Conducting EIA in Conflict Affected Areas 17 November , 2017 Rose Garden Hotel, Yangon Aung Kyaw Soe Manager-Extractives Programme Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB) E-mail: [email protected]

7. Conducting EIA in Conflict Affected Areas - Aung Kyaw Soe

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Conducting EIA in Conflict Affected


17 November , 2017Rose Garden Hotel, Yangon

Aung Kyaw SoeManager-Extractives ProgrammeMyanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)E-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: 7. Conducting EIA in Conflict Affected Areas - Aung Kyaw Soe

THE NATIONWIDE CEASEFIRE AGREEMENT (NCA)တစးႏငးငလပစးခတးတကးခကးမႈရပးစေရ သေဘာတစာခပး

(25) a. The Ethnic Armed Organizations that are signatories to this agreement have been responsible in their relevant capacities,for development and security in their respective areas. During the period of signing ceasefire and political dialogue, we shallcarry out the following programs and projects in coordination with each other in said areas.

(1) Projects concerning the health, education and socio-economic development of civilians. () ပညးသလထ၏ ကနးမာေရ၊ ပညာေရ၊ လမႈေရႏြငး စပျာေရဆငးရာ အေခခဖျ႕ၿဖတတကးေရလပးငနးမာ၊

(2) Environmental conservation. (ဿ) သဘာပတးနးကငးထနးသမးေရဆငးရာ ကစၥရပးမာ၊

b. Planning of projects that may have a major impact on civilians living in ceasefire areas shall be undertaken in consultation withlocal communities in accordance with the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Standard procedures and coordinatedwith relevant the Ethnic Armed Organizations for implementation.(ခ) အပစးရပးေဒသအတျငး ေဒသခပညးသလထအေပၚ အကသကးေရာကးမႈ ႀကမာေသာ စမကနးမာက လပးေဆာငးရနး ရရြပါက သဘာသယဇာတမာပျငးလငးမငးသာမႈ ေဖားေဆာငးေရအဖျ႔ (EITI) ၏ လပးထလပးနညးမာအတငး ေဒသခပညးသလထႏြငးညြႏြငး ေဆာငးရျကးသျာရနးႏြငး သကးဆငးရာတငးရငးသာလကးနကးကငးအဖျ႔တ႔ႏြငး ညြႏြငး၍ အေကာငးအထညးေဖား ေဆာငးရျကး သျာရနး။


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Public participation in conflict-affected areasပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာတျငး အမာပညးသပေပါငး ပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးခငး

Public Participation processes should be planned and carried out with specific attention to the context because conflict affectedareas present unique challenges.

အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးမညး လပးငနးစဥးက ပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာတျငး ပလပးႏငးေရ စမေရဆျၿပ သကးဆငးရာ အေခအေနအေပၚ အထအေလထာ ေဆာငးရျကးသငးသညး။ အေၾကာငးမြာ- ပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာ ေနရာမာသညး သခာစနးေခၚမႈမာ ရြေနခငးေၾကာငးဖစးသညး။

(i) Any public participation process needs to be conflict sensitive.

အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးေစမညး လပးငနးစဥးတစးရပးသညး ပဋပကၡမာက သတထာေဆာငးရျကးရနး လအပးသညး။

(ii) This should be reflected in the Public Participation Plan.

ဤအခကးသညး အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးမညးအစအစဥးတျငး ထငးဟပးေနသငးသညး။

b) There are regional differences in conflicts, and in relation to different ethnic armed organizations (EAOs). Project Proponents and ECD should adapt public participation processes to each particular circumstance.

ပညးနယး/တငးေဒသႀကအလကး ပဋပကၡမာလညး ကျ ပာသညးအပငး တငးရငးသာလကးနကးကးငးအဖျ႔မာ ကျ ပာမႈႏြငး ဆကးစပးသညး။ စမကနးအဆပသမာႏြငး ပတးဝနးကငးထနးသမးေရဥစဌာနသညး အမာပညးသပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးေရ လပးငနးစဥးမာက သကးဆငးရာအေခအေန တစးခခငးအလကး လကးေလာညေထျ ေဆာငးရျကးသငးသညး။

3Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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c) Address the key challenges of engaging and operating in conflict-affected areas, including:

အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးမညး အစအစဥးသညး ပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာတျငး ခတးဆကးေဆာငးရျကးမႈဆးငးရာ အဓကစနးေခၚမႈမာအပါအဝငး ေအာကးပါတ႔က ေဖရြငး ေဆာငးရျကး သငးသညး-

