1 Earthquake Hits Nepal The massive earthquake of 7.8 intensity (Rector scale) hit Nepal on 25th April, 2015 with epicentre 77 km north-west of Kath- mandu in Nepal i.e. Gorkha at 11:56am Local time. This was fol- lowed by another major earthquake measuring 7.4 Rector Scale on 12 th May, 2015 hit Nepal. The earthquake left a major trail of destruction affecting over 40 districts and highly damaged 14 districts are : Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Sindupalchok, Dhading, Ramechhap, Kavrepalanchowk, Dolakha, Gorkha, Ok- haldhunga, Solukhumbu, Nuwakot and Rasuwa. Due to devastating earthquake around 9000 people are died and 160 disappeared (including 22 foreigners), 23000 people sus- tained injuries, 488789 public houses were fully destroyed, and 2,67,477 public houses were partially destroyed, 761 government houses fully destroyed and 2,271 government houses were par- tially destroyed till date. Major shock and aftershock damaged 5000 schools and directly affected one million children as well as evidentially displacement. Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal Nepal 4-H E-Newsletter Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 4-H is stand for making positive change in the world through ap- plying the approaches, methods, and models. Likewise it has cen- tre of attention in positive youth development approach, agricul- ture development approach, and adult youth partnership approach. 4-H Nepal is established to uphold the agriculture, to make capable manpower for nation, to upgrade youth confident, and to decrease the cynic youth. As well as it is focusing to enhance the activist for community developing work and positive develop- ment. Also, it has been focusing on Kid’s positive development through sharing, caring, and learning method. This is the developing model and it will apply at kindergarten, school, and collage, commu- nity through facilitating to youths, kids, and aged group. Unexpectedly, the major shock 7.8 and aftershock 7.3 hit in Nepal, Nepalese are facing new social, economical and cultural dimension. Consequently, 4-H Nepal is focusing quake affected areas to serve for the survivor likewise, construction, volun- teer mobilization and livelihood program. So we are looking 4hers support from worldwide. We are thankful to Global Vision Network (GVN) Korea, National 4-H Association, Republic of China (Taiwan), 4-H Idaho, Arizona 4-H, America and spe- cial thankful to Mr. Kirk Astroth, Mr.David Ki Yong Kim and other senior leader of Korea and out of the world. We also thankful to Government of Ne- pal and 4-H Nepal volunteer team. Message of president Highlights Inside Quick related activities Volunteer ..................4 Editorial ................ ...4 SPC ............................ 5 Hygiene Camp .............4 School .................... 5 Regular Activities I’m .................. 7 Democracy ...... 8 Y2Y ................... 7 4-H Nepal .......... 9 Up-Coming .......10 Team of 4-H .... 11 Editor: Asmita Khadka, Chief Editor: Lok Raj Awasthi @ [email protected]/+977 -9841414549 . Www.4hnepal.org.np/www.facebook.com/pages/4-H-Nepal

Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)

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Page 1: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


Earthquake Hits Nepal The massive earthquake of 7.8 intensity (Rector scale) hit Nepal

on 25th April, 2015 with epicentre 77 km north-west of Kath-

mandu in Nepal i.e. Gorkha at 11:56am Local time. This was fol-

lowed by another major earthquake measuring 7.4 Rector Scale

on 12th May, 2015 hit Nepal. The earthquake left a major trail of

destruction affecting over 40 districts and highly damaged 14

districts are : Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur, Sindupalchok,

Dhading, Ramechhap, Kavrepalanchowk, Dolakha, Gorkha, Ok-

haldhunga, Solukhumbu, Nuwakot and Rasuwa.

Due to devastating earthquake around 9000 people are died and

160 disappeared (including 22 foreigners), 23000 people sus-

tained injuries, 488789 public houses were fully destroyed, and

2,67,477 public houses were partially destroyed, 761 government

houses fully destroyed and 2,271 government houses were par-

tially destroyed till date. Major shock and aftershock damaged

5000 schools and directly affected one million children as well as

evidentially displacement.

Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

Nepal 4-H E-Newsletter

Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015

4-H is stand for making positive

change in the world through ap-

plying the approaches, methods,

and models. Likewise it has cen-

tre of attention in positive youth

development approach, agricul-

ture development approach, and

adult youth partnership approach.

