Preventive wellness massage using deep tissue techniques and concepts from myofascial release and sports massage Deep Tissue Without Breaking Yourself Panoramic Deep Tissue

Panoramic Deep Tissue Massage Techniques

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Preventive wellness massage using deep tissue techniques and concepts from myofascial release and

sports massage

Deep Tissue Without Breaking Yourself

Panoramic Deep Tissue

Panoramic Deep Tissue – 8 CE

All massage courses have one thing in common – they are all designed to SAVE THERAPIST’S HANDS while giving your clients a very therapeutic massage.

More doing than talking – theoretical concepts are taught in the course of learning routines that can be added to your menu of offerings right away

Small class sizes are a priority, and single day or half day classes allow better retention and integration of what you learn

NCBTMB Approved – Olympic Massage #307802-00

Intent: Massage Purposes

Helping the Body Resist Stressors on its Distributive Structure

Preventive Wellness from a Tensegrity Viewpoint

Use Tensional Reasoning and Assess As You Go

Photo Credit "Tensegrity Dome" by Bob Burkhardt - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Planning Session Timing

Orienting Yourself in a Maze of “Modalities”

Orthopedic MassageRussian Sports MassagePositional ReleaseMyoskeletal Alignment TechniquesMyofascial ReleaseCross FiberLolita Knight Fijian MassageMassage ToolsSoft Tissue ReleaseJoint Mobilization

Spectrum of Techniques

Flows Taught

Prone Lower Body Leg, Knee, Foot for the Runner/Cyclist

Sidelying Shoulder, Hip and Spine for General

HealthSupine Foot

for Challenged Arch StructuresSupine Upper Body

Shoulder, Arm, Hand for those with a Tendency to Wrist and Hand Complaints

Supine Neck and Head for General Health

Workshop Details

About Joan Cole

April 25, 2015Champaign, IL

Learn how you can get an additional 12 CE for only $75

Email [email protected] to sign up for this class

Joan Schraith Cole is one of the Olympic Massage instructors carrying on Lolita Knight’s teaching legacy, and is also certified as an Evidence Based QigongTM and Evidence Based TaijiTM Instructor by Grandmaster Yang Yang of the Center for Taiji Studies.