Pretty Soildier Sailor Moon

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anime / `ænɪmeɪ /

• A style of animation developed in Japan, characterized by stylized colorful art, futuristic settings, violence, and sex.

• 日本动画:日本发展的动画形式,特征是程序化的色彩艺术,前卫的布景、暴力和性

• Japanese film and television animation, typically having a science-fiction theme and sometimes including violent or explicitly sexual material

• 日本动画影视(常以科幻为主题,有时有暴力和性内容)。

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Sailor Moon

Moon Tiara action

Moon Healing Escalation

Moon Princess Halation

Moon Spiral Heart Attack

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache

Moon Gorgeous Meditation

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In the Roman Catholic Church, the Papal Tiara is a high cap surrounded by three crowns and bearing a globe surmounted by a cross worn by the Pope during certain ceremonies, being the symbol of his authority.

tiara [tɪ'ɑːrə] 三重冕

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escalate ['eskəleɪt]

• To increase, enlarge, or intensify

• 增大,增强:使逐步增强、扩大、升级

• To increase in intensity or extent

• 逐步升级:有级别或程度上增长

E-C American Heritage Dictionary

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halation [hə'leɪʃn]

• A blurring or spreading of light around bright areas on a photographic image.

• 光晕:从相片中影像中比较明亮的部份蔓延出的虚影或光

• An area of glow around a bright object on a television screen.

• 晕影:电视屏幕上明亮物体周围出现的光晕 E-C American Heritage Dictionary

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spiral  ['spaɪərəl]

• A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.

• 螺线:平面上逐渐远离或靠近一固定中心点时不断回旋的曲线

E-C American Heritage Dictionary

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gorgeous  ['gɔrdʒəs]

• Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent• 耀眼般美丽的,眩目艳丽的• Characterized by magnificence or virtuosic

brilliance• 才气纵横的:显示了不起的成名家才华的

特征E-C American Heritage Dictionary

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splendid, gorgeous, glorious, superb, magnificent

splendid → 侧重指给观察者留下壮丽辉煌或灿烂夺目的印象。

gorgeous → 指色彩的富丽和豪华,有时含炫耀和卖弄意味。

glorious → 指光芒四射的绚丽,也指值得称倾、赞美或扬名的壮丽辉煌。

superb → 指壮丽辉煌、宏伟等的极点。magnificent → 侧重指建筑物、宝石等的华丽堂


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meditation  [medɪ'teɪʃn]

• The act or process of meditating.

• 沉思,冥想:沉思的行动或过程

• A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation.

• 默念,默想:虔诚的心理活动或导致沉思的E-C American Heritage


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Sailor Mercury

Shabon Spray

Shabon Spray Freeze

Shine Aqua Illusion

Mercury Aqua Mirage

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

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illusion  [ɪ'luːʒn]

• An erroneous perception of reality. • 错觉,假象:对现实错误的看法

• An erroneous concept or belief. • 错误的观念:错误的观念或信仰

• Something, such as a fantastic plan or desire, that causes an erroneous belief or perception.

• 幻觉:导致错误的信仰或观点的错误根源,例如一个古怪的计划或欲望

E-C American Heritage Dictionary

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mirage  ['mɪrɑːʒ]

• An optical phenomenon that creates the illusion of water, often with inverted reflections of distant objects, and results from distortion of light by alternate layers of hot and cool air.

• 海市蜃楼:一种可以创造出水和远处物体的倒影的光学现象,是冷热相间的几层空气导致的光线扭曲而产生的结果

• Something illusory or insubstantial.• 幻想或妄想:幻想中的不真实的事物

E-C American Heritage Dictionary

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rhapsody  ['ræpsədɪ]• A composition of irregular form and often improvisatory

character.• 狂想曲:一作无规则形式的作曲,常有即兴特征• An ancient Greek epic poem or a portion of one suitable

for uninterrupted recitation.• 吟诵史诗:古希腊史诗或其适于不加打断的朗诵的部分• Exalted or excessively enthusiastic expression of feeling in

speech or writing.• 狂言,狂文:在讲演或写作中得意的或过分地热情的感情表达

• A literary work written in an impassioned or exalted style.• 狂诗,狂歌:以充满热情的或得意的风格写成的文学作品• A state of elated bliss; ecstasy.• 一种得意的极快乐状态;狂喜

