work together as a team, extending a helping hand whenever required.


Their ValuesThey cherish as their guiding principles:Counselling Human dignity Intellectual development Non-discrimination Punctuality Spirituality Truthfulness Unity

Organisational Structure Principal DeansHeads of Departments Teachers Student Government (Prefects)

CultureThe culture of the institution was assessed at different dimensions. They included Organizational structure Communication Professionalism Human resource managementFun

Recent Change The institution recently instituted the typing of exams by subject teachers. The aim was to:1.Reduce the work load of the Academic Dean2.Increase efficiency in the conduct of exams3.Minimise errors of typing 4. It is an integral part of the teaching process

Resistance The change was met with resistance by1.Teachers whose computer literacy level was low2.Teachers who did not have personal computers

Strategies to Overcome the Resistance and Sustain the Change1.More computers where bought for the school2.Teachers with low computer literacy level got extra help3. Increase in salaries

General Evaluation of the Change ProcessGenerally the change process was a success. One of the things that was done well is the provision of resources necessary for the change e.g. new computers were bought and salaries were raised. This helped teachers to cope with the challenges of the change.

The resistance to the change would have been minimized if the method of communicating the change was different. There should have been meetings prior to the change to sensitize teachers on the eminent change. The role of the teachers should not have been limited to the implementation of the change. They should have been actively involved from the word go.

CONCLUSION This institution has the affinity for change. Given that it is small and growing and has to catch up with the changing times, it is open to change and innovations.It is not yet at the climax of its growth so the challenges of change and innovation abound