(i) carrying out specific conflict analysis and planning to make sure the public participation process is conflict-sensitive;

သခာပဋပကၡဆနးစစးမႈႏြငး စမေရဆျမႈပလပး၍ အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးမညး လပးငနးစဥးသညး ပဋပကၡအေပၚ သတထာေဆာငးရျကးသညး လပးငနးစဥးဖစးေစရနး လအပးသညး။

(ii) addressing potential unintended consequences by understanding how the project is likely to affect existing relations andaddressing this as part of the consultation;

စမကနးသညး လကးရြ ဆကးဆေရမာက မညးသ႔ သကးေရာကးေစမညးက ေကာငးစျာ နာလညးလကး တငးပငးေဆျ ေႏျ အေဖရြာခငးဖငး မရညးရျယးထာေသာ ကစၥရပးမာ ဖစးပျာႏငးေခက ေလြာခခငး။

(iii) gaining access to relevant stakeholders and appropriate strategies for on-ground engagement;

သကးဆးငးရာ ပတးသကးဆကးႏျယးသမာ၊ လကးေတျ႔ခတးဆကးေဆာငးရျကးရနး သငးေတားေသာ မဟာဗဟာမာက လကးလြမးမေစခငး။

(iv) building trust over the short and long-term in communities that may be suspicious and distrustful;

လထအသငးအဝငး၏ သသယႏြငး မယၾကညးမႈမာ ရြႏငးးသဖငး ကာလတ၊ ကာလရြညး ယၾကညးမႈတညးေဆာကးခငး။


Public participation in conflict-affected areasပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာတျငး အမာပညးသပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးခငး

Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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(v) balancing all perspectives to make sure those potentially impacted by the Project Proposal in particular are heard;

စမကနးအဆပလႊာေၾကာငး ထခကးႏငးဖျယးရြသညးဟ ၾကာသထာရသညးကစၥမာအာ ႐ႈေထာငးစမြ ထနးညြခငး။

(vi) addressing expectations, which can become higher and more volatile if misunderstood, managed poorly, or unmet;

ေမြားမြနးခကးးမာအာ နာမလညး၊ စမခနး႔ချမႈ အာနညးလြငး သ႔မဟတး မကကးညလြငး ထေမြားမြနးခကးမာသညး ပမမငးမာကာမတညးမငမးဖစးလျယးသဖငး ေမြားမြနးခကးမာအာ ကငးတျယးေဖရြငးခငး။

(vii) ensuring the security of staff and stakeholders participating in the public participation process; and

အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးမညးလပးငနးစဥးတျငး ပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးသညးဝနးထမးမာႏြငး စမကနးႏြငး ပတးသကးဆကးႏျယးသမာအာေဘကငးလၿခမႈရြေစခငး။

(viii) devoting sufficient time and resources given the additional challenges.

ေနာငးလာမညး စနးေခၚမႈမာအတျကး အခနးႏြငး အရငးအမစး အလအေလာကး ေပအပးမြပးႏြေစခငး။


Public participation in conflict-affected areasပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာတျငး အမာပညးသပေပါငးပါဝငးေဆာငးရျကးခငး

Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Discussion + Feedback on Experience

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Conduct analysis and planningဆနးစစးခငးႏြငး အစအစဥးေရဆျခငး

a) Should inform themselves about the conflict dynamics, context and sensitivities, including by:

စမကနးအဆပသသညး ေအာငးပါတ႔အပါအငး ပဋပကၡ အေပာငး အလမာ၊ အခငးအကငးႏြငး အတမးအေစာငး မခမႈမာအာ ယငးကယးယငးအသေပသငးသညး။

(i) Mapping different EAOs, the different ethnic groups and the relations between them; and

စမကနးအဆပေနရာအတျငး လပးကငးေဆာငးရျကးေနသညး တငးရငးသာ လကးနကးကငးအဖျ႔အမမ၊ တငးရငးသာအပးစအမမႏြငး ယငးတ႔အၾကာ ဆကးဆေရအေခအေနမာက ေလလာခငး။

(ii) Identifying contacts and intermediaries.

ယငးတ႔အာ ဆကးသျယးရနးလပးစာမာႏြငး ၾကာခလမာက စစစးသတးမြတးခငး။

b) Should consider engaging with experts to advise on conflict-sensitive business practices and the local context.

