WebWriter® Website System An Inside Look At Demosphere’s Content Management System

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WebWriter® Website SystemAn Inside Look At Demosphere’s Content Management System

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Collaborate with Demosphere’s team of graphics experts to build a unique and professional design for your organization.

Discuss your expectations, preferences, and design vision with our Team to create the perfect finished product!

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Demosphere designs are all responsive on handheld devices!

Enjoy a beautifully designed website on-the-go with a mobile-friendly format that adjusts to all Apple® and Android® smartphones.

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Be as creative as you want with your site structure. Create and delete unlimited pages to your website to add depth.

Add Department Titles, set pages to Public or Protected views, and select Department Managers.

Site Map

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Page TemplatesEdit default templates within your system and customize your site’s

layout to look exactly the way you want it.

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Adding ContentThe WebWriter® System makes adding content to your website as simple as possible. Customize titles, photos, and content to create

nine different types of posts.

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Add and edit the content in each article the same way you would in an email or Word® Document.

Easily change article format, copy & paste, and insert images.

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Display your content as either a Full Article, only reveal the Article Summary with a link, or Link to the content.

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The publishing options within the system give administrators the ability to publish posts immediately, leave them as pending (for further review),

or have them display within a specified timeframe.

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Once published content items appear on the page, administrators can then move each item around using drag-and-drop functionality.

Changes appear instantaneously. There is no wait time for the changes to appear on the public site.

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Embed videos and social media feeds onto your site without any prior coding experience. Social media can be displayed as the entire real-

time feed or as a link.

Add ‘Raw’ Code

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Set whether to have that linked item open in the same Window/Tab or open separately in a new screen.

Add LinksLink to other websites, pages within your own website, or documents

(including PDF) and give each a custom title.

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The WebWriter® calendars work with a tagging system. Delegate which events you’d like to appear on each calendar by adding Tags.

The Girls Calendar might only include the “Girls” tag, but the Home Page calendar might want to display events from all of the individual calendars on the website, thus including ‘Girls,’ ‘Boys,’ and ‘Academy Boys’ tags.

Add Calendars

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Calendars can be displayed in the Wall Calendar format, a list of Upcoming Events, or as a link to the Full Calendar.

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Add unlimited calendars to your website.

Create events by clicking on a date on the calendar and customizing the length of time, description, and event tag to determine which calendar(s) the

event will appear on.

Administrators are able to import information from Google/iCal calendars.

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Build customized navigation bar items. Create links or drop down lists according to your organization’s layout requirements.

Add Navigation

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Add images, raw code, and/or articles to a content rotator to display multiple stories on your page.

Choose between three different rotator layout options.

Add Rotators

Set the exact amount of time each rotator story has on the screen, down to the exact second.

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Separate different sections on your website by creating Section Headers.

Add Section Headers

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Embed elements from Demosphere’s Tournament Management System and League Scheduling System, like team applications, club pages, and more

directly onto a page of your website.

Add Elements

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My Profile Information

WebWriter® is entirely web-based. Access the System through all popular browsers - Safari, Chrome, Firefox, just to name a few!

If your organization also uses Demosphere’s RosterPro® Registration System, both systems are conveniently located within one login and user interface.

WebWriter® users access the system by logging in with personalized login information, individual to each user.

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Delegate user permissions to different levels of access within the system.

Each administrator is given a certain level of access, whether it is limited-access, access to view, or access to manage. Each department can be

password-protected as well.

Create multiple levels of access for an unlimited number of users.

Department Managers

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Content ArchivesContent is archived within the system and can be republished at a later date.

Archived content is organized by the date it was created and the date it was archived. The user can also search for a specific piece of content.

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File UploadUpload files to your website, like images or PDF files, and share them

on your page as a link or as images in your content rotator/articles.

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All WebWriter® sites are designed with best practices in mind and come with built-in tools such as automatic sitemap.xml generation.

Demosphere also offers ongoing recommendations on how best to be found online.

Search Engine Optimization

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WebWriter® users have access to Google Analytics to help them effectively track the behaviors of website visitors.

Google Analytics

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For more information on the WebWriter® Website System contact Demosphere at [email protected]