步步 步 一一 Step By Step 神神 神神神神 Oh God, You are my God 神神神神神神神 And I will ever praise You ( 神神 Repeat) “Step By Step” words and music by David (Beaker) Strasser © 1991 BMG Songs, Inc.. CCLI License # 160664

Worship0115 ws

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一步一步 Step By Step

神啊 祢是我神Oh God, You are my God

我要常常讚美祢And I will ever praise You

( 重複 Repeat)“Step By Step” words and music by David (Beaker) Strasser

© 1991 BMG Songs, Inc.. CCLI License # 160664

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* 早晨我要來尋求祢I will seek You in the morning

學習行走在祢正道And I will learn to walk in Your ways

“Step By Step” words and music by David (Beaker) Strasser© 1991 BMG Songs, Inc.. CCLI License # 160664

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一步一步引導我And Step by step You'll lead me

一生年日我必緊緊跟隨祢And I will follow You all of my days

“Step By Step” words and music by David (Beaker) Strasser© 1991 BMG Songs, Inc.. CCLI License # 160664

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避難所 Hiding Place

1. 我在隱密處遇見祢I find You in the secret place

我在高山上敬拜祢I find You on the mountain

我在晨光中得見祢 我的主I find You in the early hours of my day

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2. 在等候之中經歷祢I find You when I’m waiting

在祢話語中認識祢I find You when I’m in Your Word

在禱告之中聽見祢 我神我的主I find You when I’m talking to You when I pray

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* 我願一生 永跟隨Create in me a clean heart

願祢來更新我靈As I come away with You

“Hiding Place” words and music by Ryan Smith and Jeff Crabtree© 2005 Christian City Worships. CCLI License # 160664

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洗淨我 一切污穢Wash away all of my stains

使我得永恆喜樂 在基督裡And restore to me the joy I have in You

“Hiding Place” words and music by Ryan Smith and Jeff Crabtree© 2005 Christian City Worships. CCLI License # 160664

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** 祢是我救主 祢是我避難所You are my hiding,

You are my hiding place

“Hiding Place” words and music by Ryan Smith and Jeff Crabtree© 2005 Christian City Worships. CCLI License # 160664

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求祢充滿我 Fall

我全心敬拜祢我主I love to worship You, my God

我全心敬拜祢耶穌I love to worship You, my Lord

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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我願能看見聖靈運行And see Your Spirit fall in power

奇妙恩賜因祢愛降臨Your love unfolding gifts from heaven

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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我全心敬拜祢我主I love to worship You, my God

我全心敬拜祢耶穌 I love to worship You, my Lord

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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我願感受祢榮耀同在And feel Your precious breath of heaven

毫無保留的愛Your all consuming love

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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* 求主聖靈大能降臨 改變我Holy Spirit come in power

Change my heart

我願全心為祢而活I want to live for You, my God

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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求主聖靈大能降臨 更新我Let Your Spirit come in power

Change my life

我願一生為祢而活That I may live for You my Lord

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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求祢充滿我 Fall on us Lord

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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** 我全心渴慕 祢大能運行So I yearn for You, long to see You move

主我高舉雙手全心呼求祢O, I lift my hands before my King and pray

“Fall” words and music by Rebecca Mesiti© 2001 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 160664

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聖火降臨 聖火降臨Fire fall down, fire fall down

我們呼求On us, we pray

( 重複 Repeat)

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我的心 為祢 燃燒And my heart, burns, for You

( 重複 Repeat)

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對祢忠心 Found Faithful

1. 決意奔跑這路 我要堅定相信I want to run the race

I want to keep the faith

讓我得獎賞 就是要認識祢Help me win the prize

Of the knowledge of You

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* 我要對祢忠心 我要為祢堅定I wanna be found faithfulI wanna be found steady

我要對祢忠心 直到最後I wanna be found faithful, until the end

“Found Faithful” words and music by Justin Rizzo and Misty Edwards© 2006 Forerunner Worship. CCLI License # 160664

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2. 與祢相見那天 讓我不致羞愧Don’t want to be ashamedThe day I see Your face

堅定我腳步 恩典中擁抱我Keep my footsteps firmHold me in Your grace

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* 我要對祢忠心 我要為祢堅定I wanna be found faithfulI wanna be found steady

我要對祢忠心 直到最後I wanna be found faithful, until the end

“Found Faithful” words and music by Justin Rizzo and Misty Edwards© 2006 Forerunner Worship. CCLI License # 160664

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** 我願活在祢目光中I want to live before Your eyes

我願停留在祢面前I want to stay before Your gaze

求讓我堅定 (我這一生)Just keep my steady here (for all my days)