စမကနးအဆပသသညး ကျမးကငးသမာႏြငး ခတးဆကး၍ အတမး အေစာငးမခသညး ပဋပကၡ ေနရာတျငး စပျာေရ လပးကငးမႈ အေလအကငးမာႏြငးေဒသႏရအေခအေနမာဆငးရာ အႀကဥာဏးရယရနး စဥးစာသငးသညး။

7Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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b) Consider the potential unintended consequences ဖစးလာႏးငးသညး မရညးရျယးထာေသာ အကဆကးမာက ထညးစဥးစာရနး အေရႀကသညး။

(i) Should consider whether the introduction of a new resource might affect existing or latent conflict dynamics.

စမကနးအဆပသသညး သယဇာတအသစးတစးခက မတးဆကးခငးသညး ရြရငးစျ သ႔မဟတး ငပးေနေသာ ပဋပကၡမာ လႈပးရြာသကးဝငး ေစႏးးငးခငး ရြ/မရြထညးစဥးစာသငးသညး။

(ii) This inquiry should be multi-layered ; Should take into consideration not only what benefits will accrue to local communities but alsowhether the proposed project will spur increased competition among communities and also consider whether the project would requireincreased police or military presence in the area, or more in-migration that could increase resentment and tension with those inside andoutside the Project Proposal area.

စစမးေမမနးမႈအာ အလႊာေပါငးစတျငး ဆာငးရျကးသငးသညး။ ဥပမာ- စမကနးး အဆပသသညး ေဒသခ အသငးအဝငးအတျကး မညးသညး အကေကဇမာရလာမညးဆသညးကသာမက အဆပ စမကနးသညး ေဒသခအသငးအဝငးမာအၾကာ ယြဥးၿပငးမႈမာ တပျာရနး ေစေဆားမညး/ မေစေဆားမညးကပါထညးစဥးစာသငးသညး။ စမကနးဧရယာတျငး ရတပးဖျ႔ (သ႔မဟတး) စစးတပးမာ ပမထာရြရနး လ/မလ (သ႔မဟတး) ေရႊ႕ေပာငး ေနထငးသမာပာလာလြငးအဆပစမကနးဧရယာအတျငး ႏြငး ပငးပတျငး ေနထငးသမာ အေနႏြငး မေကမခမးမႈႏြငး တငးအာမာ မငးတကး လာႏငးသညးကလညး ထညးစဥးစာသငးသညး။

d) Consider these issues itself and build them into the public participation process in a careful manner, being sensitive to the possibility ofstirring up concerns.

စမကနးအဆပသသညး အထကးပါကစၥရပးမာက ထညးစဥးစာ၍ စရမးပပနးေနသညးကစၥမာ ေရာေမႊ႐ႈပးေထျသျာႏငးသညးက သတမေသာ အာဖငးအမာပညးသ ပေပါငးေဆာငးရျကးမညး လပးငနးစဥးက ေသခာ ဂ႐စကး ေရဆျလပးကငးသငးသညး။

a) Public participation processes should include a wider range of stakeholders than in non-conflict areas.

ပဋပကၡ မဖစးပျာေသာဧရယာမာထကး အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါဝငးေနသညး လပးငနးစဥးမာတျငး စမကနးႏြငး ပတးသကးဆကးႏျယးသအာလ ကယးကယးပနး႔ပနး႔ ပါဝငးေစသငးသညး။


Consider unintended consequencesမရညးရျယးထာသညး အကဆကးမာအာ ထညးသျငးစဥးစာခငး

Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Seek to gain access to the full range of stakeholdersစမကနးႏြငး ပတးသကးဆကးႏျယးသအာလ အပညးအဝ လကးလြမးမရနး အာထတးခငး

b) Plan for the additional political, logistical and security challenges of consulting these additional groups:

ထပးမတလာသညးလအပးစမာႏြငး တငးပငးေဆျေႏျခငးဖငး ထပးမတလာႏငးသညး ႏငးငေရဆငးရာ ေထာကးပပ႔ေဆာငးေရဆငးရာႏြငး လၿခေရဆငးရာစနးေခၚမႈမာအတျကး စမေရဆျထာရနး လအပးသညး -

(i) State and Regional Governments, including any state/region ministers with a relevant ethnic affairs portfolio: it will be important tounderstand their perspective on the conflict and their development plans for the State or Region.

