Despre dezv˘ at , : Uneori strici ca s˘ a construies , ti azvan Deaconescu [email protected] InfoEducat , ie 2016 (G˘ al˘ aciuc, Vrancea) 5 august 2016 1 / 21

Despre dezvăț: Uneori strici ca să contruiești

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Despre dezvat, : Uneori strici ca sa construies, ti

Razvan [email protected]

InfoEducat, ie 2016 (Galaciuc, Vrancea)

5 august 2016

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In ce direct, ie merge autobuzul?


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Fizz Buzz Test


The Fizz-Buzz test is an interview question designed to help filter out the 99.5% ofprogramming job candidates who can’t seem to program their way out of a wet paperbag. The text of the programming assignment is as follows:

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of threeprint “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. Fornumbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.

I think Fizz-Buzz is “hard” for some programmers because (#1) it doesn’t fit into anyof the patterns that were given to them in school assignments, and (#2) it isn’tpossible to directly and simply represent the necessary tests, without duplication, injust about any commonly-used modern programming language.

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Experimentul cu maimut, ele


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It’s all about the money

I Es, ti manager.

I Ai nevoie ca echipa pe care o conduci sa vina cu solut, iicreative la o problema.

I Le spui ca le acorzi un bonus de 25% daca vin astfel de solut, ii.

Dan Pink: The Suprising Truth About What Motivates Us


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Cum ınvat, am?

I de la cei din jur

I din experient, a

I din societate

I din ce vedem, auzim, ascultam

I din ce citim

I de pe Internet

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Problema Internet-ului

I multa informat, ie

I informat, ia nu este filtrata

I ıt, i da solut, ia la problema, nu cum ajungi la ea

I Google/StackOverflow considered harmful

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.

Pablo Picasso

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Imperfect, iuni s, i inabilitat, i

I informat, ii incomplete

I obiceiuri ineficiente

I prejudecat, i

I egocentrism: eu s, tiu (mai bine), eu nu ma ıns, el (niciodata)

I autoritate inadecvata: It must be true, it’s on the Internet.

I presiune sociala: as, a e bine, as, a se ıntampla

I (poveste) despre strambat

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De ce se ıntampla?

I lene

I lipsa de rabdare

I necons, tientizarea alternativei

I influent, a mare a celor din jur

I absent, a gandirii critice

I bias-uri: confirmation bias

I instinctul de turma, ,,compliance”

I bula sociala

I http://www.throwcase.com/2014/12/21/


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Luke Skywalker: Too Old


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De ce e rau ca se ıntampla?

I ımpras, tii dezinformare, cultivi ignorant, a

I nu ıt, i atingi potent, ialul, te auto-limitezi

I te rigidizezi, nu te adaptezi, te ,,fosilizezi”

I lumea este ın mis, care rapida, e dinamica

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Cea mai buna ıntrebare. Cel mai bun raspuns.

stai ın banca tavs.

baga-te ın fat, a, da din coate

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is alsowhat it takes to sit down and listen.

Winston Churchill

Cea mai buna ıntrebare: De ce?Cel mai bun raspuns: Depinde

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Despre dezvat,

I renunt, at la obiceiuri, comportamente, ganduri, moduri deabordare

I alterat obiceiuri, comportamente, ganduri, moduri de abordare

I stricat s, i construit

I Pink Floyd: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The Wall

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Exemple s, i discut, ie


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Pas, i pentru dezvat,

1. cons, tientizare

2. gasit solut, ie

3. efort (really really really hard)

4. reconstruire

5. ment, inut flexibilitate

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Cum cons, tientizam?I introspect, ieI ,,citim” ın jur

I primirea feedback-ului: Denial, Anger, Withdrawal,Acceptance

I ofera, primes, te, cere, foloses, te, ia-o de la capat

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Cum construim?

I acceptarea imperfect, iunilor

I puterea de a spune nu s, tiu

I puterea de a nu te baga ın ce nu t, ine de tine

I conservarea timpului, atent, iei s, i energiei

I filtarea exteriorului

Nu vorbi fara sa s, tiiNu hali mereu ce auzi de la alt, ii,

Nu te da ce nu pot, i sa fiiSunt vorbe de c***t, le-aud ın fiecare zi

La Familia feat. Uzzi: Vorbe

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I Gandit, i-va la probleme, nu doar la solut, ii.

I Facet, i jocuri de logica, gandire laterala.

I Calatorit, i s, i stat, i printre oameni.

I Interact, ionat, i cu oameni diferit, i.

I Jocuri de logica s, i gandire laterala.I Facet, i puzzle-uri.

I Enigma: https://www.puzzlemaster.ca/browse/wire/308-cast-enigma-metal

My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Roberthas his warhammer and I have my mind. . . and a mind needs

books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge. That’swhy I read so much, Jon Snow.

Tyrion Lannister

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Recomandari (2)

I Folosit, i mai multe limbaje de programare. Conteaza problema,nu limbajul.

I Invat, at, i programare funct, ionala.

I Folosit, i Linux.

I Facet, i lucrurile s, i altfel.

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Recomandari (3)

I Meditat, i, analizat, i-va.

I Explorat, i-va.

I Simt, it, i. Folosit, i-va emot, iile.

I Ceret, i feedback. Acceptat, i feedback.

I Bucurat, i-va!

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In loc de final


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