现现现现现现现现现 Ff Diagnosis & Maintenance 叶叶叶 叶叶叶叶叶叶叶叶叶 YeYingmin Leader Engineer Shanghai Secco Place Company Logo Here

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Mr. Ye YingMin, Manager of the Maintenance Department at Shanghai SECCO discusses the benefits achieved with FOUNDATION fieldbus with regards to the diagnostic capabilities and the ability to implement proactive maintenance.

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现场总线诊断与维护Ff Diagnosis & Maintenance

叶迎民上海赛科主任工程师YeYingminLeader EngineerShanghai Secco

Place Company

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前言 Preface

我们如何让现场总线诊断和维护变得更加容易?How can we make Ff diagnosis and maintenance

easier ? 这个演示目的是从用户的体验和实践出发,探讨现场总线的诊断和维

护应用的范围,以及如何有效地开展现场总线诊断和维护工作。 This presentation is from the point of view of the user experience and practice, to explore the application scope of fieldbus diagnosis and maintenance, and how to eFfectively carry out the fieldbus diagnosis and maintenance

现场总线诊断和维护涉及的因素广,关联性强,演示的出发点是与大家共同探索如何将问题简单化,以适应更广泛的应用。 Fieldbus diagnosis and maintenance factors involved in a wide range, strong relevance, the speech is the starting point to jointly explore in the face of various problems with you, how to simplify problems, in order to adapt to the more extensive application.

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内容 Content

Ff 诊断和维护的范畴Scope of Ff diagnosis and maintenance

Ff 诊断和维护的方法Method of Ff diagnosis and maintenance

− 典型方法和案例分享 The typical methods and case sharing− 诊断数据记录与分析 Recording and analyzing data diagnosis− 报警管理及状态监测 Alarm management and monitoring

Ff 诊断和维护的价值The value of Ff diagnosis and maintenance

Ff 诊断和维护的体会Experience of Ff diagnosis and maintenance

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Secco 简介及其 Ff 应用Introduction and Ff Application in Secco

Center Control Room


Ff Segment : 2475

Ff Devices : 11637

Outstation : 17

Unit: ( ktpa )

实践证明, Ff 大规模应用的可靠性是可以保证的,并且可以为用户带来价值。 Practice has proved, the reliability of Ff large-scale application can be guaranteed, and can bring value to the user.

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Ff 故障类型 / 诊断范围Ff Fault Type / Diagnosis Scope

故障源Fault Source

诊断范围diagnosis scope

故障表现 Fault performance

诊断途径Diagnostic methods

物理层缺陷(包括潜在的缺陷) The physical layer defects (including latent defect)

现场总线网段(主干网、分支电缆、接线箱、终端保护器、电源) Fieldbus segment (backbone, branch cables, junction box, terminal protector, power)

设备丢失 / 通信报警 The device is lost / communication alarm

网段物理参数测量 / 物理层指标监测 Segment physical parameter measurement / physical layer monitoring index(ADM)

设备缺陷 ( 元件、传感器、阀门 )defective equipment (electronic components, sensors, valve)

现场总线设备(变送器、阀门定位器、转换器、指示仪) Fieldbus devices (transmitter, valve positioner, converter, indicator )

测量 / 控制异常Measurement / control abnormal

设备报警管理及诊断软件Equipment alarm management and diagnosis software(AMS and SnapON)

软件组态缺陷(包括兼容性) Software configuration defects( including compatibility)

现场总线软体(数据包、功能块) Fieldbus software ( data packet, function block )

状态异常 / 失控he abnormal state / out of control

H1 主机通信监测; BUS 通信数据监测; FDS 检查 H1 host/Bus communication monitoring; monitoring; functional design specification examination

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Ff/HART 故障表现及区别DiFferences between Ff and HART

Alarm / fault rate ( based on unit )

Alarm type contrast ( based on equipment )

1. 现场总线具有相当程度的“容错性”,故障具有“潜伏性”; Fieldbus has a considerable degree of " tolerance ", " potential ";

2. 现场总线设备共用一个网段,故障源和故障发生点有时分离,具有“交叉性”; Fieldbus devices share a segment, the fault source and fault point sometimes separate with the "cross ";

3. 现场总线通信可能受到干扰,间歇性的干扰使得故障表现出一种“随机性”; Fieldbus communication may be subject to interference, intermittent interference makes the fault to show a " random ";

1. Ff 仪表诊断报警的类型数量多于HART ,报警检测是基于宏周期的, HART 一般是轮询的。 Ff instrument diagnostic alarm type more than the number of HART, and the Ff alarm detection is based on the macro cycle, HART alarm detection is generally polling.