တငးရငးသာေရရာ ကငးတျယးသညး ပညးနယး/တငးေဒသႀက ဝနးႀကတစးဥ အပါအဝငး၊ သကးဆငးရာ ပညးနယးႏြငး တငးေဒသႀက အစရမာ၊ ပဋပကၡအေပၚယငးတ႔အမငးႏြငး ပညးနယး သ႔မဟတး တငးေဒသႀက ဖျ႔ၿဖတတကးေရအတျကး ယငးတ႔ စမခကးမာက နာလညးထာရနး အေရႀကေပမညး။

(ii) No prior links or contacts in a conflict-affected area to contact and discuss with EAOs directly./ Need to use experts and organisationsoperating in the area to make contacts and open a dialogue. Should consider facilitation by trusted individuals or organisations with strongtrack record of engagement in the area.

ပဋပကၡ ဖစးပျာရာေနရာရြ တငးရငးသာ လကးနကးကငး အဖျ႔မာႏြငး ႀကတငးခတးဆကးထာမႈမာ သ႔မဟတး အဆကးအသျယးမာ ႀကတငးရယထာမႈမာ မရြလြငးယငးတ႔ႏြငး တကးရကး ခတးဆကးေဆျေႏျရနး မဖစးႏးငးပါ။/ ကျမးကငးသမာႏြငး အဖျ႔အစညးမာအာ အသပရနး လအပးႏငးသညး။/ ယၾကညးရေသာ ပဂၢလးမာသ႔မဟတး အဖျ႔အစညးမာ၏ ပပမႈ ရယရနး စဥးစာသငးသညး။

(iii) Should consulted separately / Should be aware of the dynamics between different ethnic groups and consider separate consultations, inlocal languages, to understand each community’s local concerns and inter-community relationships and dynamics.

တငးရငးသာလကးနကးကငး အဖျ႔အစညးမာႏြငး ေဒသခမာက သခာစ တငးပငးေဆျေႏျသငးသညး။/မတကျ ပာ မႈမာက သရြထာၿပ ေဒသသဘာသာစကာမာဖငး သခာတငးပငးေဆျေႏျရနး စဥးစာသငးသညး။ စရမးပပနးမႈမာႏြငး အသငးအဝငးမာအၾကာ ဆကးဆေရမာႏြငး မတကျပာမႈမာကနာလညးေပမညး။

9Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Build trustယၾကညးမႈ တညးေဆာကးခငး

a) Should be aware of the likelihood of heightened scrutiny of proposed projects in conflict affected areas.

စမကနးအဆပသသညး ပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာရြ အဆပစမကနးမာအေပၚ စစမး အကဖတးမႈမာ မငးတကးလာဖျယး ရြသညးကသထာသငးသညး။

b) This encompasses potential suspicion of both the private sector and the authorities granting approvals to the Project Proponent.

ဤအခကးက ပဂၢလကက႑ႏြငး စမကနးအဆပသအာ ချငးပခကးခေပသညး အာဏာပငးမာ အေပၚ သသယမာ လႊမးၿခလာဖျယးရြသညးကေဖားပသညး။

c) Should be considered a part of longer-term engagement with communities and EAOs in conflict-affected areas.

ေဒသခ အသငးအဝငးမာႏြငး ပဋပကၡဖစးပျာရာေနရာမာမြ တငးရငးသာ လကးနကးကငးအဖျ႔အစညးမာႏြငး ေရရြညး ခတးဆကး ေဆာငးရျကးမႈ၏အစတးအပငးတစးရပးအဖစး မြတးယေဆာငးရျကးသငးသညး။

11Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Balance viewsဘကးမြေသာအမငးမာ

a) Given the potential challenges in gaining access to all relevant stakeholders/should nonetheless try to ensure that all perspectives are represented as best as possible.

ဖစးလာႏးငးေသာစနးေခၚမႈမာအရ သကးဆငးရာ ပတးသကးဆကးႏျယးသ အာလအာ လကးလြမးမ ခတးးဆကးထာခငးဖငး ဘကးစ၊ ႐ႈေထာငးစမြအေကာငးဆဖစးေစရနး ႀကစာေဆာငးရျကးသငးသညး။

b) Should attempt to ensure that those who may be impacted by the project are heard, amongst those with potentially more powerful voices in the process.