4-H Nepal is established to uphold the agriculture,

to make capable manpower for nation, to upgrade

youth confident, and to decrease the cynic youth.

As well as it is focusing to enhance the activist for

community developing work and positive develop-

ment. Also, it has been focusing on Kid’s positive

development through sharing, caring, and learning

method. This is the developing model and it will

apply at kindergarten, school, and collage, commu-

nity through facilitating to youths, kids, and aged


Unexpectedly, the major shock 7.8 and aftershock

7.3 hit in Nepal, Nepalese are facing new social,

economical and cultural dimension. Consequently,

4-H Nepal is focusing quake affected areas to

serve for the survivor likewise, construction, volun-

teer mobilization and livelihood program. So we

are looking 4hers support from worldwide.

We are thankful to Global Vision Network (GVN)

Korea, National 4-H Association, Republic of China

(Taiwan), 4-H Idaho, Arizona 4-H, America and spe-

cial thankful to Mr. Kirk Astroth, Mr.David Ki– Yong

Kim and other senior leader of Korea and out of

the world. We also thankful to Government of Ne-

pal and 4-H Nepal volunteer team.

Message of president

Highlights Inside

Quick related activities

Volunteer ..................4

Editorial ................ ...4

SPC ............................ 5

Hygiene Camp .............4

School .................... 5

Regular Activities

I’m .................. 7

Democracy ...... 8

Y2Y ................... 7

4-H Nepal .......... 9

Up-Coming .......10

Team of 4-H .... 11

Editor: Asmita Khadka, Chief Editor: Lok Raj Awasthi @ [email protected]/+977

-9841414549 . Www.4hnepal.org.np/www.facebook.com/pages/4-H-Nepal

Page 2: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)



Quake Related Activities of 4-H Nepal

After 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck in Nepal. Kathmandu

and other 14 districts has been critical situation. Ubiquitously

roads are block and house, apartment. Government office and

business mall are damaged and cracked. Children women and

senior citizen are facing difficult situation. In this condition 4-

H national team and some volunteer rescue the children and

victims coordination with Nepal Army, Nepal police and

armed police forced in Kathmadu and Bhaktupur districts

within 24 hour. We have acted one day rescue in Binayak

Hospital Balaju, and Kathmandu.

National president Mr. Lok Raj Awasthi, Treasurer Ms.

Asmita Khadka, Secretary Mr. Arjun Dahal led the rescue

campaign in the central level with 20 youth volunteers. We

have focused most affected area like Balaju, Hanuman Dhoka

Darbar square where many houses and heritage site are dam-

aged. 3rd day our team moved in Bhaktpur and we have

2. Relief program

After heavy struck in Nepal, 4-H Nepal

has gets in touch with business houses

and private sector for collection the relief


Second, third and fourth day we distrib-

uted cookies (Chauchau, beaten rice,

Namkin), biscuit,drinking water in differ-

ent shelter of Kathmandu. Many people

haven't got tent, all people were staying

on the road, and we have coordinated

with Nepal army for provide the tent. At

that time Nepal army managed more than

200 people in save places. Likewise

Army quarter ( Chhauni), Singhadarbar

area, and constitution house.

After 5th day we focused out of Kath-

mandu for relief program. 4- H Nepal

distributed relief material in different part

of Nepal.

Program are follows:

Continue Next page ........

A.Relief distributed to HIV

affected people

4-H Nepal team has distributed relief

material to HIV affected people of

Kavre district. We have provided foods

and materials (Rice, Daal, Salt, and

Beaten-rice), Mat, Tent, Blanket, Mos-

quito Net and sanitary pad to 30 house


Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

1.Serve the Nation

Page 3: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


500 people are direcly benefited from immediate relief materials. Youth

Action Nepal Plus Nepal are co-partner of 4-H Nepal. It is first initiative

program of Kavre district. 4-H Nepal and Sai Ram Sewa Kendra have co-

ordinated second relief distribute program to Dalit community at panauti,

Kavre. Nearly, 2 hundred 50 families are benefited from this relief pro-

gram. We have distributed food materials and some normal medicine to

underprivileged families of Dalit community.

B. Mission to Guljung, Rasuwa

Mission Guljung was wishful and challenging pro-

gram for 4-H Nepal. Guljung is situated in border of

Chine and remote area of Rasuwa district. In the de-

velopment sector, Rsuwa is backward for economical,

Geographical and educational part. It's really hard to

get Guljung in difficult situation. But at last, 4-H Ne-

pal was succeed to arrive there with 8 ton relief mate-

rials with co-partner (local businessman).

