인인인인 , 인인인인 인인인 인인인 Dec 26, 2016 인인인 / Seoul National University

인공지능, 기계학습 그리고 딥러닝

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, Dec 26, 2016 / Seoul National University

? ? ?Convolutional Neural Network CNN(ILSVRC winners)Tensorflow CNN CNN


Unsupervised LearningReinforcement LearningRNN


Nicolaus Copernicus(1473-1543)




? ?


1, 2, 3, 4 Steam EngineElectricity, AutomobilePC, InternetArtificial Intelligence



, , Credit : Nvidia blog


(Artificial Intelligence)1956 From Wikipedia:Artificial intelligence(AI) isintelligenceexhibited bymachines. Incomputer science, an ideal "intelligent" machine is a flexiblerational agentthat perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal

AI Translation: (AI) . .




, . .






Credit : MBC


(Machine Learning)(Machine Learning)Machine learningis the subfield ofcomputer sciencethat "gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed " .

ComputerinputsprogramoutputsComputerinputsoutputsprogram programming program !


Quiz ?3 x + 2 x = 11 x + 4 x = -35 x + 5 x = 08 x + 3 x = 5 = 1, = -1

(3, 2), (1, 4), (5, 5), (8, 3) input data, 1, -3, 0, 5 label weight weight


Supervised Learning()Input labels (classification), (regression)Unsupervised Learning()Input (clustering), (compression)Reinforcement Learning()Label reward Action selection, policy learning


Reinforcement Learning





Perceptron(Artificial Neural Network)

sigmoid activation function


Example of ANN(logical AND)


weight (-30, 20, 20) !


(Regression) ()() (km) 1 ()


data ) x 2 + x 0.3 + x (-1) + x 0.1 = ()


data ,,, . x + x + x + x = ()? ,,, random ()2 ,,, 1 , ( )2 = 287.524

,,, ()2 0 ,


Multi Layer Perceptron(MLP)

? (regression) input (classification) perceptron Linear fitting Non-linear transform


(Deep Learning)

(Deep Learning) deep neural network Hidden layer = 2 deep network

weight ??


Back Propagation

gradient descent


Vanishing gradient problemOverfitting problemGet stuck in local minima


Vanishing Gradient ProblemGradient Sigmoid ( : ) layer


Overfitting ProblemData data , data(test data)


Local Minima local minima


?Vanishing gradient problem Sigmoid ReLU Overfitting problem Regularization method ( : dropout)Get stuck in local minima Local minima


ReLU : Rectified Linear UnitReLU activation function sparse activationReLU 0 1 vanishing gradient


ReLU Piece-wise linear tiling : locally linear mapping


Dropout(Regularization Method) , ( : 50%) random hidden layer unit Ensemble model model model


Local Minima minimum gradient DNN local minima saddle point local minima global minimum (neural network )

saddle point



Convolutional Neural Network convolution layer, pooling layer, fully-connected layer Parameter(weight) sharingConvolution pooling layer feature fully-connected layer class Picture Credit : The Data Science blog



tile , network tile feature (: )Newtork tile feature ( weight ) feature(: ) network tile network feature





=convolutionfilterfeature mapInput or feature mapfilterfeature mapInput or feature map

Convolution : 1x1 + 1x0 + 1x1 + 0x0 + 1x1 + 1x0 + 0x1 + 0x0 + 1x1 = 4Filter



Credit : Leonardos gitbook


Feature Extractor

Credit : Adit Deshpandes blog


Feature Extractor

Credit : Adit Deshpandes blog


Convolution(Multi Channel, Many Filters)111101111000011011100110001101011000011000111111001110001110001110011001100-10001000-10-10-11-10-10101010101-10-101000-10-10-1100-101010-101011-110-1-1310301-202023

=convolutionInput channel : 3Output channel : 2# of filters : 2


Convolution(Multi Channel, Many Filters)111101111000011011100110001101011000011000111111001110001110001110011001100-10001000-10-10-11-10-10101010101301-2020231-110-1-1310-10-1010-10-1010-1-100101010-10101Input channel : 3Output channel : 2# of filters : 2convolutionconvolutionconvolutionconvolutionconvolutionconvolution


Visualization of a Convolution Layer

Picture Credit : fundamentals of deep learning by Nikhil






Pooling LayerMax pooling


2x2 Max Pooling with Stride=130100202310100031032231131max poolingmax pooling


Fully-Connected Layer322311313223113121softmax0.80.2CatDog


Convolutional Neural Network layer , , feature , layer feature


Large Scale Image ClassificationImageNetOver 15ImageNetOver 15 million labeled high-resolution imagesRoughly 22,000 categoriesCollected from the webLabeled by human labelers using Amazons Mechanical Turk crowd-sourcing toolImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)Uses a subset of ImageNet1,000 categories1.2 million training images50,000 validation images150,000 test imagesReport two error rates:Top-1 and top-5


ImageNet Classification Results

Krizhevsky et al. 16.4% error(top-5)Next best (non-convnet) 26.2% error

All rankers use deep learning(Convnet)

Revolution of Depth!AlexNet


AlexNet(2012 winner)7 hidden layers, 650,000 neurons, 60M parameters2 GPU 1

ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks


AlexNet Result

ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks


GoogLeNet(2014 winner)Inception modul 1x1 convolution channel Fully connected layer global average pooling 5M parameters, 1.5B operations/evaluation

Inception moduleGoing Deeper With Convolutions


VGG(2nd place in 2014)3x3 filter Why??Convolution filter stack receptive field 2 3x3 filter = 5x5 filter3 3x3 filter = 7x7 filterParameter filter regularization

Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition


Inception-v3Factorization of filters

Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision


Residual Net(2015 winner)Revolution of DepthDeep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


ResNetLayer ?

56 layer 20 layer training error

Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


ResNet deep model training error Shallow model parameter deeper model copyExtra layers identity function Deep model optimization (identity )

A shallower model(18 layers)A deeper model(34 layers) Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


Deep Residual LearningIdentity layer ,

Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


ResNet ResultImageNet experiments

Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition


Inception-ResNetInception + ResNet

Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning


ILSVRC 2016 Result


Tensorflow TensorflowGoogle , 2015 11 open source frameworkPython, computational graph (theano )CPU, GPU, multi-GPU https://tensorflow.org


Tensorflow : variable, placeholder a = tf.placeholder(float) , : network y = tf.mul(a, b)Insert coin : session sess = tf.Session() : network sess.run(y, feed_dict={a: 3, b: 3}


Global Average PoolingClass Activation MapGlobal average pooling , parameter (CNN parameter fc layer )Class activation map , class , class

Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization


Fully Connected Layer322311313223113121softmax0.80.2CatDog


Global Average Pooling




PPMI Datasethttp://ai.stanford.edu/~bangpeng/ppmi.html




SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector



Learning Deconvolution Network for Semantic Segmentation


Super Resolution

Deeply-Recursive Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution


Texture Synthesis

Texture Synthesis Using Convolutional Neural Networks


Artistic Style Transfer

Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks


Image Captioning


Visual QnA

Q: What is the boy holding?DPPnet:surfboardDPPnet:bat

Q: What is the animal doing?DPPnet:resting (relaxing)DPPnet:swimming (fishing)Image Question Answering using Convolutional Neural Network with Dynamic Parameter Prediction


Generative Adversarial Network

StackGAN: Text to Photo-realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks


Autonomous Driving


Summary & Conclusion , () () , network data


, ? ? 1 20x20 ? data , ? ,


QnAThank You

[email protected]