ၾသဇာအာဏာပရြႏးငးေသာသမာ၏ ေပာၾကာမႈမာအပငး စမကနးေၾကာငး ထခကးနစးနာႏငးသ၏ ေပာစကာမာကပါ ၾကာသရနး EIA လပးငနးစဥးအတျငး ႀကပမးသငးသညး။

c) Understanding how locals relate to the different authorities – both EAOs and the government – is an important part of ensuring that local communities have the opportunity and space to present their views.

အာဏာပငးအမမ (တငးရငးသာလကးနကးကငးအဖျ႔အစညးမာႏြငး အစရ အာဏာပငးမာ) အာ မညးသ႔ခတးဆကးသညးက နာလညးခငးသညးေဒသခအသငးအဝငးမာ၏အမငးက ရြငးလငး ေဆျေႏျရနး အချငးအလမးႏြငး ေနရာေပမႈသညး အေရႀကသညး အစတးအပငးတစးရပးဖစးသညး။

12Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Address expectationsေမြားမြနးခကးမာက ကငးတျယးေဖရြငးခငး

a) Local communities and EAOs may be particularly concerned about who will, or is perceived to, benefit from the Project Proposal.

ေဒသခအသငးအဝငးမာႏြငး တငးရငးသာလကးနကးကငးအဖျ႔အစညးမာသညး စမကနး အဆပလႊာမြ မညးသက အကအမတး ရမညး သ႔မဟတးအကခစာချငးႏြငးဆငးသညးဆသညးက မာေသာအာဖငး စတးပပနးေကာငး ပပနးႏငးသညး။

b) They may have exaggerated expectations about benefits from the Project Proposal, including employment, distribution of revenues, etc.

စမကနးအဆပလႊာႏြငးစပးလဥးသညး အကေကဇမာ- အလပးအကငး၊ အမတးချေဝမႈမာ စသညးတ႔အေပၚ ပႀကခ႕ေမြားမြနး ေနခငးလညးရြႏငးသညး။

c) Expectations may focus on wider demands by ethnic groups for greater economic benefits, development and control of land and resources, with the potential for volatile responses if they are not met.

တငးရငးသာအပးစမာက ပမၾကမာေသာ စပျာေရအကအမတးမာေတာငးဆခငး၊ ေမႏြငး သယဇာတမာလပးကငး ထနးခပးချငး ေတာငးဆၿခငးႏြငးအတ၊ ယငးတ႕ေတာငးဆသညးအတငး မရလြငး စတးမနးစတးဆတးစျာ တနး႕ပနးၿခငးမာ ၿဖစးလာႏငးသညးက ခနး႕မြနး ထာႏငးသညး။

13Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Address expectationsေမြားမြနးခကးမာက ကငးတျယးေဖရြငးခငး

d) Should be aware of local sensitivities about land, and potentially conflicting land registers (if such registers exist at all). Forexample, an EAO may have its own land registration process, separate from the Union Government, and possibly not consistentwith it.

စမကနးအဆပလႊာတျငးေမသမးခငး သ႔မဟတး ေမအသခခငး ပါရြလြငး၊ စမကနးအဆပသသညး အဆပါေမႏြငးစပးလဥး၍ မညးသညးအတမးအေစာငးမခမႈမာရြသညး၊ ေမမြတးပတငးထာလြငးလညး မြတးပတငးမႈ အငငးပျာေနၿခငးရြ/မရြ သရြထာသငးသညး။ ဥပမာ- တငးရငးသာလကးနကးကငး အဖျ႕အစညးတစးရပး၌ ယငးတ႕ကယးပငးေမယာမြတးပတငးသညး လပးငနးစဥး ရြေကာငးရြမညး၊ ထလပးငနးစဥးသညး ပညးေထာငးစအစရ၏ ေမယာမြတးပတငးသညး လပးငနးစဥး ႏြငး ကျထျကးကာ တစးသာတညးမၿဖစးၿခငးလညး ရြႏငးသညး။

e) Should particularly emphasise disclosure of information about the Project Proposal in an effort to manage the expectations oflocal communities. This should address potential impacts of the proposed project and explain potential benefits (if so advised byexperts) as this can be an important step in beginning to reduce suspicion and avoid exacerbating conflict.