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• 墨丘利 [Mercury] • 古罗马宗教所信奉的商贾之神,一

般认为相当于希腊众神信使赫耳墨斯。位于罗马阿文丁山的神殿落成于公元前 495 年。女神迈亚被认为是他的母亲,母子两神同在 5 月 15日的节日受奉祀。墨丘利有时被描绘作手握钱囊,象征其司掌商业。更多的时候他被赋予了赫耳墨斯的特征,也穿带翼靸鞋或戴有翼之帽,且手执节杖。

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• 墨丘利 [Mercury] • In Roman religion, the god of merchants, common

ly identified with the Greek messenger of the gods, Hermes. His temple on Rome's Aventine Hill was dedicated in 495 BC. The goddess Maia was identified as his mother, and the two were honoured in a festival on May 15. Mercury is sometimes depicted holding a purse, symbolic of his business functions. More often he is given the attributes of Hermes and portrayed wearing winged sandals or a winged cap and carrying a caduceus.

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• 赫耳墨斯 [Hermes] • 希腊神,宙斯和迈亚的儿子。该神最早的奉祀地大概是阿卡迪亚,在那里他被当作丰产神来崇拜。他也常被认为是牛羊的保护神。但在荷马的《奥德赛》里,他主要是神使和引领亡灵去见哈得斯由于身为使者,他还成为道路和门洞之神,且是旅行者的保护神。他也是梦之神。常等同与罗马的墨丘利。

• Greek god, son of Zeus and Maia. The earliest center of his cult was probably Arcadia, where he was worshiped as a god of fertility. He was also associated with the protection of cattle and sheep. In Homer's Odyssey he appears as the messenger of the gods and the conductor of the dead to Hades. As a messenger he also became the god of roads and doorways and the protector of travelers. He was also the god of dreams. His Roman counterpart was Mercury.

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Sailor Mars

Fire Soul

Fire Soul Bird

Burning Mandala

Mars Flame Sniper

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mandala  ['mʌndәlә]• Any of various ritualistic geometric designs symbolic

of the universe, used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation.

• 曼荼罗:任一种印度教和佛教所用到的帮助禅定的象征宇宙的几何图形

datura  [dә'tjuәrә] 【植】蔓陀罗

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• 马尔斯 [Mars] • 古罗马战神和罗马的守护神,其

重要性仅次于主神朱庇特。纪念他的节日是在春天 (3 月 ) 和秋天(10 月 ) 。奥古斯都时期,罗马只有两座马尔斯神庙。他的圣矛保存在圣所,战争爆发时,罗马执政官必须摇动圣矛说“马尔斯,醒过来”。在奥古斯都统治时期,马尔斯不仅成为罗马军事的保护人,也是皇帝的保护人。他在希腊神话中同阿瑞斯神。

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• 马尔斯 [Mars] • Ancient Roman god of war and protector of R

ome, second only to Jupiter in importance. His festivals occurred in the spring (March) and fall (October). Until the time of Augustus, Mars had only two temples in Rome. His sacred spears were kept in a sanctuary; on the outbreak of war, the consul had to shake the spears, saying "Mars vigila!" ("Mars, awake!") Under Augustus, Mars became not only the guardian of Rome in its military affairs but the emperor's personal guardian. He was identified with the Greek god Ares.

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• 阿瑞斯 [Ares] • 希腊神话中的战神。他同罗马神话中与之对等的神马尔斯不同,在希腊对他

的崇拜不广泛。从荷马时代起,他已是奥林波斯山诸神之一,他是宙斯及赫拉的儿子,但其他的神都不喜欢他。崇拜阿瑞斯主要在希腊北部。早期人们把他同阿佛洛狄忒联系在一起,她有时被当作是阿瑞斯的正式妻子,有时是他的情人。在战斗中陪伴他的有他的姊妹厄里斯 (争吵女神 ) 和他同阿佛洛狄忒生的两个儿子福玻斯和得伊摩斯。

• Greek god of war. Unlike his Roman counterpart, Mars, his worship was not extensive. From the time of Homer, he was one of the Olympian deities, the son of Zeus and Hera, but disliked by the other gods. His worship occurred largely in northern Greece. He was associated from early times with Aphrodite, occasionally portrayed as his legitimate wife and at other times his lover. He was accompanied in battle by his sister Eris (strife) and by two of his children by Aphrodite, Phobos and Deimos (Panic and Rout).