In Guljung there are 3 Village development commit-

tee residencies of ethnic community people. Relief

materials distributed to 500 families. Specially, we

distributed Rice, Daal, cookies and tent and more. Lo-

cal government has been supported to us in this great


Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

C. 4-H Help to Tamang


Powerful aftershock on

12th May, 2015 Dolakha

was destructed heavily,

increased casualties rate

and almost houses schools

are damaged, as result

people became homeless.

Recently, 4-H Nepal move

on the Dolakha for distrib-

uted 50 tents to poor Ta-

mang community at Kata-

kuti VDC. Katakuti is

very remote area of

Dolakha. Ms. Asmita

Khadka coordinates this


D. Save the Kid from Mosquito

(Internal Displace People)

Major shocked 7.8 earthquake's annihilated

in 40 district of Nepal, therefore all survi-

vor come into camp and staying there. Day

by day number of people increased to live

at camp for temporarily shelter.

Due to density growth, trashes increased

and environment became polluted, there-

fore mosquitoes and other unhygienic in-

sect hampered the children health. So 4-H

Nepal provided 80 mosquito net, child-care

materials and drinking water tank to school

of Bimalkharka VDC, Syanja.

Page 4: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


3.Volunteer Mobilization

4-H Nepal has been mobilizing volunteers for earthquake immediate

relief support from the day after earthquake occurred in Nepal. The

main aim of 4-H Nepal is to support children, affected people, people of

disability and organizations where volunteers are needed. Fortunately,

we have more than 567 dynamic volunteers who are dedicatedly in the

support. 4-H Nepal has been signed in agreement with Ministry of

Youth and Sport (MOYS), Government of Nepal. MOYS provide us

Volunteer Identity Card and technical support. Ms. Asmita Khadka is

focal person for MOYS and she is leading volunteer mobilization in all

over the nation.

4-H Nepal has provided volunteer to Ministry of home and affairs for

technical support. We have provided 3 computer engineers for data en-

try of quake affected people under the government of Nepal. We have

mobilized these engineers in multiple sector of Nepal. One volunteer

worked at Ministry of Home and affairs, next one is Sindhuli district

and third one worked at Bhaktapur district.

Volunteering contribution Table

S.N. Description Number Remarks

1 Mobilize youth volun-


567 Total Number

2 Working days 56 After Earthquake

3 Working time in aver-


4 One day

4 Working hours 2,268 One Day

5 Working hours 1, 27,008 In total 56 days

6 volunteering invest-

ment convert into




Calculate 500 hun-

dred per day per


Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

4-H Nepal is pacing well to

establish in Nepal. In the

opening phase, it was really difficult to

bring in 4-H movement and its motto.

Government of Nepal took 3 months long

time for give permission to 4-H Nepal.

After registration process, we are trying

to design strategy, plan and program of 4

-H Nepal. But unfortunately on 25 April ,

2015, 7.8 magnitude earthquakes hit the

Nepal. The country faces the colossal

problem and immediately 4-H Nepal has

changed its strategy and focus on the

quake related program.

Throughout the 4 months utterly 4-H Ne-

pal focusing rescue, relief, construction

and quake awareness programs. After

quake shock our national team focused

rescue program in Kathmandu, Lalitpur

and Bhaktpur. Our volunteer team have

rescued injured people from the debris,

children from damaged houses and senior

citizens from the road.

4-H Nepal has partnering with Ministry of

Youth and Sport, Government of Nepal

mobilize youth volunteers in 12 affected

districts. We have signed in agreement to

mobilize 5 hundred 67 youth people on

behalf of 4-H Nepal. After agreement 4-H

Nepal has mobilized in different districts

for rescue, relief and awareness campaign

with relief materials distribute to quake

affected people in Kathmandu Valley and

other affected districts.

4-H Nepal has published first volume to

know about its activities and contribution

towards the nation. This official E-

Newsletter is our first attempt, there are

oversight that may be in progress, so we

are looking advice and suggestion from

global 4-Hers. We will appreciate your

feedback, and add in up-coming issues.


