反反反反反 Anti-Decompiler

July 2015 Android Taipei - Anti-Decompiler by SUKI

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Page 1: July 2015 Android Taipei - Anti-Decompiler by SUKI

反 逆 向 工 程A n t i - D e c o m p i l e r

Page 2: July 2015 Android Taipei - Anti-Decompiler by SUKI

黃 思 齊 Suki Huang H O L I E S T A R S T U D I O

VoiceTube – Android Engineer

NUTC – Information Management

Gogolook – Android Intern

Microsoft Student Partner

Page 3: July 2015 Android Taipei - Anti-Decompiler by SUKI

[ _____________ ] 專業版 去廣告破解下載

[ _____________ ] 無廣告 金錢道具無限破解版下載

Page 4: July 2015 Android Taipei - Anti-Decompiler by SUKI

從前從前有支 APP 進入大陸地區後


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Manifest 修改權限抽換廣告

無廣告版本 公開原始碼

Server API 安全性

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你的 APK 安全嗎 ?

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程式碼廣告 ID

分析平台 ID

Server API 接口驗證碼

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基礎保護混淆 (Proguard)

底層 (NDK)


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Package Name



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混淆P r o g u a r d

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public class MyClass { private boolean isRain=false; private int typhoonLevel=5; private int priceVegetable=10;

private String getAction(){ if(isRain && typhoonLevel>=5){ priceVegetable++; String action="Go white water rafting"; return action; } }}

Before Proguard

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After Proguard

public class a { private boolean a=false; private int b=5; private int c=10;

private String a(){ if(a && b>=5){ c++; String d="Go white water rafting"; return d; } }}

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Class Name



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buildTypes {

release { //minifyEnabled false minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile

('proguard-android.txt'),'proguard-rules.pro' }


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優 化混 淆壓 縮

P r o g u a r d

C r a s h

try { //May throw exceptions} catch (Exception e) { //Report crash info to ……}

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底層(Native Development Kit, NDK)

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After Proguard

public class a { private boolean a=false; private int b=5; private int c=10;

private String a(){ if(a && b>=5){ c++; String d="Go white water rafting"; return d; } }}

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Android NDK

The Android NDK is a toolset that lets you implement

parts of your app using native-code languages such as C

and C++. For certain types of apps, this can help you

reuse existing code libraries written in those


public class MyActivity extends Activity {  /**  * Native method implemented in C/C++  */  public native void computeFoo();}

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public class NativeMethod { static { System.loadLibrary("HelloWorld"); } public native static String getkey();}

JNIEXPORT jstring Java_com_test_constants_NativeMethod_getKey(JNIEnv* env,jobject obj) { return env->NewStringUTF("ABCD");}



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Ke y S t o r e

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if(isKeyStorePassed(context)){ return env->NewStringUTF("ABCD");}else{ return env->NewStringUTF("-----")}

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A n d r o i d T a i p e i

65 110 100 114 111 105 100 84 97 105 112 101 105

66 111 101 115 112 106 101 85 98 106 113 102 106

B o e s p j e U b j q f j

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public class NativeMethod { static { System.loadLibrary("HelloWorld"); } public native static String getKey();


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public class NativMethod { static { System.loadLibrary("HelloWorld"); } public native static String a(); public static String getKey(){ return a(); }}

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After Proguard

public class a { private boolean a=false; private int b=5; private int c=10;

private String a(){ if(a && b>=5){ c++; String d=NativeMethod.a(); return d; } }}

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沒 有 絕 對 防 禦

只 有 增 加 破 解 成 本

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Thanks for your attention

反 逆 向 工 程