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Sailor Jupiter

Supreme Thunder

Supreme Thunder Dragon

Sparkling Wide Pressure

Jupiter Oak Evolution

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栎树(又称橡树)约 450 种山毛榉科栎属观赏和材用乔木与灌木的统称,分布于整个温带。为落叶乔木。春季在同株上着生柔荑花序 (雄花 ) 和花穗 (雌花 ) 。叶深裂、齿裂或全缘。果即橡实。栎树木质坚硬,是长龄绿荫树。白栎叶平滑,速生甜果。红栎或黑栎叶尖、具刚毛、果多毛、味苦。红栎及白栎木材可用于房屋、地板、家具、机制木工产品、桶、枕木、建筑木料和矿井支柱。栎属包括许多可观赏性和天然的杂交种。

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• 朱庇特 [Jupiter] • 古罗马和意大利的主神,相当于


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• 朱庇特 [Jupiter] • Chief god of ancient Rome and Italy. Like his

Greek counterpart, Zeus, he was worshiped as a sky god. With Juno and Minerva he was a member of the triad of deities traditionally believed to have been introduced into Rome by the Etruscans. Jupiter was associated with treaties, alliances, and oaths; he was the protecting deity of the republic and later of the reigning emperor. His oldest temple was on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. He was worshiped on the summits of hills throughout Italy, and all places struck by lightning became his property. His sacred tree was the oak.

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• 宙斯 [Zeus] • 希腊宗教中的主神,天与气候之神,相当于罗马的朱庇特。他被视为司雷电与风雨的神,其传统武器为雷霆。他是克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,命中注定要推翻他的父亲。他与兄弟波塞冬和哈得斯平分世界。作为上天的统领,宙斯率领诸神战胜众提坦。他在自己的住所奥林波斯山顶上主持正义,同时也是守护神。宙斯极为好色,这使他与妻子赫拉经常发生争吵。他与许多女神以及凡间的女子都有过恋爱关系。他的子女有阿波罗、阿瑞斯、阿耳忒弥斯、雅典娜、狄俄尼索斯、海伦、赫菲斯托斯和珀耳塞福涅。在艺术作品中,宙斯的形象是一位身体魁梧、蓄须、面部表情严肃的成年人。

• In Greek religion, the chief deity of the pantheon, a sky and weather god. His Roman counterpart was Jupiter. Zeus was regarded as the bearer of thunder and lightning, rain, and winds, and his traditional weapon was the thunderbolt. The son of Cronus and Rhea, he was fated to dethrone his father. He divided dominion over the world with his brothers Poseidon and Hades. As ruler of heaven, Zeus led the gods to victory against the Titans. From his home atop Mount Olympus, he dispensed justice and served as protector. Known for his amorousness a source of perpetual discord with his wife, Hera. He had many love affairs with mortal and immortal women, giving rise to numerous offspring, including Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Helen, Hephaestus, and Persephone. In art he was represented as a bearded, dignified, and mature man.

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Sailor Venus

Crescent Beam

Crescent Beam Shower

Venus Love-Me Chain

Venus Love and Beauty Shock

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• 维纳斯 [Venus] • 古罗马女神,司掌农田和园林,后来认为她就是司掌爱情的希腊女神阿佛洛狄忒。朱庇特和狄俄涅之女,伏尔甘之妻、丘比特之母。维纳斯象征爱情和女性美,自古就是重要艺术题材,著名的维纳斯像包括《米洛的维纳斯》和波提切利所画《维纳斯的诞生》。

• Roman goddess of cultivated fields and gardens, later associated with Aphrodite. She was the daughter of Jupiter and Dione, the wife of Vulcan, and the mother of Cupid. She was famous for her romantic intrigues and affairs with both gods and mortals, and she became associated with many aspects of femininity. The planet Venus, originally the star of Ishtar, came to be named for Venus through her association with Ishtar. She has been a favourite subject in art since ancient times, notably in the statue known as Venus de Milo (150 BC) and in Sandro Botticelli's painting The Birth of Venus (1485).