Page 5: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


4.Bridging with government and Stakeholder

During the difficult situation, 4-H Nepal has played vital role in coordination part. We have coordinated

with Government, private sector; NGOs, INGOs and other stake holder for provide relief to affected peo-

ple in the grass root.

We endow information to Government of Nepal and other stakeholder about earthquake survivor’s situa-

tion of minority community. Specially, we have coordinated in Rasuwa, Dolakha, Sindhuli Sidhupal-

chocke, Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktpur districts with local government, Nepal policy, Nepal Armey

and donor agencies. 4-H Nepal was succussed to coordinate between survivor and government of Nepal. It

has been going continuously for regular work.

Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

5. Sanitation Camp and Hygiene Program

4-H Volunteer team has participated in Hygiene and sanitation program for different camp and places to protect

from post quake disease. 4-H volunteer worked different camp like: Tudhikhel, Singhdarbar, Balaju, Narayanhiti

and Bagmati Riverside. During that time, our volunteer helps to disable, quake survivor and poor people to care


6. Socio -Psycho counselling (2 hundred 54 children are benefited )

4-H Nepal has been supporting to school children for normalize their daily activities such as studying, playing so

as care for them from earthquake fear and mental disturbance. 4-H Nepal designed this program for school chil-

dren. At the counselling time, we confer mental refreshes, positive learning attitude, and lesson learn, knowledge

about earthquake and mental therapy exercises. And we have shared the tips and idea for daily exercises.

4-H Nepal organized Socio-psycho-counselling program in Kathamdu at Hindu Bidhyapit school and Kavre .

Eastern philosopher Dr. Chinta Mani Yogi is main export of counsel program. He is famous for mental therapy in

Nepal, India and all over the world.

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Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

At initial phase 4 -H Nepal focused on

rescue and relief materials distribution pro-

gram. In the second stage, 4-H Nepal mo-

bilized 5 hundred 67 4-Hers for edifice the

temporary shelter, schools and heritage


4-Hers contributed their valuable time in

56 days. During the construction time,

they have focused various sector: school,

houses, toilet and communities. 80 4-H

volunteers have built 8 class rooms of Dur-

bar High School (first high school of Ne-

pal). 4-Hers team has also constructed 14

damaged houses in Sitapaila VDC, Kath-

mandu, And handover to house owner after


Several temples and cultural heritage site

are also damaged. After earth quake, Vol-

unteer team have managed debris and

cleanup program at Chagunarayan temple

with armed police forced. A huge team

have worked persistently till 4 days.

8. Construction of school and Building

Youth Ministry of Nepal has Distributed the Na-

tional Volunteer Identity card to 567 4-Hers 4-Her making temporary classroom in Darbar High school

Distributing Relief Materials in Rasuwa District, Nepal Army &

Nepal Police force have coordinated the program.

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Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

Regular Activities of 4-H Nepal

4-H Nepal has initiated the program from

remote district of Nepal, Sunkuda, Ba-

jhang. 4-h movement has running from

Chaitra, 11, 2071 BS. Its goal is to moti-

vate youth for their responsibilities in the

community. Mainly this movement has fo-

cused in agriculture irrigation program,

and correctly applying to irrigate system

on farming land. Which have applied in

villagers land. At that time, adult youth

participation maintained the movement,

and 75 villagers came to volunteered in

irrigation system. Eventually they made it

succeed. That movement has facilitate to

accessing the water resource for Sun-

kuda’s farmer. And they have learned that,

proper irrigation system grow the fertiliza-

tion land.

The irrigation program was supported by

Sunkuda V.D.C villagers. They were

eagerly excited to coordinate with 4-H

Nepal movement and community develop-

ment program. Due to the villagers

Coordination, 4H Nepal have achieved the

initial goal. Matter of fact, 4-H Nepal got

more encouragement to service in

indigenous people. After initial

Accomplishment, 4-H movement will be

spread in all over the Nepal continuously.

No cheating Campaign

This year, 4-H Nepal ‘No Cheating’ awareness program

was conducted one weak campaign in Bajhang district(23

-30 march, 2015).

4-H Nepal has coordinated with parents and local schools

for proscribe to the cheating system. And parents have

assisted to volunteer in every exam hall.

Tightly applied restriction and peaceful environment

made the 4-H Nepal mission succeed. Thus this year Ba-

jhang district’s SLC (School Living Certificate) exam rules

and regulations has became changed. This awareness

program give away beneficial to 1 hundred 65 SLC ap-

pear students.

