A short course in Market Research with Ray Poynter (English language) Lesson 1 Thursday, 3 July Introduction The context for market research Communicating results @RayPoynter [email protected]

Mr course module 01 (2)

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A short course in Market Research with Ray Poynter

(English language)

Lesson 1 Thursday, 3 July • Introduction • The context for market research • Communicating results

@RayPoynter [email protected]

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Announcements and schedule

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – The context for market research

Short break

Chapter 13 – Communicating results

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With Thanks To

Mr Shigeru (Shiggy) Kishikawa

Ms Tomoko Yoshida

Mr Masafumi Ushido


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Dates and Modules

Thu 3 July

Introduction The context for market research Communicating results

Tue 8 July Quantitative research Writing questionnaires

Thu 10 July Qualitative research Analysing qualitative data

Tue 15 July Major applications of research Mobile market research

Thu 17 July

Emerging research methods Communities Social media research

Tue 22 July

Fri 25 July?

How to analyse quantitative data Quantitative analysis techniques Pricing research

Thu 24 July

B2B (business to business) International research Political polling

Tue 29 July

Research ethics, Guidelines and laws Current areas of sensitivity Questions from new researchers

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The course – 8 lessons, each 2 hours

ESOMAR – Who is aware?

– Who is a member?

The book ‘Answers to .Contemporary Market Research Questions’

The team who produced the book

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The Project Team

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What is Market Research?

• Focus on the core not the boundaries.

• Help businesses or organisations make better decisions.

• By supplying them with information about people. – Typically customers, or potential customers

• Or, advice based on that information

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Marketing Research

For 99% of market researchers there is NO difference between

– Market research

– Marketing research

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Who are the Key players?

• Customers/stakeholders

• Internal clients

• Insight managers / client-side researchers

• Agencies / research vendors

• Fieldwork companies

• Interviewers

• Recruiters

• Data processing agencies

• Providers of reports and graphics

• Focus group facilities

• Platform providers

• Software providers

• Coding, transcription, & translation services

• Other

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Key Points of Client/Agency Tension

1. Reliability of the research

2. Speed / timing

3. Budget

4. Context

Key approach: Regular and transparent discussions

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Scoping/Designing Research Projects

1. Business objectives

2. Research objectives

3. Research methods

4. Details and logistics

5. The project

6. Analysis -> Findings -> Insight

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Lots of definitions

Some people use it for anything discovered

Some use it for anything the client says is an insight

My suggestion:

– Something that provides a generalizable understanding

– Something that supports action

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The Penny Farthing

Why was the wheel so big on the Penny Farthing?

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Penny Farthing – Finding the Insight

Standard wheel diameter 0.7m Penny farthing, 1.5m

Circumference = diameter * π Assume π = 3 Top speed of 100 rotations per minute 0.7 * 3 = 2.1m per revolution 100 revolutions per minute = 6,000 revolutions Which equates to just under 13 KM per hour (about 8mph) 1.5 * 3 = 4.5m per revolution Which equates to about 27 KM per hour (about 17mph)

Wheels go bigger to go faster, because the human was the limiting factor. When the link between leg speed and wheel rotation speed was broken (gears) The big wheel was removed.

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What is MR’s Relationship with Other Sources of Insight?

• Management consultants

• Business Intelligence

• Web analytics and SEO

• Customer feedback management

• Social media listening

• Big data

• Other

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Why do we have Codes and Ethics?

To maximise self-regulation

To help buyers tell the difference between good and bad research

To offer reassurance to potential respondents/participants

To guide researchers towards good practice

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The Quizes

• The quizzes are mostly to check the communication.

• If the communication has been clear

– Most students should score 100% or close to 100%.

• If people do not score 100%

– We will try to explain the material in a different way.

• Take Quiz 01, Part A (and then a short break)

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Part B

Any questions before we re-start?

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What are clients looking for from a presentation?

• Clients think suppliers are

– Good at conducting research

– Not so good at presenting the outcomes

• Separate the analysis from the presentation

• A story, not a waterfall

• Think like a journalist

• Engage the audience – be compelling

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What is action?

We want our research to result in action

• This can include: – Proceeding with confidence

– Proceeding with caution

– Changing direction

– Pausing the project for more information

– Cancelling the project

• Action means being used – It means NOT being ignored, NOT left of the shelf,

NOT being dismissed

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Keys to Success in Communication

• Link the results to the business needs

• Understand how the research will be used

– Once or ongoing?

– What are the deliverables?

• Find out who the audience are

– Find out what they like and what they don’t like

– Will it meet their needs

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4 Cs and an E

• Concise – as short and as clear as possible

• Clarity – let the story come through clearly

• Consistency – no conflicting messages

• Credibility – this is usually an MR strength

• Emotion – connect with the audience at an emotional level

– Humans are not thinking machines with emotions, we are emotional machines that can think

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Creating the Emotional Connection

The connection comes from you, not from showing numbers

Include information from the perspective of individual customers

Draw on information from other projects – Avoid silos

Include opinion – Include emotional words like love, hate, feel,

enjoy, reject

– Minimise words like mean, standard deviation, sub-groups etc

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Communication Methods

The standards – PowerPoint, Word, email

– You have to be good at all of these

Newer options – Dashboards

– Virtual meetings

– Video

Consider how the client will access it – By smartphone, with or without internet,

in what languages?

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The Structure of a Report

1. Start with a contents and executive summary

– So people can find what they want/need

2. Check the research objectives, state them, and show how you met them.

3. The methodology and sample section are for researchers, so write them so they are useful to researchers.

4. However, check if the client has a preferred (or compulsory) style for reports

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Designing a presentation

1. How long (in minutes) do you have?

2. What type of research is it (concept tests and segmentation studies differ)?

3. What type of message (good news is quicker)?

4. Is the presentation the main deliverable?

5. Formal presentation or workshop?

6. On screen or on paper?

7. Specific client requirements?

Pitching is different to a debrief

Is different to teaching!

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Do you speak the same language?

But, for me

Japan, China, France, Italy etc

More words.

Give people two chances to understand

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Tables, Graphs, Infographics



Deaths rate by watts produced From Seth Godin


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Tables, Graphs, Infographics

Images can be clearer

– But they contain less information

– You need to make the trade-off

Tables usually have too much information to be processed live

– But are good as a reference

Charts should be simple, conveying a message

Infographics need to be immediately useful

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Tips for Great Delivery

Know you material

Practice your presentation

Watch videos of yourself

Attend courses, read books watch TED videos

Seek to remove weaknesses

Communication is grounded in the visual

Use your voice to its full range

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More Tips

YOU are the presentation — The screen is there to help you

— Not to replace you

— Not to compete with you

Do NOT just read the slides

The entire presentation needs a narrative — And each slide should have its clear role in that


Engage individual members of the audience — They are not just watching TV, this is ‘LIVE!’

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And Then Quiz B

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Feedback for the next lessons?

• If you have feedback now, GREAT!

• Or,

– Email it to [email protected]