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• 阿佛洛狄忒 [Aphrodite] • 古希腊性爱与美貌之女神。她广泛地被崇祀为海与航海女神,根据传说,她


• Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. She is also associated with the sea and, according to legend, was born of sea foam arising from the genitals of Uranus. Sparta, Thebes, and Cyprus honored her as a goddess of war. Many scholars believe that her cult is Semitic rather than Greek in origin. According to Homer, she was the daughter of Zeus and his consort Dione, and she married Hephaestus but betrayed him with Ares. She had many mortal lovers. Her main centres of worship were on the islands of Cyprus and Cythera and at Corinth. As a fertility goddess, she is associated with Eros, the Graces, and the Horae (seasons). Venus is her Roman counterpart.

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Greek Mythology Roman Mythology

Goddess of the Moon Selene [塞勒涅 ] → Luna [卢娜 ]

Goddess of Hunting & the Moon Artemis [阿耳忒弥斯 ] → Diana [狄安娜 ]

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Tuxedo MaskSailor Chibi Moon

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Sailor Uranus Sailor Neptune Sailor Pluto Sailor Saturn

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• 萨图恩 [Saturn] • 罗马的农神,与希腊农神克洛诺斯相似。他的妻子是丰收女神奥普斯,其子女包括朱诺、尼普顿和刻瑞斯。他的庆典萨图恩节 ( 从 12 月 17 日开始 ) 是罗马最流行的节日。其影响力在圣诞节和西方新年的冲击下仍能感受到。在萨图恩节期间,一切贸易暂停,人们互换礼物,奴隶可以享受一下象征性的自由。现今保留的萨图恩神殿位于罗马大广场。 Saturday(星期六 ) 一词就是源自萨图恩。

• Roman god of agriculture, equated with the Greek deity Cronus. His wife was Ops, the goddess of plenty, and his children included Juno, Neptune, and Ceres. His festival, Saturnalia (beginning December 17), became the most popular Roman festival; its influence is still felt in the celebration of Christmas and the Western New Year. During Saturnalia, all business transactions were suspended, presents were exchanged, and slaves were given token freedom. The remains of Saturn's temple are located in the Forum in Rome. Saturday is named for Saturn.

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• 克洛诺斯 [Cronus] • 希腊宗教中的男性农业神,后来被等同于罗马的农神萨图恩。在希腊神话中,他是乌拉诺斯和该亚的儿子,为十二提坦中最年轻的一个。他在母亲的怂恿下阉割了父亲,从而使天地分离。他成为提坦之王,娶自己的妹妹瑞亚为妻,生下赫斯提亚、得墨忒耳、赫拉、哈得斯和波塞冬。但克洛诺斯把他们全都吞食了,因为他的父母曾警告过他,说他将被他的一个儿子所推翻。宙斯出生时,瑞亚将他藏了起来,骗克洛诺斯吞食了一块石头。宙斯长大以后,逼着他把兄姊们吐出来,并战胜他。

• In Greek religion, a male agricultural deity. He was the youngest of the 12 Titans borne by Uranus and Gaea, and his castration of his father separated heaven from earth. With his sister and consort Rhea, he fathered Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, all of whom he swallowed because he had been warned that he would be overthrown by his own child. Rhea hid his son Zeus and tricked Cronus into swallowing a stone; Zeus later forced Cronus to disgorge the others and then vanquished him in war. He was identified with the Roman god Saturn.