I’M community

Page 8: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

Youth to Youth (Y2Y) sharing program

4-H Nepal has organized one day interaction program on 2 April 19,

2015 at Bright light academy, Kohalpur, Banke. Program was sup-

ported by Yekikrit Gramin Kendra (Rural Center of Unity). At that motiva-

tion and interaction program, teachers, parents, students and educa-

tional expertise were participated. Predominately, the program was fo-

cused on good nutrition, role of parents, teaching method and educa-

tional improvement.

Speakers and participator have discussed about these topics effec-

tively. President of 4-H Nepal, Mr. Lok Raj Awasthi communal his experi-

ence about America visit and effective ideas. And he has elucidate

about the 4-H mission, vision, and approach (BIDHI).

After clarification about 4-H movement, parents and students have

gained the knowledge from speakers and also gave feedback that

“such kind of program should be held on time to time”.

Bagmati Cleanliness


Nepal government has organized 100

weeks Bagmati cleanliness campaign,

which was initiated from 19 may 2013,

and celebrated on April 11, 2015 with

unified of human chain in 27 Kilome-

tre in Bagmati River. This campaign is

consecutive program of government of


4-H Nepal mobilized one hundred and

four 4-hers to celebrate the Bagmati

cleanliness campaign, coordination

with government of Nepal, Nepal po-

lice, Nepal Army, APF and other civil

society organizations. Bagmati cleanli-

ness campaign is ongoing program of

Government of Nepal, which has been

conducting in every Saturday a week. 4

-H Nepal is keeping participation to

mobilized volunteer in the cleanliness


Celebrate Democracy Day

The 4-H Nepal has celebrated Democracy day with (candle light) on Bisakh

11 (April 24, 2015) along with stakeholders, political parties, sister wings,

and civil society.

At the program, Speakers gave pressure to major political parties for the

sake of constitution building on time likewise, honourable Constitutional

Assembly member Badri Pandey, said that youth leader should give positive

pressure to build constitution on time.

Page 9: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

Brief Introduction of 4-H Nepal

4-H Nepal is a youth engrossed and youth lead national

organization of Nepal. 4-H Nepal, 2014 is hereby consti-

tuted to register under the Nepal Association Registra-

tion act 1977. It is non-governmental, nonprofit and

independent organization. 4-H Nepal is the first regis-

tered 4-H organization in South Asia. Nepal is leading 4-

H Campaign towards the India, Sir Lanka, Pakistan,

Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Afghanistan.

Participating in 4-H Nepal, young people prepare them-selves for economic and social success in adulthood. 4-H teaches young people about a wide array of subject matter. Learning through 4-H augments what is learned in the classroom and opens doors to career pathways. Life skills enable young people to function effectively in a complex world. The commitment to building life skills is articulated in the 4-H pledge.

4-H Nepal is assist to youth, and adults working with

those youth, to gain additional knowledge, life skills,

and attitudes that will further their development as self-

directing, contributing, and productive members of soci-

ety to make the best better Nepal .

Motto: To Make the Best Better

Objectives of 4-H Nepal

To promote 4-H culture implying young

people as agents of social change.

To establish the 4-H Club in all over the

country for implement 4-H model in com-

munity development and empower to

young people

To promote Positive Youth Development

and Youth Adult Partnership approach in

government agencies to ensure the youth

participation in community to national de-

velopment process

To promote the youth related awareness

programs for self-employment and self-

dependent in the community level on agri-

culture and economic area.

To make sure professional training and

live stock market for promote agriculture

To project extra curriculum for school

children with life skill, capacity building,

personality development and self-reliance


To conduct civic education for 16 to 24

age group youth to change young Nepal .

To promote national and international

youth exchange program for connect Youth

to Youth.

Core Values 4-H programs are based on the theory and

practice of positive youth development. Youth development provides opportunities for young people to experience mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity.

Experiential learning forms the basis of our “learn by doing” approach.

Youth voice and youth engagement are

critical to effective 4-H programming. 4-H believes that all young can be s success-ful and therefore provides access and op-portunity for all.