2. 通信报警不同。 DiFference communication s and alarms.

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Ff 故障原因分类 Classification of Ff Failure Causes

除了仪表的本体以外,常见的是接线、进水问题。 except the instrument body, common wiring, water problems.

对故障原因的分类统计有利于预防性维护措施的制定。 Classification and statistics on the fault reason is conducive to the development of preventive maintenance measures

根据故障多发的情况,采取相应的改进措施。 According to the multiple fault situations, take corresponding measures.

Note: (比例仅供参考 Proportion is for reference only )

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Ff 故障影响及操作处理 Deal with Ff Failures

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现场总线网段诊断及故障源排除Ff Segment Failure Diagnosis and Exclusion

在接线柜采集数据。一般情况下,数据集中采集可以安排在停车机会之前进行。 Not for the deployment of online diagnosis system of the factory, in the cabinets of data collection. In general, data collection can be arranged in the parking opportunity before.

对数据进行整理,选择需要排查的对象。连接待检查网段,在现场接线箱处,采用排除法(依次断开分支,观察指标是否恢复),进行故障源的定位。 To organize the data, select the object needs investigation. Connection to network, in the junction box, exclusive method ( disconnect the branch, observed whether recovery), location of fault source.

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现场总线诊断典型案例Typical Cases of Fieldbus Diagnosis

Water penetration Electrical interference

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现场总线诊断数据关联分析 Fieldbus Diagnostics Data Correlation Analysis

诊断数据分布特征 - 复合型 Physical layer parameters exceed distribution characteristics – composite——一般情况下,幅值和不平衡超标比较突出。其中,应主要关注不平衡因素。不平衡降低了网段的抗干扰能力,应特别关注。 In general, amplitude level and unbalance exceed the standard more prominent. Among them, should be the main concern imbalance factor. Unbalanced lower segment of the anti-interference ability, we should pay special attention to.“ 设备类型 + 物理层指标”合并分析

“ Type of equipment + physical layer index” combined analysis——应注意到设备本体作为网段的一个组成部分,在正常的情况下,对网段的性能也会造成的叠加的影响。 Attention should be paid to the body of the device as part of a segment, under normal circumstances, the impact on performance of the segment will also cause the stack.

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现场总线诊断数据分布分析Fieldbus Diagnostics Data Distribute Analysis

信号畸变分布数据分析Distributed data analysis of signal distortion

信号幅值分布数据分析Distributed data analysis of signal level amplitude

不平衡分布数据分析Data analysis of Unbalance distribution

噪音分布数据分析Data analysis of Noise distribution

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现场总线网段诊断数据记录表Fieldbus Segment Diagnostic Data Record

记录表应有辅助的信息。包括 DCS 端口、接线箱、接线柜端子、设备厂家型号。由于网段配置是动态的,可编制程序从 INtools 和 AMS 的数据库中自动扫描生成。 Records should be auxiliary information. Includes a DCS port, junction boxes, cabinets, equipment manufacturers type terminal. Because the network configuration is dynamic, can be programmed from INtools and AMS database automatic scanning.

+ 企业根据自己的实践,制定合理的诊断参考指标。 Enterprises according to their own practice, formulate reasonable diagnostic reference index.注意在正常工作状态下的“背景”噪声 / 电平。 Note that in the normal working state under the " background “ noise / level.尽可能消除不平衡,提高网段抗干扰和免疫能力。 To eliminate the unbalanced as far as possible, to improve the anti-interference ability and immune network.

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DCS Ff 诊断参数 (DeltaV) DCS Ff Diagnostic Parameters (DeltaV)

DCS 诊断参数 ( 关键项 ) 统计表 DCS diagnosis parameter (key) statistics

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现场总线数据链路 / 报文诊断NI-FBUSTM Fieldbus Data Link/Message Diagnosis

BUS-Monitor 案例 -雷达指示仪电缆BUS-Monitor case - radar indicator cable

BUS-Monitor 案例 -Host H1卡故障BUS-Monitor case -Host H1 card failure

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现场总线现场维护检查的内容 Fieldbus Site Maintenance Examination Items

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AMS Ff 报警管理 -“ 报警周报” AMS Ff Alarm Management- Weekly Report

开发报警统计报表。对仪表报警进行监测和统计;从报警区域、报警类型、事件种类、设备型号、报警频率等不同维度观察仪表报警的分布。发现和解决主要问题。 The development of alarming statistics. The instrument alarm monitoring and statistics; From the alarm, alarm types, regional event categories, types of equipment, alarm frequency diFferent dimensions of observation instrument alarm distribution. To discover and solve problems.

