Learning Go for Perl Programmers Fred Moyer SF Perl Mongers, 06082016

Learning go for perl programmers

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Page 1: Learning go for perl programmers

Learning Go for Perl Programmers

Fred MoyerSF Perl Mongers, 06082016

Page 2: Learning go for perl programmers

The Go Programming LanguageDeveloped at Google circa 2007

Goroutines (threads)

Channels (queues)

One way to format code (gofmt)

Page 3: Learning go for perl programmers

Hello SF.pm!package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

fmt.Println("Hello, サンフランシスコのPerlモンガー")


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Hash || Object => Structtype Person struct {

id int // lowercase fields are not exported

email string // note no commas after variable type

Name string

HeightCentimeters float32 // camelCase convention

IsAlive bool // true or false, defaults to false


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Hash || Object => Structvar famousActor = Person{

id: 1,

email: "[email protected]",

Name: "Jeff Goldblum", // no single quotes

HeightCentimeters: 193.5,

IsAlive: true,


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Hash || Object => Struct// we all knew this day would come

// perhaps in Independence Day: Resurgence?

// use the dot notation to make it happen

famousActor.IsAlive = false

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Array => Slicevar tallActors []string

tallActors = append(tallActors, “Dolph Lundgren”)

tallActors[0] = “Richard Kiel”

tallActors[1] = “Chevy Chase” // error: index out of range

tallActors = append(tallActors, “Vince Vaughn”)

tallActorsCopy := make([]string, len(tallActors))

copy(tallActorsCopy, tallActors)

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Array => Array// not used nearly as much as slices

var tenIntegers [10]int

fiveIntegers := [5]int{1,2,3,4,5}

lastThreeIntegers := fiveIntegers[2:] // outputs 3,4,5

firstTwoIntegers := fiveIntegers[:2] // outputs 1,2

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Hash => Mapcountries := make(map[string]int)

countries[“Canada”] = 1

countries[“US”] = 2

canadaId = countries[“Canada”] // 1

delete(countries, “US”)

countries := map[string]int{“Canada”: 1, “US”: 2}

countryId, exists := countries[“Atlantis”] // exists == nil

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Loopsfor i:= 0; i < 10; i++ {

fmt.Printf(“We’re going to 11”, i+1)


for i, actor := range []string{“Van Dam”, “Liam Neeson”} {

fmt.Printf(“#%d is %v”, i, actor) // %v default format


for _, actor := ... // _ ignores the loop iterator value

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$@ => errbytesRead, err := w.Write([]byte{“data written to client”})

if err != nil {

log.WithField("err", err).Error("write to client failed")


var err error // built in error type

err.Error() // format error as a string

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use => importimport (






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sub foo => func foo (bar string, boo int)func httpEndpoint(world string) http.Handler {

return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

bytesRead, _ := w.Write([]byte(

fmt.Sprintf(“Hello %v!”, world)))




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t/test.t => main_test.gomain.go # file containing your code, ‘go run main.go’

main_test.go # unit test for main.go

go test # runs main_test.go, executes all tests

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {

// do some stuff

if err != nil { t.Errorf("test failed %v", err) }


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perldoc => godoc$ godoc fmt

use 'godoc cmd/fmt' for documentation on the fmt command


package fmt

import "fmt"


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perldoc => godoc$ godoc fmt Sprintf

use 'godoc cmd/fmt' for documentation on the fmt command

func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string

Sprintf formats according to a format specifier and returns the

resulting string.

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CPAN => https://golang.org/pkg/

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cpanminus => go getgo get github.com/quipo/statsd

$ ls gocode/src/github.com/quipo/statsd/

LICENSE bufferedclient_test.go event

README.md client.go interface.go

bufferedclient.go client_test.go noopclient.go

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$ ls gocode/

bin pkg src

$ ls gocode/src/

github.com glenda golang.org

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? => go build$ pwd


$ ls

main.go main_test.go

$ go build; ls

main.go main_test.go myapp

./myapp # binary executable you can relocate to same arch

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queues => channelsc := make(chan string) // queue for string data type

hello := “Hello SF.pm”

c <- hello

// ...

fmt.Println(<-c) // prints “Hello.SF.pm”

bufferedChannel := make(chan string, 2) // buffers 2 strings

// channels are first class citizens of Go

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threads => goroutineshello := “Hello SF.pm”

go myFunc(hello)

func myFunc(myString string) {



// spawns an asynchronous thread which executes a function

// goroutines are first class citizens of Go

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Tour of Golang web placeshttps://golang.org/




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