1. Youth development is the focus of everything we do and that 4-H allows individuals to unlock their potential through: Active involvement in self-determination of their learning activi-ties, Quality experiences that stimulate skills for living and life-long learning. 2. Partnerships are essential in successful youth develop-ment for: Resource development, Program innovation, Delivery capabilities, 3. Volunteerism is fundamental to: Delivering quality pro-grams, Developing adult educational capacity. 4. Diversity strengthens the ability of 4-H to: Develop positive values among program participants in today’s global society, De-velop and deliver quality educational experiences, and Provide opportunities for program involvement regardless of economic, social, culture, age, disability or gender.

4-H Nepal’s Values


Page 10: Nepal 4-h E-newsletter (尼泊爾四健電子月刊)


Volume-1, Issue-1, August, 2015 Quarterly Journal of 4-H Nepal

Tentative Yearly Activities of 4-H Nepal (2016-17)

Socio-Psycho- Counselling

Heavy struck earthquake harmed to mostly children, underprivileged and

aged group. More than 15 thousand children have lost their family and

many children are displaced. Due to this circumstances, they have a psy-

chological problem, so they ought to take motivational counselling class

in this situation. Socio-Psycho-Counselling is national-wide mass counsel-

ling and motivational campaign. This campaign will organize in remote

area’s, government school and back warded community. The expertise

will give earthquake related positive practical Knowledge, massage and

they will furnish out some practical Yoga and therapy. After this program

Children will carry out the knowledge and skills in their daily life.

4-H Scholarship and educational Support Program

Government of Nepal haven’t formulate effective plan for geographically

backward people. For the most part, Himalaya's remote area which is lo-

cated in China boarder, people are back-warded from infrastructure and

well-educational development. On the other hand, recently beat major

Shocks and aftershocks collapsed more than 6 million houses and almost

7 thousand schools has damaged. Hence, thousand of children's are di-

rectly affected by the earth-quake. They have lost their textbook, cloths

(school uniform) and they haven't money for day lunch, even parents too. ,

suppress community and gSimilarly, minority people, ethnic commu-

nityeographically back -Warded people have been facing same problem.

Consequently, 4-H Nepal has making plan for scholarship and educational

support program in inaccessible communities of Nepal.

Farming therapy

Farming therapy is new and innovative idea in Nepali context. This

program is prepared for youngster. People are anguish from pov-

erty, unemployment and illiteracy. Farmers are depending on tradi-

tional farming in the village, which isn't giving enough income for

daily livelihood. Government of Nepal doesn't make effective plan

in agriculture sector at rural areas, and unemployment ratio is

growing day by day. In the other hand Nepalese youngster have

negative conception about agriculture, thus farming therapy pro-

gram designed those young people, who are unemployed in the

community. In this program we will deliver positive massage about

agriculture and value of it. 4-H Nepal will promote l cluster farming

work. And in this project we will apply international knowledge,

skills and technology.

Youth to Youth (Y2Y)

Youth to youth program is focusing on to

share the experience, knowledge, expertise

and skill base training for youth to youth. This

program will conduct on the basis of sharing

and caring likewise, one youth to another

youth, one place to another place and na-

tional to international ideas will share. This

activity will build self- reliance, life skill, learn-

ing method and agriculture issue.

Development Dialogue Forum (D2F)

D2F is a common platform for youth, policy

maker, expert developer and donor agencies.

In this program, we will discuss about Nepal-

ese development model and its impact on

country making. Mainly program will empha-

size on kid development and plan, policy and

program of Nepal government. Community

development forum and National develop-

ment forum is primary program of 4-h Nepal.

Young Farmer Conference (YFC)

The (YFC) is a common national forum for

Nepali young farmer. It will be the first youth

farmer conference in Nepal. National plate

forum will give chance to youth farmer for cre-

ate the ideas in agriculture development. First

time in Nepal this program is going to conduct

from 4-H Nepal.YFC is a fundamental pro-

gram, policy and strategy shall be required for

that purpose. It is essential to advocate with

concerned authorities for that purpose. It

bring together with young farmer, govern-

ment, policy maker and investor to accumu-

late for review the policy, program and budg-


Volunteering Nepal

One of the most important programs of 4-H Nepal is promote volunteering and mobilize to young people in different sec-

tor. 4-H Nepal already mobilized 5 hundred 67 young volunteer in earthquake affected area. We are trying to build capa-

bility and trained them. After this rainy session we will mobilize our volunteer at school construction, teaching program

and other agriculture awareness program.