စမကနးအဆပသမာသညး ေဒသခအသငးအဝငး၏ ေမြားမြနးခကးမာက စမခနး႕ချရနးအတျကး စမကနးအဆပလႊာႏြငး စပးလဥးသညးအခကးအလကးမာက ဖျငးခပရနး အထအေလေပ ေဆာငးရျကးသငးသညး။ ထသ႕ခၿပရာတျငး အဆၿပစမကနးေၾကာငး ၿဖစးလာႏငးသညး ထခကးနစးနာဖျယးရာမာက မညးသ႔ေလာခမညးႏြငး ရရြလာမညး အကေကဇမာကရြငးၿပသငးသညး (ကျမးကငးပညာရြငးမာက ထသ႔ပလပးရနးအၾကပလြငး)။ ဤအခကးက သသယမာေလာခရနးႏြငး ပဋပကၡမာပၾကခ႕မႈမၿဖစးရနး အေရၾကသညး ကနဥေၿခလြမး တစးရပးၿဖစးသညး။

14Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Address security as a core part of the processလပးငနးစဥး၏ အစတးအပငးတစးရပးအဖစး ေဘကငးလၿခေရေဆာငးရျကးခငး

a) Should be aware of and address security threats to those participating (including its own staff).

ပဋပကၡအေနအထာအရ စမကနးေလြာကးထာသသညး ပါငးေဆာငးရျကးမညးသမာ (စမကနးနးထမးမာအပါအငး) အေပၚ ကေရာကးလာမညးလခေရဆငးရာခမးေခာကးမႈမာက သနာလညးပ ေဖရြငးေပရနးလအပးပါသညး။

b) Threats may be posed by different groups including the military, police, EAOs or those who have an interest in the ProjectProposal.

စမကနးအဆပလႊာအေပၚ စတးပါ ငးစာသမာအာ ၿခမးေခာကးမႈမာက စစးတပး၊ ရ၊ တငးရငးသာလကးနကးကငး အဖျ႕စသညး အပးစအမမမြလညး ခမးေခာကးမႈမာ ရြႏငးသညး။

c) Should make every effort to minimise the possibility that stakeholders may be put at risk as a result of the public participationprocesses, and consider alternative meeting methods and locations if satisfactory arrangements cannot be agreed.

စမကနးအဆပသသညး အမာပညးသပေပါငးပါငးေဆာငးရျကးသညး လပးငနးစဥးမာတျငး ပါငးသမာက ထခကးႏငးမႈအာ ေလြာခႏငးရနးတတးႏငးသမြလပးေဆာငးရမညးဖစးပ စစဥးထာမႈမာအေပၚ သေဘာတညမႈမရရြလြငး အခာေသာေတျ႕ဆမႈ နညးလမးမာႏြငး ေနရာကလညးထညးသျငးစဥးစာရမညးဖစးသညး။

d) Government may want to arrange the presence of security personnel at consultations, a police/military presence, it is likely toreduce the willingness of local communities or other stakeholders to participate and speak openly about their concerns.

မနးမာအစရက အၾကပေဆျေႏျမႈမာပလပးရာတျငး လခေရနးထမးမာက ရြေစခငးလမးမညး။ ရ / စစးတပးမာ ရြေနလြငး ေဒသခမာ (သ႔)အခာေသာ ပါငးပတးသကးသမာ၏ စတးဆႏၵရြမႈက ေလာကေစႏငးၿပ စရမးပပနးမႈမာက ပျငးပျငးလငးလငးေပာဆႏငးမႈ အာနညးသျာေစႏငးပါသညး။

15Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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Plan for sufficient time and resourcesလေလာကးသညးအခနးႏြငး ရငးမစးမာအတျကး အစအစဥး

a) There will be more parties to consult and discussions are likely to be longer and more complex given the circumstances.

ေဆျ ေႏျ မႈတျငး ပါငးမညးသမာ မာပာႏငးပ ေဆျ ေႏျမႈမာသညး အေခအေန ေပၚမတညးကာ ပမရြညးၾကာႏငးကာ ပမရႈပးေထျႏငးပါသညး။

b) Additional time, resources and expertise for public participation processes in conflict-affected areas should therefore beincluded in the Public Participation Plan.

ထ႔ေၾကာငး ပဋပကၡ ၾကေတျ႕ရသညး ေနရာမာတျငး အမာပညးသပါငးသညး လပးငနးစဥးမာ အတျကး ထပးတၾကာမငးမညး အခနး၊ လအပးမညးရငးမစးမာႏြငး ကၽျမးကငးမႈမာက အမာပညးသ ပေပါငးပါငးသညး အစအစဥးတျငး ထညးသျငးထာရပါမညး။

16Source: Draft guideline on public participation in Myanmar’s EIA process-31 May 2017

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