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• 乌拉诺斯 [Uranus] • (Caelus was the Latin name that the Romans used for the Greek sky god Uranus.)• 希腊神话中天的化身。从原始的混沌中出现的该亚 ( 大地 ) 产生了乌拉诺斯、山和海。乌拉诺斯后来又与该亚结合生提坦、独眼巨人和百臂巨人。他憎恨自己的子嗣并把他们藏在该亚体内。该亚要他们起来报仇,克洛诺斯阉割了乌拉诺斯。滴到该亚身上的血又使她生出复仇女神、巨神和梣树仙女 (墨利亚 ) 。被割下的生殖器漂在海上产生泡沫,从中又跳出阿佛洛狄忒。乌拉诺斯还有另外的妻子:克吕墨涅、赫墨拉、赫斯提和尼克斯。

• Ancient Greek personification of heaven. When Gaea emerged from Chaos, she produced Uranus, the mountains, and the sea. Her subsequent union with Uranus produced the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. Uranus despised his offspring and hid them in Gaea's body. In response to her appeal for vengeance, Cronus castrated Uranus. From the drops of blood that fell on Earth were born the Furies, the Giants, and the ash-tree nymphs called Meliai. His severed genitals floated on the sea, producing a white foam from which sprang Aphrodite. Uranus also consorted with Clymene, Hemera, Hestia, and Nyx.

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• 尼普顿 [Neptune] • 罗马宗教中的水神。原为淡水之神,但到公元前 399年,人们把他同希腊神波塞冬等同起来,成为海神。与他对应的女神萨拉西亚开始时可能是泉水之神,后来被等同于希腊女神安菲特里特。尼普顿的节日在大暑 (7 月23 日 ) ,正好是缺水的时候。在艺术品中,尼普顿往往与波塞冬的特征相同,执三叉戟,偕带海豚。

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• 尼普顿 [Neptune] • In Roman religion, the god of water. Neptune w

as originally the god of fresh water, but by 399 BC he was identified with the Greek god Poseidon and thus became a deity of the sea. His female counterpart, Salacia, probably began as a goddess of spring water but was later equated with the Greek goddess Amphitrite. Neptune's festival (Neptunalia) took place in the heat of summer (July 23), when fresh water was scarcest. In art Neptune is often given Poseidon's attributes, the trident and dolphin.

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• 波塞冬 [Poseidon] • 希腊宗教中的水神和海神,是克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子。他的兄弟有宙斯和哈得斯。当他们三兄弟废黜他们的父亲后,海之王国统治权落入波塞冬手中。他的性格不可预测,有时很暴戾,同时还是地震之神,与马有密切的联系。他的子嗣大部分是巨人和野人。他与墨杜萨生下了飞马珀伽索斯。地峡运动会是崇祀他的主要比赛节日。在艺术表现形式中,他常被描绘为手持三叉戟、有海豚和金枪鱼相伴的神。罗马人把他当作海神,等同于尼普顿。

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• 波塞冬 [Poseidon] • Greek god of water and the sea, son of Cronus

and Rhea. His brothers were Zeus and Hades. When the three brothers deposed their father, the kingdom of the sea fell by lot to Poseidon. Unpredictable and sometimes violent, he was also god of earthquakes, and he was closely associated with horses. Most of his offspring were giants and savage creatures. By Medusa he was the father of the winged horse Pegasus. The Isthmian Games were held in his honor. In art he was often shown holding a trident and accompanied by a dolphin and tuna. The Romans identified him with Neptune.

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• 哈得斯 [Hades] • 希腊神话中的冥王。又称普路托;相当于罗马神话的狄斯。哈得斯是提坦神克洛诺斯和瑞亚的儿子,宙斯和波塞冬的兄弟。他的妻子珀耳塞福涅是得墨忒耳的女儿,他将她从大地劫持到冥界。他被描绘成一个严厉和无情的神,不为祈祷或献祭所动。他监管死后坏人的审判与惩罚。他的名字有时也被用来称为冥界,后来成为地狱的同义词。

• Greek god of the underworld. He was also known as Pluto; his Roman equivalent was Dis. Hades was the son of the Titans Rhea and Cronus and the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. His queen was Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, whom he kidnapped from earth and carried off to the underworld. Stern and pitiless, unmoved by prayer or sacrifice, he presided over the trial and punishment of the wicked after death. His name was also sometimes used to designate the dwelling place of the dead, and it later became a synonym for Hell.

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♀→Mirror of Venus

♂→Arrow of Mars