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AMS Ff 设备管理 -“ 网段树” AMS Ff device management-Segment Tree

AMS 数据库按网段的拓扑构建树形结构,并与 DCS 的Port口同步更新。由于 Ff 通信故障 具有“关联性和交叉性”,采用“网段树”进行报警管理有利于故障分析、定位。 Build AMS database tree structure according to the network topology, and synchronize with DCS Port. Since the Ff communication fault "relevant and cross", the " segment tree " alarm management is beneficial to the fault location analysis.

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AMS Ff 通信故障管理 -“ 报警排行” AMS Ff Fault Management – Alarm Ranking

以 DCS Port口( TRUNK/JB )为集合单位,进行 Ff 通信报警的测量和排序。优先检查报警排行在前的网段存在的问题。 DCS Port (TRUNK/JB ) as a collection of units, measuring and sorting Ff communication alarm. Priority check the problem in before the segment alarm ranking.

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Ff 仪表 / 阀门诊断信息统计Ff Instrument / Valve Diagnostic Statistics

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Ff 设备诊断应用 - 阀门诊断Ff Equipment Diagnosis Application– Valve Diagnosis

Example : 41FV12100A: 防喘振阀门振荡,有失控现象,存在安全隐患。气动附件存在故障所致,放大器内漏。 Anti-surge valve oscillation, a runaway phenomenon, the existence of security risks. Pneumatic accessories fault caused by leakage of amplifier.

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Ff 诊断减少检修成本 & 时间 Ff Diagnosis Reduces Overhaul Cost & Time

通过开展阀门诊断和维护,大检修前后,阀门 ( 定位器 ) 报警数量减少了 65% 。阀门偏差减少了 66% 。提高了阀门运行可靠性。 Through the diagnosis carried out valve and maintenance, before and after overhaul, valve (positioner) alarm number was reduced by 65%, valve deviation is reduced by 66%. To improve the availability.

在大修开展诊断和维护,阀门检修量减少49% 。降低近一半的检修成本和检修时间。 Development of diagnosis and maintenance in turnaround, valve repair to reduce the amount of 49%, reduce maintenance cost and maintenance time of half of the overall. 通过诊断对阀门检修进行验收,查出 158台检修不合格阀门,占 13% 。有效地防止了风险。 Through the diagnosis for the acceptance of the valve repair, found 158 unqualified valve, accounted 13%. To effectively prevent the risk.

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现场总线维护管理的方法Method of Fieldbus Maintenance

制定和执行 Ff 设计选型、施工接线、维护组态的工程规范; Establish and implementation of Ff engineering specification design, selection, construction, wiring, maintain configuration;

定期进行网段 / 设备健康体检,结合“基线”数据,发现缺陷,消除故障源; Regular segment&device health examination, combined with the "baseline" data, found defects, eliminate the fault source;

开展 Ff 设备的状态监测,发现并解决仪表本身的问题; To carry out condition monitoring equipment Ff, find and solve the problems of instrument itself;


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现场总线维护管理的体会Experience of Fieldbus Maintenance

正确面对 Ff 故障。认识 Ff 的容错性。消除对 Ff 故障的恐惧心理和畏难情绪。采用 PID CIF 控制策略。执行统一的 FB FDS 规范,取消故障后 Shutdown 的设置,减少 Ff 故障对工艺控制的影响,避免 Ff 故障“衍生”的风险。 A correct understanding of Ff fault. Fault tolerance to Ff. The elimination of Ff fault of fear and fear. Using the PID CIF control strategy. The implementation of a unified FB FDS specification, set the Shutdown to cancel the fault, reduce Ff fault influence on process control, to avoid the risk of Ff failure "derivative".

树立网段的意识。不要孤立地看待单一设备的问题,在任何时候都要把完整的网段作为一个“ Ff回路” 研究。 Establish the consciousness of network. Don't think of a single device isolated problems, at any time to the integrity of the network as a " Ff loop " collective research.

认识 Ff 的优势,开展预防性诊断和维护工作,防止 Ff运行条件和设备性能的劣化。 Know the advantages of Ff, Carry out preventive diagnosis and maintenance work, preventing deterioration of Ff operating conditions and device performance.

联合 Ff领域专业公司,获取产品和技术上的支持,结合企业的实践,开展研究,将知识简约化,把 Ff 应用、诊断和维护管理要求,转化为企业标准、策略,程序和流程,以及可以被非专家人员接受和执行的方法。 associate with the Professional Company in Ff field, get the product and technical support, combined with the practice of enterprises, research, knowledge reduction, the application of Ff, diagnosis and maintenance management requirements, into the enterprise standards, policies, procedures and processes, as well as by non-specialists acceptance